tv [untitled] February 9, 2012 9:18pm-9:48pm EST
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twice said i don't think so much about bin laden i don't really care about bin laden george w. bush and there's this idea that there's a tape out there that proves that barack obama didn't really want to go get the shows i'm going to share with us you know exactly you know what it is it's like the way the tape remember michelle obama why the tape during a campaign which i'm going to talk about fox news all the time we never heard that tape never never it didn't exist it's amazing it's like the secret journals in the eight hundred sixty it's all there anyway. this president seems to have faced a more personal attacks than any previous presidents. a number of people have suggested that it's largely because of his african-american heritage but others have suggested the no it's just i mean that's probably a piece of it certainly the racist vote it is out there you know exaggerated because of this but others have suggested that we're just at a time when politics have gotten more vitriolic than probably since the mckinley
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administration and maybe he's since since the civil war what's you know you're pretty savvy on this stuff what's your take on this and looking at the big arc of things boy it's so complicated i went back and just looked at. personal attacks against pres and let me back up and say i think you and i both agree criticism of any president is legitimate that's who we are as americans i go to the white house every day for the briefings every day there are people in from the white house who are protesting something some policy but you know what i was glad to see them makes me feel like yeah you know we can do this right but the but the attacks against this president have been personal and and ugly and negative and part of it is i think that we live in this that politics has descended to that level or gone back to it i mean if you go back to thomas jefferson versus john adams that was pretty ugly personal stuff too but since then i think barack. obama
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has has been the target of more again personal ugly attacks than any president since abraham lincoln that i could find well and lincoln whom we consider saint abraham in his day he was reviled they made fun of his teeth his days as well he had the civil war his and in in the case of adams and jefferson two years before that election jefferson literally left town the day that adams signed the petition x. and adams and threw into jail all eighteen editors of all eighteen years papers that supported the end of federalist the support of jefferson's party so i mean there was there was some considerable animists there some actual something that you could actually point to what has obama done that the hate machine can actually point to no nothing but i think it's the it's to me. i analyze it this way that he is for the republicans right his policies really are not that radical at all sure and i wish they were exclaim here brooke i wish he were the liberal that they
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accuse of of being i wish you were the left us right he's not i wish you were the socialist bernie sanders another one in the white house you know a great he's not so they can go after his policies because his policies are reflects so much look at the auto bailout who started it not barack obama george bush look at tarp who started it not barack obama george bush or you continually been signed so they exactly so they have to go after him on the personal level to try to bring him down and what they've done is the word i use is the other ring president obama now part of that is a skin color but this is not a book saying that he's a racist his name. product of a mixed marriage he was not born on the mainland america maybe he wasn't even born in the united states at all he spent time when he was growing up in indonesia he's got a name like a rock hussein obama so they take that and paint him as not like a regular american not even a regular america. if you do you have never accepted never accepted him as
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a legitimate president and in writing this one this is a not inconsiderable book and there's a there's a lot of really good and important stuff in here in writing this book and i'm curious what was the thing that most surprised you. i think it was the koch brothers and how. and by the way the people who are behind this obama hate machine charles and david koch they are the uniquely or almost no but no but they're the principal players they we know we know warren buffett we know bill gates right who knows the third and fourth wealthiest men in america with a combined wealth of fifty billion dollars charles and david koch you know we don't hear about that they have given more money to politics than anybody else george soros is a penny pincher compared to these guys and they are everywhere tom the obama hate machine the koch brothers the heritage foundation koch brothers cato institute the
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koch brothers the tea party who put the money up for the buses for the rallies the koch brothers freedom works dick armey is operation the koch brothers americans for prosperity the koch brothers two weeks ago they had a meeting in palm springs with their corporate buddies and they pledged one hundred million dollars. to defeat barack obama this year and that's just one meeting the have another meeting in the fall so these guys are have your scott walker in wisconsin the koch brothers john case is going to hire the koch brothers you know what some people call their operation the coke to puss because they have so many arms and they're so. i didn't realize how extensive their operation was i just saw the sort of it's the it's the realization of fred their dad's vision when he started the john birch society in some ways you know of of putting although i think he had a genuine fear that communism was going to destroy america do you think that the that these guys have a genuine fear that obama's going to destroy america they must know that he's not a social i think they have on this guided fear that obama is going to destroy
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america based on what is what i don't understand because koch industries like most corporations in this country are making more money than they ever did before. but they i mean they have benefited immensely from the obama administration and the policies here and yet they really see him as the enemy of american capitalism and i think he's the engineer of american capitalism if you look at it look at what's happened in well you know you can look back in history and see that franklin roosevelt saved american capitalism and he went a whole lot farther than obama has and i think frankly obama's going to go more in that direction if he's going to save american gaff if there's another interesting parallel here us in the story and know is that when franklin roosevelt it was the dupont brothers there were five of them that went after. and he took them on with these economic. hide behind the flag in the constitution have
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met their match in the first four years and the next four years they will meet their master and he said at madison square garden it was great and then bill clinton had richard mellon scaife just one guy corporate so now the next iteration is the koch brothers funding this whole tool in this whole machine. barack obama is there in the i wish he would take them on the way practice roosevelt that he just authorized people to give money to is his super pac not his super pac but there supports him. which only has like six million bucks in or something like that all these results at least until they raise the last come you know as a poet and mitt romney spent twice that much in just his super pac spent twice that much in south carolina florida what in the minute we have left what is the what is the future of this campaign how can how can you go up against two brothers who literally could take the amount of money they make in a year and drop it into a campaign and change the white house and probably have the house i hate to say it
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but i think the only way you go up against them is you're never going to backs them but just to raise as much money as you can given the opportunity to have i know you're going to be talking about super pacs later you know i think they're. you know abhorrent but they are legal today and if the other side is using the super pacs to raise as much corporate money as they can i think you have to meet them on their ground and and i would i would add to that i hate to say that but i would add to their grassroots activists totally need to get as many people engaged as possible with shoe leather and and we got yes we got to go to a point just quick point and did you see half of obama's donors were two hundred dollars or less there you go there you go bill press thanks so much for being with us the book the obama hate machine the lies distortions and personal attacks of the president and who is behind check it out. great.
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krazy alert sacred sperm in response to a parenthood bill introduced in oklahoma defining human life as beginning at the moment of conception oklahoma state senator constance johnson decided to make fun of the ridiculous legislation by introducing her own amendment to the built a memo declares every sperm cell sacred it would outlaw among other things oral sex and masturbation or any other sex act the does not lead to sperm finding its quote rightful place in quote despite the overwhelming satirical nature of the of an eraser the good point when it comes to the absurdity of personhood legislation why should republicans stop at defining a fertilized egg with only fifty percent potential becoming a baby a person let's just call every sperm cell a baby make most sexual acts illegal and turn most teenage males in america into serial killers and then call it a day. after the break a firestorm has erupted over president obama's controversial hospital one decision
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go back to the big picture on thom hartmann coming up in this half hour president obama handed the right wing a big mallet this week with his birth control mandate was the most a motivation behind the decision and what effects will backlash also rick santorum swept the primaries and caucuses on tuesday it is wealthy a supporter standing right next to him at politicians officially turned in the puppets with the wealthy elite pulling the strings and illinois law says it's illegal for civilians to videotape police officers fifteen years in prison if this isn't changed how will it affect the occupy movements plans to show up in chicago the g eight and they don't need. president obama really ticked off a lot of people with his recent decisions to require religious institutions
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hospitals specifically or for offer free contraception in their employer sponsored health insurance plans or the left democrats are saying it's a politically unwise decision heading into an election year and all the right republicans are saying it's an all out assault against the gazans are going to war on religion and rick santorum is saying that the president is about to resume resurrect rose pier and bring back the french revolution's be a team that's what life is a government that will tell you who you are what you do and when you do. want to live in france became the guillotine. ladies and gentlemen we are a long way from that but if we do. and follow the path the president obama and his own heart hostility to think in america. then we are headed down that road. start investigating companies now according to rick santorum their stock is
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about to go through the roof but another crazy argument for the man and dog guy shouldn't distract us so what's the bigger picture of president obama's decision to break this down with me as tommy christopher a correspondent white house reporter at media. welcome back thanks for having me tom good to have you with us what do you make of the reaction the reaction of the media to this story and while the media either is that a horrible job on this story and then part of that is because the obama administration has done a great job either. the entire that the dominant theme of this has been no this is an assault on religious liberty and i think that's because the administration didn't come out very aggressively and frame this as an issue of equal protection for women which that's the conversation that we should be having that the media should be having at the very least and that that conversation should be equal to the concerns of religions which i'm not blind to but there's a different dream saying you know that we're it's a warm religion and we're trampling our religious liberty and saying you know what it would be nice if we could accommodate diligence while still protecting women
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equally might might take on this is where the only one of the thirty four nations the only one of the fully developed nations in the world doesn't have a common health care system at its core you know a government owned sponsored a paid for health care system and therefore what has come into the end and that you know they'll have religious ones around the periphery but what has happened is because of that there are whether it's the seventh day adventists loma linda or whether it's the catholics or other groups we have religious hospitals that have become part of the religion part of the health care commons and i think frankly the argument the debate i understand agree with the women's issue debate but i think that it really should be if we had a national health care system then and all the religious hospitals were moved out of the periphery so that they could say you know we're only going to serve our own people we're only that. hire our own people we're only going to be our own people we're here for us and you can have you know one for orthodox jews and you go as
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many as you want one for catholics and one for fundamentalist christians and one percent of the one for you know and whatever it may be then it would be an issue that this should be a national healthcare issue the failure of our health care system that well sure well i think you know if you if we did have national health care i'm going to do you know move them to the for free or die and i think what's being confused here is that i don't see running a hospital as the practice of religion you know i mean it can you sort of christians i mean that was one of jesus' main injunctions he went around healing the sick people you know heal the sick matthew twenty four yet. if they're if they want to do that if they want to run a clinic where you lay on hands and you know that's practicing religion that's fine but i mean. that's what you're saying if they're going to treat the general public then you know then i think they have to decide do they want to be and do they want to be in that business or not you know and you know i don't see that you know if there were national health care and they could say well because i you know i don't think churches want to do that i don't think they want to say oh we're going to
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treat our own kind you know. mask a political observation i wish. you great palaces come out with a really interesting op ed piece of the senator just just came out a few hours ago and he suggests that the people who are the big money people behind that romney names and through the through piece really aren't happy with romney and that they could have spent just a little tiny bit of money in colorado for example just a one media market just just a couple thousand bucks basically they had romney when they chose not to and what they're trying to do is end up with a brokered convention so that they can and because they're pulling the strings and they're the big money guys they can and they've already tried to get christie in once so they can get christie in as the as the candidate rubio as well as his v.p. and all these other guys will be gone i'm curious what your thoughts are on that that conspiracy theory does your well i'm on the specifics and there's no way christie is going to run this year. and probably not really even if he's drafted you know because you know i especially now that the economy is looking up and the
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president's approval ratings start to turn around you know it's going to be hard to beat him and you know if you've got a billion bucks well yeah but i mean if you're chris christie you know when you much rather run in two thousand and sixteen against you know if you're not in common you know against somebody else and certainly you're not going to hurt the republican incumbent senator i don't think i don't think christie i think the problem with that whole theory. you know i can see what he's saying about the money but the problem with drafting somebody like christie or jeb bush is that these guys don't want to get in this year they want to wait two thousand and sixteen but the money people are looking at the supreme court and they're looking at the strategically and they know that if they're going to continue to be able to own our elections it's going to require maintaining that five four majority on the court because the minute they lose that battle get reversed and suddenly the big money people be standing on the outside looking in on him but if they want to i mean there's range at that or do they want to have somebody out of the white house or they're part of the right but i think the problem with that that it falls apart when you try to figure out who the hell they're going to draft because i honestly
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don't think christie or jeb bush or anybody would have a brain is going to i mean why do you this field is so weak welcome rubio gave a gave a knock out of the ballpark speech today at c pac i mean you know he could be the next barack obama i think yeah exactly we have perhaps why in twenty six you put him with somebody like joe biden who's you know kind of an ok guy and you know number two same way right exactly why would why do rubio or christie want to shoot there why this year wait to twenty sixteen and then you know run against somebody else and i don't know i mean the democrats on that well it's a good question and that's that's why you know i've also wondered if biden and hillary might switch i'll say that i don't know if. it's an interesting one to see . by the way romney speaks french i want to know when your time with a good thing probably does speak for i was surprised that that santorum didn't point that out i was going to get seen things that you know i think the most under-reported story. the last week or two was one and you can tell me if this was just a wild rumor i read in two different places was that his kids gave an interview in
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the last couple of weeks and one of them that they were asked the story about the dog in the rough and what i'm told the story that when they finally got to canada and took the dog off the roof the dog ran away and nobody's ever seen him since now i did hear that someone can imagine me yeah i know it may well be i could create i can't say. i don't i mean first of all they're in canada right so you know there was there was a guy who showed up you know he was dogs against romney you saw that with he had to get a kennel on the top of his car with a with the stuff of stuffed dog in it and the police pulled his car for its to actively thought it was an old home and they're going to say even the dog might universal health care their way in canada. universal health care women's rights interesting stuff tommy christopher thanks a lot for dropping by tonight from it's always great getting your insights into your shit you know we're the only nation in the world that doesn't have a government sponsored health care system at the center of those leaving religious institutions on the fringes and health care should be a basic right here in america provided by we the people to all of us if that was
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the case in america today that president obama wouldn't have even needed to make the decision he did and rick santorum wouldn't be complaining about getting let's make health care human basic human right here in america just like in every other developed nation the world already exists it's called medicare and it's available to all our seniors added eat to it call it medicare party and make it available to everyone and religiousness to sions can run their own institutions for their own people and not inflict their religious beliefs of people who don't share. it's the good the bad and the very very ill lakra maybe the lists lee again the good. lyla borough. burroughs had one wish before she died last september she wanted to help the homeless so she left her condo the city of san francisco to turn
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into a shelter city now is deciding whether to convert the burros condo into a shelter or sell it and with the assets of the city's homeless fund the five hundred thousand dollars spect and sale price of the condo would help the city put up one hundred fifty families and housing would help those facing foreclosure stay in their homes in time of corporate greed runs amok class warfare is all the rage and millions are living in poverty it's heartwarming to see a relatively unknown person do so much good for those in need the bad this is the state representative steve holland as if it wasn't clear that there's a growing anti mexican immigrant sentiment in many parts of america holland came up with a new way to help show mississippi's particular distaste for mexicans introduced a bill house bill one fifty in mississippi would rename the gulf of mexico to the gulf of america. here we go with the freedom fries controversy all over again unfortunately for hollande he and his amigos can't actually rename an international
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body of water they can only change how the state refers to it somehow the bill has garnered enough support to make its way to a committee and if approved would go and approved would go into effect just before independence day time and maybe holland should focus on more pressing issues like the level of poverty in the state subpar education system. and the very very ugly hampshire republican state legislators hampshire's republican controlled legislature wants to get rid of. lunch breaks yes you heard the lunch breaks they recently introduced a bill to repeal a law requiring employers to give their employees time off for lunch the main rationale for the bill is that all employers will give their workers time for lunch . because the goodness of their hearts just like scrooge would have provided for bob cratchit out of the goodness of his heart to have republicans clearly don't remember how many companies like for example wal-mart were sued how many times for
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denying workers a lunch break is simply no room for goodness in the heart in the corporate playbook nowadays it's all about squeezing whatever profit they can out of their workers and then answer legislature thinks that's just fine and that's very fair. coming up in tonight's daily take a large subplot of the occupy movement as good as been civilian journalism spreading the movement so what will happen in chicago this summer the big g. eight nato meeting where that's illegal.
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it's thursday so it's time for my favorite topic because i'm a total science geek geeky science as you might be aware i was out the past two days because i was battling bronchitis and the flu and for those those two days i was fasting they're always found the old adage of starve a fever at least for me is true and now promising new research on mice shows it may work with more than just a common run a virus fasting may actually weaken tumors and help the process of chemotherapy be more efficient in fighting the disease the research conducted at the university of
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southern california showed that the combination of fasting cycles plus chemotherapy was either more or much more effective than chemo alone according to walt valter longo professor of german talaga biology sciences interestingly longo and colleagues also conducted a study in two thousand and eight that demonstrated how fast fasting protected normal and healthy cells from the effects of chemotherapy treatment most studies analyzed the effect of fasting on various types of cancer including breast cancer skin cancer and for a brain cancer all of the cancers study showed that fasting combined with chemotherapy slowed the growth of tumors and limited their spread throughout the body while extensive testing with fasting on humans with cancer has yet to be performed positive results seem very possible fasting has previously been shown to be helpful with a variety of other human problems human health problems for instance has been shown to help the immune system fight off colds and infection faster and has even been
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shown to help alleviate high levels of anxiety and stress small study of ten cancer patients conducted in two thousand and ten showed the fancy passing along with chemotherapy treatments cause the patients to have fewer side effects of the drug so be it the flu or something much nastier it may well be that just taking a break from eating for a few days is one of the best things you can do for your body. question a lot of republicans are asking themselves right now as how the heck is rick santorum still in this race this is man and dog rick santorum we're talking about a guy whose name is synonymous with. google so how's he doing it. the answer a guy named foster friess that guy who is standing behind rick santorum on tuesday night as santorum delivered his victory speech friso used to be
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a supporter of romney in two thousand and eight jumped ship is now using his fortune to be the leading contributor to see in terms of corporate super pac known as the red white and blue fund he's admitted to giving at least three thousand three hundred thousand dollars to the cause but friess won't say how much more he's invested in santorum is this good for our democracy should one millionaire or billionaire be able to keep a candidate in the race and what strings are attached to the money of santorum or any other super pac owned candidate wins paul sherman joins me now as an attorney with the institute for justice paul walker thank you tom but we have you with us so we apparently no longer have people running we have the front men for corporate or special interest or whatever groups running it's like the groups are running against each other super pacs against each other how is that good for democracy well i don't think that's an accurate statement of what's going on here what's happening is that groups are spending money on political speech and so.
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