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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2012 8:48am-9:18am EST

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during the genocide people also showed humanity. there were people who dared during the genocide to hide their neighbors despite the threat to their lives because they could have died people. she took me into the house and suggested that i hide up in the roof she put me there she looks hungry and sick i took him in and instructed him to hinds in the attic but when the war the genocide started and i was nine years old i was in third grade. of course i was afraid. i had to be brief because they attack or so would come and ask me these there anyone in the house and i would say no there is nobody if you were me that if i peer out of myself they could kill me and my children and i came out after three months together with this brave woman but first we really need to prevent genocide from happening again in a dress and staggering aftermath so we can rebuild this world and then my advice to
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people is to have long. for you to let love come back in manas so that war never returns to this country. six years after the chant aside we started bringing troops for a bond and women leaders one of them was a lawyers here in new. we don't speak as different political but his speech was the one that she had to figure out how you bury eight hundred thousand corpses without any quick meant and what to do about five hundred thousand orphans. the women adopted the program over. there one it took them to their homes. this is sexist or one cheap in its heyday attributed to the. highest percentage of women in any parliament in the world. to fit in and that's to miss it
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but then of become part of the overall. that is that this country can be. in music the going to do it will do it bit. in the requests mission of the people. he. is a bad player not only real wonder this here at the fest pad festival but many countries responded to the invitation this replace the amount of top player in the tournament . then it's to be
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a different level of conflict with the nuclear people who refuse to be involved. so that it's tomorrow it comes up and says it's go and fight these other girls. pussy just a minute we dance together we sing together why should we fight. you say your shoulder to the show so do we try to sing songs of peace for us i'm a haro it's piece of boom ways unity you and we try to cultivate national pride to us you're not. the colors that we wear the colors of the national fly. is a bus essential is that we are making a contribution to the unification and thus unity which brings about peace. your mind should look at the darkness but your real and your action driven or trip
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. regardless of what anybody thinks of the iranian government or the regime i think iran is grossly misrepresented. they run your nation as a whole it has always been a defensive posture it's never been in an office of posture. you have been good why is foreign intervention in a specific in one's interests me running our first democratically elected government said it was overthrown by a and it british. there is a very serious wall of mistrust between that iran and america because of america's past performance and actions in iraq. they want iraq war was a very stark reminder the line is that they were isolated as iran was being pounded
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in and simple answers the western powers were giving arms and weapons to saddam hussein this has been the root of most of the ones mistrust where the rest of the world. looks. like. that of. it all you express ourselves through rap music when the motor the jew we talk about things we see in real life i'm living with you know in the. whole bundle of those good job the whole goal posts just. looks a. little belgium but as soon comes from nationalism and and from the love of our
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mother would enjoy and we're trying to reach people and have our words heard not just in iran coming in but by people all over the world hopefully will have a positive effect even if it's just a small was. cut. cut cut cut. i always wanted to own some homeowners to mill these are there learned in my childhood and use them in my work. her car. her. it's close silence at the end so much to a lecture the village that was bombed by saddam hussein and was wiped completely.
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sure. it's the street that i think it's one of the calling in our century a leader of them doing this to so many people. the first there is nothing we can do about it but the memory of club she can make you think how to prevent. her. what can we do to stop making it happen again as humans not as there's not as iran is not the world he's you know not us citizens of any country but as humans.
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this is basically a deposition of aging from one thousand to twenty my interpretation has been to bring all of these elements in this this moral agency and see how it works in fun temporaries time. as i was working the ransom you're on you're taking place in the green movement so a lot of this is here is just current events that they're shocked by mobile phones and recorded as rossi's made their patients the detainees and still. there's a reason for this uprising is that people vent on voltaire's and their voice was. told people i've been ill you want their voices heard i'm this movement as nonviolence civil rights.
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i talk about the symbolism of activism of the mill your mind should look at the darkness but the real action should be driven work chance. and mission free could you take three months for charges free. range month free risk free studio time free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects a free media party dot com.
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syria's president has announced a vote on a new constitution which would effectively end their than fifty years of single party rule in the contrary amid escalating turmoil. had rallies marking one year since the pro-democracy uprising in bahrain protesters face yet another harsh climbed out of police using tactics and weapons from the u.k. . was iran reportedly stopped oil exports to six european states in retaliation to e.u. sanctions as international rhetoric is ramped up to further a family of flames of friction with the islamic state.
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live from our headquarters in central moscow you're watching r t with me and used to now a six pm here in the russian capital four pm in damascus and syria's president bashar assad has ordered a referendum on a new constitution to be held in eleven days according to the country's state run news agency it could put an end to the one rule party to the one party rule i should say of the president's baath party and shrines in the current constitution there now when it came amid reported violence in the cities of homes and some of the fiercest in the months long unrest maria for notion is in syria and now reports . the take over a national referendum on the country's new constitution has been announced in every day that is expected to be how the. syrian government and thousands of parents are
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probably confirmed a document that had been drafted to end the monopoly of the ruling party people will govern people according to this new initially there was should build for march fifth just random but we can see it is going to earn or if you'd come to me. it's about politics competing all across the country and today we've been receiving reports from hama noles overtops all the markets about the banks in the glory that come home for about six provinces deal pipeline their parent. may flies and from the capital damascus both the military searching residential areas looking for a position wonder if these reports are hearing hard to verify usually they are coming from one source from the syrian opposition we got p.c.'s about while travelling. not far from the. don't move the. news appeared the government also. and the most
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contentious. moments on monday used to do this but again this is very complicated to get the truth to get exactly what is going on on the ground and here is part of whole cloth. since the beginning of the uprising in syria last march the regime of bashar al assad has been accused of repression torture and killing but with abad much of holmes blame has since focused on our side forces attacking civilians and shell in residential areas. the beautiful yard calls himself a member of the opposition and intellectual not the re one his tresses from a social democratic group originally from holmes he blames assad for mistakes which allowed bloodshed at the start but he just defies what the regime is doing in his native city now he is the two i mean he is trying to.
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protect civilians i think that in homs many gangs you know there is a title and everyone can claim that he belongs with that this title and no one can ban him the danger posed by the armed forces was seen in the killing of a french journalist last month and b. says when he went to homs he put in his mind that the syrian opposition is very peaceful in the trying to frame them so he he was like a pioneer in the call and he was killed by the some gang attacks on government targets have become increasingly bloody themselves with twenty eight people killed and scores injured on an attack on a military base in a letter last week an f.s.a. free syrian army representative at the meet its responsibility before the organization later denied it blaming the government forces a claim ridiculed by the regime. insurgents and terrorists have committed this
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attack only an insane person could say that the government is killing its officials and officers and destroying its own administrative buildings these armed terror groups were created to commit these crimes and they have committed them in the past and will continue to do so if the. and they are supported last sunday the arab league for food political and financial support for the opposition to unify its ranks it is similar call from the leader of al qaida muslims to unite efforts to help overthrow bashar al assad recent reports suggest iraqi weapons qatari troops and libyan rebels a role in syria on the opposition side this makes for a volatile and highly dangerous makes one of many western powers interested in fomenting unrest and syria and so they'll turn a blind eye to extreme weapons coming in through borders like lebanon and turkey to
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create the very militants i won't call them terrorists but very dangerous armed groups but the west has its eyes wide open when it comes to the reported death toll to come of the no un figure more than five thousand employees civilians only but that's bigger leaves out any mention of pro-government forces killed in the conflict some say the numbers are destroyed to meet political objectives our number so for six thousand. six thousand but you would be surprised to know that over two thousand eight hundred. this is. good the commented foreign pressure has focused on the assad regime but the syrian government and its international supporters say there's been a total failure to talk not only to violence from opposition forces which has been a key factor in the country's present turmoil they won't find it a solution to the country's crisis isn't possible without recognizing all its
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causes written off nazi damascus syria well professor mark allman from the international relations department at the university of bill can in turkey says they have now spent a referendum on the new constitution poses a major challenge for the syrian opposition. whereas a year ago the opposition as it began was demanding political reforms now the chief spokesman for the syrian opposition abroad and as far as we can tell the various rebel armed groups say nothing short of the fall of assad even his execution is acceptable so it's a challenge to see how the syrian government will be able to stage are afraid of that will have legitimacy in the eyes the opposition on the other hand for the opposition if there's a large turnout of voters that could well be damaging to the claim to really represent the syrian people obviously in many ways a democratic election is the ideal solution to political conflicts but now. both
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sides have people in fear the consequences of losing and the opposition itself can't really risk. losing face by now backing down and taking part in a way to process. the u.n. general assembly will vote on thursday on a new syria resolution condemning the government for violence in the country the document was drawn up by saudi arabia and catherine supported by a number of western powers but asia times correspondent pepe escobar says i'm like libya syria is unlikely to fall under western influence even through force. well this stakes in syria are so much higher compared to libya because this is that that iraq it's. a direct clash between the u.s. and nato on one side and russia and china on the one in on the other side much more than it was in libya in libya russia and china and even that the other brics and germany as well they said ok maybe this is not the red line yet so let's give them
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the benefit of the doubt i mean the french and the brits and the americans the country was destroy syria you cannot do that because first of all they're going to have to fight the real army even if they're not very competent but they are battle hardened there's been two wars in the middle east the syrian army it's a smaller country there's more population you cannot simply landings asian is out of the question because they don't go all over the place the repercussions to turkey to jordan to iraq to saudi arabia so nato spread is to foment civil war and that's it's like it was echo what they are doing. well and also another i should say middle eastern country you know we report on there later this hour specifically on how security forces crackdown on pro-democracy protesters three blasts and how far to take a quote from i won one of britain's former top cops let his firsthand experience in
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crossing anti-government rallies. now there are conflicting reports about iran cutting oil supplies to six countries iranian state media is saying the measures already in place in response to a series of sanctions which include an embargo on tehran's exports other reports suggest that iran has not yet cut its crude exports but how's informed the european states involved that it is about to take aggrieved joins us now live from the greek capital with more on this of course one of the countries subjected to this these cuts if it is jake up if this oil supply is cut really in its place how will that affect the debt stricken e.u. and of course more specifically greece. well that's what a lot of and worry is based on at the moment of course of the six nations that you mentioned six e.u. countries but of netherlands france portugal but three of them been particularly
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affected by the crisis and also very reliant on oil imports as well that of italy spain and of course greece that has to be some it's been concerning governments for some time ever since it was agreed upon back in january juice to be enacted in july so if iran is imposing this oil ban than is really preempting the e.u. sanctions those sanctions aimed injuring iranian uranium enrichment program which the west police past and a bid to try and build a nuclear weapon but as for greece well greek leaders to try to seek a short says from the very start for really that there will have them steady flow of oil to their country and they're going to make too much of an impact but no doubt if this has been instigated at such a short notice we will have some ramifications political solution and probably some economic ramifications particularly in the short term and really highlights a bit of discrepancy coming just today and today we've heard the euro body euro
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zone and e.u. saying that they won't be meeting to discuss and agree upon a further bailout for the debt stricken nation greece and that's after the austerity measures work by the greek parliament on sunday so that was a really. bad news for the greek parliament off they put their neck on the line risk for any alienation from the public from these unpopular austerity measures we saw of course these demonstrations taking to the streets numbering the tens of thousands of people there to clashes with police or bonnets as well and a certain number of injuries but the protests themselves weren't just isolated to the streets they were also within the parliament itself a certain number over forty of the coalition ruling coalition m.p.'s said no to. the austerity cuts it was a notion that proved quite unpopular with those politicians is really growing increasingly popular popular sorry with the public who don't like the thought of foreign bodies imposing their will upon greece. and are to take
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a group supporting live from athens thanks for that update. meanwhile tehran has reiterated its readiness to resume nuclear talks with major powers to discuss the country's controversial nuclear program that's well israel has stepped up its stance against iran with prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying tehran's aggression must be stopped he repeated his claims that iran was behind recent bombings allegedly targeting israelis in india georgia and thailand israel says there are links between the incidents despite authorities in india and thailand saying there's no such evidence and iran denying any involvement tehran in turn says israel is waging a psychological war that many fear might pave the way for military action mideast affairs says shares his shares his view without saying that israel's claims lack credibility. with respect to these latest incidents about bombings occurring in in
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the georgia and thailand when you hear the rhetoric which is being said the language being used by israeli officials for example they say you're wrong poses a threat to the world it poses a threat to the region i think what they're trying to do is prepare the public opinion or gain public opinion support for such a high strike the reason being that for the time being there is a kind of a world public opinion which is against israel and views of israel as a hostile hostile state which is about a group that which always wages war and for that reason public opinion is not in his roles for you about so by taking advantage of these events whoever might be behind them what is what is trying to do is trying to get out again the public opinion support which has swayed away from the israel so much over the past few years especially when you look at the wars which waged on lebanon. to gain the public sympathy however i don't think this will succeed because it's very clear
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that iran cannot be behind such an attack such an attack or what we saw is very active amateurs not people who really want to target some. and if iran let's assume iran really wanted to target an official of what i want to go to. war embassy employees in such countries like india or tolland or do ga it just doesn't make sense. well last year pro-democracy protesters in another arab country thought they'd got what they wanted after being promised reforms including those of the police but twelve months later activists trying to mark the anniversary of the uprising found the clampdown was the harshest before the only difference was this time some tactics in arms the police used were brought in from the west by those supposed to bring democratic change parties over bennett has more . tear gas and stun grenades supposedly the work of a reformed police force but one year on since the first anti-government protests
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will crushed in bahrain it seems not much has changed the only difference now the crackdowns been planned by one of britain's former top cops john the eights used to be assistant commissioner of london's metropolitan police he now works for bahrain's monarchy which says he's there to oversee police reforms the police have borrowed or behaving despicably their latest trick is to throw cans of tear gas into homes of people they don't like shut the doors and people have died choking to death tear gas or use out of doors and i think for the british police officer overstimulate is retired to be associated in any way with that is this is wrong yes resign from scotland yard last year in early fictive of the phone hacking scandal he popped up in bahrain in december as part of the regime's p.r. campaign to clean up its image a campaign pushed hard it seems by yeats himself he recently told the daily
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telegraph his new charges had a well rehearsed plan for the anniversary of the uprising adding the concept of reasonable reaction to provocation has been reinforced. as for the uprising itself yates said this isn't organized protests it's just vandalism rioting on the streets claims hotly disputed by london's bahraini community i mean when you get thousands and thousands of people. demanding their rights. you seem to forget that there are sixty five or sixty five people actually died from police brutality activists in bahrain insist their protest was peaceful their aim to reach the iconic pole roundabout in the capital manama they say they were met by tanks toxic gas and rubber bullets what we witnessed on the ground as not. the front of. this previous day but it's been extended.


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