tv [untitled] February 17, 2012 2:48am-3:18am EST
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it has nothing to do about civil liberties it has nothing to do about human rights it has nothing to do with the syrian people it's just that it's leverage to get out there go after hezbollah are to go after iran and that's why you know we have al qaeda and the united states on the same side in syria amazing geopolitics i think just on the sectarianism aspect i think that tends to get played up in the absence of politics i don't think there's any fundamental political divides between a lot of these different kind of sectarian groups and i think ultimately does speak to a certain lack of a certain lack of shared ideas or a sense of really what they're trying to come together and achieve so i mean i think sectarianism can be overplayed a lot i think that it's interesting there's a lot of scaremongering at the moment about the al-qaeda elements in syria and the free syrian army. starts both from assad and also kind of from the west as well and they're getting nervous about it as well so i think actually that does tend to be
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scaremongering these things will be a good place to practice with you if you let me let me stay with you i mean if you're saying that scaremongering this is internationalizing it ok and this again is what we heard assad must go because when you say when the united states says when britain says when france says or somebody has to go they have to go don't they internationalizing it bringing in the al qaeda element. helps make that happen. well yes of course i think that's true and i think we saw with what we saw with the un security council china and russia vetoed the resolution and now it seems like it's going to go to the general assembly again it seems like they're going to try to have combinations of assad's britain and france are talking about working together to find ways of helping the free syrian army they're just trying to boycott the process because it didn't work for them it's the same that you see of a lot of kind of global elites where when they don't get their own way they just
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try and find alternative ways to meddle this thing happening for quite a long time in syria remember the arab league which is not hardly made up of great democratic countries themselves and we have bahrain which at the moment is cracking down on the hospitals for protests the range of protesters is just completely ignored by the west i mean i feel very sorry for the bahraini people because you know they have suffered some hideous crackdowns over the past year and that is just ignored because it's not in their interest to bring that to the fore i have to say one of the other aspects that you really see here are other kind of external agents kind of brought in like the international atomic energy agency which are all to syria which no one thinks realistically has nuclear weapons but is brought in in a way to get people on the ground and to meddle and put the pressure on and to meddle in a sovereign countries affairs now that's not something america would ever tolerate america would never tolerate another country going in and saying oh well you know we want to crack down on fact you have the death penalty you know there's no
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respect for national sovereignty in this region a tool ok i think to that extent. neo colonialism where the west is basically saying that these countries are unable to govern their own people we need to come in and teach them how to do democracy ok occurring problem i mean what occurred it why i tend to agree with you patrick because the more there is these creeping in interventions into into syria and we know that from from lebanon there are arms going. to syria right now that's been established ok and it's and is this is another mission creep here i mean once this whole process of regime change and that's the ultimate goal right here it's just going to it won't go through the united nations they'll be a coalition of the willing and then western powers and their friends in the church and the chattering league or the arab league as it's officially known will support that the term neo colonialism. you know i will say and i'll pretty pretty directly admit one of the one of the worst parts of course with the united states'
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involvement in iraq was. well there are lots of problems that we could talk about of course but one of the most important problems was that it. for the near future the idea of intervening even when it's appropriate. you know i don't even want to use the term regime change because the sort of baggage that carries along but. i don't think because there was those sorts of strategic ideological concerns of the rock that it needs to be necessarily made that that's what the united states and other countries are talking about now i don't think this i don't think talk about intervention in the syrian context needs to be the same sort of conversation i don't think it necessarily is neo colonialism that we're talking about but having said that i think we can use the the iraq context to bring up a really important point here which is of course one of the big problems with that in the very recent history was fairly poor planning in terms of what happens after the fall of the regime one of my big concerns right now with syria as much as i want to see some kind of involvement i think there's
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a real obsession with the fall of assad how do we bring down our side how do we make this regime fall how do we do this but there's not a whole lot of conversation about what comes after and peter you mentioned the sectarian question earlier i think this is a real concern for for syrian society whether bashar assad's regime comes down because of intervention or if it comes down at all and if it calms down just in terms of the civil war. we do have to be prepared for what's going to come afterward and i don't think the world is discussing that very much what's going to happen when we see it with the very real possibility of sectarian violence erupting between of course the sunni majority the i'm not alone and everybody knows it is a region and i'm going to stay in the. all ok all around me i go to you know what's happening here how is it how is syria evolving and what are the new political
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realities that are possible with safe pair and that equally there is a regime change and as either externally or internally what kind of syria is going to be left behind will it be very much divided will it be partitioned will you see outside powers and i'm thinking of iran i'm thinking of saudi arabia are they going to scramble for some kind of a more influence if this is a real fluid situation. well can i first just work on what. actually said. syria at the beginning of this revolution people were not calling for ranging change they were calling for reform what they got in reply security forces opening fire at civilians detaining them torturing them some to death that's actually what happened is it took about a month and ten days until the the ceiling of demands were raised to what is now the toppling of the assad regime the assad regime has continued to deny that they
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do this these u.n. syrian ambassador to the u.n. claims that they're actually protecting these demonstrations russia itself has called on the syrian regime to refrain from excessive use of force so i mean all parties here agree that the syrian regime is using excessive use of force is killing its own civilians i don't understand why we're talking about. an intervention would then would then effect on syria what that would have after effect that would have if the situation continues the way it continues it's going on now it's going to become much worse and then the likely possibility of an intervention at that stage would be a catastrophe but what we're asking for now is some solution for some sort of protection for the civilians we've seen a failure of that from from the international community we've seen a failure in politics because countries like russia or china are supporting the syrian regime i think russia in particular and we've seen collision of statements between russia and between syria and don't understand why russia continues to support any theory obviously has passed libya it's called libyan respecting tavern
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card you want to jump in there go ahead. yes i do you know rami makes a good point that things are really bad right now there is a lot of violence going on and i want to make it clear i don't think concern for what might happen after the regime should necessarily be a reason to say we're going to wash our hands of the whole affair but what i what i do think needs to happen is a realistic assessment saying ok if the regime falls can it be worse than what's going on right now. and how how can the world be involved at this point don't wait until it's too late to see that it doesn't indeed get worse i think there needs to be a really proper realistic assessment done of how to help the situation after the regime and how to be involved and i'm going to tell you here gentlemen we've run out of time in the can we be very nice if the international community would talk to all syrians and see what they want many thanks to my guest today in washington
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dot com. wolf. click it's technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future. russia says no to regime change in syria and votes against what it calls an unbalanced u.n. resolution to address the dangers posed by insurgents. fueling and to around rhetoric israel accuses the islamic state of targeting its diplomats at the time it police link or group of rainiest explosions in bangkok. and this year is there in the just decide the terms of the next bailout package from battle greece we report on you know three countries trying to avoid the worst off europe's crisis.
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international news and comment twenty four hours a day this is out. the majority of the u.n. general assembly has adopted a non-binding resolution piles more pressure on the syrian president to step down russia was among those who voted against the motion for moscow maintains the conflict should be solved by the syrian people without foreign pressure portnoy has the latest from new york. this is very much a symbolic kind of message on the part of the international stage because you have an overwhelming majority of the u.n. members in the general assembly supporting a resolution that essentially endorses the arab league plan which calls for syrian president bashar al assad to step down it also condemns syrian authorities for violating human rights fundamental right or freedoms and using force against
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civilians it also calls for u.n. secretary general ban ki-moon to appoint an envoy to syria this text resolution condemns syrian authorities now the reason for all countries did not support this resolution is because they argue it's on balance most of those now would put it in order to resolve the syrian crisis. which no one seems to object to the violence must be stopped by all sides and this series solutions can only be found through an inclusive political plan led by the syrians themselves today's arab league draft resolution on the situation in the syrian arab republic does not meet these criteria to a large extent it reflects the worrying trend that causes concern to attempt to isolate the syrian leadership reject contact with it and impose an external formula for a political settlement but. russia has in the past of course offered to facilitate
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a dialogue between a syrian officials and representatives of the opposition groups to host those negotiations in moscow but now where you see the majority of the international community standing behind a plan that calls for president assad to step down the opposition groups will most likely not be running to a negotiation table. when syrian balance is getting worse nearly a year after the first flare up the government troops doing all they can to crush the armed insurgency both sides accuse each other of committing atrocities but the facts are hard to confirm due to heavy restrictions on foreign media activity r.t. correspondent river national has the latest from the conflict torn country. damascus one day to funerals the men in both coffins were killed falling victim to the ongoing crisis in syria but at the hands of different sides i.
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take thirty seven reportedly received five bullets to his chest and his head has become the first religious leader slain in the capital for our side for announcements those who knew him say the mom had tried to stay in the middle of the present crisis but couldn't help condemning the armed and to government forces that he blamed for bloodshed in his country. but i would like to go back a few months ago we then heard people talking with words like freedom and peaceful where is freedom and they simply kill all those against them is this the freedom they wanted. a brutal irony that shaikh said dick himself was gunned down by those whose violence he put himself against. he was killed because he was too late for reform in the end of clashes did it merely want chaos and death is that it was we all this is the message to all islamic leaders the word of truth may cost your life
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would be the you tried to defend your country or stop the violence or stop bloodshed you are not safe if you are saying the truth many people pay the price for truth he was one of them and. martyr for some a traitor for others an internet page of the opposition news network sham is a chilling picture of the hatreds driving conflict in syria. he was killed and his soul was sent to hell this is what he deserves but there is no armed people there is no believe violence as a tool to change the political situation in syria people don't have political issues and on any side it is really a very deep crisis very very assertive and you will see me turn to a demonstration or a protest was that's exactly what happened at these funeral procession.
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the those who gathered to pay tribute to. so did you and then to government protest have not only brought flowers and greet but also political slogans and demands my thing hide my feet her afraid for our children and people and brothers and sisters . assad is killing us security forces were firing at the mosque but people inside didn't do anything wrong. with this is say they approve of course the young boy at the threshold of the mosque where his body fell inside we have in islam. for respect shown with for respect with holy mosques and we believe we have to avoid any kind of violence in mosques but unfortunately with this kind of crimes with this kind of tragedy situation there is no hole in this for any doctor i have
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lost from the islamic studies center says there is a frightening symmetry both believe. war. as a reaction. government nic said that and the opposition said this seemed odd but with the fallen schools and even more violence syria seems to find itself in a vicious circle with little hope of finding their way out. only from. damascus syria. where the syrian insurgency is being aided by foreign powers pursuing their own agendas in the region that's the view of award winning investigative journalists respite that we're seeing a similar pattern to what we saw in libya and that is this the western countries clearly want bashar assad out just as much as they wanted khadafi out and we are seeing this introduction of tremendous amounts of force very skilled sophisticated
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operations like the assassination of the cleric like the assassination of a general the other day in damascus very skilled operatives are bringing this battle right home to assad and that is not in some kind of a traditional peaceful uprising that's not to say that there are not a large number of people in syria who would like to get rid of assad but i think that that sentiment of part of the population is being dramatically helped along by outside forces. well still ahead for you this year after the uprising against gadhafi ongoing violence and claims of torture libya cost a dark shadow on the country's under various two celebrations. and the foreign media has a new darling of the russian the longer an anti corruption activist home for his more radical and aggressive b. . time police are searching for two more suspects linked to
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a failed terror plot targeting two israeli diplomats in bangkok to rain ians have already been detained over explosions in thailand tehran already under enormous international pressure of its nuclear program denies accusations it was behind the attack when you go to school reports. it was like the battle drones are growing louder and louder with israel continuing to this really harsh rhetoric towards iran accusing them essentially of terrorizing the entire world community there was a harsh statement from tel aviv which called to impose paralyzing sanctions on tehran all this while iran has just made it clear that they are indeed ready to sit down for talks to continue talks on its nuclear program but the prime minister of israel has made a statement saying that iranian aggression should be stopped so there of course that brings forth many theories that the military confrontation with iran is imminent and nowhere are these fears more prominent than in israel according to the latest polls less than fifty percent of the israelis support the idea of going to
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war with iran most of them believe that israel has enough problems of its own already already existing and they don't really need another confrontation with iran there is of course the issue of palestine which never really completely goes off the table then there is the rather strained relations with lebanon which some fear may escalate into a renewed conflict and the latest of those concerns of course is the issue of egypt where the muslim brotherhood said that they might reconsider a peace accord which they do have with israel in response to u.s. pressure in regards to the scandal so a lot of people in israel primarily are thinking that perhaps israel should stop the rhetoric it does carry on right now and focus on its internal problems and the problems on its borders rather than really push forth with aggressive rhetoric towards iran. but of course we're closely following developments surrounding iran
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now online you can log on to r.t. dot com to get all the latest. american stance on iran is hardly strong u.s. kind of just concluding there's little chance the islamic state will start any military action against the country. and the aftermath of an inferno that took the lives of three hundred fifty inmates and viewers these questions are reactions of prison guards reportedly deaf people walked up to down. and that's an argument you trying. to use today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations rule the day. russia saying about me has been heaped in global praise for his anti corruption
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campaigning being compared by some to wiki leaks during the summit but if abroad he's seen as a harsh critic of the putin back home he's just as well known for his radical nationalist views parties and he sonali reports. he's the anti corruption crusader making waves in and outside of russia for his push for transparency and exposing a multi-billion dollar holes in state projects for political phenomenon blow good opposition dolling alexei devalued the often gets glossy coverage and is rarely asked tough questions by international media whether comparing the value need to julian assange or calling him one of the most influential new political figures he's hardly challenge to prominently praised and very present at the used a slope and corruption that is the very basis of the political system which would inform go he's not of course when speaking at rallies which has been after their
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biggest numbers in decades because it's got. him. these are good guys those that got me to preview the disaster and the really don't because it's just my mind his popularity in major cities and on the web soars in comparison with the rest of russia is good when you've got your foreign media coverage won't make him any more popular they keep writing about live on the but his recognition race in russia is only some three percent many russians who do no know what our names do for his sometimes shocking nationalism. what if it was the words that dressed up as a dentist here he compares migrant workers to rotten teeth that need pulling out the i remember all that but that would be what i see and hear non russian intruders to congress which is smiling you'll need more than
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a permit to kill them. with i'm still going to commit this but inside russia you find much more criticism of the blogger and his questionable connections to radicalism then abroad where it's usually buried barely mentioned or brushed. off as a larger russian problem we tried calling contacting and finally caught up with not guard me but to no avail i didn't see it but i know. that the bottom of the body is not what you know it's not. actually seconds later he did find time to tell russia's rian news agency he's ignored by much of the russian press because that's what. you're going to be a political operative of the system at work he is not the only seemingly more ready just begun ironically to man russian channels about this country's corruption
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problems and criticised the want to put forward real solutions rather than how to make sure russia is for russians and he said now r.t. moscow. while still to come this hour getting back on track find out how some european countries are back on the road to recovery thanks to keep you away from the single currency ok to you as our business desk has more on one of the unlucky ones yeah that's right it's now paul goal that's in the spotlight as officials are in lisbon to decide if the country qualifies for the next tranche of cash which according to sachs isn't nearly enough and why i'll be in the studio at about ten minutes time. libya is marking the first anniversary of the start of its nato backed up rising which brought down colonel moammar gadhafi and led to a brutal civil war the national transitional council which took charge is still struggling to control the country but i must international this if you use the
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m.t.c. of failing to take to the right thousands of the guy who support this tortured inside libya former rebels are locked in a power struggle civilians remain and the economy is coming independent journalist losing faith in who covered the events in their view during the uprising says the outcome was predictable. there is actually no government in libya at the moment the n c c is nothing more than a media show there are hundreds of militias that control different parts of the country and this one of gadhafi and the former libyan government always warned that this would happen so we are we are seeing that anybody who doesn't agree with this state of affairs by the western backed rebels is systematically prosecuted as you mentioned unless the have have done a report showing that there is a systematic prosecution of people who support about the not least the former permanent representative of the united nations but that was their daughter who
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human rights watch did a report on it basically say that he's been tortured to within an inch of his life and they called for him to even be brought before a court or released immediately so very important other figures to ask me to bring him right there philosophers and just because they don't support the nato backed intervention in their country they have also been tortured to this day are being detained we actually don't know their status. but we're always interested in your opinion and today we're asking what has revolution made of libya we're going to r.t. dot com to participate on day to global web poll so you can look at the numbers as they stand. so far close to half of you believe the viewers now carol this was almost a furphy revolution has ruined a country torn apart by more sixteen percent so it's no hotbed to fall into the midst of radicals just a few views. from the path to democracy where you have yourself.
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