tv [untitled] February 9, 2012 6:48pm-7:18pm EST
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this morning while rubio was speaking and let me just say that his line about religious freedom that was by far the most applauded line of the entire speech standing ovation whoops hollers the whole nine yards and while the line with the hits it also just wasn't true with me the health department decision only requires that the option of contraception exist there's no mention of females being required to take any sort of contraception or for organizations to pay for it is that it has to be included under your insurance plan if they want it but as you'll be you know that they're on to something and they are letting go specially republican presidential candidate rick santorum so while he was on the campaign trail in texas last night he to say that obama's waging a war against religious americans but he didn't just say the president is violating your first met right now he took it like twenty steps further. taking faith and. why why. are you marginalized and apparently
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when you remove the power. of god given right what is left is a government that won't tell you who you are what you do and when you do. what and finance. became a good thing. for you gentlemen were long way from hand but. if we do. and follow the path of president obama and his own hostility to faith in america. and we are headed down that i don't. wait what obama's leading religious people to the guillotine and we did this is a joke i am genuinely really confused about how this entire situation has gotten so out of hand what century are we in this is birth control they act like obama is making the catholic priest perform abortions with their bare hands during mass now we haven't really touched on this issue during the show before because i thought that this whole controversy of this fake controversy which is what it is was absurd
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i wake up every morning thinking no there's no way that everyone in the media is actually still talking about this non issue but every day i am proved wrong guy especially love the chorus of male politicians and pundits weighing in with their righteous indignation standing up for the first amendment newsflash nobody is forcing anyone to do anything this is an option an option that would be offered to women so thanks for your input gentlemen but why don't you just sit this one out so let's all just take a step back to be honest with ourselves this isn't an issue about religious freedom or the first amendment it's an issue that just plays well with g.o.p. voters which i can attest to from my experience of the back today so everybody in the media let's stop playing along i know that most of the media loves a good culture war but this isn't even a culture war birth control stopped being controversial decades ago so here on my show the g.o.p. gets tonight's full time award for turning a basic women's health initiative into a fake attack on your first amendment rights.
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our guys it's time for a happy hour joining me this evening r t producer jenny churchill and alex sites all assistant editor of think progress org hey guys thanks for joining me. let's first talk about somebody as f.b.i. in this is always like kind of exciting part after someone passes away like what is the f.b.i. have written up on them. come on the ladder ok yes big it's a good thing anyone dieted says that but you know he's going to get to see what their dirt is anyway let's check out. the f.b.i. has just released a one hundred ninety page file on the late apple c.e.o. steve jobs this is a portion of it it's focused on a background check the interviews with jobs and others in march and april of ninety ninety one when jobs being considered for presidential appointment by president
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george h.w. bush. so some of the things in jobs file use a lot of drugs l.s.d. parents he was also manipulative manipulative excuse me several individuals question mr jobs honesty saying that he will trust the truth and distort reality in order to achieve his goals and apparently also abandon his baby mama i just i'm really confused i thought all of this was already available knowledge i did not feel as though i learned anything from the f.b.i. which really makes me question how good of a job they're doing why don't they like you when i'm no dirt where's the dirt of the observation i agree that i was not that surprised by the contents but it's one hundred ninety one pages i thought it was a very in-depth they talk to a ton of people which makes me think every other government official has had some kind of similar background check done on them right so can you imagine what's in like dick cheney's f.b.i. file why that's what i mean different though because you know jobs and even he was
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pretty private is still more of a public persona than most actual government officials at this point right like i think that we know more about jobs and his drug use in the past because he's part of like the tech crowd like nobody cares nobody is going to judge you for it because he doesn't go out and preach certain. values or certain policies but. good point point. ok. i don't know how to use this clip right now new hampshire new hampshire been doing some weird stuff lately they tried to pass legislation that said that you don't follow school curriculums anymore they try to pass legislation that all laws should be based on the magna carta not the constitution but the magna carta and now they want to take a hit your lunch break. so
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barely if this is what they want workers to do from now on is to have to ask for a lunch break because they want to basically ban. businesses from having to give. their employees a lunch break or take a break they claim that everybody already gets one and that if the business were to not try to give them one the people would take to social media and it would make the company feel so bad that they change their policy why isn't that the policy on everything else then why do we have any rules for anything because if now we always levy out right that's the way the world works then wow we don't need rules at all murder. you know no more murders but i feel like this is like every state or a lot of states are in this like war to outraise each other you know arizona started off strong with the immigration law then florida wanted to drug test all their welfare recipients but new hampshire has really been making a come from behind dark horse race here but the magna carta stuff they've got this lunch bill thing keep your eye on it i'm sure it just gave us an idea i think you
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have to start making. some kind of a racing graphic because you're through i have to say though when you're right when i used to work hour early i always had an issue i was forced to take a certain amount of break and if i didn't want to eat lunch for half an hour i was frustrated that i'd go sit somewhere for ten i mean it is true it didn't happen i don't think i think the slots ridiculous but i mean i was forced to take a break i want to tell you hey at least you got a break. i worked too hard. let's talk about the story that we did not get to yesterday which basically you know if you live in iceland then your chances of dating somebody that you might be related to i guess increase right at the small island the only population of three hundred thousand people and so now there's a new website there that basically you can you can look up the geological data on the inhabitants and see with your icelandic id number make sure that your potential love interest is not actually related to you. i find this to be actually the
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strangest thing ever because i don't know here in america and all fifty states you're allowed to marry your second cousin it is completely illegal have you ever known someone who was like oh my gosh that person was my first cousin i didn't know ever ever i know that's not so much about whether it's allowed or not it's like do you want to find out that the person you're dating is always going to ireland is so small and there's only three hundred thousand people like how hard is it really to know your family you never know there to be some shady family secrets. like seems way overkill and like raises some serious civil libertarian issues i mean there's this database with everybody and anybody can look into it yeah but on the other hand from a capitalist point of view i think they're missing out on a huge revenue opportunity matchmaking i mean if there's like five people on the island who aren't related to you which is what it sounds like they should just match up and what if you could see who was searching for you you know oh that
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person wanted to check if. it's just to this last three here to basically this is happening in an l.a. county and it's like. pro football or frisbee in l.a. county beach and you could be fined one thousand dollars the county board of supervisors today raised fines for illegal beach activity yes it is against the law to throw footballs or frisbees. what country do we live in jenny what does that say about your. freedom you know but i mean seriously is actually insane i think this is clearly an attempt by the volleyball lobbying association to get a you know monopoly here on the yeah because i'm sorry i'm a little confused on how a frisbee is more abusive than a volleyball can someone explain that to me it's volleyballs or beats that people do whatever they want yeah i love that even the local news anchor is like having trouble believing it as she's. saying it but the crazy thing is it's like it was
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already law and now they're just increasing the fine he has got to wrap it up fortunately thanks for joining us tonight that's over and i said thanks for tuning and they can come back tomorrow journalistically cables going back after this an anarchistic occupy oakland i mean time to follow us on line and coming up next in the. wealthy british style sun. last time i was on. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our. world with.
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science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm charging welcome to the big picture. that's.
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from protecting americans to spying on them you've heard of drones being used in top secret missions in the middle east now they're coming to an airspace near you looks like the war on privacy has reached a new low. for the week people and that's exactly what they. will not only your hole but. just sanity these days the house is not a home unless freddie mac's says so but one u.s. marine is sticking it to the max taking his house back in a country where one in one thousand houses are foreclosed on it looks like anything goes. and it looks like the circus is in town once again the
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political circus that is the sea packed conference officially kicked off today the republican candidates are all clamoring to prove that they are the conservative alternative to barack obama we'll take you inside. it's thursday february ninth seven pm in washington d.c. i'm liz wall and you're watching r t. well get ready to look about the sky and see drones hovering above as of now on man aircrafts can only be used in military airspace and by certain law enforcement agencies but this week congress passed a bill that would allow for commercial and private use of the drone so what would this so what this would do is let any person or company that gets a permit to fly drones wherever and however they please add these aircraft
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typically carry surveillance equipment even weapons in some cases so what does this mean for your privacy and safety earlier i spoke with the radio host alex jones about this move take a look. you know this is a nightmare it's it's it's the military industrial complex not just trampling on our privacy with ground penetrating radar and infrared looking through our walls and going on for decades now it's going to be unmanned so if the pilots you know say no to a mission that's the legal it won't matter because many of these drones are now as reported by the l.a. times are autonomy they're artificially intelligent they're given their mission they've got tiny drones that fly in formation that are weaponized and have surveillance and they also have reapers that are weaponized and of course they have other predators just a month ago i was on r.t. in north dakota the air force was involved
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a local police surveilling purported cattle thieves who actually just kept cows that had come on their property under common law under common law and you can actually keep cows that come on your property i have a ranch my family does i know the law but they didn't care they acted like oh the military's involved surveilling said us and so this is the military industrial complex basically taxing the public and then using that money to build up a military infrastructure against the population exactly what president dwight d. eisenhower warned about his farewell speech back in ninety six he wanted to be where the military industrial complex and the quote technocratic elite that controls us that's the full quote in rome it was the military used by caesar internally that took over in nazi germany in napoleon's france this is always the danger in third world countries today and in ancient nations this is classic and
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these politicians in a revolving door are invested in these drone companies the body scanning companies all of it and they're getting incredibly rich off of setting up surveillance and weapons systems against the people i mean this is really frightening. now as you mentioned it's the military as of now that has been using these drones but this new bill would allow companies to use the aircraft and how do you expect companies especially big companies think google and companies like that to use this technology. well that's the problem because of technology getting so inexpensive and robotics and factories would cost ten million dollars a decade ago cost one hundred thousand dollars and things are going to get cheaper and cheaper and these big mega companies like google that's already operating in fourteen states just a couple years ago it was one state with with robot eighteen wheeler trucks robot cars and when they wreck it's all swept under the rug because the system wants to
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go to this and they're openly arguing that they're going to prove that robot cars and aircraft are more. safe on average and force people to have robot cars force people out of the eighteen wheeler so this is about humans having our rights taken and these big mega corporations in the military operating these drones they're also not just having air drones the pentagon said in two thousand that by two thousand and twelve they wanted half the air force to be drone and half of the army's. air assets to be drone as well as the navy and now they're saying by two thousand and twenty ninety plus percent will be drone and half the ground force will be combat robot and again this is where an eighteen wheeler pulls up i've seen the company show it pulls up and running your house a bunch of robots get out the back on we on treads come up to your home and basically attack you this is what taxpayers in america are paying for is
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a literal terminator type scenario but skynet doesn't work for artificially intelligent master computer it works for the corrupt global elite who again are making money out of building weapons systems and using them against us it is incredible look i've had family who's in the military for years who told me about how they fly around on anti drug missions using the us army and now that's all admitted here domestically so this is just the robots knocking down the door and it's completely unconstitutional it's dangerous and we're going to rue the day that . happen all over the world under the india they're saying we will just arrest and kill citizens in the us with no trial have disappeared drones will kill people in any country in the world so it's a global declaration of war against the entire planet and again it's not america doing it it's the big mega banks that openly are conquering europe through fraud and ponzi schemes and already those that have conquered the united states and own the military industrial complex no one is standing in their way no one they're
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trying to start wars in syria they've already given al qaida control of libya they're getting ready for war with iran they've got drones all over the planet seventy thousand of them i mean this is literally like attack of the clones or something out of a star wars movie loud i mean this is out of control the certainly sounds very scary what you're suggesting here i also want to talk about the safety concerns of this bill drones they can carry weapons as we mentioned earlier earlier and also the safety of having these things fly around in our airspace i mean technology is not fail proof the possibility of drones crashing into houses and other planes i mean that seems to pose several safety concerns. well and they've already done perspectives on this the big insurance companies have done actuaries and have broken all this down and they've said well the answer is have all the aircraft and all the cars into a central computer that basically warns the other drones so the answer is going to
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be when there's disasters is good humans out of the cockpits get humans out of the driver's seats of the cars and make everybody go to robots and then a centralized elite in their own words will control this tech not prosy i've been calling them technocrats and a scientific dictatorship for seventeen years now suddenly the elite are saying we want to check not proceed for the world no more elected governments experts will run things i wasn't guessing that they were technocrats i read white papers written fifty years ago where the big think tank experts in britain and the united states said we'll use the wealth of these countries in europe to build this tech not prosy to dominate the globe but we've got to stay on the cutting edge of technology so it's not america and england dominating the world it's these criminal interest these scientific dictators who are very intelligent who have now used us as the launching pad for basically the robot wars that are coming so get ready folks
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because before military could say no to crimes there will be military soon. those of a host of the alex jones show alex jones. well a a u.s. marine is in the fight for his life but the battle is happening right here in america everything investigation revealed that taxpayer backed mortgage company freddie mac. was betting belly and of dollars on securities that profited when homeowners were denied it refinancing or retired marine art the los santos is one of those homeowners that freddie mac. bet against as our teaser ramona glinda shows us the last sound thousands fighting to keep his home with the help of some california occupiers. sharon comes over. i'm going to get arrested and and fight to land trying to save her house art the los santos is ready to stand up to the law and to wall street after repeatedly
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trying to modify their known the delos onto his family was a big did late last year a devastating blow for the family who have a decades worth of family memories in this house the kids have grown up here we've done modifications to the house we tile windows. define a court order art moved his family back in taking back the dream he feels was stolen art could potentially face arrest for reentry in the home where he has raised his four children but despite the risk the family is staying put inspired by the occupy movement and other struggling homeowners who are now more than never willing to take on the big banks another revelation causing outrage about mortgage giant freddie mac. freddie mac. began increasing these investments dramatically in late two thousand and ten at the same time it was making it harder for homeowners to get out of such morgan chase the newfound resolve come from revelations that taxpayer own mortgage company
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freddie mac. was essentially betting against tens of thousands of homeowners like to listen to the multi billion dollar bets paid off of homeowners stay trapped in expensive high interest loans. putting them squarely against the people the company is meant to help bring into question the mission of the bailed out mortgage giant this country does not stand by their war these banks sitting up in their ivory towers robin the people have been getting away with it occupy activists are showing their solidarity with the family setting up camp in hopes of pressuring the bank to reconsider the foreclosure the foreclosure crisis has been. really devastating in riverside county where the delos santos family lives last year one out of every nine thousand homes here was in foreclosure nationwide there were two point seven million foreclosures in two thousand and eleven
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a figure that is expected to soar this year well the current administration has done little to slow the foreclosure crisis more families are becoming desperate they need to pay attention to the foreclosure issue because again you have millions of families and less they are. going to continue to have a down spiral on the economic crisis of the nation while working families struggle for their homes executives at freddie mac. and on wall street keep collecting a multimillion dollar paycheck you're a criminal when you rob people and that's exactly what they've done they probably not only their home but their dignity their cry to sanity a situation which has left many american families with little to lose you can see here we don't plan to leave the los santos and his supporters hope others will follow his lead and fight for their own. in riverside california ramon dillon though r t. well for more on the
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foreclosure crisis and the nation and the banks that are profiting from them michael prysner joins us now welcome michael so the foreclosure crisis so dire today that people as you just saw are willing to risk getting arrested and protest what is the say about the state of the country today. well it says that conditions for poor and working people in the united states are very bad and they're getting much worse i know that all of these militant actions taking place across the country the retaking of foreclosed homes the taking of vacant buildings to provide housing for people you know these people aren't going out to the streets and doing this because they want to get arrested or because they want to get attacked by the cops but because they're left with no other choice because they're compelled to fight because they have no other choice but to fight because this government after years of an economic crisis has taken no real meaningful action to try to improve the lives of the people that are affected by a crisis that they didn't create and had no role in creating and i think when you
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see even war veterans like who is featured in this story you know people who the politicians are saying over and over again are the people they care most about and want to take care of the most when even it's veterans who are experiencing a massively high rate of foreclosure and eviction and you know a disproportionately high rate of homelessness amid really exposes that the u.s. government for the people who are struggling to stay in their homes doesn't really care too much about them now the marine that we just saw is just one of many americans in that predicament today these people turn to freddie mac. a company who says that their mission is to help people achieve their dream of owning a home how are these people being manipulated into believing this. well you know these banks come up with these very predatory schemes i mean they prey on people who they know they can get into a deal and they don't care whether or not they can make the payments and in fact today there was a major agreement reached between the attorney general of the state of california
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and with five of the biggest banks where these banks were found guilty of committing fraud of reaching out to people who needed homes who wanted to refinance and tricking them committing fraud and causing millions of people to be kicked out of their homes and the response of the state government to this was a settlement where the state would get you know a figure of about eighteen billion dollars which factors out to about a thousand or two thousand dollars per homeowner who's taken advantage of by the banks and then who was kicked out of their home that's the compensation that they're told that that they're entitled to and so this crisis is happening because of fraud committed by the banks because of predatory lending committed by the banks and because of a financial crisis that was created by the biggest banks and the biggest corporations leading the economy down a road that didn't matter to them if it collapsed only matter if they increased their profits for that quarter and as you just said it is the big banks that are profiting from this profiting from the hardships of others i know that you are an
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advocate of the occupy wall street movement does this serve as another example of the injustices that the movement is fighting against. oh absolutely the the main things that brought people into the street when the occupy wall street movement started in september it was the rate of the high rate of foreclosures and the high rate of student debt of young people who did what they were told live the american dream went to college came out with a degree still couldn't find a job and had themselves seven hundred thousand dollars in debt and so the rate of foreclosures the student at the massive rate of unemployment that isn't getting any better in the country these are the core reasons why so many people are being compelled to take these militant actions to put their bodies on the line to become politically awake and then become activists and this is something that absolutely is not going to go away because the conditions that are pushing people into the street aren't going away so the people going to keep responding and keep fighting oh michael what needs to change to address this crisis and get people back into their homes well that's easy first of all the banks can declare
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a moratorium on foreclosures the banks do not have to keep people out of their homes right now they want to keep people out of their homes because they're going to make profit off it taking that foreclosed home and then reselling it they're going to make these multimillion dollar bonuses the bank executives and the shareholders doing something that they don't have to do but the thing is they don't care they care about their bottom line but it's not just the banks the u.s. government has a big role to play in this also they can declare a moratorium on foreclosures they can take a look just a fraction of the bank bailout money you know the eleven trillion dollars that was handed to the banks you know one trillion dollars of that money could have paid for everyone to be able to have a home and stay in their home and not only that we need to pay to put people in homes there's like seven vacant housing units for every homeless person there is i mean there's an abundance of homes the problem isn't scarcity the problem is you know what they call too many homes or too many homes to sell at a profit this government can take real action to improve the lives of people in this country the million.
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