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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2012 7:18pm-7:48pm EST

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the families who are sleeping in their cars with their children who don't know if we're going to have to place a place to live in a week those people who are working every day paying their taxes contributing to the great wealth of this society yet all of that wealth and all of the blood and sweat that they put in to building this economy is being siphoned into the pockets of not even the one percent but a point one percent and michael we should mention that today the inspector general's office confirmed that they are looking into freddie mac. also you will u.s. senators today a pro hearing on this on capitol hill do you have faith that they well that this investigation will lead to any solutions are or what are your thoughts on this well i'm sure they'll look into freddie mac. to placate people just like the attorney general here in california looked into the five biggest banks who committed fraud found to have found them to have committed fraud and then basically gave them a hand out and said all of those families that were the victims of fraud well doesn't really matter here's a few scraps from the table for you to be quiet i think that the u.s.
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government is so tied in with the banks not even tied in an equal basis but i would say the banks actually sit above the government are the ones that are really dictating domestic and foreign policy that absolutely no politician in washington is going to come out with anything strong against the banks it's going to be the people from below organizing to do like was done today we're banks were shut down all over los angeles where people took militant action to send a message to the banks that if they're not going to do anything to help working families if the government is going to do anything to help working families then we the people are going to take it upon ourselves to build a movement that's going to build that pressure that forces them to take care of working families michael thank you so much for weighing in and coming on the show that was iraq war veteran michael prysner. well still ahead on r t washington d.c. is rolling out the red carpet for conservatives welcoming c pac but this conference might just be all show and tell.
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the capitol i'm laura mr. pepper spray let's just bring gerard's right right i mean it's like a derivative of actual pepper it's a food product essentially. this is much stronger than anything it's you buy off. thousands of times stronger than any kind of bird you ever put you know.
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well they're fired up about their guns their god and their goals the biggest of which is to see president obama and his health care program gone for good and every year people just like them come together and talk politics and policy at the conservative political action conference well that conference kicked off today right here and washington d.c. and as our tease christine presented as scuppered see back in many ways is nothing more than a carnival for conservatives. if. you will it. come one come all to the thirty ninth annual conservative political action conference. for sure this is where conservatives come together. to talk about their love of country we have to stand and we have to fight for our freedom their distrust of
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government i want my liberty back i look around and i see places like for example california they've banned happy meals and their extreme disdain for the president barack obama where is the president's plan to save medicare. let me show it to you here if you don't have one it's a blank piece of paper president obama has not followed through with the founding principles of this country they transcend space we are the proper conservatives of years and time i like to be around american patriots who love this constitution this year though there's a sense of urgency in the world we're a country bleeding a country that is you know consumed with apathy and ignorance we're concerned about america. very concerned this is a moment in our nation's history that defines what we are as americans they peddle their ideas i believe in auditing everything ever since we lost our aaa rating i think the aaa stands for audit all agencies and their wares we don't do political
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statements instead we do a conservative you're into guns the military the bikers called out the religious freedom we have bob taught the facts of life and broken promises all in the name of conservatism so as you can see there is quite a bit of unity but just walking around what we found is that here it's just like here in washington there is still quite a bit that people disagree about i support mitt romney i guess i'm backing santorum who was your top choice herman's a good friend of mine from god to guns to saving the males well there were even some new presidential candidates floating around if corporations are the same right as people than the logical conclusions they should go to run for president and therefore wal-mart we're putting wal-mart to be the next prez of the united states but seriously for these conservatives it's game time the question now is to what extent the energy here will travel this show.
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is over. in washington pristine for sound or t. . help you break down the c pac three ring circus politician comedian dean dollar joins me now from new york hi there day and so we have been i felt interest of conservatives in attendance at this event your thoughts on the attendees. well i'll tell you i think to me see pak there to see pax to be frank with is the one the conservative mainstream one which is it's on the right and i might disagree but it's out there then there's the other sheep pack the crazy people of america convention where they invite people from the lunatic fringe who are in hate groups to speak it to me and i say hate groups are it's not my term that's a southern poverty law center's term and they've been created one hundred seventy one to monitor he groups if you have anti-gay speakers and a muslim speaker and the immigrant speakers all there at the same convention were mitt romney newt gingrich is that rick santorum numerous other senators and congressman so to me there's
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a problem when people are elected officials are rubbing shoulders with a group people they should not be there. they are saying that there are extremists walking among about acting. no doubt about i mean you have people like pamela geller and robert spencer people in the family research council who are horribly anti-gay is sort of probably listeners call them out for making statements such as you know gay people are going to lead to child the station so they're not just anti-gay marriage they're demonizing gays at the same time some of the most anti muslim anti immigrant one of the leaders of almost almost like a white nationalist group pretty peter bromley speaking about all the problems in america due to immigrants this is actually brainwashing conditioning people to be afraid of all the people who don't look like them and it's all that you know and see back to me you look at that on t.v. it's all different shades of white people very diverse so there's herman cain and allen west they are the dark shade the scary pulis and they're the only ones out there and herman cain is speaking i'm not sure what he's talking about like dating
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tips perhaps to me it really makes no sense that they're blowing the line from being a legitimate political convention talk about mainstream conservative is you might agree or disagree but that's fine that's what america's about but the same time you have these people on the far right speaking and they have no place you want to invite them to like the klan and neo nazis in the air in terror brigade because according to the poverty law center that's where they belong they're all the same and also want to talk more about what conservatives are talking about these days you mentioned a few of them earlier abortion and birth control the sanctity of marriage i mean don't we have an economic crisis going on why do they continue to sic to these talking points. it's easy they have no answers they couldn't be more i'll be is why you can't create jobs or talk about how you can create jobs or how you get the economy moving again talk about issues that while you really can't control it motivates people these are the issues that get people to come out and vote on
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election day they have them go out and tell their friends you got to vote and scares people into action look at the republican primaries the turnout for these this weeks that to caucus in the primary very very low there's no enthusiasm among the republican electorate right now the only hope they have this is the only hope scare the talk about cultural issues you know obama is going to result in a gay america and muslims are going to run this country with sharia law talk about these ridiculous things instead of the real issues that most americans we want to hear about the economy well another thing that conservatives love talking about a war and right now as we have seen from our g.o.p. presidential candidates they are not shy when it comes to using strong rhetoric and ramping up support for war with iran during obama's state of the union speech when he mentioned no options off are off the table you got this abroad or of applause but when he said a peaceful resolution is better you got kind of a couple of claps here and there what's up with this. it's not good and just today
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newt gingrich was out saying iran is planning to bomb american cities cleveland and columbus you name specifically how he knows iran is targeting those cities is beyond me but any event he literally pointed out those cities you know it's a drumbeat to war that's another way of motivating the republican base and also if you're in the republican primary a standing strongly against iran is the same time standing strongly with israel and that's really important to a lot of the republican base because christian eventual goals support of israel is not based on secular reasons but on religious theological reasons so it plays both within their party and outward to say you know i'm tough armstrong i'll protect america by blowing up other countries in the middle east once again and i'm hoping we do not do that again in iran as we do now iraq is a horrible mistake the last thing i want to ask you what is your greatest fear if a conservative becomes president you know i think my greatest fear is we get a boring conservative because i'm a comedian and i want these guys to be funny i think newt gingrich i don't like in
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any way but i think you provide a lot of material mitt romney is kind of boring he's sort of like a ken doll to be honest with you the only thing it's thing about him is his flip flopping on issues so my greatest fear as a comedian selfishly is not good enough material my greatest fear is that american is the last of what this nation supposed to stand for the idea of multiculturalism that everyone is treated fairly you don't to be a certain religion or race to have the same benefit so from a political more greater macro american point of view that's my secondary concern well luckily for you dean so far you have been given a lot of material to work with thank you for coming on to share that with the comedian dean obeidallah from aren't studio in new york thank those. and that is going to do it now for more on the stories we covered you can head on over to argue dot com slash usa there you will find my interview with contributing editor for harper's magazine scott horton he told me all about a bill that would allow for commercial and private use of drones and what it means
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for the average american and you can also check out our youtube page it's youtube dot com slash arts you merica to find out what i'm doing when i'm not reporting the news you can follow me on twitter as well as the right back here in half hour. los angeles to chicago to birmingham twenty trauma centers have closed since two thousand severe problem is not enough inpatient beds not enough urgency department beds and not enough nurses to man those to take care of all the people who are here the only real health care system that we have in the city of los angeles is the los angeles fire department in fact when i started my venture is a firefighter i didn't want to turn it around so i started out going to just do fire fighting it's about eighty two percent of what we do the florida problem is medical i've had a rescue couple weeks ago waited four hours for i've waited sometimes three hours
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but i wouldn't say saint francis in lynnwood for four hours and fifty minutes standing against a wall of patients and we have a federal law that mandates that you can't turn no one away who seeks care in an emergency room. we have the most expensive health care system in the world and it's probably valued the least.
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dot com. was the part of far more theater for three. zero more interested in responding services out to their expected us to forty three archaea wasn't a part of farming has been this bad when they're on the way are you are you with her now policy. ok is she conscious. and learning. a lot around right now. but not following and hannah both. of. what emerged from her brown. room with michael hope looking over. her quietly i warn you that they believe they are bad looking on a good woman do grima the ramp local football where will the medical want you're about
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europe that awful man i want my own damn i care not only for you for the quality of . of the hospital there you can change this like when i want to use for emergency purposes only and that in my committed out of an emerging am it is not a merchant blank i want is used for mercy purposes only as a life threatening emergencies it is not. entry.
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to the top guy let's do everything we can to help b.m.'s thirteen stats most of the news today is the parade thoughts christmas parade ten o'clock goes til about twelve thirty three engine six five and rescue two six by. three for the good of you guys that know you got. the better going on. i know you
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got it all right but in. any case nobody but me and you are now right now going right over you to death but you know what. there are aware of. this merger of the amateur radio on the way. out is telling the truth. about a twenty five foot tall. consumer thing is a lot of things. i think until i see about the with truth on the fourth. part of the human you're told that it's me holding up a. tennis player. a lot of people. don't act fast enough to get into the silly season and
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get in there fast and. take a deep breath. again. but i first came in here four years ago we were averaging nine fifty a day. there were averaging over twelve hundred thirty one hundred calls my runs the day i could well have first. got here. we handle six hundred thousand and we're to see calls a year but the calls are on the inside there's been an explosion in call load it's about eighty two percent of what we do the fire department is medical bills. so that seven roger person has not learned are you a good fit for you now is the address of your emergency or is there any please that is there bleeding. heart i just don't know if you are the strong one you'd be ok i want to talk her rescue operations for me is that i want to have our medical records are you there with you right now that you are ok listen very carefully and
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it is already on the way what i need to find out from you right now is she conscious conscious beings awake the rising demand for ema services increasing every year our u.s. runs are going up two percent and hospitals are closing in the last four years about ten hospitals close so it's less and less hospitals thruster take over five hundred seventeen patients every day you get the rest you get there they evaluate your situation has been referred to as the perfect storm in the county of los angeles just getting bigger and bigger in this there's no no relief in sight if you're having a health crisis you'd like to think you can count on getting quick treatment in a hospital emergency rooms across the country today many emergency rooms were packed e.r. visits have grown thirty two percent in the last decade but there are seven percent fewer emergency rooms from los angeles to chicago to birmingham twenty trauma centers have closed since two thousand severe if you know what's happening in the city of los angeles and in southern california is ground zero for what we're seeing
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nationwide with the crisis with emergency services. and the inpatient beds per capita lowest in the country and what we've seen recently is the only real health care system that we have in the city of los angeles is the los angeles fire department and because we become the de facto health care system. this is the canary in the mauling of health care throughout the united states and outstanding thank you. general. corley statistical information this is big stuff right here oh yeah. mr timber you miss incident. kurdish. eight hundred twenty seven.
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john. what's a look what's a real popular one. difficult for the short distance for a little kid it was still really breathing for all those the number one to call the . station sixty five is in the south los angeles area of our city. they actually have to paramedic rescues down there one of our busiest engine companies we have in the city of los angeles and unfortunately can't keep personnel that long there they come there they gather a lot of experience in a relatively short period of time and they want to go on to a better place. people will. still be a. thief three x.
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. firefighters at first were even e m t's and then they became e m t's and from my understanding it's a lot of firefighters pocket that maybe one of the e.m.'s in fact when i started my venture is a firefighter i didn't want to do me a mass and i started out want to just do firefighting and be told us go get your mt license i said i think you know period and you can do it and i took an e.m.t. course and i thought all right i'll do it took the class just to get the license to try to get hired i was only thing i was planning on doing it was just using the license to get out and it turned out that i truly enjoyed the events aspect of it as well with my job where it was that it started with any us company making those five bucks an hour for about four years five years which a lot of us had to do. i think. our fire code has played an important role in
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driving down the volume and spirit of fires and because that is the reality what we need is more ambulances. ten years ago with half the analysts is that we have now you know now we have all of them some medical services in the city of los angeles. from the time you dial nine one one here in our dispatch center tell the time you get to the hospital it's one service the one you want to family member to come with you to the hospital we want him to know. that you. care. to go see this leg. and.
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leave him know. there are emergency room is very important. we see about three thousand patients a month through demurred city park but. we had a day the other day where we saw hundred ten in one day and it was exciting and your name is stephanie said just reach your sorry buddy the lady you looking for i think her my mom ok i've had a lot of pain and. where my legs get now in the news it's that you're in a doctor's office today and she was concerned he had blood by the way he had one before when you're pregnant there's a pressure right now so when you were increasing the staff in and trying to find a room where there's never been a room like you know closets hallways things like that. start examining the hallways because about three times it's. an hour so there.
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are certain things the problem is not enough inpatient beds not enough urgency department beds and not enough nurses to mandals that to take care of all the people who are here. we may have a hospital full of patients no beds upstairs where all patients are equally are because there's no beds upstairs and we do the best we can where we can't turn them away. and we have a federal law that mandates that if you can't turn no one away who seeks care in an emergency room. the reality is is that these people don't have primary care physicians that they can call so you're going to end up in the emergency room and i think that if we had a system where everyone had access to care they would this would not be happening because they would they would call their doctor.
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the rest listen to please the rest. i personally would. rather. go wrong. and see the way three months earlier. what's worse i know the sort of right just being there for this bank really. even playing chess which is little different than what we want to see us for the granting of your heart she was going all right right now let's do it with your rhythm i want to make sure for your. very question but never take any sex leniency drugs in the last twenty four hours that you are ok. oh. dear i'm sorry for believing that in treatment you're the mother son and more clear you know we're going to start ok high that sequence number in the special is
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b. as in boy you two six six five four four six five he is now adamantly refusing the hospital there were rising on the wrists complication up to and including down. he's willing to accept those responsibilities. times the hospital they want to speak with you. know every team body on talk to. yellow. if it were. some people are just like that you know they get the tree man they don't want to they don't want to go yeah a lot of point and then. as precious but. a lot of times they don't have the medicine they can't get the medicine they can't afford the medicine or they sell it for other things. but this is it up and take it back to dhaka so because of that
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a lot of them tend to use more for primary care than fresh somebody sees. for individuals don't have access to health care or amulets to show up with our paramedics on there and that's it that's the closest thing those people see to a doctor over here so we're actually a doctor in a box if you will and i remember the service. there are going to. i'm not really. i make sure everybody stops and then are certain. to want to be more. just resigned ok we're going to hear martin luther king ok they're not going to go . you should go we're strongly recommending it we can't force you to go when i have a good healthy baby right there that's going to hospital let you know if the right you know you need.


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