tv [untitled] February 13, 2012 10:18pm-10:48pm EST
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dividends tax. upping it a little bit making it tax like just like normal i think that's probably a proper popular idea right now would you think it would popular and has no chance of being passed whatsoever there's an argument on that it happened right i have a key moment because i want to put on where you are ok not happening and what we saw this weekend to you is we saw mitt romney wins the pac and we saw rick santorum come out and saying you know he was doing something wrong there same thing in maine we saw ron paul come out and attack mitt romney and say that there is something a little sketchy when i mean is that when it's country where there is going you know starting to point fingers and say everyone's cheating all the time the straw poll ron paul one of the last two or three years it actually really doesn't matter although it's interesting i mean this is not just about everyone's going to the cheaters that are looking for any bit of momentum right now romney can't hold every time he gets a little lead something happens that he gets pulled back down and so he's looking for any little thing that he can do and of course he's going to go after the sea straw poll just as the media groups were talking about and that's kind of what he needs we're heading for towards a divided convention hopefully i mean if we're if we're all lucky and so they're
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going to scramble for everyone is what happened and i think you know it could yet be interesting i think from some form wins we get the gay and lesbian activists see what they really can do and also what about you had to get it right so much for joining us on our monday. i was taking a break but coming up next a great parliament voted on strict austerity measures this weekend as tens of thousands of people in athens to the streets of satan's great stressed out of patience after the break.
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. well u.s. lawmakers debate as to whether or not spirity is the right path to take and greece the decision has been made in order to secure a second bailout of over at least one hundred thirty billion euros she calls about a hundred seventy one billion dollars the greek parliament this weekend passed a series of strict austerity measures that includes cutting the minimum wage laying off one hundred fifty thousand government workers over the next three years fifteen thousand of those to be immediate and a plan to reduce the debt greece owes to its private sector creditors by about one hundred billion euro so out of the public react in greece with massive protests and riots more than forty buildings across options were inside on fire over the weekend protesters hurled rocks at the parliament building and police responded with tear gas and arrests and some feel the greek economy is being gutted to appease the banks the question of the end of the day is will any of this even be enough could greece still affect italy leave the euro zone entirely too many say might plunge
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the entire global economy back into recession joining me to discuss it is dmitri to feed us producer on capital accounts and from our studio in los angeles now a friend senior fellow at demos and author of her latest book black tuesday and i thank you both for joining me tonight dimitri i'm to start with you because i know this is also personal for you you know being from greece having family is still there what's going on right now well it's just that some of the pressure so they say it's a fifth year of a recession because of depression. businesses are losing customers are closing down money isn't circulating basically the country is in a liquidity crisis but they don't have anyone to bail them out so people are going to be forced to sell more and more of what they own in a crib a country and so it's a it's a mystical swope expression of a country it's growth it's a depression i don't know me how do you see this to you know is this something that's being completely imposed from the outside is this something you know that's appeasing the banks appeasing germany and not doing what's good for those inside to greece. well it's obviously and it's not doing anything good for the population of
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greece you see from the people taking the streets you see that from the fact that unemployment keeps going up the housing there keeps going down that dimitri and it has been a depression i think many countries in the world including us are in a in a variety of a depression but in greece it is more acute because they've had such is an extraction of wealth because of having to bail out bondholders to bail out those that are backing derivatives contracts to bail out the largest european and u.s. institutions who have managed to convince the world that if greece falls the entire financial economy they don't really care about the global population economy will somehow unravel and all hell will break loose and the reality is hell breaking loose right now on the streets of greece and it's because none of these a sterile measures actually will help the economy grow enough to have enough money to pay back the debts that it's having to take in order to get itself bailed out
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for the god holders and it's a circular problem because the more bailouts that greece is subject to and the more austerity measures that are connected to them the worse the economy of greece will continue to do which means it will be unable to pay back the bailouts this current bailout is really in most instances a way of paying back the last bailout that didn't work for the economy of greece now obviously greece is a bit of a different situation than the u.s. right and we have a central bank we could essentially bail ourselves out if we need to but do you think that we would ever see something similar if strict austerity measures were to come to the u.s. would we see people rioting on the streets in the sense we're going to. be differences but i think the common theme is that you have a class of all of arcs that are getting wealthier and the masses that are getting poorer about extraction is moving the wealth from the bottom of the top and the mechanism of what is at work in both. the so you just you're just seeing the first
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symptoms in greece and greece has some unique problems that make exasperate that worse but of course if you consider that do you think all things right so this is going to get greece where it needs to be before march right before they would default this time around so they can get this second loan but is that still by any means going to be enough to you i mean do you think some people out there would just say that greece should exit the euro zone consider this to happen well because the government and the people in the government so where they need to be doesn't get people where the people are in a depression the people are upright people are pricing in a depression which is why they're not investing in monies and circulating that's not going to change so i don't think that respect the owner is a move of paying is i think that i think the question is the fall where they want to continue to use the euro not as a complete separate question entirely in my in my view and i don't see any reason why the euro you have a lot of contracts written in your eyes i don't see why private institutions in greece should have to necessarily not continue to use that if the government to print money you can print or whatever but i think that the real again today it's
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that they need to reach a bottom they need to i need to write a bottom if they don't have a bottom no one's going to take the next episode of investing and putting capital back it right now capital is flowing out of the country but moving out you see it in the positive light you see m three contract in greece every single month so that's not going to change until people say the worst is over and the worse will be over until there's that big bang which is what everybody keeps saying dress i think we're going to see street they say we're waiting for the explosion now i mean you know you bring that there's something interesting that they had on credit write downs today because at the moment they're telling greece that you have to get to one hundred twenty percent of your debt to g.d.p. ratio right but that's still it seems like this crazy number but they suggested that well you know that's where italy is so if they tell greece that it's unsustainable for greece to be any higher than where italy is which is the most part considered too big to fail at this point then what does that say for italy which really would have massive global ramifications. i mean that the problem with all of this is that in greece is the most acute right now is that when you have
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capital flight like the meeting was talking about and you have external bailouts that basically are plugging that hole in order to make good on the capital that invested and that is now leaving you are in a bottomless hole you're in a bottomless pit and you continue to go down because the cost of your debt continues to rise every time there's a possibility of not being able to repay it and so then you go into a bail out situation you have negotiations with your creditors and you reach some cider and sort of a deal and then it happens again because none of it's enough to instigate an economy that's being bled dry to grow in order to pay back its own debt and italy is just not is acutely suffering as greece is it has it have the same capital influx and flight happen as quickly both ways as greece did so what's happening in italy is more of a slower burn than what has happened in greece but the pattern is still the same
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the pattern was that italy was doing fine until two thousand and seven two thousand and eight and so was greece they could pay their public workers they could have infrastructure projects they had capital coming in to invest in the capital came in came in too quickly and too much and then it fled more quickly and everybody is trying to repay the capital fled the bondholders that lends money that want their money back the derivative contracts on top of that it's the same thing in italy just just milder scale it's the same thing in spain on a milder scale it was the same thing it is the same thing in portugal on a milder scale its capital that is leading that wants bailouts they get scared whenever it might not have a bailout that dumps on the country more in order to ravage its infrastructure further its cheaper levels and that ultimately hurts the populations of those countries don it's something that we're seeing really on this wide scale as i get to meet you any last words. on a group of votes of purpose so it's not complicated it's pretty much what would you
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do as an individual when you see x.y.z. happening and that's what's happening on a massive scale i want to thank you both for joining us tonight. we have maximum sound often been said about right it alice he said tony shaffer about this damning unclassified report from the senate colonel for helping states. today call him since once again flared up. these are the images the world been seeing from the streets of canada.
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technology innovation the folder the elements the let. the few jerks coverage. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for langley you think you understand it and then he lives something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok you don't i'm sorry the big lead .
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the official g.o.p. case the one called touch from the. feet now in the palm of your. say. hi guys it's time for you said if i read it right take time to respond to my brilliance and engaging the word comments on facebook twitter and you too because we've got something to say i listen now first i'll respond to a viewer that washed my interview last week with jack rice about u.s. lawmaker support for the state department listed terrorist group of the only takes
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i'm going to interview right up the fact that. people have been tried for providing material support to a terrorist organization just for posting a video on you tube while u.s. lawmakers are actively speaking on that make me have and lobbying for their delisting of you are mr mix the chasm sam excuse me. please tell me who has been tried and locked up because of posting a video on you tube and what was the video that was posted oh here's one example just last september pakistani born jew borrow twenty four years old a native of pakistan and a resident of woodbridge virginia was arrested for providing material support for the terrorist group launched our it's a huge up. state department is designated terrorist organization and he is accused of producing an uploading a propaganda video to youtube on behalf of. just putting up a video that's just one example in two thousand and nine the staten island businessman named job it was sentenced to nearly six years in prison for assisting terrorists by providing satellite television services to hezbollah's television
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station so those are just two examples of the many people that are going to rest in the us or providing material support for a terrorist organization all u.s. lawmakers openly advocate for and support and so there's no way around it there are double standards in our justice system for those in positions of power next want to respond if you rhythms offended by my comments about whether or not whales should be given the same constitutional protections against slavery as human beings lodge and said on facebook shame on you promoting animal abuse and making fun of their suffering and misery you hate animals we've got that and that's not a reason to make fun of their pain while you're sitting on your damn martinis so f. off and leave them alone annoys you good you said that over and over but you're annoyed the whole nation making fun of animal abuse doesn't make you cute because you are not and doesn't make you funny because you are not so in all cats leave animals alone first of all sorry for any and. because anybody i certainly don't
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intend to make fun of the suffering of animals i'm also pretty sure that my rantings against some of peter's more absurd efforts are not annoying the whole nation only had it the attention of the entire nation would be something now as for me thinking i'm cute and funny and for all the cursing directed towards me and i'm just getting personal no seriously obviously i don't condone the abuse of animals i also don't agree with all the people tactics that peta uses and i'm pretty sure there are a lot of people out there that are turned off by that but attacking peta doesn't mean that i'm making fun of animal suffering now finally i want to respond to a viewer that watched my fireside friday on self described liberals support of the policies of the war on terror from drone strikes and targeted killings and d.h. does comment on you two alone it is one hundred percent right as a real liberal former obama supporter i can only look at those who support his administration's lies and fear mongering as useless and pathetic you know i think that there are a lot of former obama supporters out there who listen to the president on the
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campaign trail when he railed against the war on terror policies of george w. bush i believe that i did but what we've seen from the administration is not only a continuation of the bush war on terror policies but a massive and scary expansion of that so you can make excuse after excuse for obama as many do about the troops and i think that it's time that some of these self described liberals that support everything from get motive drone strikes against us citizens need to realize that so is it my rantings today but i'll be back with more as usual later that week. well certain areas of defense are taking cuts in the new pentagon budget from troop size to weapon system one areas getting beat up is special operations now we knew this was the course after the president's latest strategic military review but it looks like admiral william mcraven who leads the special operations command wants more according to the new york times craven is seeking more author ready to move his forces faster and without going through the
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typical pentagon process for overseas deployments so essentially making it easier to move more forces abroad is that a change of the pentagon bureaucracy needs or doesn't open the door for less accountability more dishonesty which as lieutenant colonel davis has report shows us is rampant in the highest ranks joining me to discuss it is retired lieutenant colonel anthony shaffer senior fellow for the center for advanced defense studies and empath america also author of the book operation dark heart tony thanks so much for joining us tonight and i mean i know where you stand i know that you support more use of special operations right of smaller more targeted more per site projects or operations out there but do you think that there needs to be. more room for william mcraven fratto mike raven you know to do this without necessarily going through off the channels no i am very satisfied that the oversight currently in place is necessary for the very reason you brought up. colonel davis and his record
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points out that without proper oversight officers will tend to do the wrong thing at least at this point in time so we've got to consider the worst case scenario the second thing to consider is that we have a lot of regional commanders who already are engaging in a number of flight world special operations activities we want to make sure those things are coordinated so having dinner together and mcquaid raven just kind of going off the reservation doing what it wants may not sit well with the folks actually doing the hard work in the region and more importantly trying to skirt oversight is never a good idea where we end up with iran contra. all sorts of things which we don't need at this point time in our history special operations is the way to the future but again oversight is necessary in wire to make sure that they do what they're supposed to do but it's what i think the chances are these may get what he wants. oh well i don't know at this point in time i think a lot of folks are looking very hard if they're already special operation that
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already has but the problem is congress has been and yes mood lately and this is one of those things that everybody agrees special operations should be doing a lot more the question becomes how much more and how much do you know we keep track of them i think we should keep painful track about iran with these folks i write a lot of operations which are still secret they've never been disclosed nor will they ever i feel very comfortable by the fact that these were briefed to congress every year i just want to see that that level of scrutiny and oversight name change if you allow someone to come do what they want to report afterwards you always run a risk of improper operations and frankly one of the things we're always worried about is the violation of u.s. personal rights which is more and more with the n.d.a. currently in place more and more threatened every day. i said i really want to get into this report to you and i spoke about last week. and i went into a lot of the details at the top of our show tonight and you know quite honestly if
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it's a really great report now that i've read this entire thing now that i've seen it it's a really powerful damning assessment of why i don't think that it's making bigger waves i get it that it was posted on a friday night right a lot of the time off that doesn't travel far but it is a big deal this isn't over yet i mean immoral on the air with folks we have a plane coming up to actually make sure that the issues are looked at realistically . this is not going to go away i think part of the issue right now is we have so much focus on the presidential election and the second problem and we talked about this for this is another volunteer military so no one is not really and no one really feels old they're worried about when the war ends you know most american public want to make it better but it was no answer going down next year at the net is now so we're going to be out of there were thirteen so that some of the folks saying well we're going to move in that direction why i moved up quickly but in my judgment we were going to go on owes the american people a plane and the only point of doing this i replied i'm going to go and i mean we
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actually play not guilty with the real issue which is the pakistanis so these are the things which are cheating and i'd like to believe the davis report will continue to keep pressure on the right folks both on the hill and also at the pentagon again this is a lot more to come right so let's get into you know if you the details too that were in his report and very much the way that he puts all the pieces of the puzzle together and why afghanistan is failing so much and he talked about the idea of why the surge sounds ghana's hand seem like a good idea well because general petraeus was heralded as being the one behind the surge in iraq and nobody wants to question general petraeus anymore but then he goes into this entire breakdown of exactly what it was and this transformation that we saw in terms of the internal conflict in iraq right in the sunni like it's a insurgency of the population deciding to work with u.s. troops do you think that's a part of the story that's often i'm told or not discussed. their whole myth of
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iraq needs to be examined separately best part of this that there is so much momentum coming out of iraq with europe a trace and his crew saying well we can cure this using the same basic tools were used in iraq it's not so and frankly i was insulted when i first started talking about the idea of doing and have to answer it which was very similar to the iraq surge because it's really apples and oranges so what we had to consider here is the fact that we have a lot of people invested in the lie and that's what it is that's what it comes down to your senior generals who have now banked on their career their future and a lot of what you committed to that law you have to sustain at large so the line in iraq led to the line afghanistan is selling together and what you have is a fundamentally corrupt set of generals at the top right now this corruption is very similar to what we saw during the vietnam war with what's more than the old his generals so and by the way one of the things notable is these generals all join the army after vietnam war usually seventy generals they have no memory of the the
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vietnamese and did not learn the bottle so what we have here generals who have refused to learn from the past and are now repeating it and that's why we're seeing what we do do you think that congress is actually going to be able to go after these generals is there any will there you know. down there is also calls for congressional hearings to call these guys out right to make this more of a public discussion turns out asking to happen yes i got a call on friday from one of the congressmen will notify me of the intent to do hearings in addition another congressman come aboard frank wolf who is a very well thought of conservative republican who would now is calling for a full investigation of this frank wolf by the way one of the first congressman to believe me i'm able to hear back in two thousand and five when i have great confidence and congressman will based on my experience with him once he gets involved as a mainstream republican i do believe you can see movement of the republicans towards. given what the real issue i think the democrats are pretty much on board
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on this right now they don't need to be pushed much but we've really got to get the republicans to look at the situation for the reality that it is not there any political is look and must look at them what is best for the country that what is best for the short now. there is a report does at least name a few people that he thinks are truly you know really truly have integrity right that not every single person that's involved there. he mentions martin dempsey how about you do you have any people that you think really stand out. well i know a number of generals who are very honest i deal with that routinely i don't go into all the names you don't like i don't deal with you get upset with me or get other people upset with them dempsey i do believe i'm a girl dempsey i think he's an honest man i think he's been given a very difficult set of circumstances you know what i believe there's other honest members of the u.s. marine corps i know several generals of record or painfully honest but i do believe
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that there is some level self-deception by general mattis and the current commander in afghanistan general allen so we've got to get past that we've got to figure out what is real what's not real and focus on the reality of it and frankly if i offered it to any davis's report can prove that officers like those officers should be held accountable as much as the u.s. marines are going to be held accountable for your knitting on the telly about the violations of integrity are equal so you can have a general whining about the reality and troops you know you're getting on the telephone i think some of those things are related they're both failures of leadership and they must be both those individuals both for both i lay should be held accountable i say thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you. time for quite for a point to return for a state decides to bury their foreclosures i want to finance the budget now the people have heard my housing prices are not false i'm happy hour santorum claims that his wife proclaimed his book and i can run checkpoints and stuff from time off
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guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight because of three very special states wisconsin missouri and made as you were last week we told you about the foreclosure fraud settlement with five of the biggest banks of america j.p. morgan chase city wells fargo and ally financial were all ordered to shell over twenty six billion dollars money that was supposed to go to helping those families that were kicked out of their homes from two thousand and eight thousand and eleven or that are majorly underwater now as i said last week and i will say again that twenty six billion dollars will hardly put a band-aid over the massive foreclosure problem in our country or the people that are hurting as a result but three states who decide to step in and actually use those funds to balance their budgets and not act.
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