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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EST

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call themselves the free syrian army and the military forces by the syrian government the syrian government has according to its official sources has reported many casualties on the ground that have fallen died in the last few days and the most it's really hard to determine what's really going on on the ground there because of safety issues to reach the place and confirm the definite numbers of people. according to that's what according to activists say that the syrian military has basically. bombed some parts of the city government house completely refuted any type of involvement that they have actually. shelled its own people in the city at the most they blame it on the terrorist groups that have been taking active role in the city
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they are spread all over the place there and causing many casualties the government also has issued many statements today that the security forces were able to kill tens of terrorists that belong to these terrorist groups that they also believe that are being backed by foreign foreign influence on the ground russia's prime minister vladimir putin has cautioned against outside forceful intervention in the syrian conflict and warned if there was a risk of behaving like a bull in the china shop moscow also calls on world powers to use their political clout to put pressure on both the syrian government and the opposition to lay down their arms and didn't gaijin talks or to use you know as more. in light of the ongoing to put a grand about the situation in syria russian prime minister said that syrians must be allowed to solve the situation in their country on their own question prime
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minister speaking during a meeting with the religious leaders have a warrant against any possible foreign military involvement in the country saying that such a scenario would be akin to a proverbial bull in the china shop russian prime minister has also reminded all of the situation in libya where the nato led invasion the situation continues to remain quite unstable and violence russia is calling on international pressure on all parties involved in the syrian conflict in order to resolve the situation diplomatically where is western powers such as the u.k. the united states and france one president asked him to step down they want him out of the picture fascistic in practical steps in the trying to solve the situation in syria tuesday russian foreign minister says it's. part of the russian delegation to damascus met with syrian president bashar last coming out of those talks russia's
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foreign minister said that the syrian president is ready to send. a dialogue with the opposition senior member of the opposition syrian national council welcomed russia's role as a mediator and the peace process and commenting on his visit to damascus on wednesday. courage all other members of the international community to put more pressure on all sides involved in the syrian conflict in order to bring peace to the country. we have suggested that certain parties capable of influencing the opposition groups especially those based outside syria tried to convince those groups to begin negotiations with influence on damascus have been trying to convince. the authorities to do the same as i have mentioned the syrian authorities confirm they are ready to begin negotiations without putting forward any conditions but instead of putting pressure on the opposition most of the world community seems
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to be pulling out all of its envoys from syria france italy and spain are among the leaders countries to help recalled their ambassadors to syria and to the acid rhetoric is also continuing to come from the united states. where the white house says. the syrian president's days are numbered and at the same time the pentagon has said that they are looking at ways to support the rebels fighting against the regime of president asad although not militarily you know they say. you know reporting for us there now professor. from tel aviv university says israel prefers stable regimes on its borders and is concerned at the prospect of military intervention in syria well i think that what israelis prefer is stability when you have lack of stability you know there is always the possibility of deterioration escalation miscalculation i mean. a lot of control by the central
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regime in damascus. with their appearance with the presence of terrorist groups that may operate against israel i mean we know that the syrian army has. an impressive arsenal of. other. weapons so it's always the tendency to prefer stability a stable regime in the field so situation as he's now in syria the lack of stability the ongoing struggle may affect the border between israel and syria. the european court of human rights has blocked the deportation of qatada dubbed osama bin laden's right hand man in europe sparking fury in britain it's just the latest in a string of controversial decisions over ruling the u.k.'s domestic courts and as our teaser laura smith explains patience with the e.u. is running thin. a silver in
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land with its queen its own currency and its own parliament but no walls made by someone else this building houses what we in the u.k. call list supremes court but in practice it supremes in name only despite being the highest court in the land when it comes to human rights if you don't like the way your case is going to home you can take his abroad to france and decisions made in strasburg could overrule any may taya the european court of human rights was set up after world war two to avoid the persecution of minorities by the state but now it's being de railed and it was never never anticipated of the second world war after the holocaust off the terrace perpetrated by certain tyrannical governments but the court now would be protecting the criminal and not the victim
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which delays in control of a sea have the european court in strasburg there's a backlog of up to eight years and when cases are decided judgments are written bizarre in two thousand and ten the court decided to give prisoners the right to vote petition by john hirst who spent much of his life behind bars after killing his landlady the u.k. is still refusing to implement the ruling it makes me physically ill to even contemplate having to give the vote to anyone who is in prison aside it could also cost of the last time that we looked at this the cost of complying with judgments on the european convention of human rights was about two point one billion pounds a year that's three point three billion dollars plus another two point eight billion in assume seated one off costs in other areas an immigration ruling means
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a convicted nigerian rapist gets to stay in the u.k. because of his right to a family life. and most recently the european court of human rights ruled hate preacher abu qatada dubbed bin laden's right hand man in europe can't be deported back to jordan where he's now g. to be released onto the streets of britain this is somebody who stands up and publicly. hatred about everything the our democracy is and stands for and yet we can't get rid of him because of the european convention on human rights sitting in strasburg forty seven judges one from each country so far so fast except none of them were elected by the people of the countries they're making law for we've got a system of law and order in this country that's worked for many many years for the seats or the mother why do we need brussels to tell us what we can and cannot do
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the answer is we don't so therefore british law for british people those who aren't calling for the u.k. to pull out of the european convention on human rights all together are demanding reforms to stop strides making decisions on what should be. the court process to be more focused on fundamental civil and political rights not interfering in the daily lives. and in the ministration of the criminal justice system in the member states of the council of europe without reforms there's a risk of throwing the baby out with the bathwater as nations pull out of the human rights court undermining it leaving those in countries with weak a human rights protections entirely vulnerable. r.t. . egypt says it won't change its stance in a row with the u.s. even as washington threatens to cut military aid to the country this comes after forty three angio activists have been charged with fueling unrest in the country
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and could face up to five years in prison. has been looking into the story. egypt's new government crackdown on nigerians has raised many questions and they may want is why now the groups many which funded by washington have been on the ground here for a while they were at the vanguard of the uprising against mubarak that eventually brought the supreme council of the armed forces to power last february and no one has ever seems to care about their sources of income that is until they directed their criticism to the new military leadership laman scaf for the slow pace of reform some of them are used by the other. that are quoting people of the world. and they are the ones that evolution they have. won the radicals who live there this is very much a dangerous war the rhetoric this is special led to prosecutors raiding seventeen offices of advocacy groups forty three activists including americans germans and
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egyptians are now facing trial for illegally using foreign funds to promote and arrest in the post mubarak country activists how would claim they are the victim of scarves reluctance to give up power with dreaming the people about with their brights but the scaf looking for enjoy. some agent against the regime and all the mind the round up of activists has also not examined you asked mr taishi secretary ray la hood for the fueling tension between cairo in washington. isn't simply because. of them in a sort of plans for. i don't think. so this is america whose military aid to egypt reduces one point three billion dollars annually has been very serious there is a big week two condemns car one in the days of blank checks are over or they
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condemned. the end of that the continued on flowing that the provide the support also continue. to washington's so-called support for democracy get in the middle east washington wants to step in always the situation as much as possible in order to guarantee its interests they don't care about democracy meanwhile even those on the streets protesting against car share the council's concerns about the engineers motives the usa has had a hand in chips policy making for years but the whole n.t. and your campaign has become the first serious disagreement between america and the countries your story takes cairo wanted to send washington and message that it's no longer the silent dog it was under mubarak but an independent state which will last so the right any outside interference some doubts though they really minute the end to military movement growing ever bigger you can see it over there is a vision council of the armed forces called no running egypt is in
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a very vulnerable position and this nationalistic pronouncement may just be a nationalist show put on to calm the people down and to win back a shred of credibility. we've. seen in cairo. and of course you can find all the stories that we're covering and much more on our web site at our two dot com we've got one for you there right now. responding to obama mandated health insurance policies he catholic church seems ready to declare war on the president plus. a federal appeals court in california rules that the state's ban on same sex marriages. proposition eight is unconstitutional find out why at r t dot com. in a recent report a london based independent news agency the bureau of investigative journalism uncovered countless deadly drone strikes carried out by the u.s. in pakistan it also highlighted several quotes from president barack obama claiming
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the strikes only target terrorists and not civilians however the report found hundreds of civilians have in fact been killed by these cia led aerial attacks chris wood to compile the report thinks it won't be long before the legality of using unmanned drones in is tested in court. the cia has been saying for some time now that it hasn't killed a civilian in pakistan since at least two thousand and ten every news agency. in pakistan every credible news organization that is looked at this is finding that that's not the case we know that civilians are being killed pakistan is clearly very unhappy with the strikes there's an interview in a british newspaper today with pakistan's high commissioner to london describing the drone strikes i see in effect extra judicial executions state sanctioned executions does seem to be an indication here that these drone strikes are
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happening despite what you know not because of what i could start once you know if you start court has ever looked at the legality of these drone strikes and there's a reason for that every time a case has been brought in the united states that is attempted to look at whether these strikes are legal or not the united states is claiming something called state secrets privilege but that's where they say actually this is a covert operation and we can't discuss it there really does need to be an accounting here and an examination by the u.s. courts about the legality of these drone strikes which are various additional legal questions that they raise. about time i suspect it's coming quite close. given the pressure of us right now. a brief look at some other world stories for you right now. supporters of the maldives former president have taken to the streets of the capital mali to demand his reinstatement demonstrators have seized several police stations it comes hours after the new leader called for
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a unity government to be formed the ousting of the previous president mohamed nasheed was triggered by a police mutiny and a popular protest over his controversial decision to arrest a top judge. at least eight people have been killed in a car bomb attack in the somali capital mogadishu the islamist militant group al-shabaab has claimed responsibility saying they targeted a restaurant frequented by members of parliament at least two politicians were injured in the blast african union troops have largely pushed the group out of the capital but still suicide bombs continue. and this is the moment a metro train in chill a failed safety tests eventually coming to a grinding halt above ground luckily no one was seriously hurt in the incident in the country's capital santiago the driver escaped with minor cuts and bruises several cars were damaged no one crushed beneath the runaway train. archies
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interview is next we speak with former israeli ambassador. to discuss the position his country occupies on today's worldwide political stage. you are. what we are how this radio. who recently resigned from the government on grounds of principle he said he could no longer serve in
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a government whose policies he did not agree with ambassador thank you very much for joining us here in our team you resigned after more than fifteen years of service what was the final score when. and why. to greet the stuff of the foreign minister the ministry of foreign affairs and the bad news for him was who. desires peace needs to be careful. and i thought that was very telling. of the psyche that. exists behind his political weight and i thought i could not. minister with this kind of statement is it a statement supported by the majority of israelis i think we israelis yes we. we grew up on. the view that. we need to be on alert.
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any more most israelis live a life that is quite. and. you can come out of the environment here and in the u.s. or in europe western europe and you will find the israelis quite. easily integrating into society into requirements in place and so on so it's not any more the regiment that society of my childhood. all the time it's at any given point in time but it is true that israelis are not naive and they believe that we can survive here in the middle east. only if we are ready to fight when you resigned to the same time message to all the staff of the foreign ministry explaining the resignation what was the reaction and what is the general mood like
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among israeli public servants concerning the policies that will have to differ and i have no illusions some of us were frustrated by my letter. because it is outside of the code of conduct that you just drop out because you don't like the message the messenger has no view over the message that it is because of conduct and it's quite legitimate to think in that way how many messengers agree with the message and how many don't in the foreign ministry in my view. large majority don't care they are professionals and whatever message comes for them to believe that they will do. a solid minority ministry that is politically motivated to promote.
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a rather. hawkish. position government. is in. pursuing. i think we do also have the lefties leftovers from the past but i think they're a minority your last overseas posting was as ambassador to south africa what's your experience in south africa she seems as far as the christian nation is all is concerned. i think that israel is. in a danger zone to slide. by default. into. money for stations of apartheid if we don't take it. and i'm afraid we don't take it and there's going to contain in the united states as far as israeli policies on iran and palestine does how close is the west between the united states and israel
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or is it merely a lover's quarrel i'm surprised to realize how deep the americans care for israel is when it comes to the conversation the political conversation in the us. i also can see how. the aftermath of the war in iraq and enough guns. and the american fatigue of the middle east. could work badly for the image is present in the u.s. in the political discourse in the us. in the context of american interests god forbid that the u.s. will be more reluctant. to reach out for israel because our predicament now is like a result of policy pursued by this kind of government in
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a way that i think is tragically wrong. that we lean to the american congress a single source of strength. in our diplomatic fabric and that is. very dangerous who can install the lie on in the region considering that in the aftermath of the arab spring the middle east has become more radicalized i don't think israel is looking for a life i think israel is looking for. partners. of convenience. one is jordan. whose survivability in the way in the form we know it is a house in my kingdom. so we entertain. a lot of common interests egypt is consumed by its own revolution and as long as it doesn't pose a threat to us i think israel is taking
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a very careful distance and took. a cut the straw figure foreign policy towards one of the emerging powers in the middle through new ambassador a lot of iraq thank you very much for joining us here on on. the the.
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news crews don't talk t.v. don't come. in broadcasting while direct from our studios in central moscow this is our t. glad that you're with us russia warns against outside military intervention in syria saying the only way to end of the bloodshed is for both government and opposition to enter talks moscow's diplomatic push comes as somewhat western and gulf countries sever ties with damascus and unconfirmed reports say security forces continue to shell the city of homs and. outrage in the u.k. as a notorious terror suspect is to be freed after the european court of human rights blocks his extradition abu qatada is wanted in jordan where he has been convicted in absentia of a plot to kill tourists qatada who has been dubbed as
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a man in europe is set to be released after almost nine years in detention. and egypt remains firm on prosecuting foreign funded and on. organizations it accuses of fueling instability in the country despite threats from washington it could be more than a billion dollars in military aid to egypt a total of forty three ngo employees including nineteen americans face trial for illegally funding activists. is a contributing editor to the middle east report he shares his insights into the syrian situation on the ground that's with spotlight coming up next right here on our team.


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