tv [untitled] February 13, 2012 1:00am-1:30am EST
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three points of agreement which the arab league has come up with during their meeting in cairo on this sunday no of course the syrian situation is going to be discussed further during the un national assembly in the un general assembly pardon me in new york i which is to happen later monday while all of this is going on the violence in syria continues of course it's really hard to confirm exactly the reports of the people who have been killed or wounded most of the recovery from unconfirmed sources there is a media blackout in the countries that it's really hard to say whether or not really hundreds of people are being driven by the weekly basis as the activists who are affiliated with the opposition have a tendency to claim however at the moment we do know that. the syrian opposition fighters have received really strong support not just from the arab league members but also from some of the more and expected sources for example from al qaida and now it's important to mention that syrian officials did say they
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did did press the point that a lot of those armed rebels were supported by those states in the statements were rebuked but now some intelligence from iraqi officials suggest that in fact al-qaeda militants are fighting alongside armed rebels in syria of course you have to remember also the increasing pressure from washington d.c. just recently the u.s. state department has published photographs claiming that those photographs show the artillery tanks are situated in the syria what exactly those photos were supposed to prove is not quite clear as most people by now have seen the actual pictures and images of to xander tillery on the ground in syria. so as the international community come up with a new alternative ideas to tackle the crisis. there's not really look like you have of course we have two things. back to these so-called friends of syria which isn't
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quite a completely formed coalition but it's sort of an audience of several countries including the arab league states. who are being stoned supported by the united states and. u.k. who are going to be meeting in tunisia. later this month in order to discuss what the big ones what the further actions that they should be taking in regards to syria of course moscow stands on the matter continues to be. leaving it up to the syrian people to decide what they want to do with their own country is a system that's all sides of all of the conflicts should lay down their arms and resolve this issue of violence peacefully if you. ok r.t. correspondent in the thank you for that. well author and journalist should in return see things the u.s. and al qaida could end up fighting side by side in syria to safeguard common interests. we know the united states and the european union have all but
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military intervention. could happen should happen some sources even saying british sure special forces already in the ground so maybe there is already foreign intervention we know there is some grounds of foreign intervention we have heard about al-qaeda. in syria now once again the united states and european union states as usual supporting al-qaeda as they did in afghanistan prior to nine eleven will they never learn it is shocking to hear american statesman like john mccain calling for intervention presumably u.s. troops side by side fighting against president assad of syria this really shows up what exactly the americans are approving are not protecting the interests of u.s. citizens and or european union leaders our very statement to back any armed attacks
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we saw with lethal consequence in aleppo twenty eight in december forty four dead in damascus this is this is getting out of hand this is getting dangerous but the u.s. has continued its calls for regime change saying it's only a matter of time before the assad government collapses and as history shows washington may find a way around the barriers including the u.n. if it decides to push through its agenda on syria. what's in a mandate having failed to reach international consensus on syria it's been a complete waste of time washington prepares to act around the u.n. for the time being the administration firmly rules out any form of u.s. military intervention in syria but the pentagon is busy laying out an attack strategy on syria just in case should the president call for action experts say history shows the absence of international consensus would not be an obstacle to washington if it decided. to go ahead with intervention the united states sees the
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u.n. as a tool of convenience if the u.n. is supple and going along with the united states then the united states is fine to have a u.n. sanction for its actions but when the u.n. and the people of the world or the countries of the world resist then the united states says the u.n. is unwilling to do its job and then uses other instruments like nato or other military arrangements they did that in the case of yugoslavia they did that in the case of the iraq war whenever the u.n. doesn't go along the u.s. then says well to heck with you one will use some other instrument for the exercise of american power last year the u.n. security council authorized to protect civilians in libya but the mission resulted in regime change the libyan authorization of force was very specific and it didn't authorize regime change in the countries that that part took in their operation clue you know actually it's for exceeded the u.n. mandate and that operation i think that's symbolic of the fact that these libya that these u.n. mandates really are meaningful in terms of international law and it's just the
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reality of it needed countries have flooded libyan rebels with weapons despite a u.n. arms embargo u.s. government wants the u.n. but they want the u.n. to do the u.s. bidding way the united states uses the united nations in regard to be israeli posts in question is very emblematic when the united nations passed resolutions which it has done repeatedly demanding that the israelis get out of the west bank and earlier gaza and earlier the sinai the united states didn't enforce those resolutions they didn't demand that they be enforced when it came to the united nations saying the palestinians have a right to be a recognized state the united states acted as if there was a crime against humanity that the united nations there take up the issue of palestinian rights we can see here a manipulation of the united nations when it does what the united states wants fine but when it stands with the palestinian people which it has repeatedly over and over again then the united states government republican or democrat found
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a way to condemn the united nations. the u.s. also did not support the resolution on syria put forward by russia which would call for all sides in the conflict to stop the violence and to start a dialogue instead he chose to take sides in a civil war. right now but one might describe the u.s. towards the u.n. as use it if needed go around it if you don't like it but while an all or card approach to the world body might suit washington it makes for a bad recipe for world stability i'm going to check our reporting from washington. for more in-depth discussion on the standoff in syria coming up in twenty minutes time. in this day so when stanley says there's no unity and opposition and that's calls for military intervention aren't supported by solid facts with a taste of the interview. although both sides deny differences in military intervention essentially political differences there is different trends in the
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syrian opposition mainly between people who support outside intervention and protest. so you've got groups like the syrian national council which are now openly in favor of a no fly zone which to me seems ridiculous because there isn't any even right now the syrian regime for all its many crimes there's no crimes that is people so no fly zone just seems a political pretext very. unprecedented humiliating solo of greece's sovereignty and future if you have greek protesters to be approval of a massive new austerity package where the bill was passed as running battles tore through the capitol buildings looted or set ablaze by more out of three hundred m.p.'s one hundred ninety nine votes in favor of any of those who were thrown out of the parties those thirty measures were demanded by greece's international
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creditors turn for a second one thirty billion euro bailout needs the cash to pay off the interest on its massive debts to keep its rapidly shrinking economy from defaulting to a greek journalist. explains more from the capital. the greek hello make here's finally passed this austerity package it was a crucial vote always have seen violence hard violence in the streets about it was the worst day since the violence we hardly in two thousand and eight we have seen i guess young people who do you know who did the youth breaking marbles or throwing molotov cocktails same then their police men. throwing tear gas is we we have seen fire is all in the streets are around the scene that must wear on greek parliament. also many many stores around around the streets
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and these. include even lowering the minimum wage by twenty percent this is very hard because the net wages. that somebody will receive its four hundred euros and there with unemployment mean being much higher than twenty percent so people say that they will not stay at home they will continue to react and we will continue to demonstrate on the other hand people are really angry and we expect more violence. germany's finance minister wolfgang schauble it has declared that promises aren't enough and saying that greece will have to implement reforms to prove it's not a bottomless pit but investment advisor patrick young says whatever happens in greece there's no saving it from a collapse that will be felt across europe. in every possible respect greek greece
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is not a tragedy and it is due and the reason for that is simply because the reason no way that they are going to be able to implement whatever austerity they're talking a fight against such a backlash of public opinion whatever happens there the problem for the rest of the euro zone is that not only we have to basically be prepared to defend the whole integrity of the euro and actually if you read what's been said behind the behind closed doors you can see there's a spirit that you know what we may have to do three so we may even have to end up ditching portugal from the euro zone but we're we have to defend is italy and that's really going to fall on the shoulders of the technocrat mario monti government and this is going to be our how to close make a bent during the course of at the latest april does the euro survive at the moment i think probably a shrunken euro it's sixty forty it can do but ultimately we're going to see swinge in recession even worse of the recession read out of we've already been receiving through why do european union and that's bad for everybody in the world ultimately
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within the next maybe it weeks greece is going to be forced to default and that's going to be quite cataclysmic but artie's cross-talk program also focuses on greece's financial predicament coming your way next hour hidden costs of the bailout rescue. the exchange is clear in germany you give me the cash to survive given my debt problem i'll give you my sovereignty but will the public actually comply will they agree to accept the pain of this austerity and will they agree to submit the most important sovereign aspect which is your first school your budget to technocrats in brussels that are not answerable to your population through. they're not managing the greek economy there's nothing and that's i might's i might be provocative here but that's all it is the. monetary fund.
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plays assess the country's education system examined its health care and they the foundations for new housing policies they're all in his latest prediction that if that in the putin lays out his plans for social reform in russia. peta over some of the details of his proposed changes. let me if it was outlining his plan for social change in russia should he be elected president in march now the main areas he's been looking at the education system in the country saying that everybody should have the ability to be able to to raise their social standing to education to work . paying those who educate teachers and doctors are being among the groups in russia that don't really get the the levels of pay we see in other countries as a something a lot of support right he outlined a plan that could see them even receive a two hundred percent pay increase by twenty eight teens pensions also an issue
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that vladimir putin was addressing he praised the fact that russia had to raise the age at which a person can receive their state pension like many countries around europe to do however he does acknowledge the fact that the state pension in russia isn't enough in fact he does acknowledge that one in every eight russians live below the poverty level and many of those are of pension age now we also heard him discuss birth rates want to see an increase in the birth rate in russia and give to give more money to families to encourage them to have a second child and in some regions that have seriously low birth rates and more even more money to encourage them to have safe third or fourth child now all those extra children are going to mean that are going to be more houses and housing was another issue that the prime minister was addressing he wanted to see an increase in a number of homeowners number of people getting on the property ladder and in order
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to do this one of the key issues that have to be tackled was corruption in the construction industry is the prime minister saying that around two thirds of the cost of buying a house in russia at the moment could actually go towards the shady end of the construction industry something which he wanted this he stomped out in order to allow more people to buy their own homes. all of the reporting there were you can find more analysis of that era putin's published election articles on our website r.t. dot com here's a taste of what else is lined up feeling like today spectacular photos from japan rising to its feet once again eleven months after a devastating wave are going to spark this instruction was beyond repair. and sky high ambition for russians would be a.b.h. and capital as a city that built one of the world's largest planes threw down the gauntlet to its competitors.
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the spirit talk the twenty twelve olympic games may now be maad by sponsorship deal with dow chemical the company many believe owes a moral debt to victims of one of the worst ever industrial disasters in bhopal india tees off a bennett looked into the toxic legacy that the games are adopting with a controversial new partnership. organizers claim it's the greenest most sustainable a limb pick games ever but a poisonous cloud of controversy hangs over london twenty twelve because of links to this the bhopal gas leak nine hundred eighty four one of the worst industrial disasters of all time left a toxic legacy still claiming lives the company responsibles now owned by dow chemical a major olympic sponsor meredith alexander was part of the game's ethics watchdog
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but is just quit in protest all of it is supposed to be about us and instead all of us are going to have the toxic legacy of dow chemicals our. fifteen thousand people died when poisonous gas leaked from a factory in rural india the subsequent fall out killed another ten thousand congenital birth defects in the area a ten times the norm in the rest of india for was ten of the time the gas she inhaled left permanent damage and as well i can believe that how it would open her and the money's been too far got just one thousand dollars compensation part of a four hundred seventy million dollars payout in one thousand nine hundred nine by union carbide factory owners dow chemical company in two thousand and one but denies any lingering liabilities but the indian government disagrees demanding dow
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stumps up one point six billion dollars to clean up the contamination that lives on people's building that water that has been contaminated. garbage factory children are being born with deformities people have more cancers there's growth lead our nation and boy there is there is girls have problem with their periods all kinds of issues that have. have risen from the ledge and see that has been left behind by this boy in this factory dow chemical is paying for the fabric that will be draped around the stadium olympic rules forbid any advertising during the games itself but doubt is allowed to splash its logo all over the curtain before the games actually begin but it's now said it's not even going to do that says it's nothing to do with the protests but it does mean it's paying seven million pounds
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for something that won't even show its name but dow will still be able to call itself a sustainable a limb pick partner and organizers say their conscience is clean supposedly thanks to a green light from the ethics watchdog absolutely i do not agree with it it was the question was asked to look at the process and there were discussions within the question and i lie self presented a lot of evidence about what happened in the hall and then i was shocked to see a public statement come out i would never have signed off that statement dow chemical refused to speak to us so did london organizers instead they issued this statement from twenty twelve chief lord coe. i absolutely stand by our procurement process and were by a distance the most sustainable solution to our rock and we are comfortable with that a boy called from indian athletes has been called off but india is a limp it committee is still demanding down to be dropped with just six months to
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go it's unlikely they'll get their wish leaving claims of a sustainable legacy severely in doubt either bennett r.t. london. now there some other stories from around the world the south. the leader of a left wing rebel group has been captured in peru being shot in a remote region known for drug trafficking raid in the. hospital and the government saying his arrest signals at the feet of the shining path great thought to kill thousands of people in the country began his battle against the state for twenty years the u.s. previously offered a five million dollars reward for information about the that. pakistan's prime minister yousaf raza gilani has been charged with contempt tough to define a court order to reopen an old corruption case against his political president. to an edge kickbacks given to see if he's on a swiss companies nine hundred ninety s.
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he was later given immunity from prosecution that was eventually able to turn the country's supreme court nominee supporters say the chief justice is eager to see the pentagon working with the pakistani military who want to mount. operations to pump almost two hundred thousand tons of fuel in the stricken costa concordia begun a month that capsized it's been repeatedly did late because of bad weather which will say will now take weeks to know the few on board seventeen people died and fifteen are still missing the donner run aground and the coast of italy the captain was said to be among the first to lead the ship in the house arrest. now football coach fabio capello has visited moscow for suppose it talks with the big spending russian side and jeet is the former england manager about to move to russia's premier league you can find out in the sports news later this hour. for
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now that's cost saving business desk. hello and welcome to business here on araa to start with greece the south where debt problems may have come one step closer to resolution as a country approved even more harsh austerity measures to save the nation from bankruptcy now the historic vote paves the way for the country's european partners and the i.m.f. to release one hundred thirty billion euros in new rescue loans greece is due to repay a fourteen and a half billion euro bond on march twentieth and leaves the bailout funding in place to avoid a devastating default now the country's own package is expected to get final approval at the eurozone finance ministers meeting this wednesday. time to have a look at the markets now will start with oil crude advance from a three day low after greece this parliament approved us there it's a measures easing concern that europe's debt crisis will worsen and curb all this
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in the land lies see it as we can see straight and right now at ninety nine and a half dollars per barrel while the brunt blend is over one hundred eighteen dollars given on a show markets there are still hating higher following news from greece exporters are among the main gainers in tokyo with car maker la stop over a percent so if you listen to shares generally shrugged off a report that japan's economy contracted by a larger than expected margin in the last quarter of two thousand and eleven and telecoms are on the rise in hong kong with china more of one percent. here are also the markets just opened and they have recovered from friday's losses both the arts yes and m i six are gaining over a percent and mark rubenstein from metropole financial corporation takes a look ahead to this week's trade. this week is going to be. very important in terms of markers to do so there's a bunch of markers that just six coming out over the united states and. particular
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compared to the previous week where there was very little of a marker data here in the market this is a week is going to be very busy and i think the risk of entire remains high so we will likely see market moving higher the russian market will. not only from the global markets but also from the commodities market and there we have observed quite a lot of strength over the past several weeks and i don't expect that. to and then moved on to food retail now which is among the fastest growing businesses in the merchant markets here in russia left casias who is the former chief of the biggest retail group x five and now the senior vice president at wal-mart he believes this market offers a more potential than any other. it's very traditional russian approach to compare ourselves with the u.s. i think better to compare the russian market with contras like china or brazil mexico and i think we're generally not before from them soul let's first to beat
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this country this country and then thinking about our next levels you know the largest russian with all companies to this moment have about three to five percent market share and if you'll check same figures for some other markets like marcus or western europe or u.k. the biggest players usually have twenty thirty percent so the space for rules of companies like x. five money dixie or others the space is enormous so again i am saying that russian market is that probably best in the world market for retail industry. and that's how business likes the sound all back in about fifty five minutes with more five years here and i'd say in the meantime you can always check out our website it's our dot com slash business by.
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the. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy which makes cars or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into a report on our. mission to free cretaceous free in-store charges free. range and free. three stooges free. download free blog plug in video for your media projects a free media don carty dot com. more news today. these are the images seeing from the
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streets of canada. today. the main stories we're covering for you this hour. new austerity measures as the city explodes with rage protest. to foreign interests. syria brushes off fresh big initiatives. in washington this weekend bring up from. equal opportunities to work and. his plans for social reform.
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our interview with investigative journalist stanley focusing on the turbulent situation in syria. today i'm joined by a so when stanley an investigative journalist rajan on the middle east his latest piece delves into the discrepancies amongst the casualty figures in the syrian crisis acer thanks for speaking to r.t. now one of the most quoted sources for those casualty figures is the syrian observatory for human rights but you've recently found out information that suggests it can't necessarily always be trusted why is that i think first of all we have to establish who really is this the syrian observatory for human rights. in our investigation we didn't really uncover any particular reason to doubt the genuine observatories figures. but there is.
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