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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2012 2:48am-3:18am EST

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tenor of the national debate about what we were going to do about that big problem of the time which was were we going to continue to be slave holders or not and he galvanized the attention of the nation and about two years later we were in the civil war the greatest convulsion that the united states ever went through and so i'm wondering now you know when will the john breaux moment come for financial misbehavior that you know is not only unseemly unethical criminal and bad but is really hurting this nation terribly the revolution in tunisia started with one fruit seller the french revolution started with one girl talking you know the price of bread going up and talk about john brown one individual starting the the revolution back in the u.s. and that time you know you talk about the financial crimes you know to contrast let's say in asia in the middle east north africa the more information they got the
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more upset they became you know the satellite photos it's uneasy of how the top one percent was living got everyone upset in the u.s. i whenever the more information they get the more possible they become you know julian assange or wiki leaks getting information makes people want to just not down and cuddle up into a fetal position and hope it all goes away isn't there dan is it drugs in the water is it obesity is it too much football what's is it d. evolution are americans doubt i know a lot of republicans don't believe in evolution but do they believe india evolution because it appears as though the mindset of the average american is evolving there are a number of things going on that revolve around the question of authority and legitimacy and especially the news media and you know. personally i consider myself allergic to conspiracy theories and i don't think this is a media conspiracy to keep the american people. or ignore it but they're certainly
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doing a terrible job of reporting you wonder why the call thought leaders in places like the wall street journal and the new york times have they haven't reacted at all to the shenanigans going on with the new york state attorney general and the taskforce for mortgage fraud and the smoke screen at the department of justice they're just not paying attention so you know we're seeing some kind of an equal failure of people in charge of it's like you know control fraud itself which is using accounting. by people who run things namely people who run banks in and the people who regulate them and the whole idea that you are a legitimate best authority in people expect you to be discharging your duties and doing things properly but yet you're not doing it and you know so there's kind of
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an equivalent to that in the news media. so we're getting kind of a control fraught of news too but you know i it seems to me to be more a matter of incompetence malice and in the case of the news media ok don't buy into the conspiracy theories that are out there however a cording to a recent survey people who watch fox news are less informed than people who watch no news so so clearly the fox people all know that if you have a population that is being dumbed down by purposefully inflating the debate with lies deception and fraud that's a that's a population that you can steer by the nose in any direction you want to go ok now chris hedges believe that part of the reason for the national defense authorization act is that the banks are going to collapse and that bankers don't trust the police to maintain order so they want to give them military. very some boosted powers
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in the united states because they see this thing collapsing and they want protection from the mob your thoughts chris is a very intelligent guy and very experienced as a war correspondent and you know i think that he's a voice that we ought to pay attention to i would imagine the problem a little differently you know i think that there's just kind of a general level of nervousness throughout the whole culture and that it's not just the bankers but it's really everybody in any kind of authority is so nervous about about the failures that they brought about then you know they they really no longer trust the system to keep on running and you know they're taking extraordinary measures in regard to your previous statement about fox news when i was a young newspaper reporter investigated religious cults and political cults and one of the things that impressed me tremendously was how
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a group of people could simply subscribe to a bundle of ideas or shall we say programming and then you know there are a whole mental program was then set and they didn't really have to review any of their beliefs and i think that pets happen to a tremendous extent now and you know our culture right so you've got bill o'reilly is more like charles manson and edward r. murrow now let's talk about something you're very keen to write about and talk about over the years peak resources and i want to ask you is there any connection between the curtailment of civil liberties in the u.s. and this peak resource the peak oil peak average water etc well there's certainly a connection between all of these enormous looming issues the failure of capital finance the failure of civil order and the faith that we can run a. civil society and the availability of the vital resources that we need to have
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an economy that continues to grow and produce the ability to do things like service so yes the you know these things are all intimately connected in they all end up down being into the question of whether or not this is a society that has enough confidence that it will be able to keep growing and carrying this project of civilization into the future right now we're not too sure about that james council has another curious thing there's a washington post show that was a democrat not as the anti-war movement made up mostly of democrats has declined it drastically they are apparently fine with the wars while they team up while their team is in so to speak out what's that all about it probably again a question of authority you know if you identify yourself as a democrat or a progressive and your party is carrying out the wars and doing it in
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a way that you know there's no draft so people are being dragged off to you know against their will they're volunteering and in fact it's really kind of a job center for that disappearing cohort of young men especially you know who we need to work with their hands and kids go to work in a factory orders or do some cardio you know or or any longer you know build houses or do other construction jobs so you know they work with their hands killing people in other lands so you know are probably it's regarded as a kind of a jobs program right well and of course when they go to these wars they often lose their hands and then go on the side straits and come out of times and collateralized futures contracts they trade with other banks and they profit in another way on the death and misery of poor u.s. servicemen sent to do goldman sachs dirty work ok then there's another war the ongoing financial war and then once again translate. the democratic voters don't
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buy financial crimes because their guy obama is in office so somehow like i listen to bill maher on h.b.o. no matter what financial crimes committed he repairs the same stupidity that comes out of my doubts about how the bailouts are profitable how the auto companies are doing fantastically well and so these liberal so-called just because they have their guy in office they don't seem to understand to finance a crime is well as it is financial illiteracy and that huffington post side of the aisle i don't think so and i think it is certainly all parts of the political spectrum thomas frank wrote a book few years ago quote what's the matter with kansas and the basic point of his book was why do voters get snookered by political parties into voting against their own interests but the situation has changed now a few years later and what we're seeing is something a lot worse than that what we're seeing is now a comprehensive failure of leadership and not just in politics which is the most
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visible kind of leadership but comprehensibly through american life and to some extent western life you know a failure if you will leadership in politics business in the media you know in the clergy. in education at every level and bet makes for a very. nervous society all right james our counselor we're out of time thanks so much for being on the kaiser report quite welcome max always a pleasure all right not going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert i want my guest james howard kunstler you can find our counsellor at consular dot com if you like to send me an e-mail please his own kaiser report r t t v are you sure you can follow me on twitter so that's my max keiser saying.
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m. m m m. m. m m. m m. m m. m m. m m. m m. m.
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m. m have. an. answer. sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought
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you knew you don't i'm sorry it's a big. hit to the terrorists as the un general assembly scrutinizes the syrian crisis the movie is seen by some basket attempt to tighten the screws on russia and china and . europe gets hit with yet another wave of downgrades as confidence collapses over the blocks future he says the new presses ahead with its austerity crusade against doing nothing to greece. and with the russian airways flight in the direction campaigning positive coverage of prime minister vladimir putin is criticizing country advantage over the other presidential candidates.
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are watching r.t.m. kerry just straight to our top story the u.n. general assembly is preparing its members for an upcoming vote over a new draft resolution on syria the documents apparently echoes the one vetoed by what's going on beijing at the security council in. un human rights chief said that in his political party to take action on the syrian crisis it handed president assad carte blanche to execute an all out assault. decisions at the general assembly and not legally binding somebody in the votes could be used in an attempt to put pressure on both russia and china parties and see a chicken and strains. this meeting has definitely lasted the entire day we've been hearing speeches from dozens of countries that started early in the morning and of course this comes only a week after a double veto from russia and china blocked an arab and western backed resolution
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on syria at the security council so what we saw as an attempt from the saudi arabia and qatar to go to another body of the united nations an attempt to find some kind of decision there even though the general assembly just consist of over one hundred ninety members we have to keep in mind that it's not nearly as powerful as the security council because whatever decision comes out of the general assembly is by no means binding it's only seen as a recommendation by the rest of the international community and what's key here is that the text of this supposedly resolution of the general assembly will be voting on voted on has not even been circulated get we're hearing about it's going to be pretty much the same document that russia and china vetoed and russia's and share in china's problem with the text was that it seemed biased to the countries saying that it only names the syrian government as the main cause of the conflicts going on on the ground in syria but not the armed groups and that's something that continues to be a major sticking point the recognition of two sides to this conflict by the
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international community we see a political issue you see efforts when violence should come with legal she should attempt involving all syrian forces including the government and the opposition in order to start the talks the countries that have an influence over the opposition groups which will now have been unwilling to meet should exert their power. we've been hearing all of these countries make speeches cities saying that the syrian government is committing atrocities so really this is another opportunity for those who do support regime change on the ground to send out criticism towards the syrian government many experts are saying really that the fact that at this symbolic diplomatic gesture is being attempted the united nations does not really need much because any sort of document is not going to help the. stop the crisis on the ground unless i question is for a cease fire so many are saying that should be a priority that prioritized at the general assembly these days and not just you know a lot of words of criticism. well new york based correspondent jean williams says
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if the action on syria is pushed through the un general assembly could set a dangerous precedent the arab countries in the western countries want to show that they're doing something. if they were serious then they would have pressed for a special general assembly an emergency special general assembly meeting under the uniting for peace resolution and this you made your member field rich with irony was the form that the u.s. and britain used to fight the korean war in the face of a soviet veto in the early fifty's since then it was resurrected by the palestinians to bypass the american b.t.o. in the security council and that's i presume is why this is not being invoked now because i use the phrase a non-binding resolution the resolution that established the state of israel and partition this was a general assembly resolution that was not binding then where do we go from there you know what we have is some towers say that resolutions they like are binding
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resolution they don't like a non-binding. the contrary president of the general assembly can follow earlier precedent and said that there was sufficient support for a special it just expression session but he hasn't done so and i'm sure that's because of western pressure he they don't want to establish a precedent they consider these resolution finding because that would be upsetting next time the u.s. and you don't have any resolution. but alarming reports continue to emanate from the protest hub of homs as opposition activists suggest the city is suffering its heaviest shelling for days the spiraling violence lobbying firm by players such as a kind of concerns a crisis could become increasing sectarian as artists are furthur about. the predominantly christian town of million in the syrian mountains it's even here in this hauntingly beautiful place and signs of the pre-writing conflict is tearing apart much of the country right now creeping in and the sense of foreboding hangs
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heavy because they don't travel out of this area much they need longer fear let's say we speak to the nuns at the monastery here they tell us about the town's preservation of the ancient aramaic language and like their cherished tongue they hate the fine balance of religious groups in the country can be kept even in these difficult times we have been living here with all people regardless of their religion ethnicity in peace for a long time. back in the center and damascus is known as a melting pot of religions such alow effect are a minority in the country but despite making up around just twelve percent of potato population and luis haven't replied elite positions in the government and the military for decades and now there are fears that resentment among the majority sunni muslim sunni stack's to run. the country girl until this crisis breakout was
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religiously divestment color and now the calm increasingly polarized genuine fierce clashes well that plays to visions my laid his a sectarian tensions being further exploited have been stakes by the emergence of an al qaeda video link the holy war is a trade the assad regime by alliance is just not going to and we see it happening and iraq neighboring iraq sectarian violence that is catastrophic and nobody is reporting on that reporting on syria and they're not focusing on the potential problems that syria could lead into another iraq on the streets during an increasingly desperate population has called for help in whatever form it comes as long as it starts from violence this is a time for them to think about long term sick carrying risks because many of them are worrying about a survival anyone who. we are ready to hear to say yes to anyone over there so for this regime yes everyone in syria right now the split
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still largely remains along political lines but there's concern that as this increasingly bloody conflict continues it could turn into a sectarian one as well sir i think damascus syria. well still to come on the program a superpower again is rushing to in beijing representatives need to discuss cooperation u.s. abuse its tools is in china's backyard. and tensions between israel and iran escalate after ten of the flames tehran crying out to bomb attacks on embassy staff in that analysis on those events in just a few minutes. yet another wave of credit rating downgrade has hit the e.u. with moody's one of the big three rated slashing the schools of at least spain and four other nations this as the bloke labors to erect a debt barrier around greece hopes that extremists territory there will halt any possible contagion but the teacher who police reports it's
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a plan that really seems to be unraveling. system under siege m.p.'s drowned out the pleas of tens of thousands of demonstrators amassed within earshot passing another round of unpopular cuts. the results proved incendiary. that figure in the protests turned violent as protesters including fringe anarchists clash with police again leaving their mark on athens. today all this is the remnants of public anger because of the only thing that's been broken as governments passed increasingly unpopular austerity cuts people are being left asking who can they trust serve their interests the measures are there anybody that's part of the poor people especially and this is the reason that we feel. we today i think more measures have been taken and they're it's not going to work and
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there will be another bill here clearly bad and. oh i hope for the best but i don't see it coming. under pressure from brussels berlijn and the international monetary fund the greek government has cut more jobs and slashed funding for the nation's pensions a minimum wage but current policy appears to mainly expose those was vulnerable to crisis conditions is a mindset some feel is doomed to fail and they already have destroyed the whole generation of young people and their dreams they will destroy the structure. to infrastructure of the whole country we know that did this impossibly putting a nice day that we have now signs that these illegal or all do was bad we cannot continue like that because the ball isn't that the government is following actually increases the day yeah instead of finding the solution at the heart of activists
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claims is their solution that they've noticed there. he for the best part of five years now and that time taxes have risen incomes have full of the country's deficit only seems to grow and in this austerity cycle is something sought by an increasing number despite the turmoil the government warns will follow but what is a bad about our political system is the break up the idea exactly even more. people . or for. going to come the only way out for this point is the default default is going to be very tough for us but there's going to be a better solution would be slowed there for now relative calm has returned to the streets of athens smashed buildings have been patched up signs of damage swept away but the simmering discontent hasn't been and was forced medicine appears to bring nothing but pain and many are continuing their call for terms of treatment jake
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agrees r.t. athens of the sprite of greece passing its harshest austerity package yes there's no guarantee it will get more bailout cash but in still has conditions to fulfilling cluing further cuts to protect against a greek default but international consultant and author. says the country is locked in a vicious cycle. are bankers that stupid they always make the mistake of lending too much money and are governments very stupid long as much more than they can pay back or insist is this part of a model. you ability of the solver of this is a leader to control and it's so sad to see the same sickening scene time and again protests and sleeping through the streets they are repressed by the police for tear gas they throw with stones somebody gets injured hundreds couldn't get somebody always ends up getting killed and i always figure there it's the poor
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people on the streets fighting the police who are also poor and i always wonder if there are a cigar smoking perched on the floorboard looking down of these horrific scenes and just laughing out of all of the troika of the greek lenders are due to meet on wednesday to give the athens paid out their preliminary approval final say however rests with the german parliament something that's not sitting well with max keiser . thirty g.m.t. a unique take on the debt crisis and all kinds of reports. greece approved tombstone austerity deal with troika so we see over and over there's a great deal there is not a great deal there's a great deal there's not a great deal. there's a deal now there were german were cruising were trying to milk you drive all the marbles but the u.k. already stalled.
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the arrival of the chinese vice president xi jinping in the u.s. comes at a testing point in relations between the two economic giants came to meet with his american counterpart joe biden the two are expected to work on ties against the backdrop of a u.s. military buildup in the asia pacific but it's. may come of this with late siri of the china institute of international studies in beijing who joins us now live from out here one of the central issues between the two nations has been iran and we know that one anti terror on lobbying group is pressuring the u.s. government to convince the chinese vice president to join iranian oil embargo do you see that actually happening. i think. we'll show you this opportunity. to.
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see. time to go on international coalition. to facts and. and to stop the. efforts to give up nuclear weapons. but. i'm afraid. i do a vice president she is still. not. the highest level . political so. not discuss. the. united states leader. they will talk about general principles. and their respective positions and opinions not. so detail
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into a past. iranian you carry you through north korea or. america or is this securing bases and moving its navy to surround china really what does that mean for future relations. i think. of u.s. strategic focus through a superficial region. not a well for the whole. international environment. that the good times will be very alert will be ok if you and i. can not. stops are pretty i faced interest rate of but i think. in
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fact the united states. the move by the i think. the reason most. except for the region are not aimed totally china. it is part of the stuff for truman ten. fold leadership. role around the world so china because china is rising so rapidly and. it's. economical are pretty. small so you could. pick right obviously pacific. global leaders in terms of both economic security area. ok he's the c.e.o. of chinese and you to be national studies i'm sort of have to leave it there but thank you very much.


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