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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2012 12:18pm-12:48pm EST

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situation are only making things worse so even if greece were to be false and something you are and i prediction is that the markets would then realize that the eurozone is not impregnable and would turn their attention to other countries as well whose position and very similar in particular. are king's cross talk is also focusing on the greece and on greece's financial predicament coming your way in less than fifteen minutes the hidden costs of the bailout rescue. the changes clear in germany you give me the cash to survive keep in mind that probably and i'll give you my sovereignty but will the public actually comply will they agree to accept the pain of the susteren and will they agree to submit the most important sovereign aspect which is your this call your budget to technocrats in brussels that are not answerable to your population to. then of managing the greek economy that is there's nothing that's right you might say i might be provocative here but that's all it is the that it is to feel good enough for the moment that the funds.
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operation decline one of the toughest problems facing russia in the long term but the disturbing trend can be reversed according to the country's prime minister is the latest campaign article in a bid to return as president vladimir putin has put forward plans for social reforms he hopes will significantly improve the demographic situation the proposed measures include better welfare for families with many children smarter immigration policies including the repatriation of russians are brought the article titled building justice also focuses on salary hikes for teachers as well as making housing affordable to everyone by twenty thirty putin's wrapped up his election campaign in the light of mass opposition protests as political analyst dimitri baggage explains now mainly addressing russia's middle class. my hope is that we can know in the stands that he said after it right now it's not the reach you know
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reach seeking people he's led tripoli's of the real russian middle class you know people who are economical even in small towns who have a really hard time. with their market economy it's so i hope he is an economic policy will move a little more to the deficit you know we've had on the former finance minister who did we had a definite kill to the right now if we believe what we can writes he wants to give the state supporters soon more to he's real electorate which means you know the mass of the russian people can always read more on our website r.t. dot com here's what's a click away right now. stripping down to shake things up find out the naked truth behind a message this ukrainian activist groups top with on their visit to russia. nothing says i love you like a cockroach find out more about the creepy crawly valentine's gift that some love birds are sharing with their sweethearts on r.g.p.
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dot com. after more than two decades the effects of one of the world's worst ever industrial disasters still lingers in bhopal india now the scandal is fixing itself to london's attempt to stage a green a lympics this summer or he's over bet it has more on a controversial new partnership. organizers claim it's the greenest most sustainable a limbic games ever but a poisonous cloud of controversy hangs over london twenty twelve because of links to this the bhopal gas leak nineteen eighty-four one of the worst industrial disasters of all time they left a toxic legacy still claiming lives the company responsible zahn now owned by dow
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chemical a major olympic sponsor meredith alexander was part of the game's ethics watchdog but is just quit in protest our is supposed to be about the rebel years and instead all of us are going to have a toxic gracey i doubt our calls are hundreds fifteen thousand people died when poisonous gas leaked from a factory in rural india and subsequent fallout killed another ten thousand congenital birth defects in the area but ten times the norm in the rest of india for was ten of the time gas she inhaled left permanent damage and as well i can believe that how it would all been high and the money's been. fair i got just one thousand dollars compensation part of four hundred seventy million dollars parent in one thousand nine hundred nine by union carbide the factory owners dow
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chemical bought company in two thousand and one but denies any lingering liabilities but the indian government disagrees demanding dow stumps up one point six billion dollars to clean up contamination but lives on people splurging that water. factory children are being born rich. people have more ground there's growth regard lesion and boy there's there is good hair problem with their periods. of kind of issue they have to have the. it isn't a legacy that has been left behind by this void and tracking dow chemical is paying for the fabric that will be draped around the stadium olympic rules forbid any advertising during the games itself is allowed to splash its logo all over that before the games actually begin but it's now said it's not even going to do that
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says it's nothing to do with the protests but it does mean it's paying seven million pounds for something that won't even show its name but dow will still be able to call itself a sustainable a limb pick partner and organizers say their conscience is clean supposedly thanks to a green light from the ethics watchdog absolutely i do not agree with that it was the question was asked to look at the process and there were discussions in the question and i lie self centered a lot of evidence. and then i was shocked to see a public statement come out i would never have signed on. dow chemical refused to speak to us so did london organizers instead they issued this statement from twenty twelve chief lord coe i absolutely stand by our procurement process and by a distance the most sustainable solution to our rapid and real comfortable with a boy called from indian athletes has been called off but india is
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a limpid committee is still demanding down to be dropped with just six months to go it's unlikely they'll get their wish leaving claims of a sustainable legacy severely in doubt by the bennett. green is a good business news stay with us your art. hello and welcome to business the south thanks for joining me there's been a burst of interest in russian chest since the beginning of the year returning growth in the u.s. and progress with europe's debt is fueling appetite for risk last year more than eighty billion dollars for the country this year there's been an inflow of one billion dollars to church on from renascence asset managers says the perception of russia is changing. there has been a change of attitude towards the russian equity market since the beginning of the euro and. demonstrated by the pound of the russian acreage the market has
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outperformed the markets in the world so to give you a flavor of russia nearly twenty percent since the beginning of the year whereas u.s. market has gone up only by seven percent since the beginning of the certainty over the politics and seems to have subsided but it's very much market expect patients now and they have missed the put in will come back is president and the one difference which we have relative to this time last year is the bigger expectations for reform once mr putin is back president. ford has recovered from a three day low us concerns grow that a bad on the rainy and crude rate cuts apply slights which is trading over one hundred dollars per barrel while brant is that over one hundred eighteen dollars about your stock so high at midday after reese's problem of the future starting measures financial stocks are doing steamy well with bank of america up two percent apple rose one point four percent for the first time called five hundred dollars
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a share for falling back to four ninety nine dollars sixty six european shares closed in the black on monday after greece's problems are poor deeply unpopular as terrible banks were along the main game as across europe mining also high as strong we're all health groups because of copper and other metals and here in russia markets and high wycombe are succeeding the last five weeks energy majors and longer because the prices that stick on the index it's not just problems finished high on the news that european market share grew by four percentage points to twenty seven percent last year noisemaker russia's biggest mining company at ballston lost in a month high prices for nickel part of gold ended lower on the new verge of talks between the countries and another line of piling up of failed. but is fast growing food retail market which keeps on luring foreign investors seven eleven is one world renowned food chain thought to be eyeing up the market the company hasn't
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officially confirmed the rumors last year the retailer said its priorities were brazil and india analysts say that seven eleven will have a hard time for us to develop a food chain in russia alone that the most logical move would be to team up with an existing market. that's all the business is and i'll be back in fifty.
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kilometers of some of you are going to try to build another form of the muslim world cup semi smart money there's no shortage of austerity in the slashing of budgets and the shrinking of the welfare state generate jobs to be china's. any man once lives. to climb from a. turtle pond scum to the beginning do we all want to see this on forever. get are sometimes you see a story and it seems so horribly sleep you think you understand it and then a glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry the big. suburbs.
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it's just shifts. nine thirty pm in moscow these iraqi headlines israel accuses iran of being behind bomb attacks targeting israeli embassies in georgia and india which for a fourth thought would be injured. russia says it regrets the arab league winding down of some servers work in syria and stresses a proposed peacekeeping mission could only be deployed once the government and opposition agreed it would cease fire. fiery protests and happen is followed by chaos and looting as public outrage escalates after the greek parliament passes
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a new austerity bill to secure and other bailout. of next we take you to the russian republic of mariel where a community culture clash has become overcome through shared faith. this is how people of many ethnic groups prayed to ancient times. today this is the sort of worship but can only be found in this russian region. there is no it with worship in soviet sites people like us who deeds and was on trial we hope france will avert floods earthquakes and man made disasters. services like these a rooted in ancient history you know these words will first spoken nearly
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a thousand years ago but the worship is gather let him know the thoughts to be europe's most beacons on them not on one. and his family says elf on a journey. years in the making. many others living in this republic will do the same just as their ancestors have done over the centuries. and his wife and vera live in a small village called. public about eight hundred kilometers east of moscow.
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the most live in russia and there are a finnish great courage of thirty two main groups. i. believe they belong to the same ethnic group they speak different languages and live in different regions of the compass. these people spend most of their learners behind desks in the city mentally is too much and they decided to take a trip to get away from it all and dozens of like minded folks find government through an internet site calling themselves the rumors that explore their land and study its history. this eventually will take the traveling local story and the most mysterious places in the local or publish. the story and.
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joins the neighborhoods on the freeway as they leave the city is promised to show the best fascination with some of. the lol i haven't seen you for ages where did you bring this cold from what it was minus one celsius yesterday and now it's minus a team if you please show us. we go here and then we will start a few times then we have to go off the roads here in certain markets. you're so extreme coming here in such cold weather. now we're going to try to reach the most interesting places our chief destination is the most point of marielle where we will look for cousins and cars caves. republics highest point is. only a few people have succeeded in reaching its peak it's thought that this often leads
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people astray during this expedition st vehicles lost their way the drivers went missing and the walkie talkies weren't working. people often get lost in this area they just lose their bearings there is something all going on when we can't establish contact with one another either by phone or walkie talkie. however all the explorers eventually will unite a coup. adding to them. in marielle is considered a zone of abnormal activity local people often see unidentified flying objects hear it with scorn of mario as if the altitude of two hundred eighty four meters above sea level is the true apex of the morey world for some of the surrounding landscape .
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homer will. only eve of the old mary press service there and you have any commish golf visit. the capital of mariella the convention of some musicians facing maori folk songs to entertain urban residents with their traditional melodies centuries ago. it was a fortress now with tell but large scale development has recently begun. a large swamp has been replaced with an embankment buildings looking like casals complete with towers and ramparts springing up here just a short time ago with us. this is a kind of resistance. this place is incorporated many aspects of venice. and here we see a northern influence with danish and dutch elements.
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similar buildings went up in the larry elder republic quite a long time ago one example is a magnificent old castle standing on the banks of the volga two hundred kilometers from your caller it was built to mr fink forest by russian heiress to crafts of the share much of the. you know with the council was built not only by russian masters but also by foreign. aid to lend a style to the council. here you can see the rock is them time and drama. as well as an alter russian style. in soviet times the cultural was turned into a holiday resort the tourists were oppressed and save about the building of local people spoke of ghostly inhabitants who they believed to be because souls guardians
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. today because it is opposing as it ever was a mess of doors leading into hollow rooms still produce a sinister creak. of their own posts now cause. we hear the dogs creepy as and from room to room. but they don't bother us we share a common grounds and get along with them quite well. in the village of eva where you have jenny and derek eventually coffee of everybody is getting ready for the all memory press surface. cough cleans his body you know both else before facing one of the most important events in his life that's daybreak he will take part in one of the most ancient of sacred rights for the
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murray people. to moral take a candle to the secret group the mist weeks for such candles are made of him candles are from shops are no good for this purpose and you should be omega the candle symbolizes the link between me and god it will take my prayer to heal. your is my body is your forgiving a mother a blessing her son's life is interesting. because unlike christians who pray in church these worshipers go to a grove where they seek communion with nature but before setting else they say a brief prayer and. everybody coming to the grove brings domestic waterfowl with them they serve as food for both the gods and the people yevgeny convention has decided to sacrifice
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the furthest gives him his house and a maori regard geese and ducks the symbols of home and between three basic elements these creatures walk on earth swim in water and fly through the air. eight hundred animals were sacrificed here including a blue car the ram as well as decent docks. one woman from the team has a good knowledge of the area and she provides a running commentary for the rights of those at the paris service is taking place near the five sacred trees each tree is dedicated to particular diety. everyone carefully follows the guy's words as they take in the sights along the way. to brown faces on the left hand side people bring this sacred place as soon as we get
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to the religion for so long that. the special day of the commitment of couple has been looking forward to as a rifle at last. very good to have reached the sacred grove situated a hundred kilometers from yes kyra they thought was a fellow sacrifice birds have also been brought by mary from all over the republic also to the pres so there goes. that first the grove resonates with goose oaks soon after a rather neatly echoes of priestly prayers. these pagan priests know how to communicate with god's people praying in a grove of lost interest pipes and birches have strong beliefs in the forces of
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nature they insist their faith is the world's oldest. people come with what we call sacrificial water fell between our desires he's in grievances along. with i discuss their problems with a priest. and communicate by means of ministry of what we pass their requests and wishes on that this table are. enormous pot suspended if a bone finds that the lips side by side with the old since their use to make porridge and just ceremonial meats broth. take a look at the ducks and geese aboard here. they break up the. absence of chunks and tossed the pieces into the fire the brass band. has been brought by washington. this is help people in russia worship before the arrival of christianity the maori
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have prayed the same way to very gods for several millennia if you're not on your own these people are offering prayers to many goats which is this where the five spodes have been set aside from bonfires in this grow for example the wall more and more that in this one they pray to the god showed she love up this was a level one of the they were asking for his grace in childbirth and happiness. i don't know. about. the scale of them saw the organs of the buds of crimean taken the bone finds it's forbidden to take any leftovers from the sacrificial offerings from the door of. politics but a culture. could
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. culture some resistance on the cards.
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third. district in the southwestern madill is full of historic sites and the rich and legends of the shortest were at their ends on the shore of the volga the great russian river from here affair is needed local pigeons have even memorised a bullshitter as a flock of regularly hitches
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a ride from one shore of the volga to the other. people here take pride in the fact that nearly all local women learn to play the goose it from a young age it's a very ancient and for additional musical instrument in the old days it strings were made from animal entrails on a full scale locals insist ethically music reveals the food character of the maori people. well this is the altar of course the plane has been handed down from generation to generation there are very many music players here we call this place
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in that. is a well known village in murray hill the road that ran right through the village used to be called the shackle road it was a bridge where convicts klaxon irons were taken on to siberia as a result it was also named the siberian route. at the with of this road formed a link between russia's capital and its siberian parts thus it connected the country's western and eastern region it's. russian poet alexander pushkin once travelled along it was used by stage coaches with. has been at the head of the governing bodies district for several years during this time he's been able to restore a dozen historical landmarks.


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