tv [untitled] February 12, 2012 11:18pm-11:48pm EST
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themselves people buying houses people buying apartments now. one of the big problems not just the cities at the moment is the problem of corruption structured industry the prime minister suggesting perhaps two thirds of the cost of building a house and buying it actually went. to the shady side of business no he wanted to see that clamp down on the wall to see that stomped out in order that more people can buy their own houses and get on the property ladder. ok thank you for that. now or you can find analysis of one of the proteins that published election articles on our website r.t. dot com here's a taste of what else is lined up online for you now spectacular photos from japan rising to its feet once again eleven months after a devastating blow by the elements sparked fears of the structural young to pass. on followers to the city that spent the world's largest cargo plane bringing back
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its reputation as russia's aviation capital. now the spirit of the twenty twelve olympic games are now being marred by sponsorship deal with dow chemical the company many believe there's more responsibility for the worst ever industrial disasters in bhopal india parties i have a bennett looked into the toxic legacy and the games are adopting with a controversial new partnership. organizers claim is the greenest most sustainable a limb pick games ever but a poisonous cloud of controversy hangs over london twenty twelve because of links to this the bhopal gas leak one thousand nine hundred four one of the worst
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industrial disasters of all time the left a toxic legacy still claiming lives the company responsibles now owned by dow chemical a major olympic sponsor meredith alexander was part of the game's ethics watchdog but is just quit in protest it's supposed to be an opportunity to showcase the best and the brightest whether that's the host city or the sports all of it is supposed to be about more than years and instead all of us are going to have the toxic legacy of dow chemicals. fifteen thousand people died when poisonous gas leaks from a factory in rural india the subsequent fallout killed another ten thousand congenital birth defects in the area a ten times the norm in the rest of india far was ten of the time the gas she inhaled left permanent damage and. i can believe that it will open higher and the money's been taken and how dull just dulls time to
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prove that they're a sustainable and they're really really good with you know they're trying to improve their image the best way that they can improve their image is by cleaning up the factory said farah got just one thousand dollars compensation part of a four hundred seventy million dollar payout in one thousand nine hundred nine by union carbide factory owners dow chemical company in two thousand and one but denies any lingering liabilities but the indian government disagrees demanding down stumps up one point six billion dollars to clean up the contamination that lives on . people still getting water that has been dominated union carbide factory children are being born with deformities people have more cancers there's growth in and boys there's there's girls have problem with their periods all kinds
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of issues that have have arisen from the allegedly that has been left behind by this boy in this factory dow chemical is paying for the fabric that will be draped around the stadium olympic rules forbid any advertising during the games itself but dow is allowed to splash its logo all over the curtain before the games actually begin but it's now said it's not even going to do that says it's nothing to do with the protests but it does mean it's paying seven million pounds for something that won't even show its name but dow will still be able to call itself a sustainable a limping partner and organizers say their conscience is clean supposedly thanks to a green light from the ethics watchdog absolutely i did not agree with it it was the question was asked to look at the process and there were discussions within the question and i lie self presented
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a lot of evidence about what happened in all and then i was shocked to see a public statement come out i would never have signed off that statement i've been trying to get that statement and it's because i'm able to do that i need to resign from the commission dow chemical refused to speak to us so did london organizers instead they issued this statement from twenty twelve chief told coach. i absolutely stand by our procurement process and distance the most sustainable solution to our rock and we are comfortable with that a boycott from indian athlete has been called off but india is a limpid committee is still demanding down to be dropped with just six months to go it's unlikely they'll get there were. leaving claims of a sustainable legacy severely damaged other than it london. now look at some other stories around the world the south thousands have gathered in pakistan protesting against their government's ties with the u.s. calling for nato supply routes to afghanistan to be cut off around two dozen right
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wing parties down forces to organize the right which organizes accused india using kashmir as a weapon against pakistan. organizes is also wanted by the indian government in connection with the move by terror attacks in two thousand and eight. and operations to pump five hundred thousand gallons of fuel from the stricken costa concordia cruise line have begun a month off it capsized it's been repeatedly delayed because of bad weather but official saying it will now take a month to remove all the fuel on board seventeen people died in fifteen are still missing off the run aground in the northern coast of italy the captain was said to be among the first to float the ship and is now under house arrest. and this is news now with marina.
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hello and welcome to business here on artsy we'll start with the greed that problems which may have come one step closer to resolution as the country approved even more harsher sorts of measures to save the nation from bankruptcy this story both paves the way for greece's european partners and really i'm after at least one hundred thirty billion euros in new rescue loans greece has fourteen and i have payment due on march the twentieth and requires the bailout pound then to be in place in order to avoid a devastating default the package reportedly can say it's three point three billion euros in the way each pension and job cuts this year. and let's take a look at the markets now we'll start with oil first crude advise from a three day low after greece's parliament approved the austerity measures easing concern that europe's debt crisis will worsen and curb commodity demand and we can see lights we discourage trading at ninety nine and a half dollars per barrel oil prices over one hundred eighteen dollars moving on to
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asian markets there are heading off following news from greece of course and exporters are among the main gainers and souci away carmaker mazda up over a percent so if you're listed shares generally strong dollar for port japan's economy contracted by larger than expected margin in the last quarter of two thousand and eleven and telecoms are on the rise in hong kong with china mobile opera around one percent. here in russia it's less than two hours ahead of the opening bell the markets closed in the red on friday the r.t.s. lost over two percent while the my sex finished over one percent down and mark levin style from metropole financial corp looks ahead to the week's trade. this week is going to be. very important in terms of markers to do so there's a bunch of markers that just coming out of the united states and. particular compared to the previous week when there was very little of a marker data hitting the market this in a week is going to be very busy that's going to shape their. trades of course the
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great story is going to be hanging around the market and any steps in the right direction will have the market to move. on moving on to food resell now which is among the fastest growing businesses and emerging markets here in russia less qassim says the former chief of the biggest retail group x. five and is now the senior vice president at wal-mart he believes this market offers more potential than any other. it's very traditional russian approach to compare ourselves with the u.s. i think better to compare the russian market with contras like china or brazil mexico and i think we're going to live not too far from them sol let's first to beat this country this country and then thinking about our next levels you know the largest russian with all companies this moment have about three to five percent market share. but if you. check same figures
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for some other markets like marcus or western europe or u.k. the biggest players usually have twenty thirty percent so. space for growth of companies like. money dixie or others the space is enormous so again saying that russian market is the probably best in the world market for retailers. and also business news for that for more stores you can always check out our website artsy dot com slash business.
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feel. if. you. welcome back to headlines now afternoons approves draconian new austerity measures as the city explodes of rage of what protesters say is a sellout of national sovereignty to foreign interests. syria brushes off fresh air a big initiatives targeting the assad regime while washington is thought to be then bring up the military action. and equal opportunities to study work and earn in a polluted outlines his plans for social reform in his latest pre-election article
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. on r t our interview with investigative journalist stanley focusing on the turbulent situation in and around syria stay with us. today i'm joined by a so in stanley an investigative journalist rajan in the middle east whose latest piece delves into the discrepancies amongst the casualty figures in the syrian crisis acer thanks for speaking to r.t. now the most quoted sources for those casualty figures is the syrian observatory for human rights but you've recently found out information that suggests it can't necessarily always be trusted why is that i think first of all you have to establish who really is this the syrian observatory for human rights. in our investigation we didn't really uncover any particular reason to doubt the genuine observatory's figures. but there is another group led by this man with
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a very as figures a slightly higher than the original observatory's groups the syrian observatory for human rights led by remy up to or around makes a point to be they say you know they're independent right and that they were called all deaths whether they're soldiers syrian soldiers loyal to the regime or the defectors or their protesters where as. now is are it's group printed as well but their figures for the number of. military dead a much much lower. there seems to be you know a certain agenda there and behind it all seems to me basically. although both sides deny differences in in military intervention essentially in political differences there is different trends in the syrian opposition mainly between people who support outside intervention and the protestors who don't so you've got the syrian
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national council which are now openly in favor of a no fly zone which to me seemed ridiculous because you know there isn't any even claimed that i know of. the syrian regime for all its many crimes there's no claims that it's bombed people so no fly zone just seems a political. pretext to invade to me. and the original syrian observatory for human rights group is against that there's a risk listen they said we don't support of his own they said that to me and so on so forth so these these two sides these two groups they both seemed to although they denied direct links to different factions of the opposition they seemed their position seems to line up why hasn't this internal riffle within the syrian opposition been more widely reported do you think it's damaging for the potentially damaging for the original syrian observatory for human rights if they get into a slanging match about always to just two sides fighting each other sort of thing
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and they they would they i mean they they they didn't want to speak about it very to me the original syrian observatory group because of that so that's one factor another factor is just embarrassing for example for the b.b.c. to say well you did probably check this guy and we put him on b.b.c. news channel as a spokesperson for the syrian observatory which has become a really highly quoted source in this can we still trust that they think there is a good question i mean i think i think it still needs to be looked into more i think it's very difficult this this is duration in syria it's very very difficult to get reliable information on. because the main reason for that is the fact that the regime has not allowed free access to journalists because of the ongoing crime was committed which do seem to be. hopefully not but things do
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seem to be spiraling towards the scenario of the i think while is what is good that it's journalists are open to the views of activists on the ground which is i mean essentially what was rooted human rights that's where they get their information from these activists and eyewitnesses on the ground i think it's good for journalists to be open so that at the same time they do need to check them so i think there is a tendency for. the media in this country in america to accept more uncritically the views of activists on the ground in the case of syria and also iran because it they're seen as anti western regimes whereas if it's in the case of things like palestine for example they far far far less regular for them to take the views of activists on the ground how willing has the foreign media would you say been its consumption of the figures published by the zawi group
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a lot of the mainstream news channels were taken in by his area and he's appeared on the b.b.c. and he's appeared on zero english and c.n.n. and probably others. as a spokesperson for the observatory although he. may have direct friends group says he was never a spokes person for them his kind of narrative which has become increasingly shrill that he it plays into the narrative of we need to do something we meaning you know the west or the british government or the american government or whatever we need to intervene we need to do something and it plays into that kind of narrative i mean for example periods last month on. australian t.v. and he used the word genocide which of what's happening now i mean. that seems to me exaggerated for all the crimes of the bashar assad regime he's he's kind of seems to be inflating it which to me is is damaging to the opposition and
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that's what people who i've spoken to who are either part of the opposition or sympathetic to the opposition that's why they're kind of they don't like this kind of approach because the crimes of the regime and bad enough without kind of. using words like in. syria observatory their original group ran for so i assume either they're against the floods and that's part of it doesn't seem to be picked up by the media in general that although they call their figures a lot they don't quote the fact that well that they said explicitly to me you know i haven't kept going said to me where we're against a no fly zone we don't want to war in this country we want we just want democracy. so again that the media seems to be quite selective of the parts that make it. and they did does i suppose the reality of. i tried on the ground does
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does play into it into what's going on in the u.n. and to a certain extent but i think there's greater political forces at play here how damaging could a foreign intervention be in syria any outside military and intervention in syria would be. worse with the kurds. and it could even increase support for the regime and three we saw you see what happened in the case of iran going as well as opposition. from. the there is rhetoric from the outside of threats of are the bombing from israel or the u.s. all this talk in the media. threats allows the regimes to then say oh well look you have to support us because otherwise you're going to you know you're going to get bombed and oh well these opposition people they're not genuine opposition they're
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just agents and so on and so forth so. i think and i saw intervention. in terms of whether it's just the so-called no fly zone or any kind of military intervention would very much make things worse. the arab league solution to the syrian crisis is for president a sad to see power to his deputy is that fair i think that's a way of keeping the regime in place and changing the figurehead that seems to be very much the g.c.c. plan in yemen for example where they wanted. to step down and. essentially to keep everything for and of the parents of his vice president for us and the resume regime essentially staying the same is it the what's going on in the region is very much a counter revolution to the wave revolution the sweats the region the whole are full sense. the tunisian uprising was successful in the polls. open
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every. there's a very powerful counter revolution which is led by saudi arabia backed by the americans. also by in a more indirect way by israel. the aim of this cancer revolution is by all means to keep regimes in power and if necessary shedding the head and so you see that happening in egypt where the military rulers were able to preserve them so expensive and i think these same powers would they are open to that happening in syria keeping the same then we care about democracy percent they just want more that whatever is best for their interests here and if if there would be a more manageable. regime which then had a different figurehead they certainly go for that and when stanley thank you thanks .
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hello welcome along to the world of sport hayes what's coming up. announcement imminent reports claim former england manager fabio capello could be on the brink of joining russian premier league side i'm jake. cage range. battle again seven times in cornell's a podcast headlines the inaugural verdict and i'm a championship in moscow. and king of the swingers film mickelson wins the faulty a title of his career as he claims the pebble beach national in california. the first of football and according to sources in russia fabio capello could be about to become the next manager of. the italian resigned from his job as head coach of england last week the sixty five year old arrived in the russian capital on saturday and is holding talks with the darkest about taking over as head coach at
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the premier league outfit the club will hold a press conference later on monday when an announcement is expected on the future of current head coach john capello for. the country's football association went against his wishes and st john terry of the captaincy well it seems each of them pulled late is caught up with brutal it's a form of angie's near neighbors tended grozny and the dutchman believes the russian premier league like a hell of a great challenge if he decides to take the reins and one of the world's richest football clubs. it was a great experience. both to work with these people it's what you learn yourself when you talk about the great experience all you learn a lot you can see the most recent how it's. been used a lot about times to post this response by someone you know i didn't expect that makes. for a lot of courage before the world cup for the european cup.
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