tv [untitled] February 13, 2012 11:18pm-11:48pm EST
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with level of its own efficient and economic policy context from our maxim thanks so much for being with us tonight. my pleasure thank you so much for having me you know this budget fight is just beginning and a greece is any indication the direction republicans want to take us could get very very. white three could reason mortgage settlement deal struggling american homeowners are still screwed the questions are still swirling around last week's mortgage fraud settlement it forced the five biggest mortgage lenders in america to cough up twenty six billion dollars pay for their high crimes in the rubble signing scandal in exchange the banks are off the hook for future investigations into at least the robo signing part of that massive foreclosure fraud scandal that's not so bad but many are questioning the twenty six billion dollar figure and whether it's fair
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there was rolling stone reporter matt eighty comparing the settlement deal to tarp . when you think about it the robo signing was so extensive and so pervasive throughout the entire economy that the actual liability that these banks would have faced was a lot more than twenty twenty five billion dollars in fact there are some people who would argue that this turned out to be a bailout that was really as big as tarp because the negative equity produced by these programs practices could have been as much as seven hundred billion dollars so in other words this wasn't a deal for homeowners this was another bailout for the big banks even worse a lot of that twenty six billion dollars is supposed to go toward helping struggling homeowners and it won't go to homeowners at all instead for example america's most hated and on the verge of recall governor scott walker plans to use this money to plug budget holes created by his tax cuts for rich people and corporations. wisconsin homeowners are supposed to get more than thirty one million
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dollars from the. walker is killing twenty five million off the top of it to cover general state expenses democratic governor jay nixon is playing do the same thing with the settlement funds in his home state of missouri so how are homeowners once again getting a raw deal all the banks once again make off like bandits literally conservative commentator david sullivan joins me now to give us his take david welcome back it's on thanks for having me as always it's a pleasure being allowed to take the other side of the position of ok well in that case let me as the obvious question why do you hate all moaners. well i only some homeowners and i want to tell you and your listening audience we should really sympathize with these banks they have been victimized by some of wisconsin's failed liberal policies and by unscrupulous borrowers many of whom or
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illegal aliens who really did not qualify who lied about their income on their no income check mortgages and subsequently defaulted those poor people they brought out they've brought down our economy is that what you're saying really those people or volunteers they weren't victims and they should not be bailed out at the expense of the hardworking american the hardware the banks legal immigrants who's paying their bills but you know what you did make me see the light after our last conversation i pored over the tax code i found a loophole that the banks are exploiting section one away they're writing off their losses and i think it's very unfair to the consumer but the wisconsin case it's outrageous well i understand that actually what the banks are doing is if they renegotiate a mortgage loan you know a loan was over say somebody's got a. one hundred thousand dollars mortgage and their house is only worth eighty
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thousand bucks in the bank says ok we'll turn that into an eighty thousand dollars mortgage they take a twenty thousand laws they take that off their taxes and then they issue a ten ninety nine to the homeowner saying you just had twenty thousand dollars in income so the homeowners not to pay taxes on that money is that is that right. yeah ten ninety nine see debt cancellation because when this law was originally written the government did them to dissipate this increase of short sales and modifications downward modifications but what's happening in this particular case is the banks are making a tidy profit and they are in essence being bailed out by the consumer it's really not right now i've being apparently i'm the only voice who is calling for this to be looked at because the obama administration is either deliberately turning a blind eye to this issue or worse yet is complicit in this scam because it's a way you can point to the banks and say you're awful pay this pay that and here is
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one of the problems. and beyond it may be that your conspiracy theory is right but the fact the matter is that legislation is going to change the tax code as you well know has to originate the house of representatives which right now is controlled by john boehner eric cantor and i have not heard word one from them about the people in ohio boners home state or the people in virginia cantor's home state or the entire nation that they theoretically represent as the speaker in the majority leader that. you know the banks when they when they do do something that looks like it's the right thing actually get a nice tax benefit plus the consumers get screwed either you know why right any idea why the republicans don't you know as i said legislation has to start start the house the president can propose legislation he could propose it but right he can't legally initiate the legislative process only cantor and boehner he will do
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enough that. well i think this is something that you and i are going to have to address at two opposite ends of the spectrum the costs it really has to be corrected these banks are negotiating various new deals they're in fact modifying their contracts there's a lot of promise. going back and forth it's just not right for them to be able to do this. you know this we have to say enough is enough now normally i support big business but in the face of inequity like this we have to take a stand perhaps the two of us can speak out on it but we'll see but i you know it sounds like you're suggesting david that the banks are not necessarily the victims here and yet just a minute ago you were saying that the bad guys oh no not all of the banks where the the hard working picked up no no no. what i'm saying is in this particular wisconsin case the banks are in fact being victimized but they don't they're not is this happening all over the country illegally in hand it's not just wisconsin
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there's several governors the problem is that this legislation was written in such a way of apparently this deal has gotten such a way that the money is not dedicated to homeowners to dollars so the governors are just used well i don't know if it should go to those homeowners remember there was a lot of to be going on and individuals who deliberately like you know our government should stop selling guns to like street gangs in mexico and start prosecuting these fraudsters who helped to bring down the whole house of cards to the best of my knowledge they have this is since the bush administration started selling those guns in mexico. that practice up in what's known and thanks a lot for being with us than i did i don't know about all that thank you very much and thank you to your viewing audience you're welcome good night this morning settlement deal is a bad deal frankly as long as the bank stars are out walking around with little fear of ever being thrown in prison for their crimes it's time to throw the bankers in jail like reagan did.
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crazy alert so much for soap in the mouth after reading a very abusive facebook post by as daughter one dad decided to take action he posted a video response on the daughter's facebook page in which he read the curse word laden o's in which she complains that her parents had her do too much around the house and she said numerous times they should stop treating her like a slave after reading her rant dead then proceeded to do the unthinkable take a look. i'll stop you right now. you see so here on the ground. this right here is not forty five. it was a person. these are exploding. from. and
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you have to take you back to the stupid seizure that a dollar a piece. one two three four five six oh yeah and i can make your made about your mom your mom told me to be sure to put one there for her so that was from her. since that video is first posted it's received over a million views and a large following from fellow parents with selfish or lazy children is also raised a greater debate over what is acceptable parents with many arguing that executing a laptop isn't the right way to go regardless the father clearly proved a point and probably helped the n.r.a. corner a new demographic that of parents who want to shoot get their kids computers. after the break when whitsitt rick santorum except that is his victories last week as wealthy as supporter was right by his side i'm sure corporate tycoons private well only in the puppet strings of this year's elections.
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thought about the big picture i'm john harbin coming up in this half hour is it really mitt romney and rick santorum battling it out for the g.o.p. . or the koch brothers shelley ableson. really fighting for power also tomorrow is valentine's day and men everywhere will be left to suffer through the day alone that they really need to be their man get any woman erupts and all care may be in place for a nation something still missing a piece of the puzzle is still out of place it's. in the best of the rest of the news we turn to the campaign trail or mitt romney just can't seal the deal and it won the maine caucuses over the weekend edging out ron paul by
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a mere one hundred ninety four votes but that's about where the good news for romney ends for the first time ever a new national poll shows rick santorum is the leader of the ak trouncing romney thirty eight to twenty three percent even more troubling for romney the same poll shows santorum with a thirty nine and twenty four percent lead in michigan the state where romney was well known then again romney did call for letting the auto industry go bankrupt not exactly the sort of support you'd expect from a native son so maybe santorum has a chance because of that but if so he has this guy for us to freeze the leading contributor to his red white and blue pac corporate super fund a corporate super pac to thank for it the center for american progress is think progress blog uncovered some interesting details on who exactly for he says for one he's an islamophobia significant donations to new tory islamophobia organizations he's given millions over the last few years to several republican politicians like
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scott walker rick perry and newt gingrich he gave three million bucks to kick start a consumer conservative news site and back in two thousand and two friess planed the columbine shooting rules this is the guy who's actually running for president through his surrogate rick santorum but friess is just one billionaire and there are many others like him who want to have influence over the republican race and if they have their way and free says guy santorum may not win and neither might mitt romney in fact no one in the race they may win if the millionaires and billionaires get their way at least in the republicans liberals. for more on what i'm talking about i want to welcome investigative reporter of b.b.c. news contributor greg al's back to the show its latest and most brilliant book is vultures picnic and pursuit of petroleum pigs power pirates and high finance carnivores greg welcome back. but i agree with you tom politico today is
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quoting friess as saying quote there isn't he had just come from that meeting of the koch brothers or with all the other billionaires he said there isn't a person at the koch brothers event who would not get a good return on their investment by investing in santorum as president and what do you think it meant. just that these guys don't back candidates they make investments in candidates they don't have strong politics and in fact the big backers you know the big money behind mitt romney which is in the super pac called we store our future and that is bill coke that's called the vulture singur that's paulson that's a billionaire is boys club. they they're not all that even that interested in romney in fact they think that the very clear they withheld their money from their supposed candidate let santorum sneak through what these guys want to do is be the brokers on a brokered convention so what is
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a brokered convention layout how that works and how could a couple of billionaires. you know make that happen to an entire political party that's itself a billion dollar national entity with cans of thousands of people in offices and all kinds of. well you know mitt romney has been a money juggernaut but it seems that us media is not asked where he's got the jugs it's been a series of billionaires who by the way a ritually and still consider their strongest candidate to be chris christie get of course since christie has not you know beaten gay people with a baseball bat or shot holes in condoms they can't put him through a republican primary their best bit and paul volcker singur has made it clear who is who is preferred choice is single is the number one billionaire backer of romney by the way is number one choice is christie so the way to pull that off is you make sure that your guy romney does not get the eleven hundred forty four delegates he
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needs he fall short santorum fall short gingrich fall short and what you end up with a shortie showing up dead on arrival and then the billionaires pick the republican joyce they'll pick your president for you think you or at least the nominee of one of the parties but romney is you know he's worth a couple hundred million dollars he's paying the fourteen percent tax rate you know the maximum tax rate of billionaires and millionaires pay well like secretaries to them pay up to thirty five percent. why would why would paul singer because brothers or any of these other billionaires find chris christie any more acceptable or for that matter mitt romney any less acceptable in fact chris christie isn't even a multimillionaire it seems like romney would really be there guys. the problem is that romney's been fighting. losing the battle and to fighting his own tax returns
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he's considered unelectable look at the poll numbers despite the massive money he's spent don't forget he's spent a lot of money already of their money. lets romney this time is not spending his own money he's relying on the what are called vulture financier as not the bain capital people the big bain capital is like girl scouts compared to the guys who are backing them and how they make their money there's no question that their issue with romney is not that they disagree with him it's just that they can't get him the white house they're trying to invest in some real estate here at sixteen hundred pennsylvania avenue and romney can't seal the deal and they think that chris christie can even you know with his. kind of william howard taft approach i guess in some ways yeah because he comes off it's not true he comes off as a regular guy he had a regular guy but he comes off as one he plays one on t.v.
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very well plus he doesn't carry with him of the baggage that a santorum comes with him of trying to run for pope christie would be able to actually run for president and that would be much more acceptable to the average american plus i should note that paul singer who's the number one donor to the republican party and is behind mitt his son wants to marry a guy and so he's not going to be too crazy about backing candidates who are against gay marriage so that's that's that's very interesting and christie is just about to veto gay marriage in the state of new jersey. as we speak well he's about to yeah you know that's why yes to hesitate because he knows where his money comes from but on the other hand he has to survive in the republican party it's a tough call for these guys in the end though i think singur will go follow his money rather than his then his heart and remember when i say singer it's not christie because the candidates as you said christie santorum romney gingrich these
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are the puppets and i'm glad tom that you are actually talking about guys like friesen coppa the puppet kias that's who we should be looking at because those are the guys who actually run the right house not the guy that would be on t.v. . and so are you predicting a a christie rubio ticket. i think if that is the preference of the billionaires in re store our future the so-called romney super pac they've made clear that christie's their guy but that they'll put up with romney betty certainly better than santorum how they like the fact that gingrich keeps yeah have they saw under christie at all in any way up to this point any of these guys then even have a hoax into him enough that they can say ok do this well they're the ones that came to him and said please run for president will write whatever checks it takes an eternal no these guys. he turned them down because you can't possibly win in a republican primary. as you know when you watch those debates you see what type of
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people are showing up at the caucuses you know their everything right with black robes and hoods yeah you know it's the inquisitors so it's not a christie friendly or a normal person friendly caucus you saw it showed up in iowa and let's not forget that senator grassley a republican probably couldn't get five votes in that republican caucus their own state of their own senator from that state so it's a very weird twisted crowd that comes out for these caucuses and for these primaries and christie has to come in through the side door opened by billionaires amazing greg palast thanks so much for your insights great you're welcome. you know the idea that millionaires and billionaires are the ones actually running for office now thanks to citizens united and not the candidates most of our founding fathers rolling over in their great is. just.
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it's the good the bad and the very very him our civil was slowly ugly the good the state legislature of new mexico both new mexico state house and senate passed a memorial on friday condemning the citizens united court decision and calling for a constitutional amendment morial lacks the force of law it is still a very strong show of sentiment and belief is one of the sponsors of the bill state senator steve fishman said voters need to know their opinions count as much as any corporate entity trade or labor association i'm proud of the new mexico's state senate is willing to stand up for this principle in mexico now joins hawaii as the second state to officially condemn the supreme court the supreme court citizens united decision in mexico clearly understands the damage citizens united is done to
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our political process and society and hopefully more states decide to get on board and shut it down. the bad wall street fat cats but bonuses and profits are reportedly drew when dealing on wall street a new report released by the center for responsive politics shows that the financial services industry is on track to shatter previous records for political spending the report also states that the industry spending is in hopes of defeating president obama and putting into office a candidate who opposes the dodd frank financial regulations and active in two thousand and eight mitt romney has already received twelve point four million dollars financial services companies and that number is expected to become much much larger. quite clear that wall street wants to go back to the bush days when it was an unregulated anything goes wild was industry. corporate greed is rearing its ugly head yet again. and
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a very very ugly senator roy blunt response to president obama's controversial birth control mandate i want is expected to offer an amendment to the affordable care act it would basically permit any employer or insurance plan to exclude any health care no matter how essential or critical it may be if they have moral objections to it under the plan some types of health services that could not be covered include aids greens type two diabetes treatments cancer tests and basically anything else that is deemed a result of an immoral lifestyle cancer diabetes are two of the most prevalent diseases in america today and millions of americans each year senator blunt is letting his personal religious beliefs cloud his judgment as a nation in a very dangerous game of pick and choose which would put the lives of millions of americans at risk and that is very clear. coming up in today's daily take while president obama's plan for a health care system may be in place
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a crucial piece of the health care puzzle is still missing what is it and how does this process of obamacare rely on. wealthy british scientists i. sometimes. want to find. find out what's really happening to the global economy. mike's concerts are no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to cause a report. says. see. if.
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so so now you know what you know and you know what you don't know and sometimes the firesign theater says everything you know is wrong. and i don't think you'll. hear you're right. to say that you're right. you know it's wrong. tomorrow is valentine's day and of course if you don't have a special someone to celebrate it with it can be downright depressing twenty four hours tomorrow there will be millions of men all over the world won't be able to take part in festivities just because they think they lack the confidence and swagger to woman if you like these men and think that being able to kiss five women in one night is impossible and an average joe dating a supermodel is absurd than maybe just maybe everything you know is wrong joining me now is richard la rue in a professional pick up artist founder of training dot com and author of the new
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book the natural how to effortlessly attract the women you want richard welcome. thank you great to have you with us richard wright oh hello hello richard right over here next to me. not i don't think you can see him but he's. right here sitting in chair is andrew he's twenty three years old soon to be twenty three years old sitting with a beer bottle in one hand the radios in the other watching t.v. was feet up on the desk. what what advice would you give him on the scene. well it's kind of a bunch of things but very quick things would be the you know find some things to try and try them obviously could do some work on his appearance and things slide up but really getting out there approaching women trying things and finding what works is a good first step get rid of the peer in the door and to read those. better without things in your hands and especially to reach as a big ok what would you say are the main characteristics the and your any man needs
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to be successful. women are attracted to a guy that kind of knows what he wants he's got a purpose in life he doesn't ask her loads of questions he knows what she wants because he can read the signals and you know they say about confidence and intelligence and being funny and these are really the splayed in your ability to lead and to have a good conversation and to know when to make your move you know go for the date go for the kiss and things like this and some of the specifics on those things. all specifics on conversation is that most guys also and then listeria questions you know kind of like an interrogation so a guy that has a good conversation will make more statements he'll have interesting questions to ask her instead of the same usual boring ones and he'll have interesting answers to her questions you know so when she asked him what he does if he's got a boring.
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