tv [untitled] February 16, 2012 7:30am-8:00am EST
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the european market despite the current debt crisis if humans use the forefront in series the greek default has already happened the car interest took treating of greek debt is a trial to find a way out of this default we're no more interested in what's happening in the south of europe for sure gold spain italy but we're not present in these countries the countries where we're present they have clear macroeconomic picture and. while that's a topic for this hour but stay with us for headline news coming up right after this .
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fifty. fifty five. welcome back you're watching our t.v. and here's a look at some of the main stories we're covering for you today violence in the syria escalates as a high ranking religious leader is assassinated in damascus reportedly for his pro-government stance as the syrian opposition accuses the government of stepping up attacks of rebel held areas in the city of daraa the latest target. fulfills a lot of the bailout demands but brussels postponed says decision to release a second rescue package meanwhile many greeks feel the nation won't recover from harmful sturdy measures which harm the health care system while leaving the
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military. out of fears of pending confrontation between tell of the growth following reports that a rainy and so rested over recent thailand bombings were targeting israeli diplomats israel also wants more sanctions against iran as its nuclear program progresses despite rating its willingness to move to what sits on top. of the fate of iran is just one of the issues discussed now. the founder of the trans research institute well next to give. his predictions for the headlines of tomorrow that's coming up next. in the autumn of two thousand and eleven a phenomenon a grassroots movement that we all know as occupy wall street became the growing face and voice of america but at the start of two thousand and eleven there was one man that predicted movement such as occupy wall street would be sweeping through
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the united states and that man is my current guest here to speak with r t gerald celente founder of the trends research institute and publisher of the trends journal thank you for sitting down to speak with me again what do you think will happen with occupy wall street twenty twelve occupy wall street's gone global you know people keep looking to america for something to happen here and then the rest of the world kind of latches on to it even though you think that american spirit is dead this whole world kind of focuses on the united states for the center of some kind of social economic geo political or cultural change. and occupy wall street was just that it inspired an occupying movement worldwide we call it the invasion of the octopus like tentacles reaching out all over the wall when you cut one off another when you grow. it's an estimated eighty countries in one hundred
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twelve cities there is no stopping it and by the way the very police brutality that tried to stop the movement in wall street is what brought it to the forefront the movement is not going to stop winters said things are quiet now the governments around the world do not know how to control the octopi all the events of police brutality against occupy wall street optimus took place before the national defense authorization act was signed by president obama what can happen now to all the americans that speak out against the way that their elected officials are governing the country one of our top twelve trends for two thousand and twelve is battlefield america it's going to be the will of the people against the will of the government the senate of the united states in the house of representatives the gang of five.
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and deciding like this guy lindsey graham that cracker from south carolina is calling america a battlefield and saying that if you're accused of being tied into its terrorist organization or you are a belligerent is the way the act is now written you have no judge you have no jury you have no trial you don't have charges filed against you the military could come in and take someone like me that they may call of believe your ins because they don't like what i have to say and they could take me away lock me up in detention blow my brains out no law. boy you know hades corpus it's the bill of no rights signed by president obama and what it does it also allows the military to take somebody like me or someone they don't like who they choose us who they could stop
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vote chooses to be called an anti american or working with a terrorist group i may give money to a group that they don't like and they could tie that back to me you have forecast that a trend involving what you believe will be economic martial law being implemented in the us what exactly do you mean by that the entire financial system is collapsing it's a worldwide financial meltdown we can see the collapse of the european union it's happening in front of us there is no way of bailing them out just the g seven has seven point five trillion dollars worth of debt coming to in two thousand and twelve how they're going to pay that off as it collapses look what's going on around the world look what's going on in greece it's a depression. it's a depression in spain it's a depression in portugal it's going to be a depression in italy a recession in france it's collapsing around the world the you look at the housing
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market now starting to unravel the bubble being burst in china it's happening everywhere so what we're saying is they're not going to be able to keep this a flood we're going to see something smack down really hard probably coming from the european when that happens the united states will blame them if they see those europeans it's them socialists and now unfortunately we have to call the bank holiday because of the problems that they caused or a false flag a terrorist strike for the war which is another option going on very close to us as the iranian conflicts builded they will give an excuse to call a bank holiday in america you don't get your money. they close down the banks go back to nine eleven. they closed now wall street if you had certificates of deposit like i did and try to get them out i could get them out that's right my money was
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frozen but a lot of money you see what happened to people went out when argentina called a bank holiday back in two thousand and one two thousand and so people had money in the bank account to buy a house by the time the bank holiday was over that money couldn't buy a car that's right they devalue the currency you brought up iran what are the major concerns right now when it comes to iran and the possibility of. the united states again with the national defense authorization act part of that was that president obama affectively is declared war against iran the latest legislation put sanctions on foreign companies dealing with iranian banks their affectively putting in a bar go on or ron it's seen as. act of war go back to world war two it's like when the united states stopped japan from being able to buy oil now the
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iranians can't sell it if they lose just twenty percent of their of their ability to sell oil you're looking at that sixty percent of their g.d.p. comes from oil sales you're putting a bad a business if the united states israel or nato attacks iran's nuclear facilities it will be as i said before the beginning of world war three syria may be the other avenue into it because who's syria's top ally. iran. and as we have seen from reports that came out we keeley. the united states and the west has been very instrumental in undermining the syrian government even before the latest uprisings have begun you also say that there will be. game changer
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this year because of the election look at the people running for office look at the scuffs of the people all with them this could be the united states is going to be another lesser of two evils. i think it and i predicted that that barack obama would win right now you we said brock obama would win back in october we put our forecast out if the current front runner is romney for example war or grid sure or sense who are the only wildcard in this as we see it as ron paul if us president barack obama wins a second term do you think that helped change course in any way it can still help have a bit more freedom and his second term then in his first term didn't obama when he got elected in two thousand and nine had the entire nation virtually behind him do you remember the cheer leading in grant park do you remember that he had a democratic congress behind him do you remember that that people gave him
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everything that he wanted to do you also remember all the back tracks that obama went through remember obama's first day he hits the stage i'm going to close guantanamo. bay and remember those bush tax cuts no more for me audios they remember that rendition a could happen on the my watch oh in those ugly wars the bush out how about some more predator drones into pakistan how about up in the troop level in afghanistan i'll tell you why after another four years of obama people are going to be wanting bush back and what will be the kids' friends or trends for twenty as i see it there are four things that could change the future one is repatriate repatriate bring new jobs back home
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bring production back home is going to cost a little more yes but guess what you can get paid more and that quality is going to be better for the trend to change it has to be good at the grassroots it's not only americans it's every country having national pride in what they do best number. direct democracy let the people vote let the people vote on major issues i don't need as i said a gang of five thirty five telling me we have to go to war against libya we have to go to war against iraq we have to go to war against now ron let the people vote you want the war on drugs to keep going let the people vote you want to bail out banks let the people vote right now as i said we have politicians telling us how to think how to eat what to believe what not to believe what to watch and what not to watch number three secession it's to pay this soviet union knows this story at
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the indicted state should get the same story in their heads it can't be run by essential government anymore get think the taleban want to invade vermont you think they got their eye on utah you know here we are it's ten years after nine eleven and this still putting out that same phony whining that the reason that they want to invade us is because they hate our freedom and liberty freedom and liberty hate anybody read the national defense authorization act hey you've been felt up at the airport lately flying the friendly skies g.p.s. signal on do you car cops watching you listen what freedom what liberty now it has to do with foreign policy my favorite trend of all of them going out in style. puts style back into the system amid the still ongoing our
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economic hardship and childlessness and unemployment are there any smart investments are there any successful moves to make or break the chains break the chains in every single way you can you stop going to the chain stores if you stop buying local you start filling the market niches needs where is going to be the biggest growth was obvious the whole like t.v. movie is just going to continue to grow heritier a cyber security is going to be huge because they're going to keep hacking into it and it's going to be a fight between the government and freedom so anything having to do with cybersecurity is huge business the other ones or anything having to do with health care anything we're an aging society in the european nations and in america anything having to do with health care alternative health care particularly there's plenty of options and plenty of opportunities but nothing is going to change until the individual changes and that's the most important aspect to understand charles
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not stories on our t.v. violence in syria escalates as a high ranking religious leader is assassinated in damascus reportedly for his pro-government stance as the syrian opposition accuses the government of stepping up attacks on rebel held areas of the city of daraa the latest target. athens fulfills the last of the e.u.'s bailout amounts but brussels responses decision to release the second rescue package meanwhile many greeks feel the nation won't recover from harvest already which harmed their health care system while leaving the military on skating. and a fear of pending confrontation between tell a vivid terror vada grow following reports that
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a rain dance arrested over recent thailand bombings were targeting israeli diplomats israel also wants more sanctions against iran as its nuclear program presses despite terror rod reiterated it's willingness to resume and six party talks. and now it's time for the sports news with kate. hello welcome to the latest board as we look ahead to a third big night of european football cold comfort. of the last gasp winner is a neat snatch a three two first a victory at home to benfica in the last sixteen of the champions league. while the italian job ac milan thrash arsenal for now at the found zero or cookbook place in the quarterfinals. and face a lock zero not a party of look to build up
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a head of steam in the europa league as they prepared to face athletic bilbao in the last thirty two in moscow. but first the champions league return from injury to bag a brace including the last gasp when i came from behind to beat benfica three two in the home leg at the round of sixteen time while i was in each coach said his players it showed a lot of caught in a tuxedo the game played in subzero temperatures in some petersburg well twenty minutes and he have not had a champions league debut to forget his fumble allowing mexico era benfica ahead however grabbed an equaliser before so i guess the next back he'll want to go with the home side to one up then three minutes from time it looked like the game would finish in a draw at one another's and not how into it oscar called also maybe to turn but again saved his keepers blushes with seconds to go prancing on a defensive error to give his side a narrow victory however with their two away gone advantage benfica coach george
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bush says there's everything to play for the next one's return like. oh you know it was a hard game and we were playing on a hard pitch the aerial game wasn't going well and we conceded three goals which means we played badly defense but we scored twice away from home that is an achievement for our lives. healin attack i want to emphasize again that the conditions were hard but we were still playing well in the tank and in the midfield the final result will be set in the second leg game in lisbon and our home ground. will want to have a good chance of progressing also with russia cornell as ac milan resilience striker robin you know scored either side of half time as the syrian champions dominated the game kevin burns but i think of the stunning strike after fifteen minutes was after a break in which added a late fall after was asked by manager aceveda said the defeat was a disaster while his opposite number nothing in the other leg believed the one they scored all. maybe two percent of five percent stuck to strictly chances but.
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we have. to show a completely different performance and you never know what that's a really sticky very is. really really be out of this competition about what a lot of us of it i'm very sorry the score was greater because we had many chances to score and we did make it so when you can score you should score especially in a champions league two legged much we have a good lead but we have to be more clinical crunch. and in the meantime the right the league returns this thursday evening kicking off here in moscow with lokomotiv moscow hosting athletic bilbao for the first leg in the last thirty two new signing amount of a chain goes cup side although that doesn't lessen the home side confidence is constant get up off the court. due to the russian winter break or committee of will be playing their first competitive match since mid december but subzero temperatures forced them to move them match with earth let it build power across
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the capital to the artificial beach of delusion hysteria as they look to steam past their bones and put one foot in the second knockout round of the europa league however the railway man's coach says neither side is the favorite the chances are fifty fifty we've prepared well both physically and tactically but have tactic of an advantage as they're on a good run and in the middle of their season playing too much is weak look i'm a team's biggest signing during this break roman pavlyuchenko will not be able to help his side as he has already played for tottenham in the europa league this season however locust top scorer dmitry situ of has already netted six goals in europe so far the second highest in the tournament yet the reading greens have a disaster his record against spanish clubs with just a solitary big three in twelve matches and that win was against real madrid educate ago they must wait side has not played in the spring face of a u.f.o.
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can petition since two thousand and six after being knocked out by another spanish club c.v. but are confident they can succeed this time. our coaches have provided enough information about our opponents we have studied their strengths and weaknesses now we have to use that knowledge on the pitch which is much harder but we can do it well authentic bilbao have reached the round of thirty two for the third time the basque side may only line ninth in spain's la league but remain a formidable prospect the lions have also reached the final of the cup of the race where they will face holders barcelona they bilbao a team have scored in their last stand games and i eager to increase their tale in this their first ever meeting. against lokomotiv the winners of the time will take on manchester united in the round of sixteen next month and athletics manager former agent tina defender marcella be also ironically nicknamed. says that neither
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snow nor plastic beach skiers chris charges. both teams are in the same boat and any defeat can be excused by the weather conditions all the out of fishel pitch there are no key factors it's a match just like any other will play the way we do in spain and used to seems quite despite course that their sticks again spanish sides and the lack of match practice or comment if will be king to take forward one page of familiar weather conditions and the artificial bish of the world and your stereo ahead of next week's. insight about out of. moscow. when we won another year a family ties this thursday manchester city travel to portugal to take on defending champions porto but the build up hasn't been ideal for the english premier league leaders with manager at about a month cheney hitting back at derogatory claims by controversial striker color stirs while the twenty eight year old isn't with his teammates after a returning to the club this week following three months of self-imposed exile you
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know watching tina that followed a falling out with lunching last september when he allegedly refused to warm up in city's ten year old champions league defeated by munich however ahead of his return tethers told argentinian television he'd been treated like a dog by mancini that was something the italian devalued while adding thursday's match with porto is one of the biggest in the grand. got that it is only with god loss what they say because you never truly be in bed that he. maybe is the opposite to well or worse. i think that is the one of the big game in this stage because. we play the. thought the enemy used to play champions league football many times in your body going. is very difficult to play because it don't be very is very strong. well like manchester city port i have also dropped down from the champions league and have
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a couple of selection issues brazil strike a club that is a major dance due to illness and left back in media f.a.l. is out with a long term injury buts despite these absentees what i believe they have the quality to progress. us were aware of how powerful they were but they have excellent players an excellent squad we want to contradict that because we also have our weapons and as our victor perez says it's inside the pitch that we'll have to show which team is the best and we're going to work to be the best while meanwhile manchester united are also preparing for life in europe's second tier club competition i go to dutch giants i aks after i also flopped in the champions league this competition is the only one in which surrounds ferguson has never led united to a victory for previous encounters however the scot has embraced the coming challenge . we have an opportunity to do better than this second half this season and the europa league is if you look at the teams that it is a challenge some very good teams and. and hopefully we can do well. for
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me while striker the me again is in the right form to help by x. overcome their stiff opposition and says he wants to put at least two passed united so to two year old former russia star opened for the amsterdam side in saturday's two know when struggling breda are currently just six in the actually despite this coach frank you a fuck up when i himself a nine hundred ninety two believes his side can beat anyone when they play the i.x. way. we can play our philosophy you know include to try to pressure parliament on their own of and try to create chances of fours and technically capable to do that and when we gave you that we're going to beat everybody almost moving on to ice hockey in our joint. fought back from three one down to win five three in a stroller it has gone moscow well it has got started well that looks a budget call for the first of the night before the nomination time to find
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themselves through our second dance with practice fight back began a couple of effort to get three two. and then just off found the equaliser after a sweeping move well that set things up for a frantic the final period but it was dr who ploughed on one thousand year old the again it was in itself five he sighed into the lead and went on to finish with an impressive eleven shots on goal before had three that netted two seconds to make it five three wrap up an incredible turnaround back to remain the runaway leaders in the same conference was a star state in the west. and finally promised the bloody mayor putin has taken a ride in a bobsleds during his visit to the bottom of the truck just outside moscow as the venue prepares to host more international competitions next week well mr putin did not step on the ball at the training course but still said he liked the experience while on a more serious note the prime minister also helped the outdoor track of one of the
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is due to host the season's finale in the world cup circuit next weekend the competition will also decide the european champions in the high speed sport i'm here and all the hoping to retain his title despite having had a mediocre season however the forty year old still prevails at last year's world cup start but i'm one of them. and that's always what these.
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