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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2012 7:18am-7:48am EST

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it is a caffeinated. meanwhile multi-tasker is feeling for the biggest serving are turning to a product called fifty one fifty juice one gallon contains sixty four thousand milligrams of caffeine the equivalent of four hundred red bulls whole objective reasons is to create repeat customers to get people to keep their product can be clearly an addictive substance and by creating all these products they're definitely appealing to a wide range of consumers and feeding into the larger problem which is you know happy over consumption of coke and it can be while going after new consumers one u.s. company created national controversy by packaging caffeine and liquor together there's nothing crazy about ok we took two legal products that americans love and combine them caffeine and a butt load of alcohol heavily marketed among college students it turned out to be
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a deadly mix one family in florida who say four loko killed their son police say dozens of students have been sent to the hospital from these drinks amid lawsuits mounting criticism and eventually a federal ban the company subsequently removed caffeine from the drink but the national demand for the natural stimulant remains on compromise with more and more americans looking for their legal high point nine r.t. . and you can always find more news online or just at our website auto you dot com a simple click away let's have a look at see what's waiting for there right now by the anniversary ali why egypt's new government is deploying more tying this out and troops across the country just a year after the fall of mubarak's regime. a new study declares that the number of cancer deaths among police officers who were nine eleven first responders is growing at an astronomical right thing is. and other stories online at c.n.n.
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a moment here it's the business of casey but for now do join us on an adventurous tour of russia with our close up to. this time we've traveled almost a thousand kilometers east of moscow to the only on off screen the main city is best known as the birthplace of bloody middle lenin but during the soviet times the region flourished as the center of the country's military and aviation industries and as a car in a terror russia has been finding out it has all the potential to win back that reputation. it was in the late seventy's that the. aviation complex was created obvious star is one of the largest manufacturers of passenger planes as well as re modernizing existing cargo planes that travel worldwide their islam plane is one of
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the largest operating cargo aircraft originally designed for the russian military but when the soviet union fell a demand did too obvious star has been renovating existing response and are now planning a major comeback. a new construction line will launch which will cover the production and the modernization of unique airplanes in the world that are popular such as the roost one. though good news but airlines have used their wrist line freighters to assist in un and red cross relief projects but they'll haul satellites yachts and even the sukhoi superjet two can imagine the two thousand kilos of those this brother who brought it from africa to north from the europe for a. special celebration with ali also transported one hundred thousand kilos of beaujolais wine from france to japan he says without ever breaking a single bottle many little boys dream of becoming pilots but the path to get there
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isn't always an easy one here the only one of six civil aviation school it's the only place in russia where one can get a higher education with courses offered in academics meteorology and over one hundred fifty hours of flight time. to start the training of these models which gives them the complete feed and. what it's like to see it in a real aircraft flight. and it's true the images on the screen and vibrations of the simulator made even me feel like i could be a pilot i'm joined today by all the director of corporate communications of the united aircraft corporation thank you for being with us olga since obvious star has been in existence since one thousand nine hundred eighty how do you evaluate the development of the corporation today we are working to get. the new strategy adopted in two thousand and eleven the new strategy comprises the development of two majors segments in the russian outer space industry its military
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aviation its commercial aviation and its transport of a ship but what are the major perspectives the goals of other star and only on of scale and russia through out now we are working over the movie the vaishnav the program of building aircraft and we have to get first orders for their. thank you very much you can join us a from aviation to automobiles where with close up takes you on the second part of our series where we discover the was jeeps and join the people who meet them and even take us on a wild ride bracing them karen taraji the old man of screech an artist who never cared to know with reality of business up to. my. thank you or a hello to you minority shareholders and russia's second largest bank d.t.b.
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will get all the money back then vested in the company's i.p.o. in two thousand and seven prime minister putin has confirmed the bank will conduct his buyback thirteen point six copecks share that's the same as the listing price but nearly double what they're worth today the deal will take place during the spring and is expected to cost the bank half of britain in dollars from its own profit institutional shareholders will not be allowed to bowl to take parts. just a week i mean it's just good people to preserve the bangs business and commercial reputation its management has made a very fair decision in my opinion about. the i.p.o. thirteen point six copecks the buyback will be financed by the bank itself. made a decision by itself without any pressure. slowing growth in asia and europe is threatening to weaken the core of the russian economy standard bank expects no
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recovery and demand for all materials until late twentieth when the bulk of china's stimulus policy should be felt however to me. chairman of russia's biggest. so is the theory is not being seen in practice. and let me just based on purely economic trends there are reasons for metal prices to fall but we aren't seeing this in practice at the moment in fact it's the opposite of our main suppliers of raise their prices slightly in the first quarter of the year this could be a seasonal factor but according to our supplier forecast we're unlikely to see any downward movement that would compare with the fourth quarter of last year. let's have a look at the markets now exchange rates past the year is gaining value against the dollar on the ruble following signals that a u. ministers will approve a second package for grace also stronger all those pushing the ruble high up against the u.s. current say. oil is coming high on concerns over the greek package and freezing
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weather in europe is also boosting to monster he saying as you can see the lights where it is half a percent half a cent on the brant is just about the same amount stronger. and stocks in europe see how they're getting almost they're actually on the rise this hour before the european central bank and the bank of england announce policy decisions. continue in greece the first. fact supposed of the attacks is doing better off just under half a percent. here in moscow the markets are down this hour. games have gone even further into the red as you can see the r.t.s. is three quarter of a percent down and the my sense is even i have one percent down. we're going to see how the stocks are getting on on the my sex nuchal is now in the red it was positive. ross net is heading even further into negative territory.
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bank is also low after announcing it will buy back shares from minority shareholders at thirteen point six copecks that was the price of the i.p.o. in two thousand and seven and there the double the current market prices we were saying earlier on the hit trends on the market. from the dialogue says investors are sitting on cash waiting for signals to buy in. or it's very important levels. very close to breaking the two hundred. average moving average i do for you grade these levels probably will see for their growth and that can be substantial last week we saw kind of decent inflows into russia to decatur fonzie and general emerging market funds so i think many investors are sitting on cash and waiting for kind of stronger signals that this rally will continue. but it's over now i'm going to have more in fifty five minutes we're going to be following the situation with
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v.t. join me for that. well the true science technology innovation all the developments from around russia we've got the future covered.
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four thirty pm here in moscow this is our time for your headlines at the u.n. considering a joint mission with the arab league to end the ongoing bloodshed in syria conflicting reports of the number of casualties it's proving harder and harder to get a true picture of what is actually happening that. iran's policy is under fire on every level as international pressure mounts over its nuclear program president ahmadinejad is facing a battle on home turf as well he's wanted for questioning by the parliament over
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his handling of the country's plummeting economy. and a. several high profile al qaeda militants have been killed in pakistan in a recent series of u.s. drone attacks but the london based bureau of investigative journalism has found that hundreds of civilians died in similar strikes a fact that america seems to ignore. or an extra hour to we speak to the pakistani foreign minister who tells us why the united states secret war on terror is actually doing more harm than good you're watching. he's the youngest foreign minister and a world that has to deal with some of the toughest security challenges he not rabani khar pakistan's foreign minister is joining us now on r.t. thank you very much for your time minister it's been more than ten years since pakistan joined the u.s. military operations in afghanistan do you think that was the right thing to do you
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see if. you would you know things look very different but of course. the collaboration that pakistan has had in the last ten years pakistan has bit of a heavy price for that but it is also a fact that pakistan inhibits the region inhabits the region and will continue to have in this region and this region has some serious problems the region has some serious problems put into terrorism and pakistan has always maintained that it is important to have collaborative joint efforts to be able to rid this region rather than follow sort of unitary approaches. in how we want to rid this region you mentioned. the price of your involvement in afghanistan has been pretty high many thousand of your citizens lost their lives millions of people have been replaced there are estimates that it cost your country around seventy billion u.s. dollars but we often hear criticism about pakistan's role. but there
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gust involvement in afghanistan from. they are americans i do think the united states treats you fairly. i would like to answer that question by saying that what is crucial to solid robust partnership is that each able to live or operate within the bounds of what is. believed to be you know what has been agreed as far as treating fairly is concerned i think pakistan has in this particular case not been treated fairly by anybody for that matter because pakistan continues to lose pakistan continues to lose in terms of economic costs in terms of the social cost i think sometimes that is not emphasized on enough so we continue to lose in many many ways but some times the rule that is that is put on pakistan is a rule which is understandable which defies logic so to speak because if the
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first country to benefit from a stable one stands pakistan and the first country to lose from in you know unstable of understand is also pakistan so pakistan stick a very high and that is what is commonly believed that yes pakistan stakes are very high but pakistan sticks are very high in having stability in afghanistan not instability in the understand so we have maintained and we stated very clearly that it is really for the one people to determine what course of action they want to take in any way possible whether they want to have strategic alliance with country a country b. it's a sovereign country we must respect them as that but pakistan's rule in any way can only be there to support of i think saying that pakistan is cause of the problem and is creating trouble is an imaginary solution it is an imaginary blame it is an imaginary looking for an answer but the real solutions the real problems have to be
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faced you know on the ground now as we all know that the united states has been taking on a lead role in this military operation. why do you think with all its military power and the resources that are invested into this campaign why anything. the results are not that impressive as of here they could be i think i'm not the right person to answer that question it should be somebody from the us administration i want to question to be right i don't think it is important with the us is succeeding or is winning in the understand about what is important but that of one the stand is winning or not because the goal of the u.s. and pakistan and the region and all the forty eight countries which operate in the understand is to make of understand when if i may come back to the issue of american criticism for just one question president obama said in a number of occasions that one of the reasons why the united states is using drones to file for your territory and to hit targets on your territory is because the
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pakistani authorities allegedly. are not in control of their own land and my question is. why pakistan tolerating the use of military technology that are hitting targets on pakistani land that ultimately oftentimes lead to the. loss of life among the pakistani citizens this is one of the major problems that keeps us from achieving our successes in our view. not only completely illegal and under full and have north resolution to be used within the two means of international law but even more importantly they are counterproductive to your objective of getting this rich region rid of militancy and extremism because if one strike leads to getting you target number one or target number three to do you're creating five
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more targets or ten more targets in the militancy that it breeds in the in the for doing that it gives to the militants to attract more people to join the ranks we are today in pakistan suffering from the consequences. what you know many other powers of the world decided to do in that region to rid itself of the challenge that appeared in one thousand nine hundred eighty nine which was the soviet invasion of one star now in trying to deal with that we have created certain groups which are to be. a challenge to everybody so again do we want to repeat the same mistakes again clearly pakistan doesn't think so and pakistan has categorically said that it is illegal under full counterproductive other any than ears in your view reasonable values that pakistan could take in case of drone attacks beyond forcing it's concern or
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a distraction my question to you is it just an issue of some countries allowing. greater freedom and greater purpose for all of foreign policy tools than others that would be a very unfair world and i hope that's not a world that we are moving towards and therefore the questions of illegality and under full. is extremely important one and. currently no compromise in pakistan about that if you look as i said i think this is one of the media which is responsible for where we are today and pakistan country which. considers itself to be a sovereign country to consider to be an independent country has therefore decided to reassess the whole terms of engagement because for to us it is very clear that this is not part of the terms of engagement now if that clarity is required elsewhere i guess the parliament will be in its right to be able to define it but please approach that we've taken the approach that we're taking is not that of
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a confrontation the proof that we're taking is that for doing the partnership which is which is based on mutual respect and based on mutual interest there just last week. and her report was leaked to the media that pakistani security forces and maintaining contacts with. terrorism and extremist organizations that are operating in afghanistan as far as i understand there was ever an. allegation that they're supporting them financially. is this true first of all this is not a new to report we were told by need to at least that this is a. single person not report but is thing the country and the single person. pretty much. all the bottle because this is not an accusation or allegation which have been made and part of the specific context of the mention
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were with the taliban of all to intelligence agencies i think every intelligence agency in the world particularly the ones which of world. i mean. with one group or the other and all of them at some level and this does are now pretty much out in the open because people are openly talking about talking to these so i think just creating you know this is this is something which is not even worth a comment quite frankly the united states is expected to withdraw its troops from afghanistan and a matter of a few years is pakistan looking forward to that event but you see again they came here with some goals and objectives we would hope that most of those goals and objectives are met at least partially met and we would hope that when the. in the understand of one son is a better place than when they first came but the long term presence of foreign troops in the region is always always counterproductive. yes but we would also
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be very very mindful of what is the situation on the ground when they leave because instability more instability is clearly something that this region cannot cannot afford i'd like to switch gears a little bit and ask you about iran you know the west. piling its pressure on that country which is your neighbor and longtime partner. how pakistan of us born in the case of military strike against iran we would strongly. countries to desist from any option which is military. because this region has already seen too much and we do not want any further destabilization. we feel very strongly that these things can be you know settled on the negotiation table that there should be flexibility shown and that dialogue should be considered to be the only via forward and it would have disastrous let me go to pakistan feels it would
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have disastrous results for the region what about syria do support the military intervention against assad's regime we support no military intervention against in the region because we feel that the independent sovereign a teetotaller integrity of the country are important aspects and there in trying in many many places now what we need to ensure the international community is is that violence from any side is not given lunch is not allowed to. move forward thank you very much for a time minister thank you. it
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is easy to. see.
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be. banned.
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the headlines on r.t. the un is considering a joint mission with the arab league to end that the bloodshed in syria but with every conflicting reports on the number of casualties it's proving a hard to get a true picture of current events. iran's policy is under fire on every level as international pressure mounts over its nuclear program president ahmadinejad is facing a battle on the home turf as well he's wanted for questioning by the parliament over his handling of the country's plummeting economy. and several high profile al qaeda militants have been killed in pakistan in a recent series of u.s.
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drone attacks the london based a bureau of an inverse could of journalism has found that hundreds of civilians died in similar strikes the fact that america seems to ignore. our now time for latest sporting action here on r.t. here's kate. hello welcome to the latest sports and here are the top stories. taking time there's no rush to replace fabio capello at the helm of england of the football association name stuart pearce as the interim manager. while staying in touch. agreed to stay on at russian champions the need for another three years. in fashion victims russian side next taste their first defeat in euro league's top sixteen with a narrow loss to armani in milan. football first time in england under twenty
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one coach stuart pearce has been named as the interim manager of the national side following fabio capello's sensational resignation on wednesday night pearce will be in charge for england's friendly at home to holland on february twenty ninth after sixty five year old capello quit his post after far four years in charge the italian was due to leave the three lions at the european championships in june but stepped down after a meeting with the football association his decision came after the f.a. failed to consult him last friday before taking the captain's armband from john terry who is due to face trial in july over allegations of racist abuse while british prime minister david cameron regretted saying capello go. well i'm sorry to see go i think he was a good coach and a good man i liked him i don't think he was right about the john terry issue you can't be captain with that question mark that needs to be answered but england needs a new coach and a new captain and i hope we can get on with that and make sure we make the best of the opportunities this summer meanwhile the f. .


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