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tv   [untitled]    February 11, 2012 1:30am-2:00am EST

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what emerging earth follow you around eleanor brown remembered for rome on one level it's a little peculiar today it's all a matter of her claiming i mean yes this war is desolate anywhere in the babble that northern border i mean duke remember can't remember a battle at the pentagon where with ben wedeman there you had not your at the hospital ma'am i am i am ma'am i cannot do anything for you for the quality of life of the hospital there your campaign just like i want to use for mercy purposes only bank of america are committed out of an emerging man it is not a merchant just lying no one is used for mercy purposes only as a lie granting emergency it is not.
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god let's do everything we can to help us thirteen standards. today is the parade thoughts christmas parade ten o'clock goes til about twelve thirty three engine six five and rescue two six by.
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three for the good of you guys that know you got the better to go knock. on you've got it all right with him. and hate you so much i mean when you are not right now going right to the death of the image. there are. thirty am authority on the way. just tell me off the roof. it's about a twenty five foot tall. you can see for that thing there is a god. i think i don't see about the a three on the floor.
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particularly your children that's the whole thing ok. let's get. lucky. you know act fast enough to get into the silly season and get in there fast and. take a deep breath. to get. my first computer four years ago we were averaging nine fifty a day right there we're averaging over twelve hundred three hundred calls it runs today i learned first of all that yes. we handle six hundred thousand american c. calls a year but the calls are on the m.s.i. there's been an explosion in call it it's about eighty two percent of what we do
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the fire the problem is medical. that roger or i'll. just get rid of several in our home is the address of your emergency is there any please is there believe me there . are i don't believe you are the strong one year deal kay i want your time her rescue arrangements for me is that i want you to come around or are you there with the right now your ok listen very carefully and it's already on the way what i need to find out from you right now is she conscious conscious beings awake the rising demand for a my services increasing every year on our u.s. runs are going up two percent and hospitals are closing in the last four years and that ten hospitals close so it's less and less hospitals thruster take our five hundred seventeen patients every day the rest you get there the value eight years that you ration has been referred to as a perfect storm in the county of los angeles just getting bigger and bigger in this there's no. no relief in sight if you're having a health crisis you'd like to think you can count on getting quick treatment in
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a hospital emergency room across the country today many emergency rooms were packed e.r. visits have grown thirty two percent in the last decade but there are seven percent fewer emergency rooms from los angeles to chicago to birmingham twenty trauma centers have closed since two thousand severe if you know what's happening in the city of los angeles and in southern california is ground zero for what we're seeing nationwide with the crisis with emergency services. the inpatient beds for capital lois in the country and what we've seen recently is the only real health care system that we have in the city of los angeles is the los angeles fire department because we become the de facto health care system this is the canary in the morning of health care throughout the united states that are outstanding thank you oh. oh my.
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god. orderly statistical to me this is the big stuff room here oh yeah. you miss the city. service. eight hundred twenty seven. joined. with a little surreal. the shortness of breath it was cool really breathing for those the number one to call the. station sixty five is in the south los angeles area of our city. they actually have to paramedic rescues down there one of our busiest engine companies we have in the city of los angeles and unfortunately can't keep personnel that long there are they come there they gather a lot of experience in a relatively short period of time and they want to go on to a better place. people will. say
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yes. the. thief three and. firefighters and first were even e.m.t. and then they became e m t's and from my understanding it's a lot of firefighters bhakta died there in one of the many e.m.'s in fact when i started my venture is a firefighter i didn't want to do any amass and i started out want to just do firefighting and they told us go get your mt license i said i think you know period and do it and i took an e.m.t. course and i thought all right i'll do it took the class just to get the license to
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try to get hired i was only thing i was planning on doing it was just using the license to get high and it turned out that i thoroughly enjoyed the events aspect of it as well my job where it was that it started with any company making those five bucks an hour for about four years five years which a lot of us had to do. i think. our fire code has played an important role in driving down the volume and spirit of fires and because that is the reality what we need is more ambulances. ten years ago with half the analysts is that we have now now. and all of them see medical services in the city of los angeles. and the time you dial nine one one here in our dispatch center tell the time you get to the hospital it's one service the one you want to family member to come with you to the hospital we want you know to know. that you're.
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here. because this. is. really cool and you know. there are merging soon is very important. we see about three thousand patients a month through demurred city park but. we had a day the other day where we saw hundred ten in one day and it was exciting and your name is effortless and just reach your sorry buddy the late you looking for the thing on her mind hump a lot ok and had a lot of pain and it's laying eggs where my legs get now in the news bulletins and you are in a doctor's office today and she was could certainly have blood fight your way had
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one before you're pregnant there's pressure right now this morning we're increasing staffing and trying to find room where there's never been room like you know closets hallways things like that. starting to see i mean the hallways because about three times it's. discourteous the problem is not enough in-patient beds not enough urgency department beds and not enough nurses to man those best to take care of all the people who are here. we may have a hospital full of patients no beds upstairs where all patients in our yard because there's no beds upstairs and we do the best we were we can't turn them away. and we have a federal law that mandates that you can't turn no one away who seeks care in an emergency room. the reality is is that these people don't have
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primary care physicians that they can call so you're going to end up in the emergency room and i think that if we had a system where everyone had access to care they would. this would not be happening because they would they would call their doctor. rescue a certain region for you so you could rescue. my person. rather . than a very. strong. and see you way too much that your. what's worse i know that should read just me. to spank really. you can play just a little different procedure with or with grunting with your heart just go right
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right now let's do it with your rhythm i want to make sure. we question but never take any sex lately and the last twenty four hours that in. terms of voting that intrigued me. so much just on a more clear you know we're going to start ok high that sequence number in the spacious b. as in boy you two six six five four four six five he is now adamantly using the hospital there were rising on the wrists complication up to and including down i'm . willing to accept those responsibilities. and i'm so the hospital i want to speak with you. know the team by the on talk to. yeah oh. yeah there were.
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some people are just like that they're you know they get the tree man they don't want to they don't want to go yeah we're locked up i was a boy. and specialist but. a lot of times they don't have the medicine they can't get the. medicine they can afford the medicine or they sell it for us. this is it up and take it back to the doctor. so because of that a lot of them tell us more primary care the fresh somebody sees. for individuals don't have access to health care or ambulance to show up with our paramedics on there and that's it that's the closest thing those people see a doctor over here so we're actually a doctor in a box if you will and our ambulance service here and. there are there are. not really a growth. i make sure everybody stops and starts.
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to want to be more. just resigned they were going to hear martin luther king ok not that. you should go we're strongly recommending it we can't force you to go one have a good healthy baby right. let's go to hospital they do you know fifty i know you. won't go to dinner who's a month and that where you are as a family what you're going to have already let me do this is the first time for him with crack and yet she could meet the tracking and just. as a young man to do this it was that it was all of the greatest if she doesn't want to go with us well the worst possible case scenario is the baby can come out good and that's just being we're not going to sugarcoat it that's just being blunt i mean i'm going to have a look around her leaders have you had three and i pass it off so i'm on next project that you have a message. if you think yes i think that i have
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a woman think once you stand up and try to walk for us. they're like we got to do that shit blood pressure already. or you feel stan. lee. they're not telling you not to run the sweetie. so you need to do the right thing for your baby that's less your goals. ok ok ok we're going to go to martin luther king ok ok quest for the king is the greatest hospital shortly right yes now they say that me and my babies like they are really really good. this is proof that we're picking up on was found was county supervisor . looking at it opens the door a. little monday morning at eight o'clock this hospital be open to the patients. watson will broke in the south central area of los angeles county.
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was put on the map not only in california but the but the mission to the world. in one thousand six hundred five because of the riots six days of rioting in the negro section of los angeles left behind scenes reminiscent of war torn city much of south central los angeles seemed to be on fire up the fire killing five unemployment or education and things like a lack of health care and. my own commission said that the county must really house but. just think that we had a section of los angeles county. over a third of a million citizens without adequate hospital care. when i transferred in more you sticking. true hospital was the e.r. facility it was a hospital it was a trauma hospital trauma it was open which was actually a pretty state of the art trauma and. i believe we were saying to in fifty.
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maybe even closer to fifty five fifty seven thousand a year in the main department a lot of times we would get the diabetic and coma who knew something was wrong but didn't have the means to go to the doctor's office. again that goes to the problem . that there are no primary care facilities in the area. a few years ago the county last year said a lot of clinics are open for people to go walk in off the street and see clinics in the county and a few bad budget years a few years ago they closed those clinics private clinics are going to open up and take under insured or patients who can't pay. and you don't have papers yes you have papers just permission how is your sugar
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level it's one hundred twenty eight. no it's four hundred that's very bad for your diabetes. second if you had an appointment with a pharmacy a week ago why didn't you go. i did go. this is this is a free clinic the medicine is free you see me for free so why didn't you come this costs money. a lot of the patients here are not compliant they don't want to structure their never raise with structure of what the school you know never stuck with a layer. so check your sugar two to three times a week don't use more not every day this is very expensive just to not have insurance but this is where the money needs to go because you can treat a primary care why in this diabetic you prevent from getting you know feel your heart attacks leg cut off you know because if you want to deal with them on the
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streets and then two years later he ends up at l.a. county hospital you get treated as if it cost five hundred thousand dollars. if you miss your next appointment or any other appointment you can find a new clinic oh yes if i miss the appointment i can come back you know when. primary care nationally is a problem when it is and especially a problem here in los angeles county where do you go for primary care physicians first of all the country is not training enough for them.
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so we have a possible candidate for the program. mr mayor has been identified as every one user she's been to the. least six times within the one year period we want to hear for also the care management part of it in order to maybe help her keep her out of that yard having to come in ok to say mrs romero come to see my name. i work with a program called road to house and to help the patient understand better how to use the medical system settings them out maybe. but even going to have a case to occur who is going to communicate with you often. ok with them as though
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you were telling me how sometimes you have difficulty making appointments see ok so we're going to help you a little bit with that. oh my you know how can i help you know maybe if they didn't give me this mattson you do have to educate and empower patients to learn how to access care quickly and at the same time you can't do that if the system is not set up to be accessible if you're educating the patient to go down a road where the bridge is out and there's a fork in the road there's three different ways to go and you know which way to go that's not going to be very helpful. our vision is to improve access to care we want to give people access to the right care at the right time in the right place and we need to incentivize financially our primary care providers our physicians this is your family medicine doctor that you go see for a cold but also the person who's most likely to diagnose you if you have cancer. and you know you have refills you know but they told me i shouldn't come back with al did prescription or why in that i mean of course they wouldn't sal it to me
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that's one thing we need to explain to the feature on the field. yes five years she's telling me that she gets it that's why somebody see they're going to take it on and off i must. be sure going for wellness will get together later for a lot of. birds got a. lot of a good thing for them or not. this year it's. their right. we have our twenty eight. under really interested in ok you guys are doing much better you're just about reach but margery's goal of what he wanted to have been a last resource on scene within six minutes you guys are holding down seven minutes flat however the best it's ever been and what is six hundred forty.
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seven. year old little super necessary this gives you the facts. i had a doctor call me from moscow but we get there of no and he called me one evening any tells me that they couldn't take any more patients and their emergency room so i asked him to explain exactly what he meant and he says we need to free our beds for our people and i said i will which people are your people the people that we're bringing them from these lower income areas are paying they don't have insurance they got to get treated they got to be seen. paying you can't function as a hospital and that's why we've lost so many hospitals in our area and. tell all in the last. five years we've had a level emergency rooms close and in most cases hospitals.
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if you give a map of the city and you put a little dock where the hospitals are and you put a dog or the yars and. the official on t.v. up location. i pod touch from the. lights on the. video. on t.v.'s my old compass and r.s.s. feeds now with the palm of your. question on the.
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if to.
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the generals refused to step down as the egypt's new capital braces itself for a day of massive public protest against military rule exactly a year after the former president was ousted. divisions in the armed wing of the syrian opposition over claims of responsibility for the deadly bombing at the security service headquarters in the country's second largest city. and new threats to national security america's growing obesity problem is expanding waistlines and corporate bank accounts as big business as harvest big profits from the fattening of people.
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desire to live from moscow i'm marina joshie egyptian military rulers say they won't bow to public pressure to step down as a country marks a year since the revolution that toppled president mubarak the supreme council of the armed forces warns a conspiracy to foster instability in but thousands of protesters in cairo disagree and are planning a day of civil disobedience on saturday in march so we're not. defense ministry calling on the generals to hand power over to a while over at once to a civilian government has been gripped by protests over the last few months with dozens killed in clashes with security forces and in parlance been elected and is drawing up a constitution but the military says it won't step down until the end of june are just more of a national looks into why many egyptians are unhappy with the outcome of their revolution. around a thousand killed at least six thousand injured and even more still missing egypt.


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