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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EST

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america holds one permanent seat but when it comes to weapons the world's largest arms exporter is often seen as sitting on two chairs they say there isn't an international embargo on arms preventing them from doing that that is a fact but that doesn't change the immorality of supplying a dictatorial regime that is killing its people in massive numbers every day and we are are deeply concerned about that as u.s. officials continue publicly scolding countries over relations with syria critics say the accusations are being thrown from a tremendous glasshouse the us is a hugely difficult in this regard because they've long been the largest arms dealer and most of those weapons the us sold the story quickly more than four hundred billion dollars worth of since the one nine hundred sixty s. have gone to the middle east and you can't argue. seriously that it's made that region any more stable in the past few years nearly fifty percent of u.s.
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weapons exports have been flowing to the middle east many countries with the biggest appetite for american weapons have also made headlines for carrying out brutal crackdowns against dissidents and opposition groups if you are you're ok and they're thugs you're not i mean this is for all of us who have been overseas the duplicity and. of american foreign policy is painfully. evident according to congressional figures america has sold one point four billion dollars worth of weapons to bahrain since two thousand and america struck its single biggest arms deal when saudi arabia ordered sixty billion dollars worth of arms the us has long subsidize the israeli military and recently supplied them with bunker buster bombs experts say this strategic arming of middle eastern countries is aimed at iran and . pending u.s.
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dominance in the region. is going on why. don't. you know human why. it's all about some geopolitical f.b.i. whistle blowers sibel edmonds has accused america of playing particularly dirty while leading a campaign for regime change in syria but it's not some kind of. simultaneously op rising situation where people are a ballet and then suddenly they are mysteriously arms and mysteriously arms are being smuggled into syria from turkey well who who is providing this arms nobody's asking in the us media well these are u.s. arms shipped to turkey this is the u.s. military complex flush with record revenue continues to lobby its interests on capitol hill arms manufacturers are some of the biggest companies in america they're some of the most powerful lockheed martin not only do they make it so for
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the defense department around the world there are federal contractors and many other levels are you going to vote in elections this statue outside the u.n. headquarters is a symbol of global peace and nonviolence but critics say the idea has been twisted by the u.s. which goes around advocating peace while arming countless conflicts all for the sake of profit marina point ny r.t. new york. curtis doebbler activist and international human rights lawyer told me earlier that he thinks a syrian solution must come from within and that foreign interference would be a mistake. in syria i think it is a matter of there are some very legitimate interest in the country of people who would like to be able to participate more in their government and i think the government has made some effort to respond i think it needs to make more of an effort but i don't think that comes through foreign intervention it comes through the indigenous processes of the people in the country if you look at any foreign
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intervention over the last several years you see that after the foreign intervention many more people died then could have possibly died through any type of indigenous process even one involving violence and i think that moscow and some of its allies on this matter are very wise and seen the pitfalls of foreign intervention and as the u.n. charter makes it very clear that the use of force should only be the last possible means of trying to deal with the conflict. couldn't stop an activist international szymon rights lawyer talking about and learn from geneva. people in russia are becoming more and more involved in the political structure in their country ahead of next month's presidential election a group of journalists bloggers and proactive figures have created a league of voters in a bit to make the upcoming vote fair and transparent you got to spin off reports.
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it doesn't take long to find videos of alleged violations during the recent parliamentary vote in russia just a couple of clicks is enough and scores of these files have flooded the internet and even though most of the allegations are still to be proven in courts tens of thousands of people have been taking to the streets demanding fair elections with marches presidential votes just around the corner events are unfolding quickly where. people want to vote responsibly and to know where their votes go the ones political competition independent courts and media forming voters league is not our achievement the idea was floating in the air the voters league was officially founded in january by a group of journalists bloggers activists artists writers and other public figures on steroids waiting tedious like t.v. host and now activist. ladies in africa or the head of
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a charity fund and blogger it is the idea that bianca also known as dr lisa. ordinator of the blue buckets movement fighting for equal rights on roads for everyone. our league is an opportunity to gather people who are not indifferent to what's happening the more people with a civil position there are the better the league's main goal is to ensure fair elections it's published a list of initiatives on the web divided into groups that everyone can be a part of public discussions and online votes are the key instrument. it's letters have been sent to all presidential candidates asking them to cooperate with the week and even though the project is less than a month old everyone has so far agreed including pledging little to another candidate businessman mikhail prokhorov has already struck a deal with the leak you have to go on willing to authorize one hundred fifty thousand league observers would also arrange to put together
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a unified database to keep track of the election points because according to its founders around ten thousand observers are needed to ensure a fair election in moscow alone. it's great that the civil society wants to be more active but it's really important not to cross the line and observers not only are positioned it is serious so for the mutations not to teach science in the political process. the league's founders say they'll shut the organisation down if it ever starts turning into a political movement claiming there are keen to work with all candidates equally there's no doubt society has changed more people want to have more influence on russia's political life perhaps that's why it took less than one month for the vote was leaked to establish ties with both the authorities and the opposition and with the help promise from candidates the league just may secure enough access to effectively monitor the vote in march as long as it avoids taking sides and protects its neutrality is going off r t moscow. rating agency standard and
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poor's has added more fuel to the european debt by downgrading virtually all of its own these top banks thirty four out of thirty seven institution has been hit including massive banks such as unit credit and tessa sumpin and it's another blow after the agency cut it in the sovereign ratings last month by two notches as part of a mass downgrade of nine eurozone countries starting to pause explain the move saying with italy's economy heading into recession the banks may become able to pay off their wholesale debts. meanwhile the greek prime minister has failed to put an end to the country's recession next year if a deal on the next bailout is reached lucas papademos has also threatened to fire any ministers in his interim government who would oppose an agreement six cabinet members of already resigned over the proposed deal. serious doubts over the plan spread to the streets of athens where police used tear gas at protesters to hold rocks and molotov cocktails the trouble came as workers staged
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a two day union strike in response to a fresh batch of belt tightening measures demanded by the creditors after a tough deal the greek parliament is due to vote on the starting package on sunday all monday eurozone finance ministers put the second bailout worth one hundred thirty billion euros on hold saying they want to see concrete action on a machinist but a focus he's told me earlier that he thinks the e.u. leaders are only looking to secure their own financial stability. this government was always expendable the point of putting it in place was to ensure that this deal goes through. it's my prediction that it will go through and there is governing lapse once it. is done these measures are part of a loan package the purpose of which is to delay. the steady disintegration of the euro zone and give more time to germany's politicians to find out what they're
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going to do with their with the german and the french banks which are insolvent so greece is being sacrificed on the altar of the european procrastination while whoever is doing it is creating a very severe. medical issue by means of course if you go on a bit of ice cream what is happening here is that greeks are being threatened they keep borrowing money from germany from france from the i.m.f. from the e.c.b. we know that to keep repaying the northern european and greek banks then they're going to be thrown out over years of this is of course an empty threat here we have people six hundred euros a month who would have to believe one hundred fifty euros a month while at the same time inflation is increasing and taxation is going through the roof. a police officer has been killed and another injured a special forces rounded militants in a house and dagestan in russia's volatile north caucuses the operation is that the village of key with fast still being exchanged reports suggest there are up to five militants inside believed to be members of a wanted terrorist group additional forces are being mobilized to the scene. we're
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just getting news in at the moment that man has pleaded guilty to a plot to kill u.s. president barack obama will bring you more on that story as we get it one that certain to one of the stories from around the world at this stage of the day in our world update eleven militants have been killed and over a dozen wounded in pakistan after local security forces fired artillery shells at their suspected hideouts the crackdown took place in the tribal region where dozens of died in fighting between soldiers and insurgents over the last few weeks pakistan's military has been conducting anti terror operations including and since the beginning of the year. nigerian authorities have rearrested an alleged leader of a radical islam a sect in the east of the country he escaped last month from police custody accused of masterminding the violent christmas day bombing that killed at least forty four the militants whose aim is to establish sharia law in nigeria killed over one hundred eighty people in
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a series of attacks in the city of cairo last month. a planned strike by police in rio de janeiro over low pay could jeopardize next week's annual carnival it's part of a group a rise of thirty nine percent over the next two years lauren forces are demanding double similar industrial action in the city of salvador saw the murder rate double the one hundred twenty people killed during a nine day police strike and thousands of soldiers may be deployed in brazil's capital to provide security. for germany's delayed signing the controversial act a treaty after the justice ministry voiced concerns anti-piracy accord stirred up mass protests across the world a backlash that for several countries to postpone its ratification in the distillation aims to slash the amount of power to online content and protect intellectual property while critics say it would harm freedom of speech by censoring the internet. that's it for me from i'll be back with some of our main news stories in about fourteen minutes from now in the meantime coming up in just
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a few seconds all of these moscow acting takes off to explore when to wonders on the outskirts of the russian capital stay with us for that.
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while some people embrace the winter and all the frost filled if it is that come with it others like to hide into was staying in from the dark nights and zero temperatures. sleep and relaxation just like various animals hibernate is an escape for many yes but still outside life carries on however cold the weather gets away from noisy traffic and the chaos of city center living reality checks can be a good thing. it's fresh air. and exercise that can eat skate the city wrap up warm and venture outside. hello martin here now it seems every day that i get invited to various parties and other vents by different organizations i'm people but i have to admit it just gets tough. after a while so i thought. outside the certain sense of come face to face with. a
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true. life white man scapes the science of snow just sort of james and breathtaking nature frozen in time just take a look at these beautiful sights. as the largest country in the world to seep in magnificent scenery people flock to this country each year to enjoy when try to seize hosted by fun loving and spits a precious. muscovites deal with months of freezing temperatures have learned to make the best of the season they celebrate and cherish what ever the weather brings. to fishing region as many areas where you can i spent a popular sports here fishing season generally last from december until march it's my first time trying this out first to take the sheets i screw drive all the as
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a school pressure and strength as needed and eventually to break free i guess you can see the water ice fishing is about patience the short ride in the small tracks the fish. wait. i see something i think. well. look at cats more it's a success. the reasons why russians are so passionate about fishing on various. the chance to pick their skills against nature and to spend time in the open at food like minded people ice fishing can be enjoyed as part of a stay in a nearby holiday resorts it presents a variety of entertainment programs by the children for grown ups and the company also provides. in being good for him vironment. for star resort is
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eco friendly and it situated in pollution free area of the moscow region one of the main attractions of the place is its location on the banks of the easter want to reserve or surrounded by beautiful untouched nature older cottages here are built of natural materials like northern pine woods. of course in moscow and the surrounding region there are various winter sports one can enjoy such as snowboarding cross-country skiing or ice skating but on this show myself and the production team are going to try and bring you something a little more creative follow me. i'm here to try to have a ski dog sledding and straight off it's into the sled and off we go you can either sit or stand and there's a break at the back which controls like a friends at the front. is a medium sized dense coach working dog breed that comes in different colors with
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our club is called. to alaska it was founded in one thousand nine hundred eighty and is located at the park in moscow we have ten siberian huskies our club offers various the magic riding experiences in sled pulled by the dogs and there are excursions around the park master classes in managing the sleds and extreme night riding and also a special family trip to russian santas mansion is very popular among the visitors joined by the only team we frantically slide through the forest in other words they love the snow job just stand guard and pass it. sliding over the hills and through the forest this is an excellent attraction anyone can enjoy. well i'll turn it of way of traveling in the woods about the so this is great for. dogs are just beautiful but so well off and anyone committed to
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the center and try the south across one thousand roubles that's around thirty dollars for a twenty minute ride. talks letting the bins of transportation and snowy climates is relatively outdated thanks to the snowmobile talks telling still remains popular in certain circles such as remote areas of russia. today in moscow and in other code the city's rather well dog sledding is most often seen as a competition sports and of course such amazing dogs a popular as pets. the most popular one sport has to be either snowboarding or skiing including downhill or cross country there are several places where you can enjoy such sports in the capital and surrounding areas outside the city there are various resorts such as volunteer. and they venture park. although please take note research well when it comes to prices as in the peak season deposits real charge is still high and refreshments to make a day trip
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a weekend very very expensive. because while there is no deterrent to many tourists who visit mr joining cold months they want to see russia in full each week to glory releases a lady and a few adventurous you can bridge to eventually to the russian region in search of terry taylor images and unusual tractions inflatable enhanced cheeping as it's called is extremely popular here an alternative to a sledge to grip the handles and slide down a slope covered hills purposely built track and ability to get charles to discuss any fear will push down the route. just like a roller coaster we plummet down the slope fortunately we have lots of space in the frozen river stop what's. was terrified. yes amazingly it was it was good for and it was scary to start with but
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it was a really really enjoyable experience tell me it's the middle of the frozen wrist and winter why must you come here to moscow and i we wanted to experience something totally different and we thought why not come to moscow when it's going to be really cold and see it for exactly what it is and it has been amazing if you're wrapped you know absolutely fine because in the u.k. i mean it's what. the temperature is you know in the winter it feels different it does i don't think people dress properly in the u.k. for the cold weather but here you kind of way tights long johns big hot gloves and you're absolutely fine we went ice skating yesterday in gorky park and it was the most fantastic experience but we really was. amid the tree lights on it was really lovely i don't think people realize how exciting it is here it's absolutely fantastic and we've just had the best time i recommend anyone coming brilliant. i
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not for the first time in gold the park i was rubbish but it was good it's amazing people here just embrace this this weather the seasons and they just passionate about it and celebrated in the u.k. but it's not everyone just. starving. everything's closed and you know. yeah but here it's just you know people just get on with life and. just go on live how you know live and work how they have to do and i think it's great that everyone certainly embraces the russian winter whatever the weather from minus thirty plus thirty would you recommend anybody to come here to moscow definitely definitely tell my friends to just. lots of ok there's so much to do here just. brilliant so cultural. and yeah i'd love to come back. well it was great to meet you and i wish you luck in your next crazy
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sporting event thank you for. saving the best for last that screws of a frozen lives and drive of a deep blanket some cleaning snow on snowmobile speeding to the rescue countryside under a soft sky is a fantastic and gentle end exploring the moscow region. insulated snowsuit so clothes are needed and gloves boots and crushed helmets are provided if you open your helmet you really feel the wind on your face and feel the true speed racing across the state we feel the frozen river atop a snowmobile is a great way to see the region's breathtaking scenery just look at these wonderful winter images. wow. that was fantastic was the high. well the strains
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here on the frozen lake and with the first thing is. winter is a dynamic time in the person capital and the muster region offerings unique possibilities to travel to experience russian culture traditions and sporting activities and as my restaurant my cousin party invites regime of my return to the capital maybe it's time to spend time effort and money on other she pops activities besides winter exercising coming face to face with nature is only good thing for the soul russia rocks in the winter and a trip to moscow region with all its incredible winter activities is something not to be missed. wow what a day absolutely brilliant although we really did just highlight a few of the winter sports available here i'm definitely coming. it's the moscow
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region again next week although i think these new hobbies might be a little difficult for my colleagues well fortunately that's how we have left on this program for me i must go out production crew here bye bye for now. mom dad it's me do you think you can let me some more money have some new skis i want to buy. coke. culture is that so much given to each musician on the market the fate in the battle for syria the international community is as divided as the syrians themselves when it comes to resolving a situation. please
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. please. just say. six. six six. six. six. six. but i'm just gonna sleep strive for somebody in australia during the early on. in the early nineteenth. leave it to the man yeah if you want to have sex go and have
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sex. the official on t.v. application. i pod touch from the. video on demand. an r.s.s.
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feed with the palm of your. on the dot com. with the twenty four hours a day this is the life here in moscow top stories now a split within the ranks of syria's opposition fighters at first they claimed they were behind twin blasts in the country's largest city aleppo which killed at least twenty eight but the number spokesman denied responsibility just an hour later. thousands of greeks lash out against more planned cuts as police used tear gas to disperse crowds people are angry at lawmakers budget second feiss up to eurozone leaders put more bailout cash only hold six ministers also quit over the deal. and russia's public figures come together to ensure
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a fair and free presidential vote by forming the coaches league to monitor elections that challenge now is to stay impartial. so that's all from me today my call to you to shop of out of it should be here in haifa now as the news continues for now though its time for debate had its most robust with crosstalk. and you can.


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