tv [untitled] February 10, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EST
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don't seem to have much to be excited about santorum has taken three states romney still looks like the inevitable nominee gingrich is in the tank he's van't well the guy was funding him and seems to stop giving him his money in fact shelly adelson has said now he'll give some money to romney if he gets it and on top of that the economy is improving there's a new poll showing twenty percent of republicans today would likely vote for obama and you know this is pretty scary so how much of a bummer pac this year first of all i have to completely disagree with everything i reject the premise the people at sea pac are actually jovial the throngs of people and the level of applause at sea-tac for santorum for romney for gingrich was unbelievably even and culture who wrote the three cheers for romney care article that had so many conservatives up in arms got huge laughs and huge cheers today santorum has raised three million dollars in three days nobody's bothered everybody is absolutely thrilled he's just the money there was an insane mob following around and coulter for her book signing the people bussed in by the gingrich speech he
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was of there this time speech there was hooting there was whistling there was cheering and the romney speech. you know they always excited during the pro-life stuff i'll give you that us some of the guys on radio row those who attended the romney speech they'll tell you it's the best they've seen romney that romney did a pretty good job of trying to say listen i'm not saying it just to say that i will actually do these things i am actually that this is a bit of mist in five years were you there richard i was not at the back you know i try to stay away from events like that just because of the crowd might just get a little bit of relief from. that and that in that context then why didn't the republicans invite president obama to see pac he passed a health care bill that was virtually line for line what richard nixon proposed in one hundred seventy three he proposed cap and trade legislation is that it's as far as i know he got it so i mean i mean wasn't there you just letting appear it. if
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you had all of this is left for a second and then you guys he proposed cap and trade legislation that was proposed by reagan that was passed by george herbert walker bush and still works to this day to keep the it's over dioxide he signed the start treaty that reagan was pushing and he's kept taxes at the same rate is even the second but if you talk to certain admirals out there they'll tell you the start treaty was absolutely unnecessary this is a conversation that could have happened between two gentlemen to reduce the level of nuclear arms a treaty was absolutely necessary it puts american a very bad position is an extremely bad precedent so let's not talk about the start treaty and everything else that we're living with a recorder is nonsense and one quarter is ridiculous it's not coming to see back you know what came back the occupiers today they're the ones who want to show up to see it back they're the ones who wanted to say you know they're the ones who said that mitt romney is social security secret service protection sorry but but gingrich and andrew breitbart they don't which is a threat so that's what you're saying here they were instructed by a lot of those already she's always dressed like. they're you would raise your do you know he wears you know. i just talked about want to want to you know i talked
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with one of the occupiers who was there who told me that they had put duct tape across their mouths and written on it if money is speech then poverty is silence that's pretty powerful statement and that's going to lose and that's completely the end of the day pac even though it's a great event for republicans we all know that republicans will line their pockets of corporate dollars and corporate funds and you know they protect their millionaire and billionaire friends except the obama super pac that one that's own added. to your leveling the playing field and all the super pac has not raise nearly as much as a rod if you want to raise a bad guy during a war hero romance well that's what you're saying is that you guys are that was never a week ago you had a principle now you had on the first of all why would you ever go to why would you ever show up to a gunfight with a knife second of all second of all president obama's at with what do you mean with vehemently against citizens you know he should stay was it was the republicans are angry with the public at supreme court he's the same guy said he would to essentially. i wasn't supposed to lose it by the way what's one thing i have to
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your principles i know. how much of that is town and by the way even when you lose just stick to your principles that's why we're going and obama toronto mitt romney does not stick to his principles. of the don't know what his principles are you know you're going to say yes and i'd say the same for the new but in speaking. after that last may i just toss that's very convenient birth control the president came out with some changes today to his recent decision to force really don't want to. see a change he basically said that the insurance companies insurance companies have put the companies that pay the insurance companies are still on the hook ok so catholics united came out in favor of the day the trade association which represents a chronic university democratic frankly the trade association that represents six hundred eighteen catholic hospitals virtually every catholic hospital the united states came out in support of this today that is not a democratic organization for the bishops and the u.s.
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council bishops so you know i think this was a significant thing did obama use you jitsu and basically flip this thing over. and second question and then i'll let you go is was this a ginned up controversy to change the media narrative because everybody was talking about how the economic numbers were looking good obama was looking good all of a sudden was like we've got to come up with some guy we got to stop i think the police officer is way too clever and you know the economic numbers when you don't include one point two million people in who's unemployed of course you don't have a better number the problem is that obama can't do math here's the issue with what we're talking about what the contraception it's not about the even the supply it's about whether or not you can mandate to a charity or to a religious organization or to the companies that they have to provide george bush to it it is about this this is about whether or not obamacare has validity whether it is going to play here are the words w. bush this is what we are talking about we are talking about the now is what is it that we expect from government what is it we value from government and so here you have. and i want to where does it government drawn and let's keep bringing up
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george bush as if it's somehow going to attack this policy of the reisinger thousand you're going on but the truth of the matter is that we know that ninety nine percent of women that somebody at some point in time their lives the pendant on birth control catholic women right ninety percent of your poll well you know you can talk about that if you like but one of the simple fact is that ninety nine percent i don't i mean nine percent of women have depended on birth control it is just listen let me finish that is on just for the we're not going to birth control to women who provide to our dysfunction pills to men why is it on the insurance why is it unjust not to provide birth control what is the harm well here's here's one what's the fourteen percent and seriously neal let me answer this fourteen percent of women who take birth control pills right now regularly are doing so because it's they have a genuine medical condition exact and to prevent things like ovarian cysts or to deal with you know violent painful so could you honestly say that not birth control the intent is not birth control the intent is another medical condition but sure
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want to stay in the shouldn't have access to that medicine the birth control is a satisfying that's not what he's saying at all that's an awful awful manipulation don't do it it's the truth it's not that it's a nice a. absolutely i mean there's a woman who is still in the thick of the financial take and therefore he has already said as they are saying it's nobody nobody can hear us if more than two people are talking it just becomes a blur to our viewers so you know you were say what is dead on if you're talking about is a medical condition it's about a being a medical condition the fact that you use it and it happens to be birth control isn't about the conversation it's about what government can force you to do and i am one of those people as a tea party and proud of it and can it tells you that government cannot be forced to tell you what to do with that is the issue that is always the conversation where is the line drawn about what government can do to you oh it's obama who famously said that he didn't like the constitution because of the charter i grouping of negative charters it talks about what government can't do as opposed to a government must do. for you that's
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a mistake and that is the that is the biggest problem with president obama and what he values in the constitution it's nearly as bad as what hold on one that i could hear that right hold on one second george w. bush and what he was in office he wanted to pass accomplish most of the that people but people of the same sex can't get married that tells the government what you can and cannot do why is that any different as i think government should be out of marriage altogether now that's over let's go back to why should government be here in the business of dictating what healthcare costs and what the government is the government is protecting these women they don't get birth control. because of his health care is part of the commons because it's part of the general welfare as you know since health care not deny it is for fourteen percent of women and out and we already tony and i already have if you mean pregnant a medical condition it's always health care the founding fathers didn't fight and die for health care they fought and died for liberty and freedom so obviously the only writer in president was to sign legislation that gave free health care to people as i don't know tom totally i was a fatty that george washington but anyhow let's be all alone here.
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so i mean we were going i didn't i didn't know that and i find it hard to believe so it looks like the keystone x.l. pipeline is back the house energy and commerce committee revived the pipeline this week and even to bring that up is like really nasty i mean that's that's just the highway bill if i if i heard you right in any case the house energy and commerce committee revive the pipeline this week passing legislation basically i don't need to read this stuff the republicans are going to hold the infrastructure bill hostage to to get the x.l. pipeline pushed through which is you know fast transport of oil from canada to refineries in texas where they can be export our number one manufactured export right now in the states as gasoline so this is more more gasoline for export more money for exxon mobil china in the last decade and a half has built five thousand miles of high speed rail we have. none why are we
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having a national debate about high speed transportation of oil from one end of the country the other and nobody's talking about high speed transportation of people. give you want one of the great answers because it doesn't work and you can talk about high speed rail going from tampa to orlando for example in the i four corridor you can talk about it for most los angeles to las vegas going up to fifteen be relevant and why is every other country in the world has to be a lot of those are built for it you're talking about certain issues with culture just about. all the china. and there are huge problems with the chinese and they are reconsidering their commitment to. stay here another resistance if i can pause for a second so we're saying that high speed rail is a bad thing we're the only developed country in the world but doesn't have it not to mention the fact that every billion dollars these are the facts folks every billion dollars spent on transportation spending in the united sates creates thirty four thousand jobs a keystone pipeline is only going to create at best one hundred fifty jobs. have it
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so profitable some greedy billionaire will build that railroad for you yes. right exactly so the keystone pipeline is private money it's not taxpayer money you just stop you don't have to do anything private enterprise i am going to come from eminent domain and decide yeah it's just going from us the taxpayers are going to they're just going to take it they're just going to take it and they want and you know so no you're not right that's the government and what happened i thought you were so opposed to government tell us what we could and couldn't do what about people who don't want to give up their land for the pipeline well you know if you want to have an eminent domain conversations have an eminent domain conversation whether or not that's legitimate and that's a value i think that's a very worthwhile conversation and when you take a look at the keystone pipeline you know that it's no not at all that yes and when you consider the remaining filibustering you hang around with. the company has an obligation to buy the land even the people that don't want to sell the land. so the local. i am going to do it for
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a highway you're not you have no problem i thought although i were just talking about them a little bit about the keystone pipeline and that's the other i'm still amazed that we're trying to move oil across the country we're not moving people or doing the really or the whale is going to start where do you want to build i don't know what i already said so how about across the country i mean you know and what i do is let me say a break that i think track doesn't make money they lose money every year who's going to use it it is the it is serving the public good it will follow what was the lore let's let's get back to this in just a coming up a big week for equal rights in america so why are republicans happy more rubble after the break. but i. was struck with some of you if you will the newseum in
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sick of. the rumble on the panel tonight neil mccabe richard a follower and tony katz let's get back to it guys a good day for equal rights in america federal appeals court circuit court struck down california's prop eight which bans same sex marriage just a judge stephen reinhardt wrote in the majority opinion proposition eight serves no purpose and has no effect other than a lessen the status and dignity of gays and lesbians in california and to officially reclassify their relationships and families is inferior to those of opposite sex couples end quote and the washington state legislature last week has same sex marriage laws i think probably by now governor has signed it or is about
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to but not everybody's happy mitt romney and newt gingrich went off on this thing newt mitt mitt today said today unelected judges cast aside the will of the people of california who voted to protect traditional marriage yesterday and gingrich said court of appeals overturning california's prop eight is another example of an out of control judiciary so looking back ten or twenty years from now are we going to be looking at this as you know in a in a way that we now look back in one thousand in the one nine hundred sixty s. at the end of the final end of miseducation laws or even the end one nine hundred seventy three when the courts legalized abortion and people are still ticked off about it because you think this is a this is a disaster rather than a body it's so absurd that that a court could take declare a constitutional amendment unconstitutional is just absurd and i don't think that was a state custom that moment then that it is a violation to us that federal judge has no standing to tell the people of california what was a three judge panel that three judge panel has no standing to tell us whether to
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truth of the matter is we depend upon our courts to make that to help the little guy we saw that in brown versus board of education where the states where they said the school is unconstitutional on top of that the folks at parade the competition like newt gingrich and mitt romney what the constitution says pretty clearly life liberty the pursuit of happiness and if you love the. buddy you deserve the right to marry that's your happiness and how could how can the government how dare the government infringe on a person's happiness ok we got it by the way we got a rabbit out of saddam's final gun being out of marriage but this is a bunch of i don't care i'll leave it there ok last question quickfire mississippi state representative steve holland made news this week he came up with a new way to help show mississippi's articular distaste for mexicans by introducing a house bill one fifty eight in mississippi would rename the gulf of mexico to the gulf of america so here we go for it and fries all over again aside from the fact that we can't actually read amun international body of water what else might republicans target for renaming in the coming weeks for example about a new mexico instead of calling it new mexico for obvious reasons let's call it new
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america or the city my where i used to live vermont which has already been ankle sized people come would come to town and say it's a small hill ya know and how about instead calling it mount america since it sounds too french or diablo canyon california instead calling it jesus canyon you know suggestions neal i would really like to change mt rushmore to mt rush limbaugh. well you know op really good one i think you know him especially in places like alabama which probably remain birmingham to obama's the city of obama or not. so i think there are way too many serious issues to discuss like operation fast and furious and by the way this network should be ashamed of itself for hiring drilling a songe absolutely disgusting shame on you he hasn't started yet. and my suggestion is that ditching the name america and calling it as the firesign theater says this
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. or trying to get the italian view on the clip you know we had we had we had a. little audio clip there it was too patriotic they have a. you know america was named after america because they they got the the red the map wrong it should invest peachy when any of the stakes we owe. thanks a lot for what i saw. did you know that thomas jefferson's tombstone of mine chela makes no mention of his him ever being president of the united states instead it reads here was barry thomas jefferson author of the declaration of american independence of the state of
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virginia for religious freedom and father of the university of virginia end of quote nothing about being the two term third president of the united states and that's the way he wanted it jefferson was far more proud of starting the university of virginia which he envisioned as a free public university that he was of being the president of the united states and he wanted his tombstone which he designed himself before he died to reflect that in a very real way thomas jefferson was the father of free public education in our country since then public education has soon served two main purposes in america it's been the great equalizer in our economy and american no matter how rich or poor they were born could have access to the same quality public education be given the same opportunities to learn about the world and be given the same preparation for a good job. that at its core is what the american dream is all about and a quality public education is essential to making sure it doesn't disappear but
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there's another purpose of education one that thomas jefferson touched on in a letter to one of his mentors george wife back in seventeen eighty six he wrote i think by far the most important bill in our whole code is that for the diffusion of knowledge among the people no other sure foundation can be devised for the preservation of freedom and happiness preach my dear sir a crusade against ignorance established improve the law for educating the common people let our countrymen know that the people all alone can protect us against these evils of tyranny and oppression that the and that the tax which will be paid for this purpose is not more than a thousandth part of what will be paid to kings priests and nobles who will rise up among us if we leave the people in ignorance education ensures that the people are knowledgeable enough to make the right decisions to cast the right votes to preserve our democracy and not fall for the seduction of kings or aristocrats who
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want to take us back word toward totalitarian rule but what happens when and what happens when quality education becomes a luxury for just the rich and only rich learn about economics or history or political science well we're finding out right now. a new study out of stanford shows that the gap in standardized testing scores between rich students and low income students as increased forty percent since the one nine hundred sixty s. when governor reagan first proposed ending free college education in california launching a trend across america to make abraham lincoln's nearly two wishing free land grant colleges expensive in state after state after state and another study out of the university of michigan shows that the gap between rich and low income students when it comes to college completion which is the single biggest factor when it comes to succeeding in our economy has grown fifty percent since reagan's presidency as the new york times reports the changes are tectonic the result of social and economic
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processes unfolding over many decades but this basically means is working class and poor people in america are not learning the whole history of this nation and they're not learning about enough about basic economics that they can make informed choices among political candidates we're talking economics that ignorance gives the very wealthy in our society and enormous power to preach bogus economics and to rewrite history to advance their own prosperity at the expense of the less educated and this is exactly what jefferson warned us about lewis powell in one nine hundred seventy one wrote a memo to his his friend and next door neighbor of the chairman of the the of the. excuse me. of the day to whatever it was and in the his memo he said the
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staff of scholars should evaluate social science textbooks especially economics political science and sociology the objective of such a valuation should be oriented toward restoring the balance essential to genuine academic freedom this would include assurance of fair and factual treatment of our system of government and our enterprise system its accomplishments its basic relationship to individual rights and freedoms and comparison of the systems of socialism fascism and communism as a result education has turned into a tool for corporate power for the dollars. we have historically had education about our labor movements about our historical tax rates and economics we used to teach this stuff in school. if you heard about the pullman porters or the flint sit down strike or the grange movement or how and why the pinkerton organization started if you haven't odds are you attended school in the
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united states after reagan's presidency and if you didn't know all those things odds are you attended school the united states before reagan's presidency because things have fundamentally changed since the 1980's and we're no longer teaching the history of this country that this country has a history of getting more and more rights to workers for example unionization you know actually if we were to start back in the progressive era in the in the one in the one thousand eight hundred ninety you know you see unionization going very very slowly and then in the one nine hundred thirty s. that it jumped up here but now since one thousand nine hundred sixty seven especially when reagan came into power we see the union movement crashing the union movement is the. is the red line and with that the income for the average worker crashing. and what's going up in terms of income the top one percent. it's dramatic. it's going to go to our next slide here. our top income tax rates
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we haven't talked about you know historic income tax rates and in fact in many cases it's so fast that the conservatives will start their conversations by saying well you know the tax rate has it's the highest it's been since reagan well yeah that's reagan right there but during this period of time from the one nine hundred thirty s. until the one nine hundred eighty s. this was the time of greatest job creation this was the time of solid job creation and this was the time when the average c.e.o. was only making thirty times with the average middle class person did because we had a middle why us reagan crashed this thing and ever since then the middle class has been in trouble and job creation has gone away it's moved to the next one here taxes here's the evidence of it these are historic tax rates when our tax rate was over ninety percent top marginal rate on the very rich on average we were creating over two million jobs a year when it was seventy five to eighty percent it was almost two and
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a half million jobs your same sixty nine to seventy five percent you can see this right across here's where we are right now. as you know larry beinhart did the research on this one when taxes when tax rates on the very rich are high you have a stable economy when they get low you get a wild because see no economy again growth in real after tax income from one thousand nine hundred seven to two thousand and seven reagan said the trickle down economics of make everybody rich and everybody got out there and voted for him and believed it well this is what trickle of get down economics has brought you this is the bottom twenty percent the next twenty percent the third twenty percent the fourth twenty percent and all of the last one the top twenty percent except for the top one percent and this is the top one percent from seventy nine basically the election reagan till two thousand so. that's it for tonight's big picture tonight for more information or to see any segment of the show check out our web site at thom hartmann dot com and don't forget the mock receive begins when you get out there. back to your it.
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generals refused to step down as gyptian capital braces itself for a day of massive public protest against military rule exactly a year after the former president was ousted. divisions in the armed wing of the syrian opposition over claims of responsibility for the deadly bombing of a security service have waters in the country's second largest city. and new threats to national security america's growing obesity problem is expanding waistlines and bank accounts as big business farmers big profits happening.
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is eighty and the rest of you watching are joshie welcome to the program egyptian military rulers say they want to public pressure to step down as a country marks the first anniversary of the revolution that toppled president mubarak the supreme council of the armed forces warns of a conspiracy to foster instability in egypt a sow's of protesters in cairo disagree and are planning a day of civil disobedience on saturday they marched overnight in the defense ministry calling on the generals to hand power over to a civilian government. edge of has been gripped by protests over the last few months with dozens killed in clashes with security forces and you parliament's been elected as drawing up a constitution but the military says it won't step down until the end of june are just more is it all looks into why many egyptians are unhappy with the outcome of the our revolution. around a thousand killed at least.
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