tv [untitled] February 16, 2012 11:18am-11:48am EST
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the current debt crisis and nato partners don't seem very keen to help us not to mean to spread so much i mean think about it we have been through we are being threatened from a member of the alliance that we belong to the alliance doesn't do anything. so we have to spend huge amounts of money but there is the nato chief arrives in athens the talks other things may be on the table among them weapons for cure meant i believe i mean there is a kind of negotiation if i may she saw between major partners future germany and france. if we spend more on you procurement of course a major part will be to function shipment of shipment france since the major. but was talks remain afloat another threat looms it may nice but what we've been advised to do is to sell copies of medicine relations of patients are being forced
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to put their hand in their pockets for treatment this problem persists in other hospitals i've worked in dimitri's account comes on the back of cuts slashed medical staff pay and lead to a desperate shortage of equipment including affordable prescription drugs this is the very human face a term austerity measure and increasing number of people on the treatment need in the current health care system and desperation to turn to aid agencies like this regime nova care into athens immigrant population the midday queue at this center shows just how sort after their treatment is first of all are seeing more and more people coming to us that there is that we might see up to three hundred people and their numbers of the greeks are increasing the present many greeks remain too ashamed of the situation to be filmed those wanting to be heard paint a grim picture of. greece cannot recover from what's going on right now if
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you ask me greece is finished. it's a situation that has a country verging on implosion all during a time of peace not war but once the nation remains sick cuts have a real damaging impact on the people's well being despite the sizable military defense is protecting them to greece athens been no secret that from the onset of the euro crisis germany is spearheaded the e.u.'s austerity drive your original argument was that cuts were necessary and the pain a consequence later today the issue gets the kaiser treatment with max and stacey take a look. germany's genie in terms for greece now amber is evans pritchard of the telegraph says the last time germany needed a bailout from world creditors it secured better terms than shattered greece last week so in one nine hundred fifty three recall there was the london debt agreement whereby creditors for all of germany's debt agreed to take
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a fifty percent haircut on german debt yeah well this is interesting isn't it a bit of a double standard here the germans got a huge break on the debt back in one nine hundred fifty three other countries rallied to give them a break because they felt that it was in everyone's best interests now here we are twenty twelve and germany is in a position to return the favor but they. are going russian president dmitry medvedev submitted before and final bill which is part of his so-called liberalization campaign seen as a response to the latest opposition rallies in the country following the parliamentary vote in december the latest amendments concern the formation of the lower house of parliament peter all over explains well the idea behind this bill is to try and make the lower house of russian parliament the duma more representative
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of the whole country and not just a disassociated political party in moscow it's to involve the whole of russia in the political system now the country's going to be divided up into two hundred twenty five electoral districts each one of those districts guaranteed to have at least one duma deputy coming from there now these districts will be roughly around the same size in terms of the amount of people who were. in those groups know. what the idea is to get people away from voting for a party or a leader based in moscow and to get local people essentially voting for a local politician. that will represent their needs in the state duma this is all part of the the fallout from the the parliamentary elections in december of last year and the protests that we saw there now president medvedev has faced some some dissenting voices when it comes to putting forward this bill people from inside his own party not too happy with it but he's gone ahead with that put this bill to the
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state duma and after it's read through it will be decided whether it will be brought into law. plenty more in-depth analysis on this story and all our election coverage on our web site r t v dot com here's what else is a click away case of deja vu in bahrain where protesters who took to the streets calling for democracy reforms were confronted with a harsh crackdown from police. and vandals with a taste to find out the security measures needed to protect moscow's newest vending machines which offer red caviar at the touch of a button. as libya celebrates the first anniversary of the start of its nato backed uprising its national transitional council struggles to take control over the country's volatile situation and mr nationalists recently accuse the m.d.c. of failing to protect human rights claiming thousands of khadafi supporters are being held without charge and even being tortured the group reports at least a dozen have died in rebel prison since september as
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a result of mistreatment reports from libya say former rebels want to take over power as civilians remain armed and the economy has crumbled since the war political scientist dr not a hashmi tells are the country's future seems. i see a very grim future in libya i see a civil war in libya i see it's never going to have a good stable. environment there and this is exactly what the western one wants to happen because they want to get control of all the oil all the natural resources there now these days who hold the economy control the world and this is exactly what they want i see no future no good future i hold on mistaken but i'm not unfortunately libya's going towards. credible civil war people are going to be killing each other left and right it is up next with the business news stay with us here on r.t. . hello
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and welcome to business here in r t thanks for joining me this hour the u.s. is looking to cut iran's economic lifeblood by removing it from the world financial clearing system known as swift it will wreck up pressure on tehran as the country's leadership reveals new progress on its nuclear program but as artie's daniel bushell reports america's action could end up backfiring on its own people. this is a bid to kill iran's economy washington's move to wrong from the swift world transaction system would choke its ability to trade internationally swift payments orders the worlds of business or the world of business practically every company and state in the world to exchange financial info the legality of america's move is highly questioned it's unprecedented political interference in the work which is always such issues should be handled on a national level what is clear is barack obama's frustration the sanctions on work
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in iran hasn't backed down in the nuclear dispute in fact is no one else to fuel production mean more misery for u.s. consumers brant. over one hundred nineteen dollars a barrel. of swift will again hit not just the energy price but the recovery of the world's economy. and all prices are mixed this hour despite u.s. couldn't tori's a fall in for the first time in four weeks a light sweet as we see is trading at over one hundred one and a half dollars per barrel while brand is a one hundred nineteen and a half dollars. now to currencies trading lower to the u.s. dollar after talks over a second bailout for greece have been fair called off and the ruble is losing value against the european and the u.s. currency. stocks in the u.s. move higher on wall street unemployment claims dropped to the lowest since march two thousand and eight all that helped temper worries about greece and
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a ratings agency warning about global banks dow jones as a sixteen point six points or half a percent sour and european stock markets pared losses on thursday after encouraging data from the u.s. showed signs of economic recovery in the world's largest economy stocks fell after . investors service threatened to downgrade more than one hundred. britain's forty is losing a quarter of a percent of its point. three percent lower in germany. the russian markets ended in the red suit where the odds against losing one of the a quarter of a percent analyze extending half a percent let's check on the index movers on the rise x banking stocks were among the main retreat as the day's bad bank lost one percent agreed to be close to one point four percent in the red is january net profit rose sixty percent but that's in russian accounting standards bucking the trend as well company ross never gave a quarter of a percent. well that's our update for this hour but i'll be back in less than one
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eight thirty pm in moscow these are your headlines fears of pending confrontation between tel aviv in tehran grow following reports that iranians arrested over recent thailand bombings were targeting israeli diplomats israel also wants more sanctions against iran as its nuclear program from presses despite iran reiterating its willingness to resume six party talks. violence in syria escalates as a high ranking religious leaders assassinated in damascus reportedly for his pro-government stance this is the syrian opposition accuses the government of
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stepping up attacks on rebel held areas with the city of daraa the latest target. athens fulfills the last of the e.u. belo demands but brussels postpones its decision to release the second rescue package meanwhile many greeks feel the nation won't work cover for harsh austerity measures that harm their health care system while leaving the military unscathed. the fate of and dead in the country is just one of the issues being discussed now by gerald celeb the founder of the trends research institute who gives his point of view to marina puerto. in the autumn of two thousand and eleven a phenomenon a grassroots movement that we all know as occupy wall street became the growing face and voice of america but at the start of two thousand and eleven there was one man that predicted movement such as occupy wall street would be sweeping through
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the united states and that man is my current guest here to speak with r t gerald from leonti founder of the trends research institute and publisher of the trends journal thank you for saying time to speak with me again what do you think will happen with occupy wall street twenty twelve occupy wall street's gone global you know people keep looking to america for something to happen here and then the rest of the world kind of latches on to it even though you think that american spirit is dead this whole world kind of focuses on the united states for the center of some kind of social economic geo political or cultural change and occupy wall street was just that it inspired an occupy movement worldwide we call it the invasion of the octopus like tentacles reaching out all over the world when you caught one off another one grow. it's an estimated eighty countries in one hundred
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twelve years knows stopping it and by the way the very police brutality that tried to stop the movement in wall street is what brought it to the forefront the movement is not going to stop winters. things are quiet now. the governments around the world do not know how to control the octopi all the events of police brutality against occupy wall street activists took place before the national defense authorization act was signed by president obama what can happen now to all the americans that speak out against the way that their elected officials are governing the country one of our top twelve trends for two thousand and twelve is battlefield america it's going to be the will of the people against the will of the government the senate of the united states of the house of representatives the gang
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of five. i just saw it like this guy lindsey graham cracker from south carolina is calling america a battlefield and saying that if you're accused of being taught in to a terrorist organization or you're a belligerent is the way the act is now you have no judge you have no jury you have no trial you don't have charges filed against you the military could come in and take someone like me that they may call a but because they don't like what i have to say they could take me away lock me up in detention blow my brains out no lawyer no hey these corpus it's the bill of no rights saw and by president obama and what it does it also allows the military to take somebody like me or someone they don't like who they chew who that.
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chooses to be called an anti american or working with a terrorist group i may give money to a group that they don't like and they could talk back to me you have forecast that a trend involving what you believe will be economic martial law being implemented in the u.s. what exactly do you mean by that the entire fine. anshul system is collapsing it's a worldwide financial meltdown we can see the collapse of the european union it's happening in front of us there's no way of bailing them out just the g seven has seven point five trillion dollars worth of debt coming to in two thousand and twelve how they're going to pay that off as it collapses look what's going on around the world look what's going on in greece it's a depression it's a depression in spain it's a depression in portugal it's going to be depression in italy a recession in france it's collapsing around the world the you look at the housing
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market now starting to unravel the bubble being burst in china it's happening everywhere so what we're saying is they're not going to be able to keep this. we're going to see something smack down really hard probably coming from the european when that happens the united states will blame them if they see those europeans it's them socialists and now unfortunately we have to call the bank holiday because of the problems that they caused or a false flag a terrorist strike for the war which is another option going on very close to us as the iranian consulates builded they will give an excuse to call a bank holiday in america you don't get your money. they close down the banks go back to nine eleven. they closed now wall street if you had certificates of deposit like i did and try to get them out i could get them out that's right my money was
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frozen but a lot of money you see what happened to people with when argentina called the bank holiday back in two thousand and one two thousand and so people had money in the bank account to buy a house by the time the bank holiday was over that money couldn't buy a car that's right they devalue the currency you brought up iran what are the major concerns right now when it comes to iran and the possibility of. the united states again with the national defense authorization act part of that was that president obama affectively has declared war against iran the latest legislation put sanctions on foreign companies dealing with iranian banks there affectively putting in a bar go on our ron it's an act of war go back to world war two it's like when the united states stopped japan from being able to buy oil now the
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iranians can't sell it if they lose just twenty percent of their of their ability to sell oil you're looking at that sixty percent of their g.d.p. comes from oil sales you're putting a bad a business if the united states israel or nato attacks iran's nuclear facilities. it will be as i've said before the beginning of world war three syria may be the other is the new into it because who's syria's top ally. are wrong. and as we have seen from reports that came out we keeley. the united states and the west has been very instrumental in undermining the syrian government even before the latest uprisings have begun you also say that there will be global game changer
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this year because of the election look at the people running for office look at the scuffs of the people all with me in the united states is going to be another lesser of two evils. i think it and i predicted that that barack obama would win right now you we said brock obama would win back in october we put our forecast out if the current front runner is romney for example war or gingrich sure or santorum you know it's the only wildcard in this as we see it is wrong paul if he was president barack obama wins a second term do you think that helped change course in any way can still help have a bit more freedom and his second term spent in his first term didn't obama when he got elected in two thousand and nine had the entire nation virtually behind him do you remember the cheer leading in grant park do you remember that he had
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a democratic congress behind him do you remember that that people gave him everything that he wanted to do you also remember all the back tracks that obama went through remember obama's first day he hits the stage i'm going to close guantanamo. bay and remember those bush tax cuts no more for me audios they remember that rendition a could have been on the my watch oh in those ugly wars the bush out how about some more predator drones into pakistan how about up in the troop level in afghanistan i'll tell you why after another four years of obama people are going to be wanting bush back and what will be the trend or trends for twenty as i see it there are four things that could change the future one is repatriate repatriate bring new jobs back home bring production back home is going to cost
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a little more yes but guess what you get paid more. and that quality is going to be better for the trend to change it has to begin at the grassroots it's not only americans it's every country having national pride in what they do best number two direct democracy let the people vote let the people vote on major issues i don't need to as i said a gang of five thirty five telling me we have to go to war against libya we have to go to war against iraq we have to go to war against now ron let the people vote you want the war on drugs to keep going let the people vote you want to bail out banks let the people vote right now as i said we have politicians telling us how to think how to eat what to believe what not to believe what to watch and what not to watch number three secession it's to pay this soviet union knows this story and
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the indicted state should get the same story in their heads it can't be run by essential government anymore get think the taleban want to invade vermont you think they got their eye on utah you know here we are it's ten years after nine eleven and this still putting out that same phony whining that the reason that they want to invade us is because they hate our freedom and liberty freedom and liberty hey anybody read the national defense authorization act hey you've been felt up at the airport lately flying the friendly skies g.p.s. signal on do you car cops watching you listen what freedom what liberty now has to do with foreign policy my favorite trend of all of them going out in style. put style back into the system amid the still ongoing
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economic hardship and joblessness and unemployment are there any smart investments are there any successful moves to make or break the chains break the chains in every single way you can you stop going to the chain stores if you stop buying well you start filling the market niches needs where is going to be the biggest growth was obvious the whole i t v move is just going to continue to grow heritier a cyber security is going to be huge because they're going to keep hacking into it and it's going to be a fight between the government and freedom so anything having to do with cybersecurity is huge business the other ones or anything having to do with health care anything where an aging society the european nations and in america anything having to do with health care alternative health care particularly there's plenty of options and plenty of opportunities but nothing is going to change until the individual changes and that's the most important aspect to understand child flinty
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here's a pending confrontation between tell of even tehran grow following reports that iranians arrested or recent thailand bombings were targeting israeli diplomats and israel also wants more sanctions against iran as its nuclear program progress is despite iran reiterating its willingness to resume six party talks. violence in syria rising as high ranking religious leader is assassinated in damascus reportedly for his pro-government stance this is the syrian opposition accuses the government of stepping up attacks on rebel held areas the city of daraa raw the latest target. happens fulfills the last of the e.u.'s belo demands but brussels
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postpones its decision to release the second rescue package while many greeks feel the nation i'm over a couple from are just arrogant measures that harm their health care system while leaving the military unscathed. kates up next with all the latest sports news stay with us here on r.t. . welcome to the thursday night sports round up and here are the top stories. face looking at a car warming up ahead of the first leg against athletic bilbao here in moscow last saturday at the europa league. while cold comfort ranchero grabs the last gasp winner is in its natural three to first a victory having to benfica in the last sixteen of the champions league. and the italian job ac milan clash arsenal four nil it sounds zero to all the book a place
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in the quarter finals. how do you rate any protest this thursday evening kicking off here in the russian capital in just over ten minutes to be told in school laid out look out of moscow at home for their first like in the last thirty two well new signing of the month publishing co is cup side although that doesn't lessen the home side confidence that's cause i think that south reports. due to the russian winter break or committee of will be pulling their first competitive match since mid december but subzero temperatures forced them to move their match with atlantic bilbo and across the capital to the artificial beach of the stereo as they look to steam past their bones and put one foot in the second knockout round of the europa league however the railway man's coach says neither side is the favorite the chances are fifty fifty we've prepared well both physically and tactically but after i think of an advantage as they're on a good run and in the middle.
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