tv [untitled] February 15, 2012 1:48pm-2:18pm EST
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responded to represent of smith and the letter was obtained by mother jones and the response they outline their hiring practices a career attorney is in charge of all hiring rather than political point at point appointees excuse me as was the case under the bush administration internet searches of candidates aren't allowed to reduce the chance of bias now that obviously rules out rep's missed suggestion of a google search to expose the radical leftist tendencies of the qualifiers and letter also of the year olds that hires can only be overruled by the head of the civil rights division a political appointee with a written statement why don't more same world represent a smith would be trouble that the d.o.j. isn't able to find more qualified conservative civil rights attorneys but i think that we all know it's not a sane world right in fact that i'm sorry we're wrote about this morning in mother jones it's pretty interesting to hear smith complaining about hiring bias in the first place high requirements have long been the bane of the conservative movement existence after all they're the ones who rail against affirmative action the very
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notion that one person would be hired based on age race or ideological consideration over somebody with equal qualifications being antithetical to the principles of america apparently not when it comes to hiring conservatives for jobs that they're simply not qualified for in that case let's have affirmative action as long as that means that they got the jobs and not the women or the minorities so for complaining of the most qualified civil rights attorneys weren't conservative rather than wondering why that's the case we award representative lamar smith tonight's tool time award. my guys have time for a happy hour and joining me this evening lauren lyster host of the capital account here on r.t. and j.p. for senior communications strategist with new media strategies hey guys that i mean we have a down to earth day happy valentine's day ok larry i mean you know everyone's
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talking about gingrich and santorum and mitt romney and i was telling you how they obsess about it on the media but sometimes the way they choose to describe the scene will and i guess you could say compare these candidates gets a little over the top so listen to this clip from morning joe today. you get the idea. newt gingrich sat alone is in his room. you know eating candy bars reading history rick santorum you get the idea of a bunch of brothers and they beat him because tormes that tough guy when he gets attacked doesn't get angry he just looks at mitt and you see it on the stage he's a really. i mean really if you go really and what are you think that guy's going to beat up a bunch of guys i don't worry i've grown to dislike the monkeys sergei's they think they're waging jihad against them. his teeth are really clenched all the time he's kind of always imitating i think clint eastwood in that way so i mean he might have
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. to go to the patient look to me i mean maybe maybe he he was listening to when he talks about iranian scientists because in that regard it sounds like rick santorum is a little darley when he talks about how sas aims great i think the u.s. needs to send that message you're entirely right now ok but do we think that gingrich is sitting in a room eating candy and that when i read actually you. and i can actually i don't know not only his family is quite the ladies' man so we do not be doing that with his you know next to him you. know nancy grace right i wish that we could still play our devilish dampener night but she knew all she does is build up these cases and i think often just scare people and spread a lot of misinformation and like she basically made the entire country think that casey anthony was guilty and now listen to what you're saying about whitney houston i'd like to know who was around her who if anyone gave her drugs following alcohol
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and drugs and who let her slip or pushed her underneath that water. i mean she's already saying that somebody pushed her underneath the water but are you surprised are you kidding she wants this to be her next big story casey anthony put her ratings through the roof i think they put a jealous ratings through the roof if you have been for the next case and michael jackson is probably sweating about an hour and let's admit it well compared to casey anthony i mean this could be the next big thing but the thing is the police already said that she did not you know she didn't drown she was found about that non-issue for nancy grace little detail like that celebrity news coverage is always eluded me i've never quite understood why why we've become so fascinated with what happens to the celebrities after their deaths i mean they're good singers why do i want to know about their i call into her life and then i know it well they're in line kind of with us actually right after their death like let them die in peace for a minute before you start talking about the drugs that are going to boil it around where you raise the price of their albums thirty minutes after they actually got
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into the court fine fine i'll come down this road with you all pretend i actually care no i'm totally curious who did push her under the water. and let me into the ratings for the i want to show you what i can. let's get it through you know there's been a lot of debates these days over contraception and birth control here's a little bit from mitch mcconnell. legislation that would ban any group that had just a quote moral objection not just a religious group but just to any group that had a moral objection to that would would you be willing to push that in the. yeah you know if we end up having to try to overcome the president's opposition by legislation of course i'd be happy to support it. all right so not just you know it religious organization the catholic church doesn't have to do it but now if anybody does ation of the boss morally objects to something he doesn't have to provide you
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with insurance that's crazy well i think. the real compromise here the real ideal thing the thing on which we can all agree is that health insurance should not be tethered to employment and that is that that is the absolute worst way to go about it because if you get fired from the job if you get laid off you can't bring that insurance with you so it also destroys the price was going to be around you need to state your case on health care well no i mean way no but the important thing i mean i do have i do know that it's coming out with some guy that you know shouldn't you be able to have the guarantee that you can have health insurance from your company so it's not just up to some of the whim of some boss want to feel what i like about this is it's religious or moral objections so i can just see any boss be like ok let me see the price tag for all of these things ok i got a moral objection to that surgery too expensive got a moral objection to that i mean it was a really creative way to like corporations pick and choose what they want to do i hear what you're saying but at what point do you stop i mean you're talking about
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a cadillac health care plan right that's that's the ideal it's got everything in it right ok so they don't force me to give people dental readings actually so i mean. we're going to going to go all the way through and say ok everything is permissible i mean people are going to want to cut costs somewhere but i don't think that that's where the religious objections come up and i do think that once we're talking about you know forcing religious employers versus regular employers to do certain things i mean if we're talking about somebody who runs a small business for instance and employs the rest of his family not a religious organization but this person is a religious person they should be forced to purchase something that they don't that they don't agree with you know in terms of moral i don't understand why there were even be any connection i just i don't want my employer to know anything about my health care i don't want them to have any. hand in it if they are paying for my health care insurance i should be it well i think you buy at the edges eventually and you're invited on the bracket insurance company which will not have you much power and that should be and you almost agree with me and so you know we'll get a fist bump out of it i mean you know that's just an earlier till. we debated topic
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now shoot we're running out of time so i think we're going to skip once we discovered had the sports illustrated and and who is on the cover i think we have a clip of this girl first time in dance. all right there she is on the cover everyone always looks for is to the swimsuit issue every year but what has those. katie bottoms and you might like to wear one you want to me to wear once a month and i objected on principle because it's one oral yeah i should do it or leave a little bit to the imagination it's like a fire and sexy if it's a swimsuit edition i mean you know there was no imagination how emissary would there is a scene with playboy let along for a month everything this big so some say oh we're going to this segment is really just about having been able to show that show that clip. that you have admitted to
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having lived on hard as you got to wrap it up thanks for joining me that's it for tonight say oh thanks for joining in making the come back tomorrow kevin glassman town halls and you joining us for happy hour in the meantime don't forget the king family l'arche on facebook and follow us on twitter there's anything you ever miss that's all you tube dot com slash on our show and coming up next is the. culture is the same of you i can tell you a lot harder than most of us all we're going to take your pick oh my one of them i'll be in britain and argentina again sparring over the legal status and future of these iowans is this just beautiful.
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brokers videos for your media project a free media. iran says it's considering cutting the oil sales to six e.u. countries but wouldn't do so quote at the moment because of the cold winter getting europe. syria's president announces a new vote on a constitution that would effectively end nearly fifty years of single party rule in the country amid rising turmoil. and rallies marking one year since the pro-democracy uprising in bahrain protesters face yet another harsh crackdown with police using tactics and weapons from the u.k. .
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eleven pm in moscow. good to have you with us here on r t our top story iran has reportedly war in six e.u. countries it may stop supplying them with oil in response to a series of sanctions including an embargo entourage's key export and iranian official added the only reason they're not stopping the crude sales immediately is europe's extremely cold current temperatures are he's jacob greaves reports from greece one of the countries believed to be subject to the oil cut by toronto. according to the latest reports here what we hear is the iranian foreign ministry has cooled up these embassadors of these six nations big concerns and told them that cuts will happen but not right away or they will face a ban on exports to their nations but they'll be given some leeway and that's what they termed humanitarian reasons the cold snap has been sweeping across europe but
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will no doubt if implemented preempt somewhat those sanctions imposed by the e.u. back in january and due to be implemented in july six nations in question here well those reported to be in the really thick of it when it comes this economic crisis we have the netherlands of france also portugal italy spain and greece as well as already been questions raised here because tehran says that he can find other people to buy its exports that's the likes of india and china where is this down to being raised as to whether or not the e.u. can remove place that good and quite cheap supply of oil to those who have been so stricken in recent times greece in particular is in a sticky situation right now failing to guarantee another bailout plan even though they push through further popular austerity measures just on sunday and this really raises a bit of a concern at the moment that those imposed sanctions on iran back in january by
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e.u. member states could shortly come back to bite them. stay with r.t. for more analysis of the situation with marshall will join us later this hour for his perspective meanwhile tehran has reiterated its readiness to resume nuclear talks with major powers to discuss the country's controversial nuclear program this while israel has stepped up its stance against iran prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying tehran's aggression must be stopped he repeated claims that iran was behind recent bombings allegedly targeting israelis in india georgia and thailand israel says there are links between the incidents despite authorities in india and thailand saying there is no evidence that iran is denying any involvement tehran in turn says israel's waging a psychological war that many fear may pave the way for military action political analyst chris bambery from the international socialist group explains why he thinks
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israel is acting as if. i have to take israel's claim that iran is behind the attacks on its diplomats in georgia and india with a pinch of salt firstly it should be said israel has a long record of using assassination as the tool i think it might be better of originals to turn around and say in response to this that it's going to stop its assassination policy and with other nations like iran to reciprocate but i don't think israel's going to do that because used assassination so often i think what it is really trying to do is trying to up the ante and so the americans will do something they aren't capable of taking out iran's nuclear program they don't have the means to do it best they could memorize a hit and run and run attack i think it actually behind the rhetoric about nuclear weapons the reality is what they are worried about is the increase of the increase of iran's influence in the region the rain is of constantly said that they're not going to me nuclear weapons international atomic energy inspectors have just been
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to iran they came came back saying it was a good visit they were going back to iran they're getting cooperation you wouldn't know this. in the western media so i think there is a rush to the my opinion is the right is not by the iranians it is by the israelis and by the americans and i think there is a lot of hypocrisy about iran's nuclear program i am no fan of nuclear energy or indeed nuclear weapons i don't know but it was ok for iran to have a nuclear program in the one nine hundred seventy s. when britain france and america would queuing to sell the shah of iran nuclear technology it was ok then because the shah of iran was one of the guys it's not ok for the iran to have nuclear weapons no and islamic republic. and we have more on other kinds of pressure iran is facing over its nuclear program on our website us plans to is big iran from a financial group that would perfect country's oil sales but could in turn have global consequences click on our key dot com for war.
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syrian president bashar al assad has ordered a referendum on a new constitution to be held in a leavened days could put an end to the one party rule of the president's bath party which isn't trying to the current constitution it has meant came amid reported violence in the cities of holmes and hamas some of the fiercest fighting in the months long on arrest or he's marie if an ocean or reports from damascus. but they did for the people's referendum on the country's new constitution has been announced on wednesday it is expected to be held on the twenty sixth of february in eleven days the syrian government has been working on a draft for this new constitution for quite a while now and it has sad that the most important thing about this new constitution the most important change is that it implies the end of monopoly of
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the ruling party in syria a vast party has been in power in the country for the last fifty years actually since the beginning of the uprising here in syria last march protestors have been calling for democratic reforms and for amendments to the country's key law the way called the violence that followed initial demonstrations peaceful demonstrations many opposition leaders have been only demanding president bashar al assad to go and they will not be satisfied with this meeting going to war with this particular month random this news it's how has come to me numerous reports about violence all across syria we've been hearing reports from the city of hama north of the capital damascus from the opposition activists saying that the tanks of assad's army have been deployed in the city and we've also been receiving reports from another troubled area from the city of homes where reportedly there have been
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explosions at the oil pipeline activists have been reported four hundred people died in the last few days since almost all these recalls have been coming from one source from the opposition there has been a feeling that another part another side of this conflict in syria has been kind of ignored. since the beginning of the uprising in syria last march the regime of bashar al assad has been accused of refreshen torture and killing but with abad much of homes blame has since focused on assad forces attacking civilians and shell in residential areas. the beautiful yard calls himself a member of the opposition and intellectual not one his stress is from a social democratic group originally from holmes he blames assad for mistakes which allowed bloodshed at the start but he just defies what the regime is doing in his
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native city now he is the two i mean he is trying to. protect civilians i think that in homs there are many gangs you know there is a title and everyone can claim that he belongs with this title and no one can ban him the danger posed by the armed forces was seen in the killing of a french journalist last month and b. says when he went to homs he put in his mind that the syrian opposition is very peaceful in the trying to frame them so he he was like a pioneer in the call and he was killed by the some gang attacks on government targets have become increasingly bloody themselves with twenty eight people killed and scores injured when an attack on a military base in a letter last week an f.s.a. free syrian army representative at the meet its responsibility before the
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organization later denied it claim and government forces claim ridiculed by the regime when the insurgents and terrorists have committed this attack only an insane person could say that the government is killing its officials and officers and destroying its own administrative buildings these armed terror groups were created to commit these crimes and they have committed them in the past and will continue to do so if the. then they are supported last sunday the arab league for food political and financial support for the opposition to unify its ranks it is similar call from the leader of al qaida muslims to unite efforts to help overthrow bashar al assad recent reports suggest iraqi weapons qatari troops and libyan rebels are role in syria on the opposition side this makes for a volatile and highly dangerous makes. many western powers interested in fomenting
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unrest and syria and so they'll turn a blind eye to extreme weapons coming in through borders like lebanon and turkey to create the very militants i won't call them terrorist but very dangerous armed groups but the west has its eyes wide open when it comes to the reported death toll to come of the no un figure more than five thousand employees civilians only but that figure leaves out any mention of pro-government forces killed in the conflict some say the numbers are destroyed to meet a political objectives. our number so for six thousand. six thousand but you would be surprised to know that over two thousand eight hundred. and this is the. good commented foreign pressure has focused on the assad regime but the syrian government and its international supporters say there's been a total failure talk not only to violence from opposition forces which has been
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a key factor in the country's present turmoil they won't find it a solution to the country's crisis isn't possible without recognizing all its causes written off nazi damascus syria. the remains are level us and putting more pressure on syria's president assad to step down confirming new sanctions against the country are on the way for more on this i'm joined by b. rupees political scientist dr not a hush week so western states seem to be skeptical about the referendum on the new constitution in syria the u.s. saying it makes a mockery of the uprising there but do you think this referendum can ease the tensions within the country. first of all definitely i do so and second. it was never asked from president assad from the beginning to actually to do any kind of reform in the country it was from the beginning and it was very well known that it's a conspiracy to get the president is that to step down and to change the whole regime so if we can read history we all know that syria
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geographically is very important to the west by bringing it down they can definitely get to iran in this is what's all behind that so by asking by doing all of these things president assad has as from the first moment he tried to do every kind of recorder that is asked from him and from the reaction that now the west the staking towards what's happening in syria and from the reform that president assad is doing is actually is very. hysterically they're acting hysterically towards what's happening i think president assad is doing everything he can do to do what's best for his country and in my opinion no matter what he does the western countries they're not going to approve of it but let's talk about libya now which is getting ready to mark the first anniversary of its revolution despite ongoing clashes there and reports of human rights abuses there are many in the west they regard the
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situation there as a foreign policy success do you think that they can claim such a thing. well libya seriously from the beginning i've said it before. from the situation in libya again the so-called revolution that happened towards. first of all let me tell you president gadhafi was only a puppet in the hands of the western countries he was buying his and his then he was buying everybody out he was buying the. berlusconi and all of the other western leaders that's one thing now got expired and this is why they got rid of him not because because he was paying enough but not good enough we all know about what's happening the recession in europe and what's happening towards the oil and the gas so what they want is the ad to get to get control of everything in libya
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and if we look into it a little bit more we all know that china and russia has a lot of contacts going on in libya and by doing what the nato has done in libya by getting rid of gadhafi and getting all the civilians killed in the and the rebels killing each others in the so-called revolution that it was all made out by one single person i see a very grim future in libya i see a civil war in libya i see it's never going to have a good stable. environment there and this is exactly what the western once wants to happen because they want to get control of all the oil all the natural resources there so they can have because you see now these days who hold the economy control the world and this is exactly what they want i see no future no good future i hope i'm mistaken but i'm not unfortunately libya's going towards incredible civil war
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people are going to be killing each other left and right or. political scientist not a harsh we thanks for your insight. last year pro-democracy protesters in another arab country bahrain thought they got what they wanted after being promised reforms including among the police but twelve months later activists trying to mark the anniversary of the uprising found the crackdown was as harsh as before only difference this time the same tactics and arms the police use were brought from the west by those supposed to bring democratic change artie's over bet it has more from want it. to gas and stun grenades supposedly the work of a reformed police force but one year on since the first anti-government protests will crushed in bahrain it seems not much has changed the only difference now the crackdown has been planned by one of britain's former top cops john the eights used to be assistant commissioner of london's metropolitan police he now works for
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bahrain's monarchy which says he's there to oversee police reforms the police have borrowed or behaving despicably the latest trick is to throw cans of tear gas into the homes of people they don't like shut the doors and people have died choking to death tear gas or use out of doors and i think for the british police officer is to retire to be associated in any way with it is its role yes resigned from scotland yard last year and early victim of the phone hacking scandal he popped up in bahrain in december as part of the regime's p.r. campaign to clean up its image a campaign pushed hard it seems by yeats himself he recently told the daily telegraph his new charges had a well rehearsed plan for the anniversary of the uprising adding the concept of reasonable reaction to provocation has been reinforced as for the uprising itself he said this is a.
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