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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2012 7:18pm-7:48pm EST

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you know what what needs to happen just now. well i think what needs to happen now for the labor movement is to clearly articulate its positions on these issues and right to work sounds like a nice term you know you get a rate great job but it's you know you basically have a union representing you and you asked to pay a tax you know we have republicans in congress i stuff to pay my taxes i mean this is a basic concept. that was labor journalist michael. and members of the occupy movement made sure their voices were heard loud and clear today about one hundred of them gathered outside of c. packed the conservative political action committee to share their belief that super pac is a quote powwow for the one percent inside several high profile speakers shared their ideas on what's wrong with this country and why it needs to change arctic correspondent liz wahl checked it all out and brings us this report. it's day two of c pac where cream of the crop conservatives gather for their annual convention
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shrinking government taxing the right's own guns fighting abortion eliminating obamacare these are the issues that conservatives want to bring to the forefront here today at the pac from conservative puppets i want to make sure that we can fix america put people back to work get us back in the top five or maybe even make the playoffs this year two blasts from the past we're coming back after a couple hundred years we've gotten off track and we want to come back and try to help out here preaching conservative values our morals are being stepped upon and now many girls are believing fortune is right law abiding citizens need to protect themselves against criminals. among today's conservative speakers and cool turf is the most important election of our lifetime because this is the only shot we have to repeal obamacare. among her boldest claims my bodyguard will back me up on this
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all pretty girls are right way. beyond the convention walls a very different vision for america well outside another of that is going down it's occupy c. pac now protesters are not allowed inside the hotel or even on hotel property but they are making a loud presence here across the street. they're protesting the very ideas being preached inside they want let's let. legislation on business when business is trying to systematically remove any safety net that anybody could possibly utilize to to save them from starvation poverty and here's mitt and the tax dodgers mitt romney's been writing the rules on tax for a while getting away with murder he pays half the tax rate that his secretary pays if that's not american opportunity they don't know what so as those on the inside focus on finding a conservative replacement for obama occupiers outside say it's the whole system that needs to change and washington this wall r.t.
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. so i don't aren't a it's the end of the line for judge andrew napolitano is a freedom watch shop fox yanked it from air but one of the real reasons for canceling the show is no ratings or his libertarian viewpoint. is what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already been made who can you trust no one who is in view with a global missionary see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sessions when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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welcome to the capital account i'm lauren lyster. a major announcement by fox business network they're dropping three of their primetime shows including the show freedom watch hosted by judge and politan a freedom. it was one of the top rated shows on fox business channel and so far there is a really been a reason given for the cancellation and according to a fox press release freedom watch will be replaced by re airings of shows run earlier in the day so i want to talk about this but first let's take a look at a few clips from his show that gives you a peek on his viewpoints in what he has done and in what he will become the thomas jefferson of our day ron paul is one of
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us. but senators mccain and eleven of the added this legislation which would authorize the president to declare the entire united states of america all fifty states and all territories to be a battlefield the government of the united states shreds your rights every day it taps our cell phones it reads our e-mails it kills people abroad with predator drones it strip searches an eighty seven year old grandmother in a wheelchair at an airport all right so not your typical fox news principles here doesn't balance on talks about things like occupy wall street the national defense authorization act he's been consistently probably ron paul and antiwar to talk more about what the cancellation of the show means in terms of the public discussion i remember earlier with wayne allen root a libertarian and author he wrote the conscious of a libertarian empowering the citizen revolution with god guns gold and tax cuts here's what he had to say. christine it's great to hear from you and i think it's
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important to note that it is fox business network it's not a political that works so they were taking a very big chance with a show like just a pilot on his freedom watch so it's not your typical show you find out to see a b c or a business network so it was unusual and so you know they decided to replace it with a business program not just with any reruns but reruns of earlier business programming so that does make sense to some extent i'm a very good friend of just of politics i don't honor to say he's a buddy mike so i'm sad to see it go and i wish they had kept it on longer the show was certainly our eye opening it certainly was unusual it certainly was different there's nothing else like it on any american t.v. you love fox news in its libertarianism libertarianism of course is visceral conservatism and also socially liberal or moderate and and also for civil rights individual rights and personal freedom and economic freedom and really no other
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show quite touches on it the way just the politics of freedom watch so very sorry to see it go but that is certainly something you could be angry at fox business at because c. and b. c. would never allow a show like that on in the first place unless you fucks credit for being willing to take a chance on a very out of the box libertarian t.v. show in the first place well they took a chance and you know it's a nazi n.b.c. and b. it is fox business network under the umbrella of fox they took a chance and it wasn't necessarily a failure on and we don't have to point our fingers here and just at fox but but let's talk about libertarianism as you say how does the coverage of libertarianism and our issues on embodied by libertarians. you know these issues aren't covered by and this n.b.c. c.n.n. or fox why not well here's the thing let me say the last three years i've been a guest about seventy five times on fox news and maybe once or twice i see n.b.c.
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. we never i am ascendency never on c.n.n. and now i'm a regular contributor to fox news dot com so you can't say fox news is is anti libertarianism or anti libertarian or libertarian party and they certainly give us more coverage than any other network that's not to say they're crawling for terri and it's to say that from time to time they tend to have a little bit of a libertarian streak and i never attack by friends i rather attack my enemies so i try to be nice the box but i will say this libertarianism has two problems if you want to sell it on the most honest person about libertarianism in this country i tell you the weaknesses number one is libertarianism is not pro corporations or corporate welfare and when you're not pro corporate and a t.v. network or radio network has to sell advertising to corporations you wind up with problems which is why perhaps just the politics out of show is not probably the same reason glenn beck show is no longer red fox news there's a real problem selling a anti-libertarian being anti-corporate keeling on
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a network that has to take action corporations and that's just reality of life but number two libertarians christine can make a change that sells libertarianism for number two and the problem is i don't know if you're a football fan but since you vote is the most exciting football player in america today and after his last playoff victory forget about football it was a football big dream but ninety six million people all over the world googled john three sixteen is favored political saying after he won that game what makes tim tebow so special that he could sell religion will play a football game enthusiasm energy passionate the libertarian party doesn't have a lot of spokesman who have been through seattle who have energy who speak out of motional level to americans instead of an intellectual level and they and i think that's the big turnoff that's hurt the party who wants to carry it as are many.
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years i mean even if we want to make it popular they may not have a lot of enthusiastic spokespeople but they certainly have one and that's ron paul i mean ron paul i've covered him for years now i've been at his rallies i've been at his speeches there is no lack of enthusiasm there and i mean let's talk about ron paul judge in a volatile know spoke about him often spoke about him in a very favorable light. that's probably you know i know a lot of viewers who watched his show were also major ron paul supporters they're going a buzz on twitter today after hearing about the cancellation of his show. so where will the next venue be you know as you say the corporate media doesn't necessarily embrace libertarianism so where can the next venue be for people like yourself like ron paul supporters who have no lack of enthusiasm for this kind of discussion. well first of all i put an article out that fox news was very willing and happy to publish it millions of people saw it and it was called the ron paul phenomenon
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explaining and understanding the ron paul phenomenon it was a lead story for almost an entire week of fox news dot com just a few days ago so fox news is an x. i run poll they've got him as a guest with any other network and what i said next story is fox of the brand of enthusiasm and passion that ron paul brings and brings young people along with them has got to be embraced and accepted and not ignored or put down by the republican party or they're not going to win the election they can never be broken bum aside review ron paul brinkley's and enthusiasm i think what he lacks that was a bit of excitement and youthful if it was yes i think that my people rand paul comes in i hope it's where i come in you need young guys with enthusiasm but ron paul brings a younger audience young kids who are excited by fiscal conservatism and social moderation or liberalism and that's got to be a grace by anyone who expects to be the next president of united states and where
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can they do it christine i think it's got to be odd shows like this on internet t.v. shows just as much or more so than a regular t.v. shows that don't have corporate sponsorship all right going to have to be done and out of the box actually but certainly a lot of people disappointed just in general because you know they liked him and also because they hope that this isn't mean the status quo is what prevails in this society i always interesting here interesting hearing from you wayne allen root two thousand and libertarian a vice presidential nominee and author all right well that's going to do it for now i'm christine for al and we will see whack here and a half hour. wealthy british scientists scientists and last time i didn't write the final. part of their.
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download free broadcast morning video for your media projects and a free media dog to our teeth on tom. the orange dots show hospitals that are no longer here in the green dots represent those hospitals that are still in existence here what you don't see is in the new hospitals because there are no new hospitals constructed in this area. but if you look at this area from a health planning standpoint. the medical desert is enormous. today i came across a gift from medical records. security that it's called i couldn't believe it was quote. yeah well when i went in the security guard told me that it's so for sale and all they basically doing here is film movies now and i was shocked can believe
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that this is what's going on now you know it was a great hospital this is the last house but i was in in two thousand to when i got shot. it was a sunday afternoon around twelve o'clock in just two cars came in and it was a big shot out and i just happened to roll by and i caught a bullet in my spine i came to my legs i'm paralyzed you know if it wasn't for the people that were here i don't think i would have made it the way i made it because that was a little kid i was seventeen years old when this happened to me i go to school and i want to college you know and if it wasn't for them i went forward i even drive now i do everything i'm independent and it's for these people and they can help nobody else you know and somebody might not get that opportunity i got to write this case in chief mccurdy the middle said that more luther king is going to be a complete closure but the capacity is going to change from one hundred forty some
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beds to actually forty two beds siegfried's to be around pretty quickly so we're going to go into the schools. with the hospitals the challenge even though don't we school is a challenge because we're going to be around. the professionals. don't you gauge don't get angry when you're judged you can refuse to do it. and your question. the community had to make a name for ok and everybody knows it's called killer king we would get on scene in first thing people would ask is where am i going to be transported and if we said martin luther king you know often their response was please don't take medicaid. they're understaffed underfunded and they had too many patients that didn't have private physicians and with four or five hundred patients in an emergency room it's very difficult to treat those into the hospital through medical center is in critical condition and the cantor was in the bottom two and
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a half percent of all hospitals in the state of california health officials a patient there had been put in quote and media jeopardy patients martin luther king medical center to get ready for fewer services and the next day we cannot assure that patients will be saved or that fundamental hospital standards can be met the proposed closure of the trauma center will have an impact the l.a. county fire department i'm begging of you don't ignore this. don't marginalize this . warrant i promise that. he's going to come right before the notice of you just.
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used to be a very simple system that would have you took the every patient in the closest facility but you close ten hospitals with eight beds in him each has eighty patients out of our system in the city she didn't look well let's just say the sat scores we close our doors here we are close to saturation when our waiting room is for when are all of our in our beds or for angelus lines waiting in the hallway and we're. basically closing to saturation for safety purposes you know the sort of suppress right so diversion is a huge thing for some of our hospitals down here they're on diversion about ninety percent of the time so ninety percent of the time we're looking for another hospital and we could be across the street from the hospital if you can a payment on it watch out where you go with them let them do it because you're going to tell yourself easy. fran harbor you still. say fast is a sad i know you're going to kaiser bellflower because the. place for
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a hospital or it's about a ten mile from our ride however we are in l.a. and there's a lot of traffic so. very very. very very little bit of them here. they're getting. better they are not. going for the average american who has insurance
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they don't realize the impact of what's going on. let's call it on the obviously they think it's a problem of the uninsured of someone else he's got a worse an issue and there are injured actually just put it in there and spread all this way under here and you see something is interfering with the not ok ok so when you do this you can tell that it's not in attendance which is a really really bad infection. if it gets really good intended going to bone in his bone infection the worst so he could you know usually arm because we believe we're going to prevent that actually going to feel good but none of us would. have been in the hospital says two o'clock and not just what is it six o'clock right now six fifteen. if you have insurance just a good thing you know finally have insurance ok majesty standing aside we did say we're waiting six hours is not uncommon and if you go to surrounding hospitals people coming here tell me they're waiting twelve hours sometimes to get back
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however u.c.l.a. right now at this moment it's a twenty four hours meaning it seems you walk in the door and they try and figure out you're not critical basically you're someone and they could definitely live for another couple of days before being credited they'll keep you in the waiting room and you have to sit there and wait to be seen. it has happened at certain hospitals i've gone and actually did all the payments off i guarantee you we just waited so we're missing calls in our district because our he's tied up at the hospital because they don't have a bed to put that patient in but the lady in the hospital that's that's normal i've had to rescue a couple weeks and waited four hours for being i've waited sometimes three hours i was it's a st francis in lynnwood for four hours and fifty minutes standing against a wall of patients if there have been as you're going to wait and because even though we're inside there you know we're still on scene with that patient if we if we leave the hospital and don't transfer care to
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a bed it's negligence or even the county to say you know what there goes your paramedic license and you're gone. the river here if we don't have a paramedic i said we go back to the firefighter only. so how many calls to get last night four calls after midnight three out of the four calls we had were people just basic cold and flu symptoms sniffle snow sniffles and nausea vomiting diarrhea and been sick for three four days. and just said uncle. smoke anything at all that we did. when the fire broke for twenty eight years and i came on as a single function firefighter when i came on the job. and back then we actually respond by four or five different types of v.m.s. calls responded on chest pain as heart attacks car accidents and drowned as if you called with a sprained thumb or
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a broken finger the dispatcher back then told you to get the car to go to the hospital so a lot has changed. take grow your own they are new for what's going on today and they think that if you don't find it was not hard to do now. you're right going on to say you know what happened to get in are you ready for this. tough one anime. season you've been here before you have been here a few times she asked me five or six times over the last year found a mom to be a mother a grandmother the son and the twins and her when she was pregnant with her with her youngest and they have two houses this one another one down because. young hickory earlier that day oh you know i don't remember one time. i think every time i guess . you could say he would skip security interests and yet six total rodent sisters
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oh yeah hey jose everything's looking ok all right you can relax ok else we do i make it it could be good then. i will see going to later have a good day. a good station i think huge part i mean everybody's understanding what emergency is different but i mean people been called out for a band-aid thinking that all we are is you know a system that they can call and literally can to get a couple band-aids and i mean. look at the way it's called one hundred three. these are some of the programs that we do send to we have things such as boyle's can't sleep they're hungry constipation to think but if somebody says they're hungry would you tell me what are we have to do if i'm given five dollars people local calls. we've been called to you know broken sprinkles on the lawn to a dog and need the chimney you know second of all and what is old and had to cause
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it always makes it all fun at the same time it's like. where do you draw the line yeah you're always going to have the percentage of people who actually know the system and it was a jury of people that's not with him right now they're down i want because we truly need somebody to tell him what to do because this is their first room so they've had to deal one time we have a transportation policy on the farm and then we offer transportation to everybody on this it's a minor extremity injury since we've had that system which has been about the last five years because lawsuits down to nothing it's paid for itself. at the expense. to the taxpayers is the expense of the individual who wants to write at the expense of the ripple effect of filling the spittal beds. with non-critical patients. when.
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i know gas prices are high but. i know i can get to the local mercy room for a lot cheaper in my own personal vehicle if i have the flu and the insurance company will look at that and say wow we're paramedics really warranted on this and then they will pay. and then the citizens get stuck with a bill. i really do believe that every patient should pay something for their care because one of the problems we also have in this country is that health care is not valued we have the most expensive health care system in the world and it's probably valued the least people are going to have to begin to take responsibility for their health care. pay something they can start small. perhaps a five dollar co-pay for an emergency visit. i think it will change behavior as well something happening down the question is what.
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here we've closed hospitals in the last ten years and over a thousand donal's harvey burger king they contribute to the high blood pressure diabetes and everything else in the sense i mean if you could tax cigarettes. and we certainly. fast food restaurants pay for some of the stuff. i would like. to talk about it will help you. we've got it. now. he's a diabetic or whatever it takes it's like two days or whatever he has said no. he never wants to. take off and let me have a look at them for sure he says you know we can't force him to talk to him and not
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then we can then yes but not here. i know. we need someone who is this is our it's that we need his permission to let my medics. know he's agreed to let. you know that if he doesn't want to. he's agree we're going to take him in the back. ok then you're welcome. i know you do you know what the best for him and i'm going to check and started searching teary. so you can avoid all that stuff right you know he has no complaints you feel fine he's answering all or force questions appropriately. please let me finish and it should. there's one three it's within normal limits right there where you check his blood pressure after after that if there's nothing that he wants from us right unfortunate just nothing else that we can do for him by law ok i'm yeah we do get
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frustrated and it's only us but it's the nurses and the hospitals it's also the doctors i've seen them just blow up you know like why i see this person every day for the last ten days why are they here again you know when you see a patient response going up there are a hospice it. became a spirit detachments in a six nine three. it's time to get to a lot of. personnel down here and i'm pretty sure it's. seven california is not. the only area where it's happening now firefighters coming from different states who want to apply to have a city and the paramedics are experiencing the same thing i had a guy from houston the last we know paramedic burnout talked about in his area. a guy from new york. paramedic paramedic burnouts no training for a big issue.


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