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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2012 1:18pm-1:48pm EST

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pm urged the country's politicians to bridge their divisions and vote in a new government as fast as possible. anders breivik the norwegian man who admitted killing seventy seven people last july he told the court he deserves a medal of honor for the murders he extremist also demanded his release survivors and relatives of his victims sat in on the last on the last preliminary hearing before his full trial starts in april said the attack was against traitors who he claims were embracing immigration to promote quote an islamic colonization of norway. and palestine of two rival factions as long as hamas and secular fatah have reached a deal to to form a joint interim government they have agreed it will be led by palestinian president mahmoud abbas before the general parliamentary and presidential elections to deal brokered by qatar is seen as a major step toward reconciliation between the opposing groups after more than four years of separate governments in the west bank and gaza israel's prime minister
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slammed the agreement saying palestine has a bend in the way to peace. britain is celebrating sixty years since queen elizabeth the seconds a session to the throne but the jubilee year in the u.k. is also marked by preparations for a referendum on scotland's independence and the next hour peter lavelle and guess today what happens if the people say yes to separation is coming away and cross talk. well look at the figures and i'm sure you i'm sure the viewers will be able to judge the figures from themselves they're publicly available but let's let's look at this issue the last five years it does mean that anyone makes up plus the u.k. only once in the last five years of an economic. growth you know there's been a lot of want to be lower in scotland than the u.k. average those figures are going to be meant ok gentlemen i'm going to be one of the reasons why so many gentlemen let me jump in here david i guess is the interlopers here ok this would look like these two people should be together in all of the different the.
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filing in this news block russians make up nearly thirty percent of latvia's population and a referendum is being held with fishley recognise their native language in the baltic state latvia's laws prevent the official use of any language other than a lot of policy has prevented russian speakers from finding work and resulted in the closure of several russian schools over the last decade artie's alexei airships he explains why the vote could be a step towards restoring basic political rights. this professor from a lot of wants everyone in his country to have equal rights that's why he had no second thoughts when the initiative of a referendum to make russian the country second state language came. from the can't accept the policy of true true to my friends from the russian minority those who also filtered through independence in one thousand nine to one we were shoulder to shoulder back then but now they're being treated like garbage citizenship for them and no jobs here that's why i signed for the referendum ethnic russians make up
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a third of the us population the idea of holding this referendum came after what they describe as ethnic discrimination had reached a critical point if radical nationalists initiated their own referendum to close russian schools in latvia they failed but it was a worry in cool that's why we gathered signatures for a language referendum to legally protect ourselves after we did the ruling nationalists when hysterical trying to jeopardize the votes in the minority points to a recent statement by the country's president but yes at the referendum means voting against. as collating state level discrimination the nationalist camp denounces all such accusations however they believe their vote carries a threat to the country's sovereignty and are sending a stern warning. allow these people to live in our territory after the collapse of the u.s.s.r.
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we said you can live here under certain conditions but if they are trying to alter the foundations of our state then we will have to be tougher and make new laws. and some lothians have already started to act this lawyer told us you had numerous reports of people being blackmailed from taking part in the voting those who would not talk on camera afraid of sanctions. some are already scared to go voting their employer. in the past byrd and they took part in a language referendum then he would immediately fire them like he is russians hope that the referendum will help brussels notice their distress call and have a hard talk with the russian may become law to be a second state language only if at least seven hundred fifty thousand people vote for it organizers of the referendum say realistically there will be only half of that the result will be then deemed unconstitutional but may still become a major talking point. reporting from marie and
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a lot to be. business news next stay with us here are two. issues that some of you are going to go. to for a search of terminations and sovereignty this is what many scots say they want realistic is an independent scotland would appeal. the closest has been to the hub arabs creature where the country's mineral wealth starts its way across the ocean. now our team goes to the area. once named after lenin but looking to a different character to represent. the local businesses are striving to build the aviation capital of russia. for the four by fours are made and can be tested to the
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limit. welcome to the screeching. russian close up on our cheek. back into business russia's gazprom has acknowledged that it temporarily reduced gas supplies to european customers at the end of last week deliveries to some countries were cut by ten percent this is due to high demand in russia caused by an unusually cold weather the energy giant says it's now made up the shortfall in supply to europe and is pushing production to the maximum maria bill over from the skolkovo energy center moves to develop sport markets for gas cools the shortages. the first. to be blamed. for cold weather and the global warming the second european commission and the europeans who for the last two or three years established the policy they don't want long term twenty
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years they want to have this power delivery. competitiveness and due to the fact now they have a lot of trading at least a lot of quite a few gas on this and the gas according to the normal during the initial delivered the gas and. couldn't be blamed for this situation. this is a look at the stock markets in europe they recovered a little in the afternoon but remained down for the day concerns over the greek economy with the main drag will be in the seas on monday russian markets they had a late surge when the day flat let's take a look at some of the main movers on the mind six on monday. gazprom followed the overall market into the black in the last hour of trade precious metals producer growth on the rise the price of holy metal reached an all time high earlier today but the investors cashed those gains in the afternoon p.t.b. bank is down on news it will use its own profit to compensate the losses of
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minority shareholders the government has ordered them and the boy back shares from over one hundred thousand investors who brought the stock in two thousand and seven to roughly double the current market price. gold was not a hefty gain on monday putting on almost eight percent that's on top of friday's fantastic thirty five percent rise of the company's capitalization reaching almost nine billion dollars this mention a number of factors among them a possible merger with russian rival poly metal also the company is expected to buy back four percent of its stock from minority shareholders. that's the comparative profound economic change has some talking about the new world order who will be the winners and losers marcus troyer the head of a brazil based think tank the center for business diplomacy offers his verdict. but we're in the midst of a transition phase what are the elements in this transition phase that i think will shape the world's. very straight very strong state owned enterprises from brazil
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russia india china a renewed innovative capacity in the u.s. in knowledge intensive sectors they will create new facebook's new google's new microsoft and that is going to be good for parts of the american economy it will also why then the gap between the nose and the know not just the haves and the have nots and i think we're going to also see a time of sacrifice in europe there for is going to have to have. those of dynamism being inserted into its economy otherwise it's going to be stalled for a number of years. that's the business news the headlines are next here on ati.
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wealthy british style. sometimes that's right.
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market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report. ten thirty pm in moscow good news here r.t. headlines the news seeking to impose tougher economic sanctions on syria's government after failing to boost pressure on president assad the u.n. draft resolution blocked by russia and china. russia's foreign minister calls western reaction to the veto indecent and hysterical ahead of a trip to damascus aimed at finding a political solution to the crisis. plus ensuring. greater political involvement for the people through the internet prime minister putin laying out plans to upgrade russian democracy a day after mass pro and anti-government rallies sweep the country. and pressure on
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all fronts the greek coalition government deadlocked over adopting new austerity measures to secure a second bailout while the e.u. says time for a deal for athens is running out. and coming up in the midst of sky high tensions between the west and iran over to iran's controversial nuclear ambitions we speak with a former chief of the israeli intelligence service for his take on the ongoing confrontation that's coming up stay with us. when we have mistaken for. the for me hate the israeli intelligence agency the my side mr halevi thank you very much for joining us here on our team a nuclear. war with iraq is that. yes there is a third option the third option is a non-nuclear with. an agreement an understanding with the iranians that they will
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not become nuclear and that they will be reintroduced into the family of nations in which they have been virtually expelled in recent months. under terms which will also take into account some of their interests and some of the it is possible is this option i think is very possible because i think the international pressure which is been building up in recent months is beginning to have. insight on the economics on the model side the. and i think that the basic interest of the people in charge in iran. is to maintain the position to maintain power do you think you run poses an existential threat to israel. in the region. i am on record. repeatedly saying that i don't think there is such a thing as the existential threat to israel because i think israel is strong enough
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to protect it so to take care of itself and i think that ultimately it's not in the power of iran to destroy the state of israel someone who does things we need leadership insist on presenting the ran as this danger i believe that the leadership believes that in order to arouse international public opinion and in order to mount pressure upon the iranians it's necessary to impress upon the world at large and public opinion that a national public opinion this is a serious international threat and i believe that in this context probably the leadership here believes that using the word existence will rings a bell which also brings you back to days gone by in the twentieth century. a rise of nazi germany the world war two and of course the holocaust and. these apparitions these. pictures these experiences recalled in
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order to impress upon the world that maximum pressure should be mounted on the run does israel have a nuclear weapon. i don't know and if i knew i didn't think this would be the opportunity for me to say something positive and definitive on that but i think that there is in the world an assumption there is in the world a feeling that israel has something up its sleeve and i think that this is something which is important in the present situation because it is part of the name of the game now is deterrence and i think it's a very important to deter iran and if you run believes the. israel has certain capabilities where it has it or not i think this is a. positive card in the hands of israel what would be better if israel and demanded both had nuclear weapons only from your head. i've been asked that question before and i think it's a theoretical question. what you're alluding to is in the end is that has the time
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for israel to. change its policy of what we call the opaque. methods of presenting what we have or not and i don't think that this time is a road to the reason i've been before as far as the mossad is concerned would you define if coming to a mission as preventing war or weakening irag in the case that does happen i think that it is the mission of the mossad to do everything in its. capability to make a. threat which has been posed to israel dormant what capabilities does the mossad have when it comes to iran where here again i don't think that it would be useful for me to hold lists of capabilities i think needs the capabilities which every intelligence organization and i think it's important to say that we have been involved in what we call a clandestine war for quite some time with iran and what's interesting about this
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war is of course that both sides have more or less preferred that the details of this war the details of various events be not exposed to the public when you talk about can this kind of war be killing everybody and scientists be accidents out of the ring implants computer viruses is this what you're referring to i'm referring to all range of activities i will not confirm anything which you have just now mentioned but i was serving that there is a long range of activities that have been carried being carried on for a very very long. over a very long period of time and i think that the activity is registered on the other side very very significantly and i would not say anything more than that if the war was to break out on whose side were to keep on the one hand it is a nato member but it's also at odds with israel turkey would not like a nuclear iran on its borders and i don't think that turkey in the end would lend.
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capabilities or preventing capabilities to either so my guess is that in a situation like this. turkey would take a neutral position what if your mission is when you a head of them aside was to promote ties between israel and less friendly states so how would you see the current policy of what many say is israel's self isolation particularly with regard to its former allies egypt and turkey. look upon this in a different light than you've just. mentioned if i would look at the situation israel is in today compared to what it was in before the peace process began in one nine hundred seventy seven seventy eight when egypt launched its initiatives towards israel i think the two situations are not comparable we lived for thirty years from forty eight to seventy seven seventy eight in the situation of isolation
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we are not isolated today in the region we have our differences we have more than just differences we have bones of contention with some of the countries like with turkey we have gone through a very difficult time and this was disconcerting egypt is also going through a very difficult time and i don't think that it's in the interest of egypt to abrogate the israeli egyptian peace treaty egypt does not need a war now on its northern borders since you retired from the side you have been meeting with the radiance is there a genuine interest among some leeway indians and some israelis to promote. i have many rainier's in international fora not had private relations or private contacts with the rain ians there are many iranians the way i see it who would like the present confrontation between israel and iran to gradually end and create a new situation the likes of which we had in from forty eight to seventy eight
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because iran and israel basically do not have bones of contention we know there are issues territorial issues between ourselves we don't have other kinds of issues between ourselves we have ideological issues between ourselves and i think it would be wrong for iran to enable ideology to be the main driver of its policies and the cause of serious drawbacks which it has been suffering as a result of putting ideological ideology on the front burner while some of the discussions in some of the questions that always at these informal meetings you have the radios who say look israel has no right to exist israel should disappear israel is not a natural entity in the middle east and then you have these same irradiance coming the saying we believe that israel has a nuclear capability israel should sign the n.p.t. the emperor of ration treaty just as we have and should reveal what it has. called
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into the nations only nations and countries can be members of the n.p.t. so you cannot on the one hand demand that israel should sign the n.p.t. on the other hand deny israel's right to exist and i've said to them that i believe that this is something which is unacceptable a second point has been israel has been sr done it's be recognized as a jewish state. and they have said to me look we didn't say that france in its title doesn't say the christian state or from us or the christian state of britain or the catholic state of germany and so forth. and i said to them that why do you say the islamic republic of iran if you raise the word islamic we will raise the word jewish and they say no that's different why is it different this is the kind of. discussion we have had to put it that way sometimes very very. heated discussion in your opinion would it be good or bad for israel if assad
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regime forces. let me first say that israel has no way of influencing the results of the present. events in syria i believe that our side is going to fall and i think that ultimately our side will fall in a way which will cause a lot of bloodshed. and i think that this bloodshed will have enormous effects on the history of syria and maybe of neighboring countries as well i must it is very likely to have a new tune how will this play into israeli palestinian reconciliation efforts if at all one person i'm not sure how much will have a new leader. secondly i don't think the national has been the most extreme of the leaders of the hamas he's also on record as saying that he's a temporarily to accept a palestinian state in temporary borders which is something which moves in its significance to a first step in recognizing the fact that the state of israel is here to stay my
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view is and i know this is not the view which is shared by the government of israel at the moment that ultimately we will have to deal with the actors the way they are and i think the potential of finding ways and means of dealing with them in a way which will not insure the basic interests of israel i find highly of me thank you very much for joining us here on r t thank you.
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from los angeles to chicago to birmingham twenty trauma centers have closed since two thousand severe problem is not enough inpatient beds not on the third emergency department beds and not enough nurses to man those that is to take care of all the people who are the only real health care system that we have in the city of los angeles is the los angeles fire department in fact when i started my venture is a firefighter i didn't want to do your mass and i started out going to just do fire fighting it's about eighty two percent of what we do the fire departments medical but they had a rescue couple weeks ago waited four hours for big i've waited sometimes three
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hours but i was it's a same francis and we went for four hours and fifty minutes standing against a wall with a patient and we have a federal law that mandates that you can't turn no one away who seeks care in an emergency room. we have the most expensive health care system in the world and it's probably valued the least.
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the seeking to impose tougher economic sanctions on syria's government after failing to boost pressure on the assad regime through a u.n. draft resolution blocked by russia and china. russia's foreign minister calls western reaction to the veto indecent and hysterical ahead of a trip to damascus made finding a political solution to the ongoing crisis. plus ensuring greater political involvement for the people through the internet prime minister putin laying out plans to upgrade russian democracy a day after a massive pro and anti-government rallies sweep the country. and pressure on all fronts of the greek coalition government deadlocked over adopting new austerity
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measures to secure a second bailout well the e.u. says time for a deal for athens to running out. kate up next with all the latest sports news stay with us. and i welcome to the monday night sports roundup of the top stories guilty citing supreme alberto contador is stripped of his two if france title and picks up a two year ban on sustaining a drugs test. while deja vu the new york giants produce a late comeback once again to break new england tops in the super bowl twenty one seventeen. and strike rushes and the big high jump champion anthony simone because the biggest leap of the year is the country's athletes shine in moscow. but we start with citing where alberto contador has been stripped of his twenty ten tour
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de france title and handed a two year ban by the court of arbitration for sport after a prolonged investigation into his positive test for a performance enhancing drug the twenty nine year old spaniard failed a test for ten visual on route to sealing his literal crown but he now officially only has two of those titles and will miss sitings most famous race this year along with the london olympics as well as news that year italia title he claimed last year contador had pleaded not guilty to the doping charges saying he never took drugs and blamed contaminated meat for the failed test results contador the next big event though could be the spanish quarter in august. the cast has found that i would have to go into though i was guilty of doping oftens and the sanction is that alberto contador shall be suspended for two years with richard active in fact on the twenty five january two thousand and eleven with the suspension that was already served.


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