tv [untitled] February 11, 2012 5:48am-6:18am EST
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know all these rescues here they're probably going to waiting for a while because i think we just got the last available but that's why i got that one i. want you to you know. we just take a patient to martin luther king with nausea and vomiting which. just in the emergency room and based on her level of severity so get in bed. we got there before a few other patients and she got a bed and now the other patients are going to wait even though they might have more severe problems they might have to wait for a bed for hours. if martin luther king you know even if they just limit their number of beds which they're planning on doing to forty two beds then that's going to be repercussions for everybody so. hopefully it won't get to the point where it's going to be affecting patient care to the point where people are going to be
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waiting for such long times that they're not going to be getting treated as they should so we'll see what happens. yeah he was actually driving check out the vehicle and the passenger. there is no one in the end to this we are the county hospital for the poor and yet we're the trauma center for everyone on the south bay area of los angeles. so it makes no difference if you have the best insurance in the world or no insurance the next time you're in a traffic accident if god forbid we have an earthquake or bioterrorist attack we are the place that you want to come we're the place you're going to be brought regardless of where you want to come and if we're overcrowded have no gurneys you're going to be in trouble you're not going to get the kind of care that you deserve. it's not the train wrecks that really scare us and keep us up at night. who would scare is a sin keeps us up at night is that essentially a pandemic flu it'll take about. twelve hours before every hospital your is
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overwhelmed. by. par for the forty three year old growth of a critical quarter yeah well but he said if you go to the emergency room there's no other we can do you're in the emergency room right now. oh. well can't they help me there at the emergency room. a lot of times they think you know i want you to take us in the ambulance because we'll be seen faster in the e.r. . we. did the emergency room i mean was would be transported from one hospital to the other because you know use an i pod he would present theories are you want to go to kaiser no. there's a lot of we can do that here and now one of those was. with a tool that was developed and like any tool you have you don't have
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a set of instructions along with the tool is going to be you misuse and abuse and eventually you don't break. it up with water from. the metal detectors you're already in the hospital on the moment in there and i'm trying to get an interpreter for you certainly movement don't i won't get sex but i want to merge here clearly. and you know by the time of his job on getting on the bed it was all day on the emergency room my wife is about is dying and then there's
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a don't want to help you out ok when he came down i said i want to be in the fight against the obama team bloods ok and why aren't they helping or yeah i'll get to watch it or. you're not doing it and they're just watching her ok eat eat eat the contact the nurse or doctor let them know to bomb any blood they don't believe they're not going to let him in if he's causing a problem he needs to contact the county police officers at the security dept there was no doubt medics are not going to pick him up or pick is why apart from optical coaches are already at. one to two one. with the persian gulf a little bit on the ground. and if we want to hurt the will of the people there. are. one. thing that i think that the going. to do prevent.
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their lives than that of the other you're not you're at that awful man. i cannot for you for the quality of the hospital they're very likely to want to use for murder are going to grab it out of them to merge. it is not a murder. maybe they're ok well that's not a criminal thing with the. contract offer. them just lying i want to use for murder only where. it is not.
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a hit. for ever after that incident we actually have patients who are actually not in the e.r. but in the ward but they're not getting timely treatment in the world they want more pain medication don't pick up the phone and dial nine one one so we're sending the m s captain out to the eighteenth floor of the hospital to provide more pain medication for patients inside there you know you go i want to see you over there are five fires paramedics are incredible and they're you know we make that we're constantly doing training and more training more training and they stepping up to fill that gap but is that what we want as a society for the fire department to become the health care system. that. a big part of the fix is more primary and preventive care if the people with diabetes and high blood pressure get treated early then they don't come in here with heart attacks and strokes. and. then you are
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a little sad that you know a lot of that. but even then you go primanti actually you love in an ideal world for us need to open up those county clinics today so we have some place for individuals will walk into before they become in crisis and need actually nine i want to service it all comes down the phones really it's a catch twenty two you know situation so what we did here fire season sixty five we've managed to more risk use that we can put into place if things get really bad which they do a lot here. is it a band-aid yes but it's his only mandate we have right now be able to serve everybody in this community. we're going to. let.
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well for the folks here it's technology innovation all the mist of elements from around russia we've got the future covered. general. marks one year since the ousting of president. major civil disobedience the military. wing of the syrian opposition claims responsibility for the security. of the country's second largest city. building in the second day of a national strike the transport system. workers are protesting the government
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agreeing to yet another said. you can see the people you can see the riot police. in. a very well warm welcome from all of us here in a very chilly moscow you watching on. president mubarak step down the egyptian capital is bracing itself for a massive demonstration with calls for a brand new revolution thousands of protesters want the ruling military council to relinquish power to the generals are reluctant to let go of their. reports for us from cairo. barak may be gone but he is his legacy so to speak lives on so an act of massive civil disobedience it has begun last night in cairo and in several other
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cities in egypt is going to continue for as long as the people can hold out so matter of fact. these two of the act of civil disobedience and a strike which they're calling on everybody in the country to join has been staged by by the organization which comprises which is comprised of fifty most active revolutionary movements in the country including six of the most of the most prominent revolutionary movements they include everybody not just the political groups but pretty much everybody from from from workers to students university students university professors as a matter of fact a lot of the people who are involved in this out of civil disobedience are mostly young people they're the driving force behind who were the driving force behind the . toppling of mubarak last year they are not satisfied with what they've seen over the past year we can talk about the elections which took place not too long ago so they did have a chance to make their voices heard they didn't have
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a chance to cast a vote but again a lot of people are saying that still not everything has been achieved a lot of their evolutionary goals the jobs the economy education and also doing away with massive corruption which was left over from the mubarak era a lot of that still has not been done it's better in fact my colleague looks at the finer points of what exactly people are trying to achieve by continuing to stage protests. around a thousand killed at least six thousand injured and even more. egypt's people have. to leave in a new country but despite all the sacrifices the shadow of the old regime launch during mubarak thirty years of mubarak's rule the number of people try them under military tribunals where one to two thousand now you know within about ten months or eleven months we have. twelve thousand which is of course a humongous number for a country ruled by the military the supreme council of the armed forces or skaf
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that's no surprise but surprisingly enough those discomforted over from who'd previously run the country are not themselves before military tribunals nor for. suspected killer was. thought. to be simply a court system. where ordinary people i mean. medical records this is. and this is illegal hasty with no proper investigation usually with no lawyer and behind closed doors and with no right of appeal human rights activists complain military trials provide no justice and violate human rights you know you have a nineteen year old getting a twenty five year old send your centers because he has a box of mouth of cocktails and people who are found guilty of killing somebody by brutally beating him up and torturing him until he died these are getting seven
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years in jail so i mean it there obviously there's something wrong with this picture a lot of these people are trying for absolutely no reason i mean some just just being in the wrong place at the wrong time is enough to get you in trouble that's exactly what a man says is his case september the time these really embassy in cairo the place. the young screenplay writer was present at clashes between the army and demonstrators and began helping lean jered arrested he was brought to military barracks after summary trial which lasted just twenty minutes he was taken straight to prison to serve almost four months for terrorists and he says the military dishes out a very rough justice. caught in the emerging a seventy two year old who's been. in the army for at least thirty years it must be hard for him to take off his uniform and this lifestyle and this was the only way they know how to deal with problems. for several days what i did know her son's
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whereabouts who were the mongooses when his sister came to me and said i have to talk to you i knew it was about him hoping for the best i prepared myself for the worst. a month after ahmed was released he now faces yet another trial from the same incident at the age really embassy. goal is to intimidate people the message is clear if you go to to really you'll be arrested and it makes us even stronger how is it they don't understand that mad is no working on a book he wants a title you must shut up he explains if people didn't give up after been beaten and humiliated they will never give up until their voices a herald. the citadel in cairo egypt and medieval symbol of power and strength it was fortified centuries ago to protect the region from his enemies at that time cross aides and crusaders today egypt's rulers are doing the same
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striving to defend themselves and to keep power with thousands in jails and dozens killed the concern here is that they may have been working too hard. griffin optionality cairo. and meantime over in syria violence continues to escalate according to reports just in from damascus and army general has been assassinated in the city center it's the first time a senior officer has been killed in the capital since their prize began now a nearly one year ago and while heavy fighting continues for holmes another major city of aleppo suffers twin bombings that killed at least twenty five responsibility was initially claimed by a senior member of the opposition that was later denied by the free syrian army chief and with no u.n. mandate to intervene in the crisis the united states is now said to be gathering a coalition of willing countries to prop up the opposition and palm oil pressure on
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damascus but some activists say intervention would be a costly mistake in syria i think it is a matter of there are some very legitimate interest in the country of people who would like to be able to participate more in their government and i think the government has made some effort to respond they think it needs to make more of an effort but i don't think that comes through foreign intervention it comes through indigenous processes of the people in the country if you look at any foreign intervention over the last several years you see that after the foreign intervention many more people died then could have possibly died through any type of indigenous process even one involving violence and i think that moscow and some of its allies on this matter are very wise seen the pitfalls of foreign intervention and as a u.n. charter makes it very clear the use of force should only be the last possible
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means of trying to deal with the conflict. that was. activist in international human rights he spoke was a bit earlier from geneva. all right well as we carry on here about the still to come on the program testing the slopes russia's major ski resort begins its first rehearsal for the winter olympic games by staging the competition for some of the world's leading winter it's. also extremely canine agility friendly excels at the art of extreme sport he's become an online celebrity because of his gravity defying stunts. the crowds that gather on the streets of greece on the second day now of a national strike in response to imminent new and harsh financial cuts so you're looking at live pictures right here on our t.v. it's a day after the government unanimously approved a new set of desperate austerity measures a part of the package was crucial to satisfy the i.m.f.
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to get a second much needed one hundred thirty billion euro package to bolster the country's crippled economy and the draft bill now has to go through the greek parliament european finance ministers agreement came off a fierce and prolonged cabinet debate which ended with six ministers quitting their jobs meanwhile on friday over the plant spilled out onto the streets of athens where police did use tear gas on protesters who responded with rocks financial journalist and he says the action taken by greece's leadership has nothing to do with the people's well. the government's. the people's best interests it's just doing what it's own interests and the people don't trust the government the government had an option they could have just said no we're not going to accept these measures of default and by the way there's no reason that a default has to equal an exit from the euro zone i don't see the connection other people have made that point and that's used to intimidate the population say well
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if you don't. we're going to default and going to be one of the chaos and one of the drachma hyperinflation disaster and you know these are scare tactics because the people that are in power a bent benefit from a system where they can cooperate with the euro kratz in brussels i don't believe anyone within their right mind would think that they'd be able to to pay though those that's backed clear there's an interest for the banks that are on the hook the european central bank is obviously bought a lot of that debt so they stand to lose but at the same time if they just keep rolling it over they're going to lose anyway i think part of this is just a function of the of the system and people just trying to you hear that expression all the time kick the can count down the road but that's something that people do all the time in their daily lives and they certainly do it in politics they just they don't want to deal with the problem now and they just would rather progress in it and push it along and i think in many in many cases that explains a lot of what you see here and in just over two hours here at all see it's going to be a financial expert mike skies and giving us his
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a rather unique take on the latest business scandals. we've got him just where we want to go they say well max this first headline is the theme of the show ok it's bar. gold bar we're all terrorists now believe in a return to the gold standard you are now officially in extremis according to the f.b.i. yeah we've got of just where we want to you know they're trying to keep the gold price cheap because it makes a mockery of the u.s. dollar so the f.b.i. is saying if you buy gold you're a terrorist thus increasing the panic buying of gold around the world this is just like the federal reserve chairman ben bernanke trying to talk his way into some kind of economic nirvana which is failed miserably now the f.b.i. believes that they're hot the top the economists are going to talk gold down yeah right that's going to happen if any it's you know only going to cause more panic
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buying i. you're watching r t it's good to have your company on this saturday in america the obesity epidemic is growing now about seventy five percent of the entire population is considered overweight and as waistlines across the country continue to bolt so do the pockets of the big corporations who make millions from unhealthy living the first lady michelle obama warns that obesity could be the country's next national security threat with just one in four adults able rather to join the military because of their size now she is leading by example keeping yourself physically fit and teaching children the importance of healthy living obesity costs the u.s. one hundred sixty eight billion dollars a year and that looks unlikely to improve as because parishioners continue to choose profit over health artie's lives while. we're broke.
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and we need to stop the out of control spending spree that's growing our washington d.c. as the debate over cutting government spending rages on billions of taxpayer dollars wasted each year on junk food between one nine hundred ninety five and two thousand and ten over two hundred fifty billion dollars was spent on subsidizing foods that are making americans fat seventy four percent of all the subsidies go to just ten percent of the agribusinesses these are not the small farms public funds go to agra giants like monsanto the company produces genetically modified seeds and claims more than ninety three percent of soybean and eighty percent of the corn market in the u.s. but this is not what americans are consuming the crops are turned into products like high fructose corn syrup which end up in most processed foods the effect on american health is devastating seventy five percent of americans are now overweight and advertisers today target can't the most important part of the mcdonald's back
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in there is you pay superman this is kryptonite for us. the results are one in five kids in america are obese they like sweets and they like all the additives that are added to fast foods and sodas and snacks meanwhile corporations are profiting from the fattening of america they spend millions each year lobbying congress to up hold policies that keep the big businesses profitable david rosin calls the system the obesity and duster complex that this system is essentially it's you know it's a pay to play system and if you can pay. to support your local congressman or senator you have a stronger opportunity to both not only influence the laws that are passed but actually draft the was like congress recently declaring pizza a vegetable agribusiness is spend a lot of money on capitol hill and making sure that the funding is going towards things that are going to drive down the products of the most profitable products
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also cashing in on the. of america pharmaceutical companies the u.s. spends one hundred forty seven billion dollars each year treating obesity related illnesses countries from china to hungary require labeling of g.m.o. foods but with the power of corporations and lobbyists to englewood's politics no such laws exist in the u.s. today and washington was wall r.t. . to remember that or you can always access all of our news and much more by logging on to our website called let's have a look at some of the stories standing by there right now for example staying on the safe side germany delays the signing of a controversial new piracy laws after protests erupt across europe and also online striking firemen in brussels give the local police a cold shower the main entrance of the prime minister's office find out what i. call.
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watching our team the home of the two thousand and fourteen winter olympics russia's resort city of sochi is welcoming the some of the world's finest skiing athletes this saturday testing out the slopes for the downhill world cup but just before the race kicked off the russian president took to the snow and slipped on the track in some pretty good style preparations for the big games in two years' time already full swing with various tracks and facilities being tested to the limits here he goes again some slick maneuvers there from the president. reports for. so she's been known to have warm february's in the past but not this year blizzards and temperatures well below zero.
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