tv [untitled] February 10, 2012 6:18pm-6:48pm EST
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is used to share these files can be given a vote or have votes retracted based on the quality of the file now the more votes that come with the channel the more likely it'll pop up as a top search result for other users and also has a new feature that will let you edit the names of these files within these public channels so if you don't want it to feature the name of the movie you can label it as something else because there's no central location or server for the software many are saying that there's no way for the government to try and seize it trippler leader dr paul's claims the only way to take it down is to take the internet down so i guess it's like the old saying when there's a will there's a way and we all know that techies hackers whatever you want to call them are very savvy in their field and frankly they're always two steps ahead of regulators let's be honest lawmakers on capitol hill are the most knowledgeable when it comes to anything dealing with computers. i mean illiterate that has to rely on my wife for all of the assistance that i can get and it's just something that you just
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you know something i'm sure it's sure if. you don't understand those two to make sure you know what you put your message on i guess it's going to be delayed and i want to watch of the actual normal shots of the jury. i don't think any of us have a facebook page or. tweet whatever that is. yeah those are some of the guys that get to decide on bills like pippen sopa and i think that it's pretty clear that they don't really know what they're talking about but at least we saw house representative jason chaffetz admit the most of our elected officials are computer literate during the hearings on sopa. we're basically going to reconfigure the internet how it's going to work without bringing in the nerds i would hope that we get everybody pause to say maybe we ought to ask some nerds what this thing really does. but for some reason the rest of our
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lawmakers they still think that they can make informed educated decisions about internet freedom based on what little knowledge they have of the world wide web and that stubbornness is an ego perhaps but my advice to those in the government are trying to regulate the internet try understanding how it works first. now since the latest murder of a nuclear scientists in iran questions of who exactly is waging this covert war are finally being asked many believing as you prime suspects might be the u.s. and israel all this week and n.b.c. exclusive report cited to anonymous officials claiming that the any k. or the would you had caught or involved and that if they were financed trained and armed by israel secret service of any can or iranian exile group that since the ninety's has been on the state department's list of terrorist organizations but in recent years you've seen a large lobbying effort a bipartisan what i might add of prominent officials being paid by the emmy kay to
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speak in support of them and call for them to be taken off the list so if what these anonymous officials say is true does not change anything joining me to discuss it is jack rice former cia officer and criminal defense attorney jack thanks so much for joining us tonight and. i am always a little wary a little skeptical when a report comes from anonymous officials people who don't necessarily want to name them selves but at the same time we did see some documents leaked before there were actual documents that were put out from the bush administration also tying them assad possibly to certain groups to the murders of iranian scientists so what do you think here well the any key is kerry has been around in southern iraq for about forty years even back to the overthrow of the shop and yes the u.s. state department did in fact name them as terrorists back in the ninety's and the futuristic thing about this story to me is that one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist i mean that's really the highlight here and i think you
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alluded to it absolutely correctly that there is a wide group of american officials both left and right who are trying to find a way to live that terrorism annulled because let's face it is one was are killing the kind of people we want dead it's not terrorism right. why it's a really interesting thing to look into to the end can you tell us more about the history or how long it is that we've seen people like howard dean and rudy giuliani you know calling for the any case to be taken off this left like was there a certain year when we really saw this start and pick up well it's been going on for some time now but we've really seen this shift especially after after nine eleven and really we started seeing more of this and i think really the real reason is this is again the problem that we had with the any case is this we have to really go back into the seventy's and even into the eighty's what we found was that the m.e. k. was really set up to fight the shawl and that's really how it started well what happened was after we found that i have to look at me came in and actually took
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control what happened was they started fighting no but what before that they started killing essentially americans and those supporting the shah because that's the reason we were there in the first place and so they became the bad guys and then they sort of hid out if you will in southern iraq well since that time they've basically been relatively safe but now what we're seeing and this is really rare very very recent is we're actually seeing a desire by the iraq e government to sort of absorb that group the m.e. k. and their their military wing back into society society but there's a lot of people who are fighting against that issue and i think frankly there's a lot of americans left and right who are absolutely supporting this concept of them continuing to fight against islamic state meaning the iranians and i think that's where the big push has come. what we also have to take into consideration
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here no matter what your opinion is on the m e k ra is that technically it's still on this list of the state department's list of terrorist organizations and so technically all of the officials former lawmakers that are going to events that are being paid by or perhaps helping pay the i make a that's technically material support of terrorism which you know there are people in this country that have been try they have been locked up for posting a video on you tube but they are nowhere liable well that's actually the fascinating question i mean we have to go back and take a look at it those who supported the taliban think of john walker lindh as a perfect example of that as somebody who essentially supported him in some sort of very nebulous fashion we've seen it in the past where there have been corporations who've been involved trying to support the taliban only in the sense that they could somehow find a way to make money on it for whatever reason that was fine too and so what we're seeing now is that scene shift and you're seeing those politically speaking who are
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so who are trying to find a way to support them because again if they're killing people that we like it's not terrorism by the way we should add that the brits and even the e.u. have basically will be moved away from that terrorism name because again they like having these guys i mean if somebody else can do the dirty work and you could make an absolute denial as we have seen from the likes of our secretary of state who said we are absolutely not involved in the assassination of these five scientists and we have absolutely said it definitively isn't it nice to have an organization i'm not suggesting this is the organization but it's nice to have an organization that can do something so you can say it wasn't me it must have been somebody else you know what i mean yeah i mean if it's true too that raises a lot of questions about. israel and that means that they are then funding terrorism and then there are still our greatest ally and you know it's definitely a very complicated web here than full of
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a lot of hypocrisy as you pointed out but i want to talk about something that actually wrote about this today which is looking at a lot of pundits a lot of the people that really are beating the war drums i guess you could say the loudest for an attack on iran many of them are claiming that we may as well do it because it'll be a piece of cake and yet at the same time that these are people that were wrong about iraq and that is also the exact opposite of what our military officials are technically saying so you know what i want to listen to i don't know the military if they say that something is not going to be a piece of cake militarily not to mention they shouldn't do it. because the right you're absolutely right on both sides if first of all let's take a look at iran to get it you and i have talked about this but i think it's important to reemphasize that iran is three times the size of iraq seventy five million people three times depopulation of iraq but it's not just in terms of size their influence is the most dominating in the entire region certainly the most powerful country in the region but beyond that they have reach into europe they
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have massive reach into syria massive reach into lebanon with hezbollah they have reach into the west bank into gaza with hamas and elsewhere so their fingers are in very many pies and we should add one additional element here the straits of hormuz twenty percent of the world's oil comes through the straits and they essentially have the ability to shut the straits down if they do that what that will do to the world's oil production and prices and instability could be dramatic americans might say well we don't use any of their oil it doesn't matter it's a worldwide market you take twenty percent out of anything from any place it to the effect will be massive whether or not your kid cook iowa san diego california. or in london or madrid jack quickly before we go i just want to get your take on what you think is happening with syria right the violence continues its horrible people
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continue to be killed and we have some senators today that are calling out for a resolution because they want the u.s. to give material aid to the syrian opposition do you think that's a good idea though i think this is going to get very very difficult when we don't know exactly what it is we're stepping into again i mean this reminds me specifically about what was going on with the libyans where all of a sudden you see a nato operation with the support of various organizations with the u.n. security council making the decision not not to to pass a resolution by the way because of the russians and chinese this makes things even more difficult but again what we're seeing is seen as the syrian government company coming in and destroying people by their thousands at this point and expanding their operations there's a lot of people who are rattling sabers and it's an election year so people will always stand around and pound their chest and talk about how tough they are of always afraid of that i jack well thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you very much. all right coming up after the break like santorum apparently thinks that
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women can't handle certain assignments in the military planners and i still time and your visit the issues surrounding the black bloc in oakland california with a back to susie cagle about their role in the open to. the same. people calling what you said for free and fair elections. and we're still reporting from the. past you can hear behind me loud explosions.
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it's time for tonight's tool time award and once again because the feedback rock star rick santorum die before we go into why he's tonight's winner let me just give you a little bit of back story here just yesterday we told you that a proposed rule change from the pentagon would open the doors for women in uniform to get promotions officially be assigned to battalions women have increasingly been and had an increasingly important role in the military and we declared it a true glimmer of hope at the pentagon is now moving towards equality for women who want more opportunities and armed forces say fifteen years ago conservatives were vehemently against the idea women in combat roles with shakur newt gingrich leading
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the charge this is what he said about that. idea of women serving on the front lines in the military back when he was house speaker he said when it comes to women in combat roles and being a dish females have a biological problems staying in a ditch for thirty days because they get infections and they don't have a per body strength and then when talking about men he said men are basically little piglet you drop them in the ditch they roll around in it and being very fine to pick as usual but that was fifteen years ago right when the idea of women serving in combat roles was far more controversial times have changed even newt has altered his views to be slightly less offensive but not everybody's actually hopped on the progress bandwagon and that's where santorum comes into play you see when he was interviewed on john king c.n.n. program last night he was questioned about everything from his taxes to his stance on the pentagon's proposed changes for women in the military and these are rick's thoughts on women having a more prominent role on the battlefield i do have concerns about women in
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frontline combat i think that could be a very compromising situation where where people naturally may do things that may not be in the interests of the mission because of other types of emotions that are involved and i think that's probably you know it already happens of course with with the camaraderie of of men in combat but it's but it's i think it would be even more unique it's were burned combat and i think that's probably not of the best interests of the men and women or the mission. ok right if women go to the frontlines all of a sudden there's just give me all these emotions flying around and that's going to be no good what he's afraid or what is he afraid of women crying when he's under attack or i don't know what other emotions he might be talking about there you know i wonder what other things that rick santorum would like to exclude women from other than serving their country due to emotion and it's shocking the are even allowed to serve in government and rick's world after all we have so many emotions now it would be nice if john king a followed up asked some questions about what these dangerous emotions really were
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or about the fact the dislike the contact restrictions women have been fighting and dying in our wars as of last year over one hundred fifty women have died in combat related roles in iraq and afghanistan and over seven hundred had been wounded but now he does move right along apparently nine hundred fifty s. inspired statements from presidential candidates about women are totally cool at least and curry did bring it up today on the today show when she asked him if he thought the women were too emotional to serve in combat roles so here's what rick said. oh no no no that's not the issue is it's never i mean i've talked about this issue a lot and never raised that is a concern no the issue is and certainly one that has been talked about for a long time is how men would react to seeing women in harm's way or potentially being injured or and or the voter position i see and not be concerned about it accomplishing the mission. oh hugh i am so glad the record that went up he wasn't saying that women couldn't handle the job because they were too emotional he was
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saying that a female presence would affect male soldiers ability to accomplish the mission they just couldn't help themselves be so gallant and they would have to help us little ladies of the expense of the mission because their instincts to be chivalrous would be far stronger than the bonds for your dream to male soldiers that have been serving together now as clarification is almost worse than the original women are too emotional men are just too awesome so after fifteen years conservatives have moved from infections to emotions and chivalry to argue against women in combat that's not progress away so we're trying to say that women are too emotional to serve on the front line and back tracking to something equally as offensive untrue rick santorum is tonight's told time winner. now this week we've been mentioning the word c pac on the show a lot and so for anybody who doesn't understand what exactly it is allow me to explain the conservative political action conference or c pac is the annual meetings of conservatives here in washington d.c.
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just think of this event as the center of the republicans universe as you can imagine all those two conservative views can sometimes be hard to sort through when so many of them come together so we decided to send our own jenny churchill to the conference to try to hash out what it really means to be a republican. primary season was definitely supplied us with an interesting cast of characters from rick santorum to newt gingrich and romney has himself two candidates and of course ron paul who's somewhere out by the field but watching it can be confusing what is a republican and where do they stand on the issues so i came to the mecca of all things conservative the package to find out what is a public. was very clear from the beginning the one common thread seems to bind all the c pac speakers free freedom freedom loving freedom freedom freedom but it wasn't just the speakers average republicans seemed to be obsessed with freedom as well all these rules that come from the central government like
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whether it's about abortion or about lightbulbs you know stuff you know leave us alone don't tread on me i believe in the second amendment rights get the government out of your family get the government out of your house freedom and limited government but apparently when republicans talk about freedom they don't mean freedom for all people in all instances i'm very pro-life and pro-family pro marriage between a man and a woman what are your thoughts on same sex marriage. there's no such thing until ten years ago gays never wanted to get married so you well no longer support the komen foundation as long as they are supporting planned parenthood no not at all i support everything that's made it so then do you support the marijuana growers of america. but not every want to see pac share the same opinions on those issues and the republican party there's a term that's often thrown around to describe people who are considered insufficiently conservative or that don't conform to party positions they're called
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rhinos republicans in name only and we found some it's pack i support individuals in any kind of business they want to be a part of do you support the marijuana growers of america absolutely i'm simply pro-choice on everything do i think the. government should have any say in any kind of marriage including opposite sex marriage you know it's not the government's business but in a party that's so desperately wants to stand for freedom freedom when our children freedom freedom freedom freedom. maybe the rhino's are the real elephants and if the real republicans actually stood for real freedom then what a republican i wouldn't be so confusing for the on a show on johnny churchill. earlier this week we spoke to chris hedges about what he saw as a cancer within the occupy movement black bloc tactics of violence and vandalism that he thinks could actually kill the movement if governments use these tactics as
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an excuse to use more force and if the public sees these rogues as representing the whole of the protesters now it's been a highly debated topic and we share the varying opinions of some of our viewers on the program but let's look even further into it the oakland california has been the physical location for so-called black bloc tactics of inspire journalists and activists to support or come out against them and many of those in oakland itself killed in order to understand why this is happening and to get more context look at the dynamics and the history of oakland so joining me to discuss it is freelance journalist susie cagle says you thanks much for joining us tonight and i guess for starters just tell me you know why it is that you felt that you really had to write something in response to what chris hedges and others have been saying about the danger of black box. i actually haven't seen anything from any of those critics who've actually been at occupy oakland for any sort of sufficient period of time any sort of significant period of time and so i just felt that
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context was necessary and there are actually a lot of factual errors and such is peace and so i was not seeking to provide my own sort of tactical perspective but just to give some some factual basis are also then give us some perspective as to what it's like the way that people see it there you know you mention the black bloc is not a lifestyle choice it's a tactic that you could use those tactics one second and not use them the other. sure and i think something that's actually the most significant perspective on this is that occupy oakland has really only seen one black block only one time where a large group of protesters have used that tactic of wearing black masks covering all their hands and frank features and going out performing very focused and pretty massive property destruction and vandalism smashing windows and vandalizing a whole foods who is allegedly not allowing their or their employees to stray on
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november second this is on november second there these critics didn't have much to say about the black bloc at that time since then i think a lot of this is come out in response to january twenty eighth in the failed building occupation that occupy oakland attempted to do and i by all accounts there was no black bloc that day there were some bottles thrown there were shields but there was no black bloc and there was no property destruction but so do you think though that you know p.r. wise right a lot of this is about perceptions and the way that the rest of america continues to see this movement whether the public will support it or won't do you think that any kind of violence and vandalism you know be a black bloc or not is that negative. you know as a reporter i just think that context is important and i'm not really comfortable
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condemning or champion a particular tactics from my own perspectives i just think that i think that it would be great if these critics came to occupy oakland and saw what was actually happening at occupy oakland and then made these informed opinions i do think that this is all a p.r. war and i think that from my perspective things like the homemade boats that are out on the lake in atlanta and i'm the woman who is delivering a homemade gingerbread city hall to oakland city hall right now soon to replace the one that was broken on january twenty eighth those are really compelling stories and those are stories that i don't see really covered in the press i do believe it's all a p.r. war and i would love to see more coverage of what i see as the entire scope of occupy oakland. i mean i guess you could say that those people that are actually there in oakland might tell you that it's more about the local gripes that they've
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been facing right the local confrontations that they've had with police and so i'm just wondering how you think that some of that should be broken down because at the end of the day it is supposed to be a national movement but do you think that we've really seen it become more localized because of the way that certain local governments have responded the way the police respond and does it end up fracturing what the overall message is. i don't necessarily see that as fracturing i think that it occupies greatest strength now in going forward is is decentralization and it that means that each occupy can take on a sort of local flavor and use a sort of local power and oakland has opened up a lot of history and a troubled police department and i and problems with policing and police brutality over many years and so i think to to ignore that and to say that oakland is becoming distracted by the police and it's not paying attention to economic issues
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oakland is a city of poverty and a daily economic violence and people being foreclosed on left and right i don't think that those things are going ignored i just think that you know plans i there's a broad range of troubles that people are facing daily basis i guess that you know no matter where you stand on this there is something to be said on either side there is always a lot of really brod generalization that comes out and it's always good to look at certain details see if thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you. i sort of fireside friday and then happy hour some people are looking for love. and are getting engaged believe it or not just like a good deal for the occasion or explain after the break. people calling what you said for free and fair elections.
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president obama's policies and aside from looking at what those surveyed think about the president's economic policies his chances against you if he can it's the part that really stuck out to me where the responses on the president's counterterrorism policies the fact that seventy percent of respondents agree with the president's decision to keep kuantan of obey open including fifty three percent of self identified liberal democrats now that i find incredibly unfortunate that's something that we discussed at length on the show this week the hypocrisy the you now see coming from the. that use kuantan of a bay as a rallying cry is a key area of critique against the bush administration they saw it as a black mark on america's record a symbol of the last administration's decisions to throw what we stood for out the window and respond in a reprehensible way by torturing and was also something that president obama used for before being president something that he used to win favor discipline support to get a leg.
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