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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EST

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the foreign minister said believe in a scenario for intervention the risk of being repeated in syria as the case is built against the assad regime to justify a title military action. no response in the euro crisis in the euro zone finance ministers say they've not yet received assurances very brief political leaders on how they're to implement an authority program in return for advice on one hundred sets of bidding euro bailout to rebalance the country bring some. investors neutral predicts the west my decided on a strike against iran but some will supplant forming israel's accusations that the term iran was behind bombs in three countries this week but turkey said that time would be catastrophic for the breach of.
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international news live from moscow this is all she was mean while other thanks for joining us first moscow says there's a significant risk they leave in the scenario of foreign intervention could soon be repeated in syria russia's foreign minister warns that a case is being built against the regime in damascus that could be used to justify external move tree action sergey lavrov was speaking to journalists touring his trip to the netherlands. russia's foreign minister a lot of press criticize the idea to put together the so-called group of friends of syria which could meet as soon as by the end of february would include several western nations including the u.s. and france arab countries and representatives of the syrian opposition and said you are better off says if this group will not include representatives of the syrian authorities it would mean the international community is taking
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a certain side in this internal conflict russia and china they stand for peaceful dialogue between both sides of this conflict especially with the syrian authorities saying now that they are ready for this dialogue the russian foreign minister also said that right now it's very important to establish who controls these heavily armed militant groups within the syrian opposition another issue touched upon by in the russian foreign minister is the recent proposal by the arab league to deploy a u.n. peacekeeping contingent into syria and according to the russian foreign minister there are several issues which may be of concern the first one is that such a peacekeeping contingent would have to be welcomed by the receiving side meaning by both sides of this conflict and the opposition which brings us to the desperate need for dialogue between them and secondly with the aim to protect civilians this contingent would have to be armed as well which also causes concern and also the no
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fly zone operation in libya also initially started with the aim to protect civilians but ended up with the international community also taking a certain side in that conflict says that perhaps instead of looking for a new missions the arab league should resume its currently frozen monitoring mission especially with the syrian authorities giving the green light for having more observers in the country including in the most hostile areas. and fashion kayser approaches for the online magazine spock's told us that he believes the westies is the pretext of so-called heroes haran intervention to promote hate and. the removal of diplomats from syria. the desire to arm the free syrian army from the west and to basically support them to give them kind of sectioned off training areas where they can develop an open strong opposition apart
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from the kind of threat of a sad all suggest that you know the west isn't willing to have you know encourage any kind of dialogue or discourse at all ultimately they want you know they've now polarized the situation they've now said you know. this evil we need to get rid of him they use those kind of terms evil you know the. ogre all bogeyman and you know the syrian people are vulnerable victims who need to be protected by the west now i think we saw the same thing with good afi and it's always very striking that you know it was only two years ago that assad was seen as the great reformer in syria the west were basically queuing up to talk to him and engage in dialogue now they've been with him now he's completely been frustrated as this absolute ogre this absolute figure of evil that needs to be kind of tackles and i think the west has this tendency to polarize the situations and again that can cause massive problems later on. starting with the middle east police in bahrain have again find
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gas and stun grenades at protesters marking the one year anniversary of pro-democracy uprising clashes occurred as accidents try to occupy a landmark square in the nation's capital where they ruled rock hard last for every confrontation has been building in the days leading up to the anniversary and monday the system dispersed hundreds of demonstrators to march through minoan to mark the protest it was passed by security forces made mistakes by terry carney told us he was a thief difference and how someone who knows treats oppression of uprisings in the region. those countries which are regarded as as the west or stooges of the west basically. criticised regularly it's not just the gulf states and bahrain in particular it is also going to increase like yemen was brutal dictatorial present to prison former president is going to be in the united states receiving medical treatment and no reporting is taking place from the yemen there were demonstrations
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in saudi arabia a few days ago which got very little coverage of course the so these have no democracy at all it is probably the most undemocratic a concrete leanto there are who are much much more undemocratic even libya was no one talks about this because it's a useful country it has always lived elsewhere the west starts to mention in bahrain was greenlighted by the united states which is very strong in their principle and they crushed the uprising and they were brutality so until brutalities which are dealt with in a different way and now the problem in bahrain is that seventy to eighty percent of the population proves it has no representation whatsoever and yet nothing happens on this front at all. and so to come on the program was described to relations they changed council. come to discuss corp
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a while to realize this is really true falls into china as. just a few weeks left before breakfast president let's look at some of the candidates peeling tape and that means their campaigns are at least somewhat unconventional toxics they. become like fate of greece still hangs in the balance despite the country's parliament agreeing on sunday to austerity plans all that apply the yonder left the group representing the eurozone finance ministers says athens hasn't fulfilled all the conditions to get any one hundred sets of buildings there were a bailout to prevent the country going bust next month the years demanding written assurances from leaders of the two main greek parties that they will stick to the austerity program after elections in april meanwhile the debt ridden bloc has suffered another blow from the ratings agencies moody's has downgraded six he states including vulnerable portugal italy and spain and
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a writer and consultant george means that greece has become just a puppet. european leaders want to really increase the pressure on greek politicians to follow through on their promises and the european leaders want to pay off their own creditors before letting the greeks spend money on themselves but that what the problem really goes beyond this particular set of negotiations what the europeans are demanding of greece is something that northern european countries would never accept for themselves they provide social benefits and all kinds of programs that allow them to live normal happy lives and they're trying to deny the greeks all that knowing that the greeks in the long run are not going to be able to pay back these debts the europeans have created a currency and they're demanding that the people in control of it are the only authorities they can. say what people do with the currency but the currency has
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structured is very weak and has a lot of internal contradictions in the greeks are really not to blame in my view for their problems as much as it is the people who created the euro so when the when the european leaders are. punishing the greeks it's not so much because of greek debt it's because they're trying to make an example out of greece for having challenged albeit not intentionally having challenge the authority of the eurozone the u.s. has criticized china for its veto at the u.n. security council of the latest resolution on syria and currency policies chinese vice president payne is in washington for talks with rising tension between the two g.'s an american militia built up in the asia pacific region and paul craig roberts has served in president ronald reagan of reagan's administration says the u.s. desire to slow down china could prove costly. the united states says it is
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responding to china in two ways one it's trying to reduce china's independent access to oil and the united states is responding to china are also with increased military presence united states says that the south china sea is an area of national interest to the united states there of course that doesn't make any sense it's like china saying the gulf of mexico is an area of national interest to china so the united states is asserted that chinese territorial wars are a matter of national interest to washington so i think these types of. militaristic statements that encourage china to build up its military and so the americans a sensibly maybe
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a trying to start another arms race as international pressure on iran mounts for us as though the true has us says the probability of a western strike against the islamic republic as being high concerns of pending military action group author blame tehran for two but not times on its diplomatic stuff on monday and today's blossom bangkok on a has been holding developments around. the chief of staff of the russian armed forces said on tuesday that he thinks a plan for a western attack on iran could be in place by the summer of this year and he's basing that statement on the fact that since the arab spring started a year ago russia has been monitoring the area of the wider middle east very closely enough to looking at the findings from that monitoring this is what he's come up with now and this comes just a day after two israeli diplomats were targeted with car bombs in the capitals of georgia and india now the bomb in georgia was able to be defused however in india that car bomb exploded very very close to the residence of the prime minister of
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india and injured several people now israel was very very quick to point the finger of blame for those attacks at teheran despite terror experts looking at the findings and coming up with saying all those pretty much no evidence that it was behind those attacks this is all really part of the ongoing blame game between televisa. the iranians claim that the israelis have been behind a two year campaign of assassinations on their nuclear scientists well on choose day in bangkok what we've seen is a rainy unmanned taken into custody by police after an explosion two explosions in bangkok injured several people there now it's really media very very quick to point the finger of terror towards that iranian man who's being detained there so this is all part of as i say a blame game that's ongoing between tel of eve and terror on. growing international
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concerns that and that's how. imminent turkey is warning against such. as you know because traffic i think time. it will be a very important headache for turkey because turkey is part of nato and because of that turkey has certain responsibilities but iran is also a very important neighbor that two countries iran and turkey did not have war for centuries and iran is also an important number second a supplier of nature will ganz for turkey after russia and there are more than two million tourists coming to turkey each year from iran and it is very important for both countries to have normal relations good relations so i mean an attack against iran would be very bad would have very negative
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consequences for for turkish economy and for turkish diplomacy because of that turkey is from beginning the creek crisis asking and pushing for a diplomatic settlement. now a quick look at some other stories making headlines around the world muslim cleric with alleged links to al qaeda said to be bin laden's wife her mother has been released from prison on bail in the u.k. extremist preacher abu qatada has been locked up for six years but last week a tribunal ruled he should be freed british officials say he poses a threat to the country's security but attempts to deport him back to jordan to face terrorism charges have been blocked by the european court of human rights. they surely won't be making a bid to host the twenty twenty summer olympic games in rome because of the country's financial difficulties premier mario monti said it would be
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a responsible use of taxpayers' money the cost of hostin the other big syndrome has been estimated at all was still believe you or is five cities is several tokyo and madrid will remain in the race to host the games. and that ballot ministration is reportedly considering new cancer to the u.s. nuclear arsenal and eighty percent reduction in the number of weapons already deployed is among the potion proposals so no final decision has been made about several options for constables below the limit with pride in the treaty are believed to be under consideration such a move would be in line with president barack obama's two thousand and nine pledge to try to eliminate nuclear weapons. are central to the channels have come under criticism for alleged appropriated buyers ahead of next month's presidential election a group of activists standing for a third elections as reports about the current prime minister and presidential
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candidate but in a person or two positive which undermines other contenders chances are he's daria pushed over looks at how election hopefuls are making good use of their allotted time. for the. eccentric video in russia's presidential campaign urging to vote for the country's top populist bludgeon it isn't enough skin famous for his showmanship and occasional fist fights with fellow though make his. seem to see see that this little mangy donkey has become a symbol of our country the whole country has come to a standstill like this animal if i become president we'll get moving again. less than a month to go and five candidates have plastered the streets with election posters desmond view is with t.v. promos heated discussions have become part of everyday life. i don't because in the race the billionaire businessman mikhail prokhorov promises
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their arrival of a new russia with a new president known for his height riches and playboy past he is the only new face on russia's political scene formally and a tourist party animal his reputation was once dented by an international sex scandal which has come back to haunt him on the web we are vegeta held here with all our body and soul as for the elections will win them anyway you can buy anything so you can buy your victory to the remaining candidates are some of the a crowd unite is a gun of the old time communist party leader has always relied on the pension of voters who form about one third of russia's population now his laurels all contest advice it gave middle of from a fair russia polity the notion believes it can't even afford to milk now whether pensioners. the competition has made zyuganov reach out to younger generation and offer them a brand new slogan there's always
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a choice bloody mad putin running for his that term has refrained from getting involved in the campaign directly he has controversially refused to take part in any t.v. debates sending his representatives instead and his promos never show his face. when he doesn't go to television when he's part of st politics where he's a part of television coverage so he's job as prime minister he is there is the only one with the the only kind that with so many resources so much media attention i think that he wants to show that he's the only real candidate precisely by not going there. as the campaign picks up steam it's expected so will the number of street protests both for and against putin and its likely election two thousand and twelve will be remembered as one that got russians on their feet however the latest opinion polls also show the level of support keeps rolling across the
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country despite the wave of opposition protests i think that brought us then to mobilize his core left through because when people like brought her up are saying that you know the social benefits should be caught that factories that are in official because that stage would not interfere so much i think that the message that people gather cross russia is that what we should keep with him there's even a song a recent online sensation praising the prime minister's virtues sung by supposedly migrant worker it claims was put in by his initials was sent to russia by god. and the a. long shot. by ls however many say this song is clearly too much and is just a club ahead in the meantime the electoral campaign world is on with more surprises
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likely along the way down party moscow. as venturing chris is around iran we hear the views of brian beckel the coalition interview is up next. thank you for joining us on r.t. thank you but does the united states want from tightening the sanctions.
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even beyond tightening the sanctions now indeed it is the united states government has created an artificial crisis that's first and foremost it's a manufactured crisis iran is complying with the i.a.e.a. iran does not have a nuclear weapon iran is not threaten its neighbors iran has not started a war with any of its neighbors israel on the other hand has hundreds of nuclear weapons and unlike iran refuses to sign a nuclear nonproliferation treaty does not allow. inspectors into its country so there's not really a nuclear menace or a nuclear danger from iran and so what is the cause what's the cause of the crisis of the artificial crisis the real goal is the united states government has embarked on a course of extreme economic aggression against iran with the hope that by creating economic suffering economic isolation economic misery that part of the population will rise up or become disenfranchised with the government so that the u.s.
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can do as it has in history carry out regime change they deny that the us denied that it's trying to carry out there was a change in iran right i mean we have to take that with a very very big grain of salt because we know that since one nine hundred seventy nine the united states refuses to have relations with the islamic republic of iran why is it because iran is a dictatorship well it's actually a democratic government it has democratic features far beyond some of america's most foremost their allies in the middle east such as saudi arabia for instance since one thousand seventy nine iran became an independent government before that between one nine hundred fifty three in one thousand nine hundred seventy nine when the. was there the shah acted basically as a proxy or a puppet or a client of the american power and so the u.s. says they're not carrying out regime change but in fact everyone who is watching knows that indeed is the u.s. policy to create pressure on iran carry out overt operate covert operations
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economic sanctions and now these new sanctions are not really even a like the old saying they are saying to the rest of the world if you dare do business with iran central bank if you buy iranian oil which constitutes half of iran's g.n.p. if you have any business with iran whatsoever you will not have access to american banks to american corporations to the american market this is in fact a blockade something like an economic blockade of iran and by international law in economic blockade is an act of war and so we should understand it just like that so what do you think iran's response is going to be well iran so far has been very prudent even though they said that they would consider closing the strait of hormuz that six mile stretch of the persian arabian gulf where twenty five percent of the
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world's oil supply goes through. and even though much was made of that in the western media in fact iran has not done anything to give the u.s. . pretext an excuse a provocation so to speak that would allow the united states or israel to trigger a set of military actions a run i think is also telling its people that we are not panicked the iranian government are not panicked that they're trying to show that they have a serenity and a calmness and a confidence and that they will weather the storm but in fact economic sanctions are taking a bite on the iranian economy right now the sanctions that are tightening up the sanctions the. cool. that the u.s. is trying to build against iran what is iran going to do to face all of this pressure well iran has certain allies to iran has russia and it has china increasingly it has venezuela and cuba another words those governments in the world
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in addition of course to syria which has its own problems right now but the countries in the world that don't want the entire world to be dominated by one power the united states of america they recognize that the existence of iran as an independent government is something that is positive meaning that if the united states were were were to be successful in carrying out regime change in iran they would be emboldened to carry out further destabilizing efforts against other powers including russia and china by the way even though there are great powers that presidential elections have any say in what's going on in and what's going to happen with iran in terms of washington. i think the presidential elections in the united states definitely play a role in u.s. policy towards iran that by the way has been the case ever since the iranian revolution iran has factored into american politics in this case the republican candidates are sort of baiting obama and suggesting that if obama is reelected we
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will have a nuclear armed iran someday soon well i might do something just to counter their statements because it's an election year i don't think so i think that it's not out of the question that obama could opportunistically up the ante or even escalate tensions or even allow some sort of limited military attack against iran in order to show how tough he is and how why he's not a liberal or something like that but i don't think so this is a very big project for the pentagon for the cia for the u.s. establishment i think it goes beyond electoral politics and i think the obama administration and the pentagon are having a carefully calibrated. approach that won't again with regime change the republicans and democrats share the same objective one is more demagogic leigh militant against iran they both share the same objective which is to bring iran back into an americans fear of influence and i think the republicans can't move
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obama that much because obama actually has the backing of the pentagon in terms of this particular approach the pentagon is bogged down in afghanistan they really were pushed out of iraq they have a lot of a lot of military problems a major full scale war right now which could happen even if they don't intend it by people climb the escalation ladder. once. to. ever. turn a car is going to think about what. do we only want to see this on forever.


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