tv [untitled] February 14, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm EST
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me little doubt scenario there is foreign intervention in syria. also there's no doubt in the euro prices as the eurozone chief says assurances are still awaiting for me but it's believed isn't how the know that to be implemented in a sterile she program in return for a final one hundred thirty billion euro bailout to save the country from defaulting . on the most part can run as russia's military predicts the western might decide on a strike against the country before seven this follows tel aviv's accusations that
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the blood stains were behind monday's bomb attacks targeting its embassies and in georgia and blasts in bangkok and state. time not to go to our washington studios for their annual. welcome to the low to show we look at the real headlines with none of the mercy and we can live out of washington d.c. so i'm going to speak to glenn greenwald about whether it's the media that's pushing the war the wrong narrative even more than the government in china is b.p. is in the u.s. for a visit so what's on the agenda and what does it say for the relationship between the two countries and also a new pew study shows that one in a voter records are flawed but how do we get past the myth that this is the sign of massive voter fraud and instead focus on our outdated paper based system of registration we're not all that more fair not including
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a dozen happy hour but first take a look at the mainstream media has decided to miss. well it's another day in the political horse race of the g.o.p. race and what do you know there are two new polls for the mainstream media to cover obsessive flee. rick santorum is now on top in two brand new major national polls out there this morning underfunded and outmanned two new polls show that rick santorum is now tied with mitt romney in the republican race for the white house the back and forth race for the republican nomination is all tied up in the polls right now a dead heat between mitt romney and rick santorum in recent weeks he's really gaining momentum and now in a statistical dead heat with mitt romney that's right according to this hugh research center poll as i want to look at right now he leads by two percentage points pulling ahead of mitt romney in two national polls and riding
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a double digit surge into a dead heat with the former governor santorum is gaining ground and cost that this is the momentum that he built by these wins just we can go today in colorado minnesota and missouri. now. definitely interesting to look at the resurgence if you can even call it that of rick santorum especially relative to the entire race to the white house right the consistent proof that republican voters really are not that stoked on mitt romney but at the end of the day are they still going to go with mitt is this just another flavor of the month episode like we saw with bachmann and cain and gingrich before now i think those are valid questions and go ahead spend a few minutes talking about it but again do we need the nonstop around the clock santorum mania to take place at a certain point you just want to scream at the top your lungs tell these people for the love of god to give it a rest especially when there are so many other things going on in the world and if you're going to spend countless hours looking at polls and statistics why not branch out a little bit why not look at other stats that come out on
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a daily basis that will tell you about widespread systemic problems and abuses within our country i'm going to give you one good example today that i've really seen covered anywhere else and we've known for a while now the n.y.p.d. has a bit of a stop and frisk problem by problem i mean that there is an obscene amount of people who are being stopped and frisked in new york and there's a lot of evidence of points to clear racial bias and the majority the time what they end up getting people for is maybe having small amount of marijuana if anything not stopping violent crimes from happening so in the years since two thousand and four when this program began the n.y.c. l.-u. says that more than four million people have been stopped in two thousand and ten the n.y.p.d. broke their all time high record of stop and frisks with six hundred and one thousand and fifty five stops but guess what new data is out for two thousand and eleven and attorneys out that they've broken their own record yet again they regard them as described best as another champion season so here's the big number for you
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in two thousand and eleven the n.y.p.d. stopped six hundred eighty four thousand three hundred and thirty people on the street and it turns out the only twelve percent of those were arrested or received a summons the rest were all released. now if you want proof of the racial bias i'm going to give you the breakdown for the last two years in two thousand and ten about eighty four percent of those stopped by police are black or latino while only about nine percent of those people stopped are white last year we saw the same old thing eighty seven percent were black or latino and nine percent were white and i say it's a pretty clear sign that there is discrimination at work here that innocent people are being harassed that there is a massive problem seems like a number of city officials in new york agree with me they've asked the federal government to launch a probe because they feel that thousands of young people are being criminalized and the mainstream media where they've been on this issue well let's just say they've been steering clear of it ignoring it acting like it does not even exist now you
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might try to claim that this is too localized of a problem for the national media to be covering but come on you guys you know the on a daily basis on this show we point out how d.c. and new york oriented the national mainstream media is they live in a bubble they prioritize everything that happens within this little bubble of new york and d.c. over what's going on in the rest of the country technically the stop and frisk issue fits into the bubble but who are we kidding right the bubble only includes government officials media leaves not the rest of us not the thousands of people living in muslim communities that have been targeted by the n.y.p.d. for their religious beliefs and then monitor it with the help of the cia mind you and certainly not the hundreds of thousands of minorities that are being harassed and stopped by the police and treated like criminals just for walking down the street and i'm not saying that this policy doesn't play a role that we don't have a need for vigilant police force but let's not let our judgment in our understanding of the importance of the value of civil liberties to be clouded by some kind of fear that is a police weren't breaking new records every year and how many people they stop and
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frisk the world would be a much more dangerous place because the truth is the numbers aren't there to back it up but back to the point here this is exactly the kind of story the kind of statistics and members of the mainstream media to. system is. all right so we've been covering the incessant cheerleading for war against iran pretty extensively on the show drawing comparisons with the buildup to war with iraq threats of weapons of mass destruction al qaeda and how could we forget the u.s. intelligence community saying that iran now poses the number one terror threat against the united states and it seems that public opinion might be swaying thanks to that fear mongering recent poll from the hill shows that amongst their respondents nearly half of all likely voters believe that the u.s. should be willing to use military force to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon forty nine percent said military force should be used while thirty
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one percent said no and twenty percent weren't sure but we've come to expect a certain kind of drum beating from various pundits and so-called experts here in washington very small that influential group mind you how big of a role is the media playing in this pre-war scenario do they seem even more eager for military action than the u.s. government itself joining me to discuss this is glenn greenwald salon columnist and author of his new book with liberty and justice for some how the laws used to destroy equality and protect the powerful when thanks so much for joining us tonight now in a minute here i'm going to play a specific clip from n.b.c. that you chose to point out when you were writing this latest piece but first you know just on a broad base tell me why it is that you think that the media might be pushing this even more than the government does right because the same time we have sanctions from the government we have leon panetta going on the record in interviews saying that israel might strike sometime soon we have the president saying that no or that all options are you know is on the table. they are going to. close to the bill
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that they are supposed to be sure this is where the fish is and it's really going to. go to the us government positions. influence on top of that you know the american media thing just does now. it would be any media is as being this kind of unmitigated evil with killing and its relationship with the united states in this very critical of suggest that they are the aggressors is the united states isn't the same the seiko with sacks of script in their community and they immediately state beating the drums for we think there's an element of excitement for them is bad on top of assertiveness. good ratings which is what happens when new concepts and study people with some of the political appointees and you combine add characters together that you get was a meeting would have been around to impede the message to the critical scrutinize it but instead few have engendered on the bandwagon you see that time and time
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again and we're seeing it again that are there all right so let's take a look at this example from jamaica chefs that i met and they say he's their pentagon correspondent and auburn is going to play a short clip of that and then later tell us exactly what's wrong with it if it's not obvious enough yet. and if israel launches is strikes against still runs nuclear program the iranian leader is threatened i'm all out war. the u.s. navy's fifth fleet would be the world's first line of defense and its commander vice admiral mark fox said today they're prepared to take on just about anything a runner throws at the. pilots here at. that is because of. the so many deceived lives packed into such a short clip. space
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and grabs back in its nuclear program. that as bad as the study. of a country did that we say we consider it to be and yet they depict the end as being the one who may forever. it is the reason the as they say the united states fifth fleet will be the focus of defense. as there is being so that the persian aggressors and that the united states is there to defend there from this aggression that in fact it's the united states and. troops that the aggressors in every single instance it is not a threatening with a daily basis they will abstain the united states and israel invading army and air space and dropping bombs on their country those two nations have been engaged in all sorts of covert we're still battle against terrorism from assassinating their science and. sending cyber sophisticated by this is inside the affair into their
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facilities to funding and arming a terrorist group back to back that use an iranian dissident group to their free will and the iranian government and then you add on top of that the fact the united states has a bunch of the encircled the military bases surrounding that country are almost every may bring a neighbor or uses class aggression the united states and israel in their views and the senior united states may have to defend their way. in aggression that's were the purest and those are sort of propaganda and you know the attitudes that we see in terms of this are really interesting to for example right we had u.s. officials coming out last week saying that israel was in fact funding the enrique. they in order to carry out or at least play some kind of a role in the assassinations the murders of nuclear scientists in iran you have some people arguing that well it's ok if israel's doing it because it's for a good cause and i thought was kind of interesting that kevin drum decided to step
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in here and take a look at both sides and he basically you know made the following point saying that it's still terrorism when israel does it so says still is it terrorism yes do both sides use it yes is this in many cases the future of warfare probably yes is there a better alternative that's a good question so you know what's your take on that is everyone to start assuming that well that's that's the future warfare that's the way that it's going to be. really i mean is there is a bit is what kevin graham said which is basically inducing terrorist attacks saying good civilians. being honest about the fact that the u.n. here is sad. and i'm sad for. they've been to tears and when the cause is really becoming so disturbing about it is the. measure and including the ability to measure and who's been prosecuted for having failed to attenuate it with things to designated terrorist organizations that have. you know reaching their cavities with their fabby i mean k.
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which is also the betting it is a military strike in the station and is that the ego that you play bad but you're supposed to have the republicans and leading democrats and the gay seating huge payments. and the kagan out and you kidding us be meeting with get you need is a vegan ization and the idea of a gay that would be prosecuted is mention of it it's unthinkable a decent company and yet it's i think it is a read it to the right that it is asian with materials appear and talk about it it's true as n.b.c. news included the jews who is funding an oil and being in chaining is to this group and by definition you have the williams on the list of state sponsors of jews and that's the definition of a state sponsor of terror as. i'm somewhere a state that sounds and trains in the arms of this group and it's united states of the script i make a i have a list of ten is two is that it is asians and that claim really claims to is really the associating with it's ascended this group to do it you know there is
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a tax on the radio instead of blowing things up and sure you scientists who are civilians and so the biggest emitters remember that everything that was in the world is justified based on the need to stop terrorism and here is the united states' closest ally a good union pure to them and many of the leading name because of their actions and from headquarters assuming money from this terrorist group the beginning of it's be our true quite remarkable it shows just how really and this really the concept of terrorism the. now i want to talk about public opinion public perception here too you know it's interesting because our intelligence agencies are telling us they iran is the number one terror threat to the united states but just on small scale attacks however this entire concept as to whether or not we should use military force against iran has to do with iran's nuclear program which our officials are telling us that we have no proof as to whether or not they've really decided whether they want to have this nuclear program or not but why in that case you know
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if the drumbeating specifically coming from the media a lot of the time is surrounding iran's nuclear program do people still buy it haven't we learned from iraq you know don't we have enough examples there that where you start to get a little bit skeptical. well the things that's being done in terms of the propaganda campaign is there's a slight of hand because everybody knows including them the big heavy. in the sense that they're trying to nuclear energy which everybody agrees is that absolute right to do and say the times that we need to do is they're tapped about nuclear program and impact that that's a nuclear weapons program impact that it's beyond dispute that they actually developing nuclear weapons even though. there's an official as an intelligence official agency has said that we have no evidence that's available that it is as actually decided even to develop a nuclear weapon into what they wanted so this is pure fear mongering that's
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exactly the same thing that happened somebody in the convinced of the against by telling americans that he was developing a nuclear weapon it's the same thing and that is a question i mean what i what i look at today was kind of the opinion the history of public opinion about limited states and their support of the world that we have in the end came to view it as a mistake that was a quote of the way the in the end came to view that as a mistake so you're going to some place they will say we keep getting tricked into supporting these winners that actually inadvisable them that we end up being against the misstep to call the next time when you have the attitude seems to be. that the isn't convinced as to suppose. that a mistake this time with the this is really necessary i suppose and it just shows the potency the fear mongering here is a. little bit when factoring human beings it's necessary. because we and these media reports and this constant drumbeat is designed to play on out there to tell
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you that if you dare question reality ends there will crash sure there's another arrest or done a planned out bad and here police department official running back to the city there's some sort of recourse and. he's very. strong men running into this kind of campaign is very effective and if you remember the drug small factor to use or maximus was running through it and that he also mentions that new york especially susceptible today right because of the large jewish population that happens to live there but you know it definitely does seem you know if you're plays a huge role glenn thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you for having me. full time for a break and when we return it's valentine's day which means anonymous is on the offense that's going to tell you about their latest tax and with great power comes great responsibility that's the message that president obama has chosen for the chinese a vice president was in town today and talked about what that great responsibility might be for the brake.
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shoes that some of you are going to let you go over to the muscle because we're going to take your pick the ones with britain and argentina again sparring with the established mutual these why is this dispute. as today we'd like to address for we'd like to take a moment to address an error that was brought to our attention that we made while reporting on bradley manning's article thirty two pretrial hearing at fort meade maryland one of our updates aired in december we noted that adrian lamo was a paid informant and so we'd like to make a correction to that statement when i was not a paid informant when he communicated with bradley manning in an online chat room
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the chance the subject subsequently led to the army privates arrest according to wired limo became a confidential informant for the army from july of two thousand and ten and held that role until mid to late two thousand and eleven over he was compensated by the government for any expenses incurred during travel and was given a new hard drive to replace the one that was taken into evidence by the military so we apologize and we regret the error and we'll continue to bring you all of the details surrounding p.f.c. bradley manning as we learned them. well today it is february fourteenth valentine's day today when people all over the country doing their best to dazzle their loved ones with tokens of their affection anonymous on the other hand has come up with its own way of saying happy valentine's day by packing of course and in event of a hack the day members of anonymous have targeted pennsylvania best based security company combined systems incorporated that name sounds familiar to you think back to last year we saw uprising in egypt and efforts to overthrow then president mubarak. a number of photos have been posted on social networks suggesting the tear
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gas conscious will made in the united states the canisters of transit with the name and address of combined systems a company based in the state of pennsylvania. well that's right that same company has become the focus of of anonymous efforts today not only they taken down the web site for the company but they've also allegedly taken personal information of employees and clients like email addresses phone numbers and passwords they've also published a series of intercepted e-mails from the company which seem to confirm the hack although at this time we can't vouch for their authenticity now the hackers have a history of focusing on security companies government organizations and basically anybody who opposes the occupy movement and uprisings in the arab world so i guess that it's not too surprising that c.s.i.s. web site was taken down and its statement anonymous reaffirmed its recent calling c.s.i. war profiteers who quote shop magic chemical weapons to military and cop shops around the world stephen went on to say you shot gas protesters running them off
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public parks in the u.s. several dozen died because of your tear gas used in egypt did you think we forgot why did you not expect us but why did they had to choose today to protest the company will not only is it valentine's day but the fourteenth also commemorates years since the uprisings in bahrain began to get another gulf country the scene protests and reports say that at least sixty people have died during the clashes between demonstrators and wawrinka forces some of whom died after exposure tear gas also not forget u.s. ally saudi arabia sent troops to bahrain last year during the height of those protests and according to the new york times more people have taken to the streets in that country this week to mark the one year anniversary of the demonstrations and just like we've seen in the past police relied on tear gas to keep the protesters away. so that the same tear gas made by c.s.i. it's quite possible now anonymous. indicated that there would be
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a series of hacks today when it tweeted the message stay tuned but at this point we've only found the pennsylvania company to be a victim of today's actions but i think it's safe to say that anonymous has left an impression on the company and if nothing else a valentine's day that they'll definitely remember. well there's an important visitor in town today chinese vice president xi jinping who is in line to become the next chinese leader next year was welcomed by president obama here in washington after meeting in the oval office a state department luncheon was held with the likes of henry kissinger lloyd blankfein of goldman sachs as well as the c.e.o.'s of chevron dream works disney and coca-cola on attendance now president obama said that he welcomes that china's peaceful rise and expects relations between the two countries to continue on a cooperative track his relationship is obviously a complicated one take a look at public opinion here in the u.s. a gallup poll from february tenth shows that fifty three percent of americans view not the u.s. but china as the world's leading economy and a.b.c. washington post poll from today shows that fifty two percent of americans have an
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unfavorable impression of china so with so much competition what will the relationship look like between the two joining me to discuss that is economic analyst gonzalo lira and all thanks so much for joining us tonight and i guess for starters what do you say about this poll this is the second year in a row now that americans say that they see china as the leading economic power and not the u.s. well it's not actually because china is america's credit and so your creditor is always the most important person in europe financial relationships we owe chinese a lot of money and so there are the all straight. now he isn't quite the leader yet right this isn't happening until next year but how important do you think it is to try to solidify if you can really even use that word this relationship now while they have the time is here in the states well it's important for a number of reasons number one we want to make sure let me phrase the american government wants to make sure that china will continue to purchase treasury bonds and will not start dumping treasury bonds will not use faith in the treasury bond
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market and so it's very important for the further department i'm sure geithner's drones are out there talking to the chinese counterparts time in the united states is a great credit risk and blow up a so it's important and it's now of course this gentleman here is definitely going to be the next leader of the chinese never make any kind of but sometimes it shouldn't be so he's the next man in charge and so it's logical that they're going to try to try it is funny when you think of his guest list at the state department luncheon that i just mention right we have goldman sachs and re kissinger call a chevron it's very clear the business plays a big role in this relationship. sure they round up the usual suspects and they're all there to convince the chinese to keep on not lending money to the united states have problems of their own and are very worried about what's going on the united states and in europe because after all china is producing goods and services for
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the european and american markets and if those two markets begin to tank china begins to have trouble and course there's a task that between the chinese companies party and the chinese people whereby the party controls political power in exchange for giving employment to the chinese people now that tacit agreement is broken you're going to have riots and essentially our spraying in china which nobody wants so you know it's in everybody's best interests is the vision should running smoothly and for china to tell europe and yet states get out of this recession depression by any means possible well at the same time though trade is a big issue between the two countries right now the u.s. china and chinese trade deficit right now that to twenty two hundred ninety five billion dollars now when the president is giving a state of the union address of and last month he announced this trade enforcement units that would be investigating things like this in countries such as china to think about is a good idea. or that i think that the chinese discount of doubt because it's what
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it is which is the domestic political. blah blah you know and it means nothing in the real world contacts that bed that trade relationship between china and say it's going to continue we call china is the most important relationship the united states has insofar as. buyers of treasury bonds and and suppliers of consumer goods and products but the problem is that there's a famous saying in in banking circles when you can't pay a million dollar debt to your bank that's your problem but if you can't pay a billion dollar debt to the bank that's their problem so even the chinese recognize that the united states has gone so far into debt that it is very difficult it is to be able to pay his debts back and so the chinese want their money but they don't want to stabilize the whole situation in the process of getting their money they don't want an american default and so both sides are very careful in their relationship because they both recognize how fragile both their respect.
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