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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2012 2:48am-3:18am EST

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really i think. this is proof that we're picking up on rock samples county supervisor with that opens the door a. little monday morning at eight o'clock this hospital be open to the patients. watson will broke in the south central area of los angeles county. what's was put on the map not only in california but the but the mission to the world. in one thousand sixty five because of the riots six days of rioting in a negro section of los angeles left behind scenes reminiscent of war torn city much of south central los angeles seem to be on fire up fire killing five point unemployment or education and things like a lack of health care and also. my own commission said that the county must really have to. just think that we had
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a section of los angeles county. over a third of a million citizens without adequate hospital care when i transferred in m.l.k. more use to king. true hospital was a your facility it was a hospital it was a trauma hospital trauma it was open which was actually pretty state of the art trauma and i believe we were saying to him fifty. maybe even closer to fifty five fifty seven thousand a year in the main department a lot of times we would get the diabetic and coma who knew something was wrong but didn't have the means to go to the doctor's office. again that goes to the problem that there are no primary care facilities in that area. a few years ago the county last year said a lot of clinics are awful people could go walk in off the street and see clinics in the county and a few bad buggers
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a few years ago they closed those clinics private clinics are going to open up and take under insured patients who can't pay. you so you don't have papers yes you have papers just permission how was your sugar level it's one hundred twenty. no no it's four hundred that's very bad for your diabetes. you have an appointment with the pharmacy a week ago why didn't you go. i did go. this is a free clinic the medicine is free you see me for free so why didn't you come this costs money. a lot of the patients here are not compliant they don't want to structure their never raise with structure never went to school you know never
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stuck with a layer. so check your sugar two to three times a week don't use more not every day this is very expensive cars do not have insurance but this is where the money needs to go because you can treat a primary care why in this diabetic you prevent from getting you know feel your heart attacks and leg cut off you know because if you don't treat it with them on the streets and then two years later he ends up at l.a. county hospital you get treated as if it cost five hundred thousand dollars. if you miss your next appointment or any other appointment you can find a new clinic oh yes if i miss the appointment i can come back you know what end. primary care nationally is a problem when it is and especially a problem here in los angeles county where do you go for primary care physicians first of all the country is not training enough for them.
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so we have a possible candidate for the program. mr mayor has been identified as every one user she's been to. at least six times within the one year period we want to hear for also the care management part of it in order to maybe help her keep her out of that yard and having to come in ok the same mrs romero my name is.
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i work with a program called road to health and to help the patient understand better how to use the medical system setting them on maybe. but if you are going to have a case to a care giver who is going to communicate with you often then ok use them as the way you were telling me at how sometimes you have difficulty making appointments see ok so we are going to help you a little bit with that. they call me you know how can i help you know me and they didn't give me this mattson you do have to educate and empower patients to learn how to access care correctly and at the same time you can't do that if the system is not set up to be accessible if you're educating the patient to go down a road where the bridge is out and there's a fork in the road there's three different ways to go and you know which way to go that's not going to be very helpful in our vision is to improve access to care we
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want to give people access to the right care at the right time at the right place and we need to incentivize financially our primary care providers our physicians this is your family medicine doctor that you go see for a cold but also the person who's most likely to diagnose you if you have cancer. and you know you have refills you know but they told me i shouldn't come back with al did prescription or the k. y. . and of course they wouldn't sell it to me that's one thing we need to explain to the feature of the field. yes five years she's telling me that she gets it that i may be seen i'm going to take it on enough i must. be sure be sure going for wellness will get together later for a lot of. the same. sort of a good thing for the market and i don't think we have. this here it's that we're.
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there right now we have our twenty eight. and her uterus leading ok you guys are doing much better you're just about reach but margery's goal of what he wanted to have a male is resource on scene within six minutes you guys are holding down seven minutes flat however the best it's ever been and it was six point four zero zero zero zero zero zero zero. zero zero zero zero zero zero zero the super messenger here just give you the facts. i had a doctor call me from a hospital but we rescued get there but no and he called me one evening any tells me that they couldn't take any more patients and their merger room so i asked him to explain exactly what he meant and he says we need to free our beds for our people and i said i will which people are your people the people that were bringing them from these lower income areas are paying they don't have insurance they got to
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get treated they got to be seen. you know paying you can't function as a hospital and that's why we've lost so many hospitals and aryan. in los angeles cole in the last just over five years we've had a love in emergency rooms close and in most cases entire hospitals. if you give a map of the city and you put a little dot where the hospitals or and you put a dog we're all supposed were there yours and.
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the latest news on the week's top stories on our t.v. the arab league is set to decide the future of its efforts on syria as violence there escalates and the u.s. gathers a coalition of the willing against damascus. the spirit of revolution returns to egypt on the first anniversary of mubarak's ousting with thousands of protesters calling for an immediate step down by the ruling military council. and the people of greece have marched on the streets in anger over a new set of cuts as the government struggles to keep the country's economy afloat by securing another bailout. and the russian civil society takes center stage in politics as a group of public figures steps up to monitor the upcoming presidential elections
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with the backing of all the candidates. you want to party coming to life from moscow i'm marina joshie the arab league is set to meet tomorrow were what further action to take on the crisis in syria this comes as the country's violence escalates was no and insight let's cross live now to a correspondent. for the pan or a body convenes. now was no he when security council consensus reached on syria what can we expect to come out of the leaks meeting today and specifically how could that change things and syria. well the syrian opposition first of all expects that several of the arab states will actually officially recognize it as an official body right now only. the libyan although only libya recognized the syrian
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opposition as a legitimate body nobody else does the the arab league has actually breastbone this meeting in order to allow the league of the god of the gulf the gulf states council to convene also to discuss this syrian issue the arab league did have an observer situation in syria. in december of last year but they pulled out in january citing increasing violence it is also expected that the arab states will team up with the u.n. security council and its observer in this possible upcoming observer mission in syria earlier the arab states have proposed their own that. their only view on the sill is on the solution to the crisis in syria which was to be part of the u.n. draft resolution which was vetoed by russia and china at the u.n. security council last week so right now the of course the situation in syria continues to be extremely violent activists or be activists claim that hundreds of
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people were killed in the country just over costs we also there were there were twenty car bombings in this in this serious second city of aleppo which killed twenty eight people wounding more than two hundred also an army general was killed there on saturday and right in front of his home in damascus so right now again the situation is increasingly it becomes increasingly violent and this is what syrian deputy foreign minister has to say on the matter of. those people who are who have been killed on people who supported the government. people who were kidnapped by the two groups and they would most of good on the. order do to the exact time of the meeting go of the security council in new york.
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here you can hear us of course yes yes sorry we're having some technical this is there for the foreign minister of syria talking us carry on. that's right soule of course the syrian government says that the increase in violence comes primarily from the armed opposition groups some of them do have claimed responsibility for example for the bombings in aleppo but then they have retracted their statement syrian government insists that's that the rebels in their country are met managing to go to survive and carry out their violence because of the foreign at least at least financial support from from abroad but they're also saying that there are insurgents coming in from various arab countries who also provide military and human support to the to the rebels in the country. now we know that mosque has been a staunch advocate of finding a peaceful solution to the crisis for all this time that would involve an interesting dialogue could you tell us
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a little bit more about the effort the mosque is making to use the conflict. well of course moscow has and has repeatedly insisted on the fact that the situation in syria needs to bring results peacefully and by diplomatic solutions and time and time again reminded that it should be an interest syrian matter that is the two opposing sides in the conflict in syria should. discuss the situation should sit down have the talks between them without any foreign intervention let's have a listen to of russia's envoy to the united nations. as the morning doing mission of that i mean he was there and as the situation was appalling everybody saw the the government troops were pulling out of certain. quarters and suit is. taken over by armed rebel groups that would mean that the. armed. we will continue. so at the same time we also have the
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increasing diplomatic facilities in word syria from western countries and the gulf countries several as several european nations have already. have already withdrawn their ambassadors from the country of the gulf nations not just withdrew their envoys to syria but have also expelled. from damascus from their respective countries at the same time you have the recently militant rhetoric from washington or other host of a threat from washington who say they're not going to sit down for any talks with assad or insist that the syrian president step down and that that is the situation in which the the. the the league of the arab states is meeting in that is missing inquirer at the moment in order to discuss what is going to happen with the country and how the situation there should be solved for a ring thanks very much indeed for bringing us the subject on the situation in syria. now you're watching live from
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moscow and you can always find more news and the latest updates on the situation in syria on our web site r t v dot com well here's what elles waiting for you on our website. the day of rage against new anti-piracy laws is wrong in the world with protests taking place in dozens of cities across the planet. also online as south atlantic rao why argentina sees military threats from the u.k. around the disputed vocal mylan. now in cairo thousands of people joined a general strike in protest against the ongoing military rule exactly a year after president of arc stepped down demonstrators want a supreme council of the armed forces to cede power to civilian government they are
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unhappy with how the generals have been running the country with fewer forms made and escalated repression of the opposition dozens of protesters were killed over the past month in clashes with police across the country and you parliament's been elected and is drawing up a constitution while the military says it won't step down before the end of june but want arab backs were told r.t. that the egyptian people have already waited too long. what you see is more or less pressures on the street. very much reflects the frustration of the protesters with the mismanagement or the management of the transitional period by the i think the supreme council is willing to be followed in the and but with very strict conditions conditions that ensure that it has reserved a means of power in terms of national security policy in terms of foreign policy terms of the constitution of unity for its leaders. of the economic interests
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and the economic the it establishment owns. now in a meeting with america's top military officer egypt senior general the fan of the clampdown on international non-governmental organizations in cairo the country's armed forces want to restrict the work of n.g.o.s and have ordered a probe into their conduct claiming some are working to destabilize the country where you finish their reports from cairo. egypt's new government crackdown on n.g.o.s has raised many questions and they may want to is why now the groups many of which funded by washington have been on the ground here for a while they were at the vanguard of the uprising against mubarak that eventually brought the supreme council of the armed forces to power last february and no one has ever seems to care about their sources of income that is until they directed their criticism to the new military leadership blaming skaf for the slow pace of reform some of them are used by the other because. they are quoting
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people the. notion that they are the ones that evolution they have. won the radicals who live there this is very much of the rhetoric this is special led to prosecutors raiding seventeen offices of advocacy groups forty three activists including americans germans and egyptians are now facing trial for illegally using foreign finds to promote unrest in the post mubarak country activists however claim they are the victim of scarves reluctance to give up power with dreaming the people about with their brights but the scaf looking for. some against the regime and all the mind the round up of activists has also netted a sign of you asked mr tahsin secretary ray la hood further fueling tension between cairo and washington has chosen simply because. of them in a sort of plans for. i don't think that. in the thing.
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so this is america whose military aid to egypt reaches one point three billion dollars annually has been very serious there has been quick to condemn this car when in the days of blank checks are over or the condemned mobile. but at the end of the continued on flowing that the provide support also continue flowing we don't order washington's so-called support for democracy get in the east washington wants to step in always the situation as much as possible in order to get on to its interests they don't care about democracy meanwhile even those on the streets protesting against car share the council's concerns about the engine whose motives the usa has had a hand in tips policy making for years but the whole n.t. and your campaign has become the first serious disagreement between america and the country's new authorities cairo wanted to send washington and message that it's no
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longer the silent dog it was under mubarak but an independent state which will last so the right any outside interference some doubts though they really minute the end to military movement growing have a big you can see it over there this is in council of the armed forces or scaf now running egypt is in a very vulnerable position and this nationalistic pronouncement may just be a nationalist show put all to calm the people down and to win back a shred of credibility. in cairo. and still to calm the sour here in our teeth showing itself in the food some members of the press concerned that you could end up at the losing out of it's a bargain on a rainy no oil. saint or sinner or the man accused of being weak a weak source of american secrets is branded a terrorist by some while others nominate him for the nobel peace prize. it's.
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the greek pm look at us has warned of uncontrollable economic chaos parliament does not approve a plan for fresh cuts on sunday measures have already been adopted by the greek cabinet to secure a hundred thirty billion euro bailout from the e.u. and the international monetary fund without it the country could default in march six minute as ministers have already resigned in protest over the new cuts package and some m.p.'s from two major coalition parties are threatening to vote against it in parliament the draft bill suggests firing fifteen thousand civil servants and lowering the minimum wage greece's two biggest trading ins of how they forty eight hour strike against the new measures while demonstrators clashed with police on friday margaret boger is the financial advisory firm partners in chicago believes that a new bailout will dearly delay a greek economic collapse. greece is either going to commit the measures which i
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and many argue still is not it now to guarantee that recent default or it will default just sooner rather than later a lot of people are talking about disorderly default i don't think the european union is going to allow that to occur but frankly i think the markets have been calling themselves the last six months by thinking that there is a better or there are an option i think what you're first going to see much like greek economists have been saying is the shrinking the economy who are to buy percent this year think about what that means for our country already on the brink of you know social not necessarily collapse we definitely definitely instability and economic not ruined but certainly you know it's certainly not growing things certainly aren't getting better a decrease of more to five percent of growth combined with the measures combined with the political pressures of the european union will definitely distort disrupt significantly in two thousand and twelve. party's financial analyst max kaiser
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believes greece has become a convenient scapegoat for some other countries the creditors who are going to take a haircut on their debt already have that fully insured in the credit default swap market and they're going to make money no matter what they don't take any risk that's why greece is in this problem to begin with all of the toxic debt that has been accumulated on banks' balance sheets around the world in germany and the u.k. and the u.s. have been put onto the balance sheet of greece and now the government of greece wants the people of greece to pay for this toxic debt the debt in greece did not originate in greece it originated in these other countries that have used greece because a toxic debt don't don't they're dead. well we'd love to know your opinion on the situation in greece so log on to our t. dot com they have your say in our latest web poll well today we're asking what impact will the latest rescue measures have on the greek economy well here are the
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votes so far exactly have you believe that the new measures will do nothing as the greek economy is already doomed a third saying it will only mean a further hardship for the greek people while eleven percent of you think the e.u. won't allow the greek economy to collapse and the minority for now believes that bailouts are the only way greece will survive those are the figures for now but all that can change of course so you can let us know what you think on this issue by logging on to our web site r t v dot com. as greece struggles to control its economic crisis the e.u. turns up the heat on iran over its nuclear program the european union has announced a series of financial sanctions including plans to stop importing iranian oil from july meanwhile iran's president mahmoud ahmadinejad announced now the islamic republic would soon reveal major advances in its nuclear program he also warned that europe was playing a risky game by cutting off trade with tehran because e.u. consumers account for around twenty percent of iran's oil output the spanish
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ambassador to tehran said that sanctions will hurt his country more than any other european state based journalist miguel on human rado says that serves only the interests of the u.s. . what we're seeing here is not a decision combs actually from the european countries to spain never want to do some bar go to to prove to be put in place this is something that comes externally from the united states pressure on the european union i mean it's not just displaying the need to also greece imports lots of oil from iran it could be hard hitting away that would bring them bundled up in the coming future that would be a complete disaster for the european union and for the euro and that's going to happen because of the. political move it's now become an economic issue and. even more. destructive effects if the iranians decide to say.


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