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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2012 8:30pm-9:00pm EST

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promised if it doesn't happen. no question about it is there any question in your mind and this might sound awful to you but we've been talking a lot about on the show lately how there is evidence where you have some of the military leaders deceiving congress deceiving the american people specifically when it comes to what success or what progress might look like in the war in afghanistan do you think if they ever take the same stance and want to downplay. injuries or p.t.s.d. or negative effects i think to some extent there has been a desire i don't know if it came as an official policy but there's been a desire to minimize the number of cases so that it does not seem like as big a problem there's always the high focus on the suicide rate you know and when you look at the suicide rate how many of those were untreated cases of p.t.s.d. so i think there's a there's been a longstanding wish that it was a smaller problem than it is i think right now there's no place to hide you know we're not going to let this go and the bottom line like you said the american people are not going to stand for our wounded warriors being treated with one ounce
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less of respect than they earned so i think the end result will be well brought to light through whatever item we have to to make it happen our general thanks so much for joining us tonight and good thing there at least to have this investigation going now thanks. our taking a quick break and when we return you said i read it and one private company is offering to buy public presence but only with the assurances of tale of the ninety percent whole thing and it's very scary guarantee of having to supply criminals in return. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom. welcome to the big show.
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iran says it's been considering cutting oil sales to six e.u. countries but it wouldn't do so at the moment because of the cold winter in europe this comes as the israeli pm accuses the islamic state of being behind the scene did georgian thailand is immense to what he's siding with on exactly where. russia external players are encouraging opposition groups to stay out of dialogue with the syrian government. response ability but ongoing violence and while president assad has announced a referendum on a new constitution. is marking one year since the pro-democracy uprising in bahrain has a space yet another harsh cloud of doubt with but he sees in tactics and weapons from the u.k. . back states back to washington d.c.
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who bought the i don't know. old. technology innovation all these developments around russia we've got the future. hi guys it's time for you said it i read it right take time to respond to my brilliance and engaging viewer comments from facebook twitter and you too so you've got some to say i listen now first on responded to viewers who watched our monday hangover segment on obama's budget let's just say that people are very optimistic charles gave you a comment on facebook and said jake and matt right on point i totally agree with both of them i'm glad to know i'm not the only one that thinks obama isn't charming
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any more with his rainbow unicorn solutions about fixing the budget or the country for that matter now is clearly mr gabriel isn't a fan of obama certainly not anymore but what's even more striking is that even our viewers who like the president's plan seem to have lost faith in the government's ability to execute it stephen commented on r.t. dot com i really like obama's budget plan i have no faith that it will pass and even if it does i don't think we'd see any of it being used properly honestly though what objection can you have against it oh god damn liberals want to hire teachers tax the filthy rich and repair our infrastructure oh god no so it's really something we see people from both ideological spectrum have no confidence in our political process and not just the president but the whole she bang and i can tell you i understand the sentiment because working here in d.c. is made me more cynical than i would like so my view as i feel your pain now is this you are on the other hand i don't feel your pain have a lucero watched our happy hour a segment from monday where we spoke about rick perry using rick santorum as fear
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of radical feminists and he said i knew to send these three are to radical feminists back to the kitchen so obviously one thing i prefer it when the men cook for me and of me being an independent woman with a show bothers you that you have plenty of shows hosted by old white men to choose from instead and finally jeremy mullins said on facebook just found your show my r t. for i phone really enjoyed the guests on the show i heard knowing prince and tony shaffer on other shows they were excellent as usual keep up the good work so for us we just like to say welcome to the live show community and glad that you found us and for those of you who are fans of the show make sure that you download the r.t. app unlike most networks r t streams all of its programs live so you can watch us anywhere on your smartphone so spread the word of my rantings today i'll be back with more as usual next week. hey business owners out there the f.b.i. wants you to join in on the fight against terrorism and don't worry they have some really friendly tips to help you spot the terrorists from your normal customers do
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you own a coffee shop or perhaps a newsstand if so you should be wary of people paying in cash that's right people who pay for small purchases in cash like coffee or gum apparently that's a big red flag big time now of course those customers could just be using cash to pay for small items because it doesn't really make sense to take out your card for a dollar purchase or because they simply don't have a credit card but the f.b.i. sees a cash payment as a way for you to cover your tracks blended with the normal folk without leaving a trace on those that i've made a lot of purchases that i guess are suspicious in my day according to this logic now for all those electronic shop owners out there f.b.i. has ways that you can do your part to make urge business owners to be wary of regular customers with missing fingers chemical burns or weird body smells and those physical deformations could be a sign that your regular customer moonlights as a bomb maker that or they could just have physical deformities or be oh but for now the f.b.i.
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wants shop owners to be wary of them in an internet cafe proprietors don't think that you're getting out of the fight against terror so you should be careful of those that are overly concerned about their privacy and that is the exact language of the f.b.i. pamphlet mildly concerned i guess that's cool overly concerned a big no no and attempting to shield your computer screen from other patrons well that's a sure sign that you're suspicious of course that patron could be embarrassed about something on their screen maybe they don't want people to see the amount of money in their bank account any number of very normal non terrorist like behaviors that we've all probably done before but to the f.b.i. that is a signal here now suspicious person all of these community terror fighting gems were included in twenty five business specific flyers handed out by the f.b.i. to businesses and the actual flyers were posted online by the site public intelligence as part of a research project. and much of what's listed as suspicious all these fliers some of it makes sense for example the flyer warns paypal workers to watch out for groups practicing kidnapping or referring to you hadi training materials it's it
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seems pretty obvious with even more obvious is that the f.b.i. wants everybody on board in the fight against terror not just in airports or public transportation they want you me everyone on alert at all times watching their neighbor their fellow coffee shop patron and so if you see something say something even if it's just a body paying for cash or paying with cash for a cup of coffee so just say goodbye to any sense of normalcy everyone this is your post nine eleven world. now we've spoken a lot about private prisons on this show the massive lobbying efforts in some cases helping to craft legislation like arizona's as b ten seventy the campaign donations to lawmakers in florida to outsource state prisons what they're trying now goes above and beyond the corrections corporation of america the nation's largest operator for profit prisons has sent letters to forty eight states offering to buy up their presence might be tempting in times of budget crisis right but get this in
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exchange the company is asking for a twenty year management contract plus an assurance of the prison would remain at least ninety percent full houses all according to a copy of the letter the huffington post got its hands on so what could the effects of this deal be how many possible ways could it go wrong joining me to discuss it is david wolman contributing editor at the daily coast and there in chief of congress matters david thanks so much for joining us tonight and i guess just right off the bat have we ever seen anything like this before me this seems like quite a big business move when you write a letter to forty eight states. well that's a pretty sweeping net that they've cast there that's just about everybody i don't think i've ever seen anything quite like that just sort of this wholesale offer to privatized an entire industry across forty eight states now that seems to me to be one of the more ambitious endeavors i've ever seen they tell us more about corrections corporation of america i mean how is it that they became the largest company in this for profit prison industry that is cash and the right time. well
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it's an extremely lucrative business in as you said the offer that they make is very tempting especially now this particular robber that they've made but the business model essentially is based on you know the very largely republican and conservative idea that almost anything can be outsourced even things that used to be considered core government functions like imprisoning so in your society you know that that's something that i think is fairly new but yeah they've made a real killing in trying to take these problematic areas off the hands of state governments which are facing budget crises everywhere and in some cases these are manufactured by budget crises and in some cases manufactured so that they can pass measures that are ostensibly for cost savings that essentially just outsource government functions to private industries very often private industries that have contributed here in some way to the election campaigns of the legislators who pass
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these privatization enabling acts so it's a very lucrative business when you can entice legislatures into essentially devoting a large chunk of the state's budget to paying you especially if you're going to lock in a twenty year contract with a ninety percent occupancy rate as they would have to call it they run these things like hotels so it's very easy to make a large amount of money if you can have a state government programs to give it to you yes very easy right so it seems like there are obviously a lot of problems here will get into this required ninety percent occupancy and all that but even the idea of signing a contract for twenty years does that take a lot of power away from the state what if this company is not doing a good job they're not running this prison effectively are you locked in. well i'm sure that there are skewed clauses which may be used the wrong phrase to use for a private prison group but i'm sure that there are some is that the state can have
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recourse but that doesn't mean it's an easy thing to do or even that it's going to be the best thing to do even if the company isn't performing up to standards when you've turned over the administration of your penal system to a private operator and then find out that they're not doing a very good job now what would that even mean not doing a very good job does that mean hundreds of escaped murderers i don't know but if the state decides that they want to take these things back that's an enormous problem and and part of the big problem with privatization both of prisons or any other industry is what do you do if it's not working out and how much does it really cost to get the thing back under state control no one's ever had to deal with that and no one has any idea what it might cost to do it but penal systems and correctional systems are pretty expensive undertakings to take that back from a privatized group and make it a state function again could prove almost impossible so they might well have to let a group like corrections corporation get away with almost anything rather than
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undertake the expense of taking the reins back now this part about the prisons having to be at ninety percent a guarantee that they'll be ninety percent all just seems absolutely crazy to me right i mean how can you possibly guarantee that you're going to have enough criminals and last i guess does this mean that the local law enforcement agencies are going to have to start having quote as i mean can you just imagine how many ways this can go wrong when you guarantee to fill up prisons yeah well it's first of all i mean it runs entirely counter to what should be the government interest in incarcerating its citizens here we want a government that's going to work towards lowering incarceration rates less crime less people serving time more people who do serve time rehabilitated so that they don't become recidivists or middle. we want those jails to empty out and that makes for a difficult business proposition if you're trying to privatized these things which is of course one of the reasons why it's not supposed to be
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a private function it's supposed to be a state function and the state is supposed to take care of it that they don't want to doesn't really enter the picture but there are a million ways that things can go wrong in a million ways that the state might find itself under extraordinary pressure to meet these quotas we don't know exactly what happens if they don't get to a ninety percent occupancy rate but presumably it costs the state money in some way and so you really are going to find yourself having situations where the state in order to avoid some sort of financial penalty perhaps is finding that it needs to either deny parole to people who might deserve it imprison people who don't deserve it who knows where these quotas come down on is it on local law enforcement to lock people up in prisons you're talking about people who have been sentenced long term not jails who are holding people who are not so you're really talking about leaving i guess on state judges and say let's put people away for a longer let's ignore things maybe around the margins maybe the evidence isn't so
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good maybe the aggregating aggravating factors in a crime aren't there but let's lean toward the maximum on these things anyway you know people might be ok with that being tough on crime but you know we have to at least be sure that people are being put away for money that's horrific it can't be allowed out that's the really scary thought so as far as you know have any states actually taken them up on this offer yeah i know that they were trying to use ohio as this shining example because guess what we bought a prison there for seventy two million dollars and to me it just seems like that's not even really all that lucrative for a state if you are billions of dollars you know if you if you're like california right and you have maybe a twenty billion dollars budget deficit then the seventy two million is not really going to take so much. well probably no i don't though you know you don't want to turn your nose up at a large amount of money anywhere you can get it so long as it's not something that just runs counter to what you're supposed to be doing as
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a government i mean someone could offer a large amount of money to give away other core government functions and there are some that i assume that even some republicans will walk away from but it doesn't seem like an awful lot of money to give up the kind of control over the kind of function we're talking about and if you ever have to take that back who knows what it's going to cost we have no idea i don't think that there are any other states that have taken up the large scale offers i know there's the ohio example i don't think anyone's had a chance to react to this new letter. which they request this is guaranteed maybe not in actual with the terms of ohio's deal exactly are but yeah i mean there are certainly no shortage of privatized prisons that are operating around the country and you know the unfortunate part is as i said they sort of operate like hotels so they may never have demanded a ninety percent occupancy rate in so many words they do have as part of their
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contract discussion of what the occupancy rate is going to be have that i am all right again but i have to hear president all right dave thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you. i will take a quick break when we return on senators fighting against domestic abuse protections for immigrants gays and transgendered these are told time when it and i'm happy our american ingenuity at work settles for those on the walk of shame and linsanity has reached a fever pitch so what's want to do trade mark of course all that we can that.
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resistance is not politics but a culture. this could. let some. cultures of resistance to march to. the limit. submit. this is a. slum
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hi guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight we're giving it to g.o.p. lawmaker chuck grassley he wants nights' award for his stance on a law called the violence against women act which provides funding for investigations prosecutions of domestic violence against women i know it's one of those rare occurrences where the name of bill actually adds up to what it does but the bill was originally introduced by then senator joe biden and was passed into law under president clinton in one thousand nine hundred four since then it's been reauthorized twice by congress once in two thousand again in two thousand and five both times there were no objections plenty of bipartisan support a no brainer and the bill hasn't faced objections because it's been pretty successful thus for thus far according to the huffington post the reporting of
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domestic violence has increased by fifty one percent that's not saying that domestic violence is necessarily up or rather a sign that women are feeling more comfortable coming forward to police about the abuse well now the a.w.a. as it's called is up for reauthorization again with a few modifications designed to place an emphasis on reducing sexual assault strengthening housing protection for victims and putting more focus on preventing domestic homicides but this time around some people are objecting to the the authorization efforts and senator chuck grassley is leading the charge the republican from iowa says that he has problems with three of the provisions for stars he's opposed to the part that would give protections to abuse victims which is designated to protect against discrimination based on sexual orientation he said quote the substitute creates so many new programs for undeserved populations that are risks losing focus on helping victims of every group is a priority no group is a priority so chuck is one of those conservatives who thinks of the community as undeserving of being protected from violence seriously but chuck doesn't just have
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a problem with the old. provision is also upset about expanding the availability of visas for abuse victims who are also undocumented immigrants see according to the pop politician b.w.a. is meant to protect victims of violence it shouldn't be an avenue to expand immigration law or give additional benefits to people here unlawfully and another insane comment from chuck and i'm going to take a moment to remind him that undocumented women have always been included in this language the only revision is the part about expanding the visas from ten thousand to fifteen thousand so chuck has a problem with that those five thousand abuse victims are now for chuck to call off the whole thing and finally he's opposed to tribal language which has been included in the reality draft this would give native american tribes limited jurisdiction to prosecute those who have committed acts of domestic violence on their land so he says that this provision would extend travel jurisdiction over non indias no actually it would hold those accountable who commit acts of violence against native
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american women so there you have it grassley opposes elements that extend protections to gays undocumented immigrants and native americans or in other words he does want to protect anybody who's disliked by the republican party so i think it's pretty clear chuck is telling the line despite the efforts put in by other politicians to make sure that women can feel safe this senator has a different set of priorities let me just explain something when it comes to protecting women against domestic violence it doesn't matter if they're gay or straight legal or illegal or what their race or ethnicity is domestic violence is not ok in any situation so why does it matter who the victim is so for playing partisan politics potentially leaving more women at risk to become victims senator grassley is tonight's told time where. hi guys it's time for a happy hour and joining me this evening is jim hansen retired special operations master sergeant military blogger black dot net and have
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a glass managing editor at townhall hey guys. are you ready to talk to one of my favorite topics. ok this story is pretty of me as of the first time you see that. we can't help ourselves we love spates. just take a look at this clip and it explains the whole story and it's awesome. a former u.s. government consultant claims to have knowledge of at least three secret meetings president eisenhower had with an alien civilization that consultant is timothy good shown here lecturing good says eisenhower met with aliens at a new mexico air force base in one nine hundred fifty four. i just want that to be true so bad i love that story i'm obsessed i mean this isn't true to anyone who's watched the history channel you know they have those ancient aliens programs on all
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the time but you can find you know an expert like this guy purporting to have. internal documents showing the u.s. government contractor who is a long time ago and he wasn't out there buying some of what we like and says eisenhower did it what did we get out of it i mean i'm sure you but with a we and we got what were the android smartphones and any one of those years old i love it right the little green that's where we go. but the eisenhower probably is cashing checks right now on that one we get a little. out of the next one which i don't know if you guys are basketball fans or not but it's. linsanity is happening take a look linsanity has reached new heights hands rafted and unknown just a week ago harvard grad jeremy lin of the knicks has new yorkers lin sane last night out sports bryant and racked up a career high thirty eight points as new york los angeles ninety two to eighty five
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. all right so that was friday's game and for me this is a little bit of a tough subject because they beat the lakers i love the lakers i was kind of bitter about it but this kid really does have a pretty incredible story so. but now it's got to the point just one week where lin sanity is so crazy that i think are the two people have tried to trademark or have reached the us and trademark office to try to trademark the term linsanity. i'll be honest i'm insane for jeremy lin i. say quickly these are the great story it was amazing when they beat the lakers no offense but you know this. this gets to a policy problem in the united states you know people are trying constantly to cash in on things that they don't invent and obviously people are trying to trademark the term linsanity to sell t.
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shirts or drive people to their website or something like that you know it's a real problem in the united states when people are trying to take things that aren't theirs and use government force through the patent office to get away from us now with the rest you know what are we supposed to do what you can buy here's a cash for and i'm sure he'll win the patent claim and i'd just like to point out that once the football season ended pro sports is over until next fall and. germany was. drafted from oh it was a great affirmative action story. basically said yesterday that nobody would care if he was an asian it was terrible it was terrible jeremy lin it's a great story you know it's a great story but it's also true. broke the rookie pool or the points record for the first five starts beating shaq's record he's not it's not just an affirmative action we know that he's always like show he's actually accomplished and i'll give i'll give you that ok. let's talk about a. business idea that is this going to. college kids college kids.
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this service is a five dollar ride to anywhere in an arbor the morning after a little too much partying her poster advertising the shuttle has gained momentum on sites like bro bible total frac move sports illustrated and she's talked with local radio stations so it's a walk of shame shuttle like you wake up at dude's alice and you're like going to get home and i don't want to walk home and i like this totally believe many remember that a vending machine with the the b. pill the plan b. pill that we were talking about last week she actually has a coupon a drop you all go in the slot bag she's got a coupon for five dollars all over the bag you get a slot bag with your assassination a walk of shame thing that no it's not a good idea. but no she actually includes a coupon for five dollars on the black dollar or let it know if you said that innovation is dead on college campuses clearly we have kids who are smart they're entrepreneurial and they know where the demand is it's true no i have good friends
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from college that do something where there are designated drivers and they'll come pick you up and drive your car home for you this is a sleep as i'm a driver for the day after excellent market here you go you've got all your bases covered pre and after party ok last one this is a neighborhood where they're paying kids to attend school. seniors who show up five days a week on time to behave well will get twenty five dollars every friday underclassmen will get ten dollars you know you have students that we haven't seen you know in in a week. coming to school you know so that tells me that this incentive that we're trying to use is actually working. well. i think i mean and you know in areas where they have a really hard time actually getting kids to come to schools is that's a bad idea i want to hate it i really do i would love to hate this but if it works who cares they waste so much money it take it away from that if they can somehow get away from the teachers unions and get in the hands of the kids i am one hundred percent in for.


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