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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2012 3:18pm-3:48pm EST

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as until now between iran and the u.s. and iran is more interested in negotiations and diplomacy and is following a part of logic and diplomacy to resolve the issue that exists between itself and the list so i don't i don't see any threats coming from iran. in response to this new science if you start by the way not very new day they declared in december is just president obama signed them into force today in the atmosphere of confrontation and sanctions how likely do you think it is a six party talks with iran may resume. that's an interesting question i mean yes the u.s. is trying to poison the negotiation. negotiating forums that exist between iran and the list but i don't as we move closer to the u.s. presidential election so on the one side i don't think that we are going to see much coming out of these negotiations if in fact they resume because any diplomatic
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achievement iran for the u.s. is seen as a sign of weakness inside. us itself so i think that president obama would like to avoid that but at the same time i don't think that it's going to lead into more confrontation because at the same time president obama seems to be a little bit still a little bit worried about public opinion on the international community's response to any factor escalation of conflict between the u.s. and iran sure and sure fire from the campaign against sanctions and military intervention in iran speaking with us live from london thanks for your time. the greek prime minister is struggling to get coalition party leaders to buy into harsh new international bailout terms the talks have been postponed until tuesday but a massive fifteen thousand jobs cuts already been accepted this is pressure mounts on what the european commission spokesman saying the deadline is already passed the country must now accept even more painful cuts if it's to get
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a one hundred thirty billion euro second a lifeline from international creditors if the deal falls through greece is expected to default by the end of march trevor evans a professor at the berlin school of economics and wall says more austerity measures will only make the situation worse. but at the moment it's a very close play they're putting great pressure on greece to make these cuts greece is having enormous political difficulties and make you make cuts but furthermore if they do make these cuts it's just going to drive greece into an even deeper recession which means it will have even less money to meet its foreign debt repayments. the only possibility of greece but also portugal or ireland repaying their debts here is if they get long term financing that means that they can begin to invest in projects that have a future based on skilled labor not on cutting wages and driving the country into a recession with ten years of euro massive imbalances built up in europe germany
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built up a massive trade surplus of two hundred billion euro the countries of southern europe greece spain italy and portugal built up deficits of between one hundred fifty to two hundred billion euro failing to deal with those imbalances is that the root of the problem and that's the european union and mrs merkel and president sarkozy address this problem they will not get to grips with the crisis in the wake of suggestions that military action against iran against iran is a growing possibility we'll speak with the former chief of the israeli intelligence service for an insider's view of the interview coming up. you are.
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with me i have mistaken for i am heavy before we hade our intelligence agency the more side mr halevi thank you very much for joining us here on our team a nuclear. war with iran is there with that option yes there is a third option the third option is a non-nuclear iran with. an agreement an understanding with the iranians that they will not become nuclear. and that they will be reintroduced into the family of nations in which they have been virtually expelled in recent months. under terms which will also take into account some of their interests and some of the. how possible is this option i think is very possible because i think the international pressure which is being building up in recent months is beginning to have serious
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effects inside iran on the economics on the moral side the more our side. and i think that the basic interest of the people in charge in iran put it that way. is to maintain the position to maintain power do you think you will poses an existential threat to israel or any other state in the region. i'm on record. repeatedly saying that i don't think there is such a thing as an existential threat to israel because i think israel is strong enough to protect it so to take care of itself and i think that ultimately it's not in the power of iran to destroy the state of israel someone who does these waited leadership insist on presenting iran as this big danger i believe that the leadership believes that in order to arouse international public opinion in order to mount pressure upon the iranians it's necessary to impress upon the world
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at large and public opinion that the national public opinion this is a serious international threat does israel have a nuclear weapon. i don't know and if i knew i do think this would be the opportunity for me to say something positive and definitive on that but i think that there is in the world an assumption there is in the world a feeling that israel has something up its sleeve and i think that this is something which is important in the present situation because it is part of the name of the game now is deterrence and i think it's very important to deter iran and if you run believes that israel has certain capabilities where it has it or not i think this is a. positive card in the hands of israel as far as the mossad is concerned which you define if coming to mission as preventing war or weakening iran in the case that does happen i think that it is the mission of the mossad to do everything in. its capability to make
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a. threat which has been posed to israel dormant what capabilities does the mossad have when it comes to iran where here again i don't think that it would be useful for me to. the list of capabilities i think leaves the capabilities which every intelligence organization i think it's important to say that we have been involved in what we call a clandestine war for quite some time with iran and what's interesting about this war is of course that both sides have more or less preferred the details of this war the details of various events be not exposed to the public since you retired from the side you have been meeting with the radiance is there a genuine interest among some of the main ians and some israelis to promote peace i mean the rain is in international fora not had private relations or private contacts with iranians there are many raney and. the way i see it who would like
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the present confrontation between israel and iran to gradually end and create a new situation the likes of which we have in from forty eight to seventy because iran and israel basically do not have bones of contention we know there are issues territorial issues between ourselves we don't have other kinds of issues between ourselves we have ideological issues between ourselves and i think it would be wrong for iran to enable ideology to be the main driver of its policies and the cause of serious drawbacks which it has been suffering in your opinion would it be good or bad for israel if assad's regime force. let me first say that israel has no way of influencing the results of present. events in syria i believe that assad is going to fall and i think that ultimately assad will fall in
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a way which will cause a lot of bloodshed. and i think that this budget will have enormous effects on the history of syria and maybe of neighboring countries as well hamas is very likely to have a duty to soon how will this play into israeli palestinian reconciliation efforts if at all first of all i'm not sure how most will have a new leader secondly i don't think that marshall has been the most extreme of the leaders of the hamas he's also on record as saying that he's temporarily to accept a palestinian state in temporary borders which is something which moves in its significance to a first step in recognizing the fact that the state of israel is here to stay a fine thank you very much for joining us here on our team thank you.
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but i think. right for you. to be on you know we thank you so you get to mung. if you want to have sex go and have sex. challenges mad as the e.u. hits twenty. i guess crisis poisons the union. profiteers have more power than people. a free trade bloc under threat from the
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greed it unleashed. the us twenty. percent. of the food. oh sure is that so
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much i can tell you that was already well most of us were tempted to say serves as a termination and sovereignty this is what many scots say they want realistic is an independent scotland would be of. twelve thirty am in moscow these here are t. headlines he you seeking to impose tougher economic sanctions on syria's government after failing to boost pressure on president assad through a u.n. draft resolution blocked by russia and china. russia's foreign minister calls western reaction to the veto in decent a stereo ahead of a trip to damascus into finding a political solution to the crisis. ensuring greater political involvement for the people through the internet prime minister putin lays out his plans to upgrade russia's democracy
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a day after massive pro and anti-government rallies sweep the country. pressure on all fronts the greek coalition government in the deadlock over adopting new austerity measures to secure a second bailout while the e.u. says time for a deal is running out there. up next a special report from bali a sun so paradise where poverty is rife and so-called beach cowboys cash in on female sex tourists report coming up. probably slept with a lot of women from america. from canada to be. maybe if you. were going to. be spying on. but i'm defining it as in stride. i don't choose to change. anything.
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by. anything. you know girl would want to come here probably and be with someone for the whole time and have this little romantic interlude and feel oh you know i fell in love in bali it was so great. was just fun and it sounds like see you in like you look so good in sweden you don't want to say that because if you say it's a girl maybe she thinks she's too. oh i forgot i think you saw me because. my boy would be somebody he's going.
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to increase so you know i mean there's a lot of frustrated western women out there i mean just look at the sales of a pray love i mean and the women that just don't quite know. how little i mean women don't want to be women anymore in the way i don't want to be feminine. and i think it's a shame so i can understand why they come here and they're searching for something and suddenly this environment provide said they're coming here. to let you know what should we call the big think. it's a two minute spot of them it's all for the woman a day long. that's supposed to be on the beach sweating in the sun settling with the boy in the local delta sometimes or whatever they put on their bodies or touch them so i wouldn't. have these hard everybody screaming and smiling at them and
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treating them because people come and give them and affection i saw one. and they laugh to have fun you know they'll get out and sang and danced and joke and you know they're funny. and they're not they're very they're themselves are very not judge them you know they'll include you in everything. they just want to have friends and another very safe i think probably for a lot of the women that come here what they're feeling is these people feel safe to them yeah of course you get more attention here and they have to push you like a fence. i don't have to explain influenced things balance is so much for damage so much should leave the shoes so much about looks and how you are.
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you have to be someone i don't have to be someone i mean. what's important is that the money is good enough to face about them about their money's good and it's all good. to put you first have to endure people who wanted to grow up to be a policeman but my exam results were not good enough for about and had also been around the same time my dad fell sick and we had no money then. scott i couldn't find any other work i've done so i went straight to the beach to learn my way i had seen many of my friends get women there so i rushed to learn
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english out of asking us. looking for drugs so if you go before this thing for money for money sleep in this place misplaced place then i see my friend working on the beach then he. talked about working. on you working on to be with my friend. yeah i. mean you know. you and. you go on but not on this and don't forget. it's normal every day i just made friends with. probably two or three then then of king then somebody. teacher. then i get a. lot of letters. that
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muslims say are black i learnt english a study in your dictionary. i would learn two sentences every night. and i would practice them on the beach the next day. i studied important words to do with sailing fishing tracking and renting to keep things that were relevant to my life you say or. something or. this and i start. looking looking. less and less and less and. awake and. they start. it's probably.
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something fifty dollars or something. and if money. sometimes. you know. but there's endure and then looking. good. but whenever. i love. to time. i've got to get. i've got to get. better than that and i thought again.
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i sell the package. mostly i don't ask for a payout up front. first and foremost i sell the people one she's been in valley for a while it's a different story. it would sure if i find one and she stays here for a month where there are things free that month food rent and everything then when she leaves she'll give me money for food for money and something maybe a money to cover rent for three to four million for the goodwill and butler. say she goes shopping she buy from me. just a two or three dollar t. shirt well you know goodbye to that ok to risk. colors have a picket to feel it's better for me to look for someone older than the higher
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salary of. a larger younger woman is unlikely to stay here as long and actually because she probably doesn't have as much money you know going away be she's traveling during the school breaks and only has enough to eat and party and barely . take an older woman like me at first just say. you're old enough to be my son. but i must but then i say i did i would say i don't care about age young but i'll tell her look a young coconut is too fresh anyway an old coconut gives more oil then children to go out with me i have had boys approach me i have had to say that to me i'm very committed to my family i have a wonderful husband i've been with them for almost thirty years and i have two wonderful children i have never interested in and they know that if you get older.
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we. often see it must work somewhere. i. i. i. i. i. will. work again when seagle begin but leave. all of. us with. yeah i mean these are. like this you know from a good one. but legal but for this or go see go over you know things have been what is going to get. this is going to close you and
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me up but. not a lot. that people just stay in you're going to be paid or not that drives placating the guests maybe that she's got. and she little town it that she wants to come back so he always knows when she's going back so it's not getting he got it but got it. when say both want to come in july and put it up with it i'll tell one of the girls to come the following month because it rains a lot in july because when it will be dirtier and then one girl comes first. and then the other one comes a month after this next right simple. both
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my women came in at the same time. i was confused about what to do. so i decided to take the prettier was. alone. i didn't attend to the one i had to madeline. some of the most dead i asked my friend to take care of her i told him it was ok it was a. good thing. but. take. care. not i was not. the specific one so why it. is.
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this is. me. just let her answer your questions just so. you see this girl. does. get very good. in them. for. some. maybe. it's the. it that's. for foreign woman come here and the problem but the money.
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woman from there you. already see to hear us have experience with a local boy first this is not called way one by. and he go. look world leave it hanging out. there is. a really good account of life. where no fred. and a good friend where by. the look of boy is fairly angry. i say to me you must be buying a car. you buy me a new law i'm. going to be accident. and see. this
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is. i'm. buying the car. and then after the car. of course out of. the norm are. by no means am but a boy a lot of my friends like i. tell the girls my father is sick then that money or my mother is sick or my grandma is no more and better but usually if she has slept was a guy before he asks for money to sort of problem out get up when you are deaf my sense of. usually when i get a woman she'll want to see my place. or call my friend and tell him to put my things in his place my d.v.d. player sound system everything has to be moved. to make it seem like i have nothing then she'll give me money to buy this amount. then you.
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know usually she gives me money if it's for a d.v.d. player i'll put mine back it's for t.v. put my t.v. back. in the woman by an. after. i have nor have a relationship with you who are you like. the second australian woman paid for my motorcycle. i don't know you're having problems now because she has gotten quite. some are starting to see things differently. maybe it's time i called out of chatty like maybe i'll look for another steady girlfriend because i'm too used to a glamorous lifestyle mastered it was a steady income.


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