tv [untitled] February 8, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EST
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local journalist says reports from holmes for the meantime are difficult to verify but it seems like the situation hamas has been asked to wait for the last five days with fear fierce fighting between know what they call themselves the free syrian army and the military forces by the syrian government the syrian government has according to its official sources has reported many casualties on the ground that have fallen to dad in the last few days almost it's really hard to determine what's really going on on the ground there because of safety issues to reach the place and confirm the definite numbers of people died. according to that's what according to activists saying that the syrian military has basically. bombed some parts of the city government completely refuted any type of involvement that they have actually.
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almost they blame it on the terrorist groups that have been taking active role in the city they are spread all over the place there and causing many casualties the government also has issued many statements today that the security forces were able to kill tens of terrorists that belong to these terrorist groups that they also believe that are being backed by foreign foreign influence on the ground. russia's prime minister vladimir putin has cautioned against outside interference in the syrian conflict and warned there was a risk of behaving like a bull in a china shop moscow also called on wall powers to use their political clout to put pressure on both the syrian government and the opposition to lay down their arms and engage in talks let's not talk to us these are going to go for the latest.
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arena in the light of ongoing wrangles between world powers as to how serious conflict should be resolved what exactly did vladimir putin have to say. while he basically said that. the world community should be very careful with the way they approach the situation in syria he has said that people should be able to make decisions when it comes to their country on their own without foreign involvement russian prime minister has also reminded that nobody seems to be talking about the situation in libya calling a foreign involvement there are several groups for example doctors without borders have reported on atrocities being committed by the various armed groups in the country by those atrocities are not being highly publicized especially known by the us or media sources the russian prime minister has basically said that foreign countries for a foreigner should stay out of the internal strife in the situation in syria in particular certainly considering the experience with libya no of course all of this
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comes in the wake of the russian delegation visit to damascus just on tuesday which has been so far seems to be a productive. visit in fact syrian president bashar lawsuit has offered has said that he's willing to go to great lengths in order to bring peace back to the country he's willing to sit down for talks. with the representatives of the syrian opposition and with the opposition syrian national council and in fact for the first time ever members of the syrian national council have also said that they are willing to enter a dialogue with the current syrian government. but they do encourage russia's mediation role in the process now of course unfortunately a lot of other countries predict particularly western countries are you do not seem to be determined to get to the goal of through it with a diplomatic solution to all the situation in syria in fact the u.n. security council seems to be broken into two parts now with russia and china on one
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side and the rest of the security council hoping it or just staying that president bush are lost it must step down and also this comes in the wake of the country's davray calling their ambassadors from damascus with france and netherlands italy and spain being some of the ones to recall their envoys to the country just recently and this is what russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov had to say on the matter. as it was written as we have suggested that certain parties capable of influencing the opposition groups especially those based outside syria so trying to convince those groups to begin negotiations with influence on damascus have been trying to convince the authorities to do the same as i have mentioned the syrian authorities confirmed they are ready to begin negotiations without putting forward any conditions. of course are some foreign minister has also said that the world community must put pressure on the opposition and on the opposition. groups
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in the country to lay down arms and go through with a peaceful solution to the crisis in the country unfortunately the end is the end tigerman to resurrect continues especially coming from the united states with the pentagon for example saying that they are not looking at foreign military involvement in syria but they are going to provide they have said that they are going to provide humanitarian aid to the rebels in the in the country of course what kind of aid that will be is yet unclear because earlier some of these missiles at the white house said that they none of the options really are off the table. it's ridiculous for the life and central moscow thank you. well let's carry on here get some more insight into this i'm now joined by edmund ghareeb a professor of international studies at the american unit in washington thank you for coming on r t today the u.s. is looking for ways to help the syrian people but barack obama said america is not
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going to the opposition it's not from america where else. rebels are coming from do you think. well first of all i think we have to wait and see that we heard similar rhetoric before but i think this time there are constraints american elections are a factor a growing opposition among the public to any kind of foreign entanglements i think will influence to at least to a certain extent the decisions of u.s. foreign policy makers but there are also the europeans have come out or at least some of the europeans the british have come out and said that they will not intervene militarily there are other europeans the french have played in the past at least if we take a look at what happened in libya they. took a forward move and they began to provide support for libyan opposition also there are some so yesterday senator lieberman spoke maybe trying
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to get countries like turkey and. jordan. to provide support the question is will these countries accept especially since they are their own difficulties their own problems internal problems as well the question is do they want to intervene the problem is that those countries which have the capability to intervene may not. forward and some of the countries that do not have. the capability may have the appetite and that is a problem the other thing is that the decision that was taken by russia and china. use of the security council makes any kind of intervention military intervention by outside or even supporting militarily supporting the opposition would be outside the legal international legality and that. outside the international legality
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as you say bringing in or supporting the opposition here i wrote a story. just earlier today the british prime minister cameron had said all options are on the table to help get to the opposition we had a guest on from jordan just just an hour or so ago saying that he coming in from neighboring lebanon and turkey so when it comes to the idea of can foreign intervention take place it might seem to some that foreign intervention is already taking place and if i may just move on for a moment here the gulf cooperation council is planning to recognize the free syrian army as the syrian people's only legitimate representative what do you think might be the implications of this move if it happens one to me and my first thought on these photos do you think. i think it's going to be difficult to do that nevertheless i think what we are seeing now is that there are two different narratives on the table that there is the western narrative there is the narrative
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the g.c.c. some of the neighboring countries to syria turkey who see this a. repressive regime trying call price and told people. that they must step aside however other countries in the world. such as china and russia also support from some of the other bric countries as well as other countries who are very much concerned about the concept of this new concept of a humanitarian intervention they believe that the. international community ought to respect the international charter and not to keep this region in this very sensitive very explosive region on edge by keeping it boil in a sense and provide it and using sanctions using threats or intervening as we saw the case with iraq and with afghanistan and with libya but let's i mean if we can
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and i do apologize for running low on time here when i see it but let's talk about the end game here what implications do you see for syria and the region as a whole if the assad regime does fall. well this is actually one of the things that are feared by many observers including some in the west syria you know is a very complex country that has its own. ethnic and religious make up there is a concern among many analysts is that if that is deemed falls we are likely to see continued bloodshed and escalation of sectarian confrontations maybe somewhat similar to what happened in iraq iraq paid an extremely heavy price because of your intervention to bring democracy to find weapons of mass destruction and to fight al qaida and iraq has not come out completely yet. but on a libya even though there was that intervention libya has also continuing to place
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serious difficulties the tens of thousands of people died and who knows how many more democracy has not been brought to bay so basically the danger is that syria could the events in syria could spread for all the neighbors to happen and for israel to iraq turkey jordan and. endangered the state will it be and the security of many many people in the middle east as the as you suggest just you know the domestic civil war as many people are calling it in syria having massive regional implications professor got to you by we should be i wish we had more time for this professor edmund ghareeb of international studies at american university in washington thank you for coming on our day thank you. but we also have an entire section dedicated to syria on our website also online we're asking you for your thoughts about the outcome of russia's efforts to unravel the complex situation in the country let's see how the numbers adding up this hour on our
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website so far about sixty percent of you believe the west will find a way to remove assad regardless of peace talks almost a fifth think that even if an agreement is reached the opposition will not honor it and the rest of you are split almost evenly between whether the talks between assad and the opposition will fail or that both parties will reach a much needed compromise deal let us know what you think kasha vote now we're standing by i don't see toward. just approaching quarter past the hour here in moscow outrage sweeps britain after the european court of human rights blocked the deportation of qatada dubbed osama bin laden's right hand man in europe it's the latest in a string of questionable judgments that have overruled domestic decisions as artie's laura smith explains patience with the e.u. continues to run thin. still for inland with its queen it's
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a currency and color but no walls made by someone else this building houses what we in the u.k. call list supremes court but in practice it supremes in name only despite being the highest court in the land when it comes to human rights if you don't like the way your case is going to home you can take his abroad to france and decisions made in strasburg could overrule any may taya the european court of human rights was set up after world war two to avoid the persecution of minorities by the state but now it's being de railed and it was never never anticipated of the second world war after the holocaust off the terrace perpetrated by certain tyrannical governments but the court now would be protecting the criminal and not the victim. she lays in control of a sea has the european court in strasburg there's
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a backlog of up to eight years and when cases are decided the judgment. in two thousand and ten the court decided to give prisoners the right to vote for a petition by john hirst who spent much of his life behind bars after killing his landlady or whatever so u.k. is still refusing to implement the ruling it makes me physically ill it would probably mean to give the vote to anyone who is in prison. it could cost the regime the last time that we looked at this the cost of complying with judgments on the european convention of human rights was about two point one billion pounds a year that's three point three billion dollars plus another two point eight billion in assume seated one off costs in other areas in immigration ruling means a convicted nigerian rapist gets to stay in the u.k. because of his right to
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a family life. and most recently the european court of human rights ruled hate preacher abu qatada dubbed the right hand man in europe can't be deported back to jordan where he's now gee to be released on to the streets of britain this is somebody who stands up and publicly. hatred about everything our democracy is stands for and yet we can't get rid of him because of the european convention on human rights sitting in strasburg of forty seven judges one from each country so far so fair except none of them were elected by the people of the countries they're making law for we've got a system of law and order in this country it's worked for many many years for the seat or the mother why do we need brussels to tell us what we can and cannot do the answer is we don't so therefore british law for british people those who aren't calling for the u.k. to pull out of the european convention on human rights all together are demanding
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reforms to stop strides burke making decisions on what should be sovereign issues the court house to be more focused on fundamental civil and political rights not interfering in the daily lives. and in the ministration of the criminal justice system in the member states of the council of europe without reforms there is a risk of throwing the baby out with the bath water as nations pull out of the human rights court undermining it leaving those in countries with weak a human rights protections entirely vulnerable. r.t. london. he is coming to you live from moscow and still ahead for you this hour the first serious signs of a rift between the u.s. and post mubarak egypt cairo says still hold military aid won't change its position on the so-called crackdown on western ngo's gyptian military delegation cut short his visit to washington. in
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a recent report the bureau of investigative journalism uncovered countless deadly drone strikes carried out by the u.s. in pakistan it also highlighted several quotes from president barack obama claiming the strikes only target terrorists are not civilians however the report found hundreds of civilians have in fact being killed by these cia led aerial attacks chris woods to compile the report things it won't be long before the legality of using unmanned drones in that way is tested in court. the cia has been saying for some time that it hasn't killed a civilian in pakistan since at least one of them an every news agency. every credible news organization that's looked at this is not the case we know that civilians are being killed pakistan is clearly very unhappy with the strikes there's an interview in the british newspaper the. pakistan high commissioner to london describing the drone strikes i was in effect extra due to show executions
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state sanctioned executions does seem to be an indication that these drone strikes are happening despite what you know because of what pakistan wants you know it's states court has ever looked at the legality of these drone strikes and there's a reason for that every time a case has been brought in the united states that has attempted to look at work that these strikes are legal or not the united states is claiming something called state secrets privilege but that's where they say actually this is a covert operation or we can't discuss it really does need to be an accounting here and it. motion by the u.s. courts about the legality of the use drones for etc various additional legal questions that the rows are about time i suspect this is coming quite close given the pressure in the us right now. it is a nearly time for the business with katie but for now do remember we always have many more stories news and comment on our website r.t. dot com just a click away in store for you right now at r.t.
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dot com the notorious anonymous a group spokesman city officials and publishers that personal data are online it comes in retaliation for the violent crackdown on occupy protests. plus it's reported that the british government is to sanction the use of nerve gas by riot police at a spy the chemical agents actually for use in warfare. and egyptian military delegation has abruptly pulled out of a visit to washington and the latest sign of rising tensions between the two countries nineteen americans are among forty three ngo activists banned from leaving egypt and accused of illegally using foreign funds to fuel and rest in the country washington has already called the scandal quote a slap in the face and threaten to withdraw its military aid to egypt financial reports. egypt's new government crackdown on n.g.o.s has raised many questions and
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they may want to is why now the groups many which funded by washington have been on the ground here for a while we were at the vanguard of the uprising against mubarak that eventually brought the supreme council of the armed forces to power last february and no one has ever seems to care about their sources of income that isn't to leave don't have to take criticism to the new military leadership remains calf for the slow pace of reform some of them are used by the other. they are quoting people they are working. and they are the ones that evolution they have. won the radicals who live there this is very much a dangerous world the radicals this is fishy led to prosecutors really seventeen offices of advocacy groups forty three activists including americans germans and egyptians are now facing trial for illegally using foreign funds to promote unrest
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in the post mubarak country activists how would claim they are the victim of scarves reluctance to give up power with dreaming the people about with their brights but the scaf looking for enjoy. some against the regime and all the mind the round up of activists has also noted the son of you asked mr taishi secretary ray la hood for the fueling tension between cairo and washington. isn't simply because. of them in a sort of plans for. i don't think that. anything. so this is a game and there it was military aid to egypt reaches one point three billion dollars annually has been very serious though has been weak to condemn this car when in the days of blank checks are over or they condemned mubarak tons of times but at the end of the day the continued on flowing that the provide the support also continue flowing when you don't order washington's so-called support for
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democracy here in the middle east and washington wants to step in laws the situation as much as possible in order to guarantee its interests they don't care about democracy meanwhile even those on the streets protesting against car share the council's concerns about the engineer's motives the usa has had a hand in chips policymaking for years but the whole n.t. and your campaign has become the first serious disagreement between america and the countries of your story chase cairo wanted to send washington and message that it's no longer the silane dog it was under mubarak but an independent state which will last celebrate any outside interference some doubts though they really minute the end to military movement growing have a bigger you can see it over there this is in council of the armed forces or scaf now running egypt is in a very vulnerable position and this nationalistic pronouncement may just be a nationalist show put on to calm the people down and to win back
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a shred of credibility. refuel. cairo. if you can stay with us here in six minutes. from now although it's a business. that welcome to the program while the renowned scientists futurists have been as are most discussing the russian economy and its prospects of becoming a global financial hub most of them believe russia has the results is to succeed as marina culture of all reports not without reform. the auditorium was jam packed with business owners and exports hungry to get an outside view on the russia's investment climate a walk can be done to improve it all the foreign specialists agreed on the one thing and that is that russia has a lot of potential but the problem is how to realize that more investors are lined
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emerging economies like russia right now because they're see that's the best place to support cash given the economic uncertainty in europe and the u.s. at the moment of russia locks the global competitive edge and many of the russian experts here today said that the country has many internal problems which need to be fixed and a symbol of the government should join forces with the business elite to make the changes required that believe that it's important to convince local businessmen to invest in russia rather than the broad and keep specialists in the country as well as create an atmosphere where unsupplied yours are appreciated another one of the main points they will see in the vacation russian state companies have significantly increased investments ward stands the foreign specialists here say that russia has all the potential to produce the next generation of bonsa for the worse and become the next silicon valley but it needs to act fast and start implementing the changes required now. thanks marina let's get over to the markets
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now we're going to start with the. change rates the year is high against both the dollar and the ruble investors are keeping an eye on the greek debt talks an agreement from athens to impose new spending cuts with allow it to receive the next and last month of rescue on the ruble of bonds for its highest level in five months against the dollar on the back of those strong oil prices other u.s. markets they are now open for business and as you can see the dow jones on the. top the dow jones ever so slightly that positive on the nasdaq is no point four percent the greek situation will remain a major concern of the investors on the european stock market is high on the greek debt talks the main concern right the city isn't too optimistic there flops a positive on the dax is half a percent of. the russian markets on dow closed here in moscow the my six finished
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a third of a percent up by the all ts it was a point six percent. let's have a look at some of the individual and how they got on today chips did roll the world bank gained almost two percent that finished higher supported by still crude bucking the trend though was the food retailer seven continents the company made an offer to buy back shares at a discount to the market price. higher from troika doc says fences are alert ahead of chinese inflation figures. investors are expecting. important news from china which will be released the. number you for we see the inflation news slowing. will create very good sentiment. lending rules and we can see more liquidity from. that's if and i'll be back in
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now half past the hour here in moscow this is the time for your headlines russia insists that only by urging both the syrian government and opposition to lay down their arms can an end to the bloody conflict be found that's why western and gulf countries keep up with their regime change rhetoric and recall their ambassadors from damascus. fury in the u.k. as a notorious terrorist suspect dubbed al qaida spiritual leader in europe has bailed and allowed to roam the streets of london that's after his deportation to jordan where he was sentenced to life in prison has been forbidden by the european court of human rights. questions over legality over u.s.
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drone attacks on pakistani soil over surface with a fresh strike just days after a report revealed evidence that dozens of civilians were killed by america's unmanned aircraft. and a growing tensions between egypt and the u.s. triggered by cairo's crackdown on western n.g.o.s lead to an egyptian military delegation cutting short a visit to washington nineteen americans are among a group of activists banned from leaving egypt and accused of illegally using foreign cash to fuel unrest. my colleague bill daughters here in half an hour's time but for now peter lavelle and his guests discuss the internet sensation of the world's biggest social networking site facebook and its stock market flotation cross-talk is now. wealthy british science.
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