tv [untitled] February 16, 2012 12:30am-1:00am EST
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been revealed it will be revealed in april it is widely expected as burbank will be focusing on retail operations and that's its forte in the financial sector. banks head sees no risk in entering the european market despite the current debt crisis. if humans use the forefront in series the greek default has already happened the car interest truck treating of greek debt is a trial to find a way on tuesday. we're no more interested in what's happening in the south of europe which is also i mean it's illegal but we're not present in these countries the countries where we are present they have a clear macroeconomic picture and the brook just near the resort. spoon with you could design a snowball for now i have the russian market and the next bullets and i'm with them .
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cultures of resistance on our team. but at the headlines now erekat. moscow has accused forces outside syria of a courage and rebel groups to continue fighting and stay out of peace talks and the un general assembly vote on a resolution to end of the assad regime. i thin surrenders to the last of the e.u.'s bailout demands and he kept his end to the alternatives as well sterile tea leaves greek hospital struggling with the military unscathed. iran's display of nuclear progress and offer of talks are dismissed by america and israel as bluster response to severe economic sanctions. those are the headlines next in spotlight
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without enough status. well. science technology innovation all the moves developments around russia we've got the future covered. power again a welcome to spotlight the interview show on our t.v. time our novel and true they will discuss social problems the subject proposed to the russian society by platitude march fourth russia will vote for a new person who ever is elected will have to face a number of social issues like low wages than pension income underfunded health care and education housing and other these topics have always been pretty
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disturbing and the voters expect them to be a top priority for the new president this week prime minister and presidential hopeful graham you've published another in a series of articles it's pursing his view on the problems russia is facing and making some proposals to discuss them now with political analyst need three by beach and. three gentlemen welcome to the show. of lodging there putin has been outlining his vision of russia's future in this series of articles written for the country's major dailies in the run up to next month's presidential election the latest one in titled building just as a social policy for russia focuses on prime ministers social priorities who describes russia as a welfare state and is optimistic about the prospects for all layers of society he plans to race the priest usual workers given them more control over their companies
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and recreating the work. aristocracy who do know also promises to double university professors salaries by two thousand and eighteen and to increase social guarantees to large families he aims to make russian education and math the best in the world in ten years time according to the article it's not impossible to reduce prices for comfortable state of the art housing by twenty percent critics of the prime minister's article however say there are a few details about how all this can be achieved. gentleman here you. know that spotlight has been discussing these articles by women put the since we published the first one nearly a month ago this is the fifth right the fifth i think so so what's a general impression is he is he getting through to the audience do you do i could
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do with this is a real manifesto over a would be president so what's your impression. general well i think so far it was the most detailed program of a presidential candidate that we have seen at least not only during this election but also during the last year or so as you remember people said we supported putin's plan and this is. what is his plan and i remember what i don't want to talk about so sorry about that now we see the numbers but i'm wired took him in in a sort of a press conference with me german video was on his way to the presidency at the moment and made of said that i agree this is a pretty stupid phrase. we just point out there's a hole for russia. and someone someone said even in brezhnev style you could not imagine you know the slogan like compression of the we do have to put into play our great movies well when we have a bit more than we had last time it was the last time was a couple of pages and now we have a nice number of articles and the articles of somebody who's running for president
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and in that respect they're not very different from what you would expect to see from presidential candidates around the world in that they promise things that people want and they avoid issues that people don't want to hear about it be very odd to see a presidential candidate saying you know we're going to have to work more and pay more in taxes and you want to get less and in return so i think that that he's doing what he ought to be doing the question you asked though is whether he's getting through and i think that that's something that's very difficult for for anybody running for president of russia to do today if only because over the last number of years really i mean since. since the whole relationship changed between citizens in russia and their state compared to what it used to be in the soviet period in the whole of pollution in in the time since one thousand nine hundred one that people have learned to expect less from their state they have learned to deal with a certain level of disappointment in terms of the quality of the services they get
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and the breadth of the services they get one isn't expecting less from this state. for a society becoming more adult it does and i think that potentially it's a very positive thing but it's a very difficult balance. for both of society and for a politician to make quite a different generations and a good education for sites like ok well he mentioned doing much the same thing as all the candidates all around the world are doing this is a big question for me. all the candidates in any country is a many elections they always give promises in the most of the terms these are other fulfill the promises well but these two do that why does putin. putin being a favorite in the race county county afford to do without these problems well i think that he's promised us our award more modest than the promises so while the candidates i compared for example the promises on the housing issue and i don't
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quite agree with them in their particle you can see if you alliance were actually acknowledges that housing became less accessible now than in the times of the soviet union he gives figures difficult he gives us because for one thousand eight hundred nine and for to date and this is one of the huge issues for russia russia is now a very average capitalist state if you want and in russia like in many states we have house us in the apartment buildings which have already been built and they stayed empty sometimes for decades just because people cannot sell these apartments and i think i think that is true and i think the housing issue is very interesting what he did say that he would like to see he didn't have if you'd like to see he promised that housing prices will come down twenty to forty percent of the lending on the region you know that if you had twenty to forty percent decrease in housing prices and a lot of places that would be an economic catastrophe so that would be a very very it's an important process housing has to become more accessible but
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it's a very difficult process to manage it's a very complicated economic process has taken on a vested interest and we see very little detail but we wouldn't expect to see that i would have come here is how i do that i would address the question to do a tributary do you believe the prime minister or the president of russia does have a mechanism to reduce hours in prizes by thirty. well. you know market is going to this very difficult and or that you know everything in. be assessed in comparison if you look at the problem walt said again they're all off who says that we should give loans housing loans to family the family has been child should be if the family a half a minute has two children then it should be seventy percent and if three children then this one is just you know forgotten written off and i cannot even imagine how that would warrant a marketing point let's hear a coup or tears one of the prime minister says in his article about the unpopular
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topic of raising the retirement age. pensions will certainly continue to grow and i want to see it again i am still against increasing the retirement age however we should take into account the interests of those who plan to continue working upon reaching the retirement age you see below our salary and still would like you to leave during the pensions in order to trees now we should stipulate responsibility without unduly. well there was a lot of talk recently about about increasing the retirement age in russia people people like like finance minister could get in the i.m.f. representative and russia are better but they felt different arguments in favor of this they have increased this this age so prime minister putin privilege that is against so does he have the mechanism where will you find the cash there is one
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area where you have more options i mean russia. what is your fiscal balance and budgetary resources are much greater than pretty much anywhere certainly in the western world and so his opportunity to manage that processes is greater he can make that choice and i think that the logic that that works and the holes in other places that if you have increasing lifespans that people living longer they probably need to work longer doesn't work quite so well statistically in demographically in the russian context and so maybe it's not the right time to think about that and certainly that's an odd. he meant that he can and should take to the people i think the broader question though is that. the point that he raises is not addressing the fundamental concern that i think that if you want to talk about the real social problems that russia has the social problem isn't that there's people who want to work longer people who want to work longer and who are making lots of money can work longer there's nothing that prohibits them from doing that and they're simply not relying on the pensions that the state is giving them state pensions aren't that big to begin with the problem are people
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who can't afford to go on their pensions people who aren't have not earned much who don't have the resources and who can't live on those pensions and who are forced to go on pensions and keep working under the table or in the unofficial economy to feed themselves and their family and you know i think that politically it was a very a wise thing to do what he did because he's actually addressing the problem of so-called one can pensions working pitching in russia evolved while i heard the stable figures i don't know half are going to have fewer volunteers how harmful for people who reach their retirement age have to continue walking so basically because they want to do well they need to order to survive and basically if we read between the lines of what we are what we just heard they do is that people who want to keep their jobs will not get their pensions because that was the big issue you have to in many countries you have to make a choice you either get your pension or you continue to get your salary and you
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know it's a tricky issue or so the way to put it he he can he can have people whole been for the best that they would receive some kind of a larger pension and they will be able to walk longer well. you know the big issue that was already discussed by putin in the in one of his predicting the previous articles was corruption today he's addressing the social sphere and the kremlin equipment today admits that the highest rated. corruption in russia is reported it health care education and housing it is to ration so do you think that the putin's proposals in this latest article may somehow help. reduce the volume of corruption well i think it's natural that people report corruption in those areas where they have the most contact with bureaucrats and people representing the state and that's just a front end that that that that's the education system it's a health care system that's the new television sector and what not you have much
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more if you're obviously just in contact with people and you know the higher echelons of public office so clearly that's an irritant to people i didn't see anything that particularly so other than acknowledging the problem of it particularly speaks to how you're going to get the red tape removed and how you're going to get that out of people's way and when i say political analyst community by the sharon sound green spotlight will be back shortly after we take a break so stay with us good. resistance is not a politics but a culture. this
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could. on its own. cultures of resistance on our team. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm charged. welcome to the big picture a modern tend. to a. much much me. welcome back to spotlight nabhan just a reminder that they my guests in the studio are political analysts need to be by
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beach and sam greenwood discussing the latest article published by prime minister putin who is also as you know the candidate for the presidency in russia upcoming presidential election. one of the suggestions that we can find in this recent putin's article is to increase the rule of the employees in running the enterprises well is it possible is it is it working in any developed economy in the world i mean the work is really running there that their factory and are they the unions enough to take care of the interest of the workers well in theory. in theory point perhaps and you do have employee owned companies around the world united airlines for a while the united states was an employee owned company and you do have different kinds of tripartite arrangements that allow workers to have more of
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a say you'd still have to have an agile professional management running the company if you wanted to compete both domestically and internationally and so if you get it it's a question of balance it's a very popular statement particularly in in in contrast to some of his opponents like a lot of people who are much more. prominent and pro capital are kind of wants people to work longer hours to get more money and shut up. as a company have a zero zero zero their sadness russia is a very very is a very average country because we've heard the same slogans from want of people around the world sarkozy in these main election slogan was walk more and get more and i think they're going to be here he touched up on a very sensitive court a lot of people want to have more say in running the economy mentioned where when we had this little chat before before this program you mentioned the smart slow. that putin is taking from others and making them his own factories to the workers
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was one of the slogans of ladder lead in was that what it was and i would remind you of that in the perestroika days. one of the biggest achievements of war much of what's in there men are just elected to but ultimately it led to a tall talk collapse of a lot of enterprises and it ultimately led to fall of because it's very easy when a company is run by such a thousand people that means that it's not run by anyone so it's very easy for someone with money from outside to take hold of it well it's a very popular slogan and i think that theoretically all creative company yes they all had employees taken part in the management take microsoft take all of these companies you always have their you know smart people are never dictate they all of us corporate creating some kind of an innovative product that i think feels it and he wants people to believe that well here is how mr putin sees the future labor market pressure. the skilled jobs market is in need of serious change we have to
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provide social mobility with the workers professional to russia needs to restart its labor aristocracy by twenty twenty this aristocracy should meet with least one third of skilled workers about ten million people. this social mobility is also called in russia social lifts one of these so should there i recently i think i heard that the bureaucrats call their united russia party they call it a social lift that that makes people like me helps them helps them. make it clear now putin is obviously dumping the united russia party so so so one of these lives very hard imo a problem with the idea of social left if only because i'm in often we talk about you know social ladders and social. as a source a lifted lift is something you get on you press a button and it gets you off regardless of your your effort and i think that that's
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not necessarily even what put in me this is where you are talking maybe this is why everyone like you know. the book and then me write for a certain number of people for a certain amount of time but i think that the broader problem is is mobility the broader problem is giving people opportunities not necessarily to go where the government wants you to go but to be able to take your own life in your own career where you want to go and that means creating an economic opportunity but it also. i have a hard time understanding what the story does after that when he talks about the labor aristocracy i read the article three or four times looking for a definition of the labor of congress only way to decide very little village they were because there is style you know it's an old marxist in morris marx called labor aristocracy the bribed party militarily terry had exactly and i think its very nature would have positioned himself as a conservative russian someone who was against germany france so he remembered from his youth broadly this idea that
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a labor aristocracy skilled walk us had less sprawl to board populace into simple traditions than you know and just walk us who have they would still like to buy this to exactly zero so i think we're going to see. the socialists i read some ironic comments in russian press about that you know one person a conservative by the way he ruled that the last time the social leafs were walking was in the ninety s. when all of this only got x. went up with these socialists do you really want these people i would also show lives and there you are a good to get into the same lift with them i think it's a very small question you know the subject puts him touches upon this migration immigration well he calls for it's a very interesting phrase i read a risk free sort of proof immigration policy well with three hundred thousand migrants could. afford to have. food proof it is a risk free migration point with a bit i think that if this were to go along with the foolproof risk route migration
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policy he could sell it for lots of money on the international market because nobody's found it yet migration is a problem but migration is also an opportunity or russia does have a labor shortage russia doesn't want to grow of russia does want to be creating new classes of workers and and creating new economy it does need to bring in workers at least for the time being simply because. it doesn't have enough of its own human resources and. even even more broadly it's not particularly because it's a signal of russia's success that people from surrounding countries and other parts of the world want to come here and make a career and try to get some are better they don't quite agree i would also say to seem well we discussed that that happened in central and in france caucasus so many people willing to come to russia sometimes without any rights without anyone actually waiting for them here it just shows how bad the situation is there and you know the problem is that. i like the statement that we need regulated migration i
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think it's all right but i expect at least one of the candidates to see we should make life in central asia and a little better we yes we russians we russians we should be more sensitive to know your interest in russia. broad if you are in the near a billion euro insiders without. a clue to exaggerate is don't know how to make loads better that well russia has rewards of just to improve in order to invest there to give people their more education what we have no intention or even for example azerbaijan would have the so-called slavic universities which educate about two or three thousand people a year that's a drop in the ocean so and basically if you look there moment of money that rush actually because of illegal migration and because of them. when you transfer back to these countries it would make sense economically to improve life there i think
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the united states already came to that conclusion that instead of having all their immigrants from us is much better to me what i think and you are certainly well united states is mostly concerned about bringing democracy to one dearest which obviously is cheaper than making life easier. hopefully in the long run and giving people a stake in the way their countries are governed makes it easier for them to stay and to find their own house and i think that there's there's some sense to that what it does have limited resources however there are you know there are real problems in central asia and i think that there washer also faces real problems in his own territory and you mentioned russia's interior and the far east and i think that it's difficult to talk about building schools and investing in infrastructure in central asia was illogical to sort of republics like in the caucasus i mean they have trouble a lot of the program will be the only good if you don't build schools you will have to educate all of these millions of children here with russian children which would make and large legal problems and all democracy you know the more democratic state
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in central asia is to get started and we get the most migrants from there unfortunately so although. we get more from those you can well percentage wise education is big i it's a big drop in kyrgyzstan just because russia is very developed there won't be world with beach was to send their money to sort of the countries outside russia now let's hear. according to let me put in the where should the money go to. the true will spend on the social sphere must produce justice to just society and economy the requisites of our sustainable development during these years. well this is the final statement in. a recent article does that mean what we just heard does it mean that the economy in russia. is organized in an unfair way does it mean we're living in an untrue society. or russia has like
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a lot of places around the world increasing inequality and inequality that is entrenched for a lot of people and so that there is an issue of justice there's also an issue of justice though if you start getting into the age old discussion about you know taking away and dividing resources that creates injustice for other people so that the big question i think is how do you create a system in which. people can feel that they have. a stake in the way the justices decide who's going to be the final arbiter of justice and if somebody decides that that they feel that the way things are being managed to handle does not trust one of the resources that they have to the russian people believe that the president should be this final arbiter of just isn't it true i'm not sure because indeed paternalistic sentiment is strong in society here but i don't think you shouldn't exaggerate it because for twenty years now would you without that
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paternity state and it's of course a very different society from what it was in the soviet union in that sense russia is very much like many other countries in the world and i think that putin actually in that article he acknowledges that russia is not a very fair country you know this is very sad but we have to finish this program stating that living in the first society is means living like all the others in the world thank you thank you so much for that we went out of time but it was a pleasure talking to you just a reminder that my guests were political analysts meet me by beach and sound great and that's it for now from the phone now from all of us here if you want to have your say and spotlight we have some of them on to you think i should into the next round you can always drop below spotlight will be back with more first time comments on what's going on in and outside russia until then stay on r.t. and take your.
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