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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2012 1:00am-1:30am EST

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commission free accreditation free transport charges free. range mims free risk free studio time free. download free blog can plug in video for your media projects a free media dog to our teeth on tom. wealthy british. markets. scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the kinds of reports.
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rallies to mark the anniversary of a pro-democracy uprising in bahrain are put down of tactics and weapons from the u.k. sparking claims of western governments hypocrisy of a different revolts in the region. one sided reports from syria blaming the regime for atrocities seem by some to hide the truth of the conflict by sweeping rebel cry under the carpet. and sizing up their rivals u.s. leaders could china's vice president leader great to see jinping two nations ripe for the upper hand turbulent relationship.
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and online twenty four hours a day this is r.t. the pictures are familiar regime forces cracking down on protesters but this time they're emanating from bahrain just hours ago activists trying to mark the one year anniversary of a proto moxy uprising were dispersed by heavily armed police. reports the weapons as well as the tactics may have been imported from the u.k. . tear gas and stun grenades supposedly the work of a reformed police force but one year on since the first anti-government protests were crushed in bahrain it seems not much has changed the only difference now the crackdown has been planned by one of britain's former top cops john yates used to be assistant commissioner of london's metropolitan police he now works for bahrain's monarchy which says he's there to oversee police reforms the police have
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borrowed or behaving despicably their latest trick is to throw cans of tear gas into homes of people they don't like shut the doors and people have died choking to death tear gas or use out of doors and i think for any british police officer mr gates is retired to be associated in any way with it is its role yet resigned from scotland yard last year in early fix him of the phone hacking scandal he popped up in bahrain in december as part of the regime's p.r. campaign to clean up its image a campaign pushed hard it seems by yeats himself he recently told the daily telegraph his new charges had a well rehearsed plan for the anniversary of the uprising adding the concept of reasonable reaction to provocation has been reinforced. as for the uprising itself said this isn't organized protests it's just vandalism rioting on the streets claims hotly disputed by london's bahraini community i mean you get thousands and
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thousands of people protesting demanding their rights and you call that vandalism if you seem to forget that they stick to over sixty five people actually died from police brutality activists in bahrain insist their protest was peaceful their aim to reach the iconic pole roundabout in the capital. they say they were met by tanks toxic gas and rubber bullets what we witnessed on the ground as not. the front or from the impact as previously but it's been extended through the toxic gases and use of poisoning. mr john contributing we should see a positive things at the ground what we are seeing today as nothing except it may not just be british tactics bahrain's easing but weapons to government figures show the u.k. sold over one million pounds worth of rifles and artillery equipment to bahrain
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from july to september last year long after blood was spilled that despite insisting all licenses had been revoked as for yates his contract runs until april by which time he hopes to put in place concrete reforms on this evidence that seems a long way off bennett's r.t. london. but middle east expert says the different attitude world piles of taken to bahrain's uprising is easily explained by how useful the regime is to them. those countries which are regarded as allies of the west store stooges of the west basically. criticise regularly it's not just the gulf states and bahrain in particular it is also countries like yemen whose brutal dictatorial present prison former president is currently in the united states receiving medical treatment there were demonstrations in saudi arabia
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a few days ago which got very little coverage of course so these have no democracy at all it is probably the most undemocratic country in the entire arab world and no one talks about this because it's so useful country it has always and it does what the west starts to mention in bahrain was greenlighted by the united states which is very strong in that principle and they crushed the uprising. tariq ali has also provided us with some insight on the current crisis in syria a special interview with him is on here in about twenty five minutes but before that here's what's coming up in the program turkey to keep our economic war on iran decided to protect its national interests by continuing to pour to be mean or will . activists in syria claim that government troops have sent tanks to attack western szell areas in the country's fourth largest city of hama that sounds the fighting shows no sign of abating the epicenter of the uprising the city of homs
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but with reports hard to very fine there are concerns that someone turned the regime and painted in a bad light and the opposition. since the beginning of the uprising in syria last march the regime of bashar al assad has been accused of expression torture and killing but with a bad month of homes blame has since focused or assad's forces attacking civilians and shell in residential areas. the beautiful yard calls himself a member of the opposition and intellectual not the real one his stress is from a social democratic group originally from holmes he blames assad for mistakes which allowed bloodshed at the start but he just defies what the regime is doing in his native city now he is the two i and he is trying to to to. protect civilians i think that in homs there are many gangs you know there is a title and everyone can claim that he belongs with this title and no one can ban
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him the danger posed by the armed mt assad forces was seen in the killing of a french journalist last month and bill says when he went to homs he put in his mind that the syrian opposition is very peaceful in the g.m. is trying to this frame them so he he was like a pioneer in the call and he was killed by the some gang attacks on government targets have become increasingly bloody themselves with twenty eight people killed and scores injured or an attack on a military base in a little last week after saying free syrian army recruits entered to admit its responsibility before the organization laid to deny did claim and government forces a claim ridiculed by the regime a woman insurgents and terrorists have committed this attack only an insane person could say that the government is killing its officials and officers and destroying
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its own administrative buildings these armed terror groups were created to commit these crimes and they have committed them in the past and will continue to do. if the street supported last sunday the arab league for food political and financial support for the opposition to its ranks it is similar call from the leader of al qaida. to unite to help overthrow bashar al assad recent reports suggest iraq could tare troops and libyan rebels a role in syria on the opposition side this makes for a political and highly dangerous makes. many western powers interested in fomenting unrest and syria and so they'll turn a blind eye to extreme weapons coming in through borders like lebanon in turkey to create the very militants i won't call them terrorist but very dangerous armed
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groups foreign pressure has focused on the assad regime with the syrian government and its international supporters say there's been a total failure talk all the violence from opposition forces which has been a key factor in the country's present turmoil they warned that finding the solution to the country's crisis isn't possible without recognizing all its causes written off now t. damascus syria. is now inside syria well for first hand reports and impressions on the situation there to check out her twitter feed her latest tweet says let's also skeptical about the latest arab league initiative to bring in peacekeepers are deeply concerned about the militants allegedly fighting in the country. patrick hayes a reporter for the online magazine spiked told r.t. that some major players are rejecting peaceful solutions for syria and polarizing on already complex situation. the removal of diplomats from syria.
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the. desire to arm the free syrian army from the west and to basically support them to give them kind of sectioned off training areas where they can develop a strong opposition apart from the kind of threat of a sad all suggest that you know the west isn't willing to have you know encourage any kind of dialogue or discourse of tool ultimately they want you know they've now polarized the situation they've now said you know. these evil we need to get rid of him they use those kind of terms evil you know the. ogre or bogeyman and you know the syrian people are vulnerable victims who need to be protected by the west now i think we saw the same thing with good afi and it's always very striking that you know it was only two years ago that assad was seen as the great reformer in syria the west were basically queuing up to talk to him. or asia times correspondent pascoe bar says unlike libya syria won't fall under western influence through
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intervention because it has a stronger position in the region. well this takes in syria saw much higher compared to libya because this is that directs each act a direct clash between the u.s. and nato on one side and russia and china on the wall and on the other side much more david was in libya in libya russia and china and even to the other brics and germany as well they said ok maybe this is not the red line yet let's give them the benefit of the doubt i mean the french and the brits and the americans the country was destroy syria you cannot do that because first of all they're going to have to fight the real army even if they're not very competent but they are battle hardened there's been two wars in the middle east the syrian army it's a smaller country there's more population you cannot simply landings asian is out of the question because the you don't go all over the place the repercussions to
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turkey to jordan to iraq to saudi arabia so nato strand is to foment civil war and that's as like it was as second what they are doing. well china's stance on syria also crop top on the first day of talks to the chinese vice president's visit to the u.s. she jinping is american colleagues a voice disappointment with beijing and moscow vetoing that recently were his admission on syria so that there was a criticism of its type of trade that was an act of copyright in force which was the fisting vice president took stoically. brief exchanges that there was no no as american leaders sized up paying. to be beijing the next decade he's posting because. he mentions it between the two economic times. he loves me loves me and that age old question is one china at least has every right to ask regarding its relationship with the united states just in the last three years
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china has been winding down mind. praised and envied for its ability to do whatever it wants to right now china the government can disconnect parts of its internet in the case of war we need to have that here too the chinese pay zero capital gains tax folks in congress are also going to get a chance to decide later. in the month whether our construction workers should sit around doing nothing while china builds the best railroads the best schools the best airports. in the world but it turns out those chocolate covered compliments seem to come just as frequently as those cold hearted criticisms from human rights to currency devaluation to trade we finally need to confront the issue of trade with china all too often china's been competing in a way that's tilting the playing field and is unfair to us workers and it's not just the president himself those hoping to take his job also tend to flip flop on
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china these guys around for us and. looking for ways to. to work to harness china doesn't want to various they want to see has succeeded thrive so we can buy more chinese products ivan eland senior fellow at the independent institute says the paradox transcends the rhetoric we borrow a lot of money from china too so it's quite a curious thing that we're really borrowing money to pay for defending other countries from china right i mean that's what really during the mixed messages are reaching the masses as well in a recent gallup poll by fifty two percent to thirty two percent americans were more likely to name china than the united states as the leading economic power in the world today even though it's not however in a separate survey when asked which country represents the greatest danger china came in second only after iran in life and love there appears to be a fine line between resentment and respect i want to be china i want to go to war
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with china and make america the most attractive place in the world to do business if you look at china they're in a very different subject they say for their own retirement security they don't have the f.t.c. they don't have the modern welfare state and china's growing it's that growth and the sharing is caring relationship that has bound these countries in this holy union this trade and economic interdependence with china is really a defining factor and perhaps like most relationships there's nothing simple. about the one between the u.s. and china there are disagreements about who gets to lead when how to spend the money and how to raise the children but the fact is this relationship is one that's going to be around for generations to come in washington christine present our team . but paul craig roberts he said in president reagan's administration says that u.s. desperation to store china's rapid rise could prove costly the united states says
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it is responding to china in two ways one it's trying to reduce china's independent access to oil around accounts for twenty percent of john's oil so it doesn't make a lot of sense for washington to go to china and say. embargo yourself from iranian oil and let us go to an american puppet in office in that country as well so we can prevent your economic development from catching up to us too quickly and the united states is responding to china are also with increased military presence the united states says that the south china sea is an area of national interests to the united states their course it doesn't make any sense it's like china saying the gulf of mexico is
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an area of national interest to china so i think these types of. militaristic statements. encourage china to build up its military and so the americans to sensibly maybe trying to start another arms race. and there you can log on to our website artie dot com for latest knees and videos any time you like it's just some of what's just a click away how could deal with devastating blow to the world's second largest stock exchange was a take out its web site with an online knockout. close miking the world has come to another novel style disaster reveal a fresh claims over while on board a russian nuclear sub find out more r.t. dot com.
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turkey has no plans to consider alternative oil suppliers will continue to import fuel from iran and despite the country's nato membership officials are firmly disapproved of calls for a strike against iran reluctant to go along with what iran sees as western economic bullying shihan news agency chief and it says anti iran hysteria harms the entire region. it will be a very important headache for turkey because turkey is part of nato. and because of that turkey has certain responsibilities but iran is a very important neighbor that two countries iran and turkey did not have war for centuries it's very difficult to get a settlement get a solution by attacking iran which is more than eighty million population
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big country but as far as i know the current israeli government are not helping to find. a peaceful. diplomatic solution to the crisis. in terms of the internal political interest i i see that unfortunately it helps and the tension helps and for the world it is the responsibility to be seen and to push real diplomatic means as far as possible in order to get rid of the possibility that we have another war in the middle east which would be detrimental for for all of us . well meantime american warships continue to cruise iran's backyard the aircraft carrier abraham lincoln sailed through the news just weeks after tehran would
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tolerate u.s. naval force returning bring in their forces shot at them and they were incidents were reported to iran or threaten to close the strait you spread the world. trade schools and sanctions the right program. but it is in romania have had to be rescued by emergency services the heavy snowfall trapped inside. the country's winter death toll is now seventy nine she's using. to do this with food and medicine since the end of january hundreds of died across eastern europe and tens of thousands have been housebound by. you know so badly affected. want to kind of tear gas ex-military conscripts to me in total protesting mission and that's really veterans regular soldiers who go to the full perfect ability to talk to pensions and health
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care demonstrators say should have the same rights that are being deployed to the audience because people were detained in several injured and coming up next hour on cross talk people of el duque i'm going to speak with the status. of those founders around the falkland islands in the area. under its sovereign control then we know where the oil belongs but the sort of back and forth between large including. the following continues to dominate. the i guess the only the only colonial that are going into this whole debate is the fact that argentina wants a columnist three thousand british subjects i think that's a bit simplistic alex do you want to record i heard david cameron too but. i know what you want. as the three thousand people who live on the falkland islands and
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they will want to remain british. the latest from the business world. hello and welcome to business here on r.t. we start this hour with the bailout for crisis stricken greece which is once again in question and the finance sheaves to discuss a second also a billion bailout has been called off and that's after athens failed to provide critical details about planned spending cuts these include an austerity plan to save an extra three hundred twenty five billion euros something that inflamed greece with violent protests over the weekend if the greek capital figures out where to squeeze money from brussels would then be able to. cash it would amount to around one hundred thirty billion euros on top of one hundred ten billion euros granted two years ago. gasper almost close to finalizing its long run in talks on
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gas supplies to china the head of the firm's export brunch alexandre madrid of hopes to strike a deal in the near future and the parties are struggling to agree on construction of a new pipelines pump energy from russia siberia asia i like some of them a bit of believes china will finally come to terms with russia but truly we. just feel. one perimeter. of the construction projects and projects changes so it could make the job in china. sure of this argument will be taken into account the real believes the very real correction of those politician because of changes price should be the same level of european support. all right let's take a look at the markets and i will start with oil crude is rising still after european leaders pushed greece for stronger commitments to an austerity package in
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return for a second bailout easing concerns over the region's debt crisis which maker of the man for oil sent crude to higher light sweet is currently trading at over one hundred one dollars per barrel while the it's just over one hundred eighteen dollars that's really all to asia where markets are still picking up steam as surprise monetary easing by japan central bank made the dollar extended surge against the gun and the weaker japanese currency sent exporters higher with carmakers to the hall and both adding over three percent and over in hong kong gains are led by property stocks rebounding strongly from losses at the start of the week. over here in russia markets just opened and they are in positive territory both the r.t.s. m i six are adding over a one percent at the moment on tuesday the markets finished mixed with the r.t.s. and there at the end of my six points in our words. i'm staying with the markets it has been enjoying the rapid growth since the beginning of the year and looks
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interesting call from the highlights some of the sectors and stocks his company favors. would resemble what we. do is. no metals mining the. moon. we also. have them really ruined. you could. find in other news mergers and acquisitions in russia jumped twenty two percent in two thousand and twelve and that's compared to the year before that's all the value of deals reach seventy six billion dollars with a growth in volume twice as fast as the global average. chemical production was the top sector in terms of deal volumes while energy and financial sectors came in second and third place respectively. and that's how business works this hour back
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in about thirty five minutes from now with more financial news but in the meantime stay tuned for the headlines with carrie.
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culture is that so much i can tell you that you know there are even more so because we're trying to take your pick one of them i'll be in britain and argentina again sparring of the legal status and future of these islands is this dispute. any match once lived is. to burn for ever more eternal fire is gone think about the possible. do we all want to see this on forever. resistance is not a politics but a culture. this could. on its own.


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