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tv   [untitled]    February 11, 2012 1:18am-1:48am EST

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it's in committee that will use this competition as a dry run to give olympic preparations a boost. sochi if you're looking for the great outdoors but close to the city join our moscow team later today as they reveal more of what the capital has to offer here's a preview of what's ahead. for other alternative way of traveling in the woods about special this is great for the dogs are just beautiful but so well and anyone committed to the center and try the
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south it cost one thousand rubles a person that's about thirty dollars for a twenty minute ride. and three militants have been killed in the counter-terror operation in russia's southern republic of dagestan the dominant were surrounded by special forces in their residential had out and opened fire after refused after refusing to surrender one police officer was killed and another injured in the shootout officials say all three were known members of a terrorist group and want to bias towards a counterterror operation is still underway with more militants said to be still and the building. now let's take a look at some of the stories from around the world the u.n. chief is called an ardent u.k. to avoid an escalation in tensions over the dispute of folk and islands in the run up to the thirtieth anniversary of the two countries going to war argentina's
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foreign minister have to man has made an official complaint about the u.k.'s militarization in the south atlantic saying it threatened all of south america is also accused britain of deploying nuclear weapons near the fulton islands which one describes absurd. idea in authority as have rearrested an alleged leader of the radical islamic sect of herat in the east of the country he escaped from police custody last month after being accused of masterminding the violent christmas day bombing so that killed at least forty four people the militants his aim is to stab a shari'a law in an area killed over one hundred eighty people in a series of attacks in the sea of last month. the world renowned annual carnival has kicked off in the streets of rio de janeiro despite local police striking over their salaries officers have been given an agreed pay rise of thirty nine percent over the next two years but they want to double similar industrial action in the city of salvador saw the murder rate double with one hundred twenty people killed during a nine day police strike and now with
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a raise for the white house well underway our very own the new york resident laurie asks people in the big apple their views about the process and the outcome. according to some polls ron paul is now that good in the us republican presidential candidates he raised does he really have a chance this week let's talk about that do you think grandpa a chance i personally don't right now looks weak just physically like an old man and sad to say i agree on everything but. that's interesting so do you think the data left back the way people vote that's affecting the way i've a illuminati is going to have whatever they want. so do you think they're going to choose them a private or that not a chance why now it is just too much on the french for the rest of america but he has such a strong contingent among the you for now well i'll tell you that any changes he'll
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bring forward will be on obama's good work that's what i'll tell you that he's laying down a foundation for the next president whoever he or exactly that's my belief you know and i and i mean the strain here i think he's got as good a chance and i think above the seeds of those effects of the public the novelty of his candidacy were off within about twelve months of his arrival and ron paul certainly would be a novelty in office keep in o.t. but that's what. politics is based on at the moment i think is interesting he's a nonpolitician speaks very honestly but i don't agree with his policies and so if i were living here i wouldn't vote for him no he gets more independents then both then all three candidate of the candidates so why does the media not pay attention to him well basically because he's against the establishment he's against everything is having a stand for you against the military national complex here against the federal
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reserve you think he has a chance here oh he is there are ten zero why he doesn't have the finances and he doesn't have the team necessary to put together a serious campaign so you're just talking about how he's running not actually his policies or whether night be good for the country well if he could doesn't have the team in the money to get his message out nobody's going to hear whether or not you think ron paul actually has a chance to become the next u.s. president the bottom line is if elected he certainly would shake things up and that seems to be something everyone is looking for. the extreme sport that seems to defy gravity and some of the rules of physics appeals to many too i get adrenaline junkies now four legged one as well a dog in western ukraine has become an internet sensation over its passion for an active lifestyle i just has the story. of two thousand and one french movie the
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game my car she launched a new world wide grace the park or thousands of print kuzio worldwide took to the six treatment activity performing breathtaking stunts on the walls and rooftops this skill of running and jumping from one surface to another is not so hard to master. after a few slip ups and bruises you will eventually get it right but imagine if you were doing that standing on four legs and not being as a gyle as a human being. but this ranji fellow proves nothing is impossible to tread stuff or cheer a terrier from western ukraine you may see mean looking but in fact it is extremely kind hearted and he's one of only two dogs known to the world yes you have lots of like a yes no go and what there is a dog like that in hawaii it might have appeared before to it but honestly i knew nothing about it when we started training besides that dog is much later in the
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tricks are not a spectacular. owner you've gained he had been doing park or until a knee injury ruined his career his unfulfilled dreams suddenly reincarnated in a six month old puppy for more than four years tried has been doing some amazing stuff both in urban landscapes and historic landmarks. when he was only six months old he jumped to a cheer and from there he jumped on top of the fridge that's where we thought he. reed is very energetic and sometimes they're used in dogfights before the five years we've been doing parkway were true it has never been aggressive to anyone who hasn't fought or even aborted anyone. it looks like a case of serious animal training just like in a circus but you forget he says he has only invented a few tricks for trad believe it or not the dog makes almost all of the moves. he finds it interesting you can see in the videos it looks like he's enjoying what
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he does i only cordon it on him and very often he improvises some see that i field and park or myself and i will make the dog could do what i was unable to you can see for yourself nobody makes you do it with the. breath taking videos have garnered millions of you tube views and earned him global recognition in their hometown you've gainey and he spat have not become offline celebrities just yet at least until a movie starring the unique dog hits the big screen in the summer but everyone in the neighborhood can rest assured threat is not a threat. lexie were. reporting from chairman of the ukraine. while to stay with us as with any war to come here.
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but. that's right for thirty. years no we thank you so you get to the monk yeah if you want to have sex go and have sex.
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is it would you. do.
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welcome back here with r t here's a look at the top stories the generals refused to step down as the egyptian capital bracing itself for a day. public protest against military role exactly a year after the former president was ousted thousands of people are calling on the armed forces to cede power immediately to a civilian government. decisions and merged in the army way of syria's opposition over claims of responsibility for the deadly bombing of the security service headquarters in the country's second largest city at least twenty five people were
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killed in twin blasts which the free syrian army first admitted but later denied. his threat to national security america's growing obesity problem is expanding waistlines import more bank accounts as big business as hard as big profits from saddling the people. also they have now on our network we bring you our special report of how the sandals firefighters tackle more than just fires as they handle all medical emergencies in the city as well. right and i know it's a part of arm with the undercover thing there were a little money and in the restaurant there and i did everything that i think were there and ok i wasn't a part of karma has been this bad down there on the way are you are you with her now on hold is it. ok is she conscious. a man when i go and i'm a ground right now i am going to how it may. look
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a merchant a fellow well now a ground zero and when the first film i am also looking over their face all the look of her play like yes this was a special take a look at the babbitt law and the old woman duke remember that there was a cabinet picked up somewhere with them at a point where you're at that you're at the hospital ma'am i am i am ma'am i cannot only for you for the quality of the of the hospital there give champagne like i want to get for mercy purposes only i'm going to market but it's out of the merchant ma'am it is not a merchant just blank i want is used for mercy purposes only and that like threatening emergencies it is not.
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god let's do everything we can to help b.m.s. thirteen standards. today's the parade thoughts christmas parade ten
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o'clock goes till about twelve thirty three engine six five and rescue two six by. three for the good of you guys that know you got the better going on. i know you got it all right with him. and he thinks so much of me and you are now right now going right up to them but you know what i'm going to. there are aware of. this merger of the amateur radio on the way. just tell me off the roof. it's about a twenty five foot tall. you can see where that thing that there's
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a lot of things. i think i know i'll see about the with truth on the floor. upon the human you till next week the whole thing ok. let's play a little lucky. you know you don't act fast enough to get into the silly season again get in there fast and. take a deep breath. again. but i first came down here four years ago we were averaging nine fifty a day running ever average you know twelve hundred thirty hundred calls it runs a day there could well have first. got yes. we handle six hundred thousand
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and we're to see calls a year but the calls are on the inside there's been an explosion in color it's about eighty two percent of what we do the fire department is medical and at seven roger are out at large you may discontinue written several finales the address of your emergency or is there any please is there believe me. i am just don't believe you are the strong one year deal k. i want your time her rescuer emotions running high is that i want to know our medical records are you there with the right now your ok listen very carefully and it is already on the way what i need to find out from you right now is she conscious. conscious beings awake the rising demand for ema services increasing every year on our units runs are going up two percent and hospitals are closing in the last four years about ten hospitals close so it's less and less hospitals thruster take over five hundred seventeen patients every day the rest you get there they evaluate your situation has been referred to as the perfect storm in the county of los angeles just getting bigger and bigger in this there's no no relief
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in sight if you're having a health crisis you'd like to think you can count on getting quick treatment in a hospital emergency room across the country today many emergency rooms were packed e.r. visits have grown thirty two percent in the last decade but there are seven percent fewer emergency rooms from los angeles to chicago to birmingham twenty trauma centers have closed since two thousand severe if you know what's happening in the city of los angeles and in southern california is ground zero for what we're seeing nationwide with the crisis with emergency services. and the inpatient beds per capita lowest in the country and what we've seen recently is the only real health care system that we have in the city of los angeles is the los angeles fire department and because we have become the de facto health care system. this is the canary in the mauling of health care throughout the united states and outstanding
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thank you. general. formerly statistical to me this is big stuff right here oh yeah. mr chambre you miss incident. kurdish. eight hundred twenty seven. john. what's a look what's a real popular one. difficult for the shortness of or the case it was still really breathing for all those the number one to call the. station sixty five is in the south los angeles area of our city. they actually have to paramedic rescues down there one of our busiest engine companies we have in the city of los angeles and unfortunately can't keep personnel that long there are they come there they gather a lot of experience in a relatively short period of time and they want to go on to
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a better place eight people will. still be a. thief through and through. firefighters at first were even e.m.t. and then they became e m t's and for my understanding that a lot of firefighters pocket that maybe one of the many e.m.'s in fact when i started my venture is a firefighter i didn't want to be a mass and i started out going to just do firefighting and they told us go get your mt license i said i can hear you and you can do it and i took an e.m.t.
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course and that's all right i don't do it took the class just to get a license to try to get hired i was only thing i was planning on doing it was just using the license to get high and it turned out that i truly enjoyed your miss aspect as well my job where it was that it started with emulous company making just five bucks an hour for about four years five years which a lot of us had to do. i think. our fire code has played an important role in driving down the volume and spirit of fires and because that is the reality what we need is more ambulances. ten years ago with half the evidence is that we have now now we have all of them see medical services in the city of los angeles. from the time you dial nine one one here in our dispatch center tell the time you get to the hospital it's one service anyone you want to family member to come with you to the hospital we want him to know.
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that you're. here. because this was. really him no this was. their emergency room is very important. we see about three thousand patients a month through demurred sick part but. we had a day the other day where we saw hundred ten in one day and it was exciting and your name is effortless and just reach your sorry buddy the lady you looking for i think her mind hum along ok i've had a lot of pain and its links where my legs get now in the news. and you
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are in a doctor's office today and she was concerned he had blood by the way we had one before we were pregnant there's a pressure right now so many we're increasing staff in and trying to find a room where there's never been room like you know closets hallways things like that. start examining the hallways because about three times it's. an hour so there. are certain things the problem is not enough inpatient beds not enough urgency department beds and not enough nurses commandos that has to take care of all the people who are here. we may have a hospital full of patients no beds upstairs where all patients are equally are because there's no beds upstairs and we do the best we can we're we can't turn them away. and we have a federal law that mandates that you can't turn no one away who seeks care in an
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emergency room. the reality is is that these people don't have primary care physicians that they can call so you're going to end up in the emergency room and i think that if we had a system where everyone had access to care they would this would not be happening because they would they would call their doctor. restless or to please the rest of. my business. rather than. right or. wrong. and see the way three months earlier. what's worse i know that should read just me
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or does bank really. even play just me which is little different than what we want to see us for the granting of your heart she was going all right right now let's do it with your rhythm i want to make sure what you want. your question but never take any sex leniency drugs in the last twenty four hours that you are ok. oh no i feel sorry for the you know the treatment here not just on a more clear you know work in his heart ok hi that's a customer in the spacious b. as in boy you two six six five four four six five he is now adamantly refusing the hospital there were rising on the wrists complication up to and including down. he's willing to accept those responsibilities. i miss the hospital i want to speak with you. know the team by the on talk to.
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yeah well. yeah if it were. some people are just like that you know they get the tree man they don't want to they don't want to go yeah we're locked up i'm at the point. as specialist but. a lot of times they don't have the medicine they can't get the medicine they kind of for the medicine or they sell it for us. but this is it up and take it back to the doctor. so because of that a lot of them tell us more primary care the fresh somebody sees. for individuals don't have access to health care or ambulance to show up with our paramedics on there and that's it that's the closest thing those people see a doctor over here so we're actually a doctor in a box if you will and i remember the service. there are going to. really. make sure
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everybody stops and. you want to be more. just maybe sometimes ok we're going to hear martin luther king ok they're not going to go. you should go we're strongly recommending it we can't force you to go one have a good healthy baby right. let's go to hospital maybe you know fifty. you know you need to you know only go jr who's a month and that where you are as a family what you're going to have. to let me do this is the first time i was pregnant yeah and she could meet contracting and i just think. as a young man to do this it was that it was no longer listen if she doesn't want to go with us well the worst possible case scenario is the baby can come out good and that's just being we're not going to sugarcoat it that's just being blunt i'm going i'm going to have a look around here leaders have you had three and i pass it off so i'm on next
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project that you have. yet to get yet i think that you actually have a woman think once you stand up and try to walk forth. that look we can do that but your blood pressures were already. are you still stand. there not telling you not to run sweetie. so you need to do the right thing for your baby that's less going to go look. ok ok ok we're going to your money ok. all right the king is the greatest hospital for it on the radio they saved me and my baby's life they are really missing. this is because i'm looking them up on ross county supervisor. that opens the door. monday morning at eight o'clock.


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