tv [untitled] February 17, 2012 5:18am-5:48am EST
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cosey will hold a summit in paris to talk about what more can be done to aid the free syrian army they'll also sign a major deal which would see the two nations work more closely and civil nuclear technology. armed gunmen from the radical islamists boko haram have stormed a nigerian prison freeing one hundred nine hundred inmates one guard was killed in the ensuing gunfight after the group blasted through the prison gate using explosives that already as have recaptured around twenty five of the state prisoners the sect has been blamed for killing almost three hundred people this year alone as it fights to establish sharia law in nigeria. leaders from afghanistan pakistan and iran are meeting in islamabad to find a way to end the decade long war with the taliban afghan president hamid karzai is seeking pakistan's help in organizing talks with the group the nato secretary general said he didn't know if negotiations with the taliban were possible but valid to continue putting pressure on the group made
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a one big us are racing to train three hundred fifty thousand police and soldiers able to take over after troops withdraw from afghanistan in two thousand and fourteen. german president wolf has resigned the opposition demanded he step down over accusations he accepted illicit favors while serving as governor of lower saxony including a large private home loan from a friend's wife on thursday prosecutors asked parliament to lift the president's immunity from prosecution over the loan scandal wolf has denied any wrongdoing. greece has more or less accepted a demand from euro zone leaders who want greater oversight of the nation's finances before they hand over the next one hundred thirty billion euros of bailout cash the looming threat of debt repayments is pushing the government into even deeper cuts leading to more public protests athens is trying to find a way to trim spending by another three hundred million euros made reports that
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some fellow eurozone leaders are doubtful that greece can meet its obligations it's a situation that's left some european countries more than a little glad they decided to stay out of the single currency that's as tom barton found out. a days shift nearly forty three year old team leader jimmy carlson lorries keep rolling off the production lines here its county is main works but one dose weeds know there's a crisis on there and we don't know because it's so much hard up in profit making cars in fact scam you was hit by the eurozone crisis when economic trouble loomed many laurie orders were cancelled the black headlines came we have a crisis in the euro the euro is. maybe going down and so on and then our customers get very hesitant but the lorry maker like sweden overall recovered fast from the
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initial downturn and has so far managed to dog much of the pain felt further south in two thousand and three swedes shocked other e.u. members by voting against joining the euro it was just one factor which now sees the country with one of the world's lowest government debts and one of the healthiest looking economies in europe we have pathetically changed our problems with the fiscal side so we don't have all this debt problems and budgetary problems that many other countries have but big debates lie ahead for the rest of the u.s. still by far sweden's largest. reading partner here as elsewhere everyone is watching the embattled euro as a guide to their vote in a possible future referendum some put it simply mike economist rolf england who campaigned against the euro back in two thousand and three i think the euro will collapse before sweden will join the whereas around eighty percent of swedes say
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they're glad they're not in the euro the figure is reversed for their politicians most europhiles argue this crisis isn't the euro's fault it's about debt if you compare sweden which has been outside of the euro for just over ten years and fiddler which has been a member of the for the same period we have wall most identical we can all be developments both politicians and people here seem to think that there will be another referendum on joining the euro sooner or later but what their choice will be assuming there's still a euro left choose is anyone's guess. this is a swedish kronor coin it's become a symbol of that momentous no vote of swedish prosperity versus the chaos of the euro but sweden can't ignore that its economic and political fate is tied inextricably to europe and also predicting the future of the krona well political
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in. tom barton r.t. more billionaires live in moscow any other city in the world so it's no wonder then that the entertainment real estate and long story goods market is geared up for major spenders in the russian capital as week our moscow team takes a look at the lifestyle of the mega rich here's a preview. what i can honestly say that this is the largest suite i've seen in my entire life but alone here in russia about four hundred ninety square meters this monster of a room costs just under half a million vehicles and nights before taxes roughly around sixteen thousand dollars whether we're talking about world a list celebrities or simply the filthy rich i think any multi-millionaire would enjoy staying here.
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and the latest edition of moscow this coming up right here on our t.v. after the latest business news with katie. thank you cam welcome back to the show this hour officials are in lisbon to check if portugal deserves the next fifteen billion euro transfer it's bad out but bankers at goldman sachs that leads up to fifty billion to sit through the next few years as a situation that deteriorates down you bush or looks at the problems facing the next year as an states in the firing line. the room for the seventy percent. single currency indicate the returns. to its own employment is at record highs moody's downgraded the country's rating to junk status and this recession is
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getting worse g.d.p. slow two point seven percent in the last three months of twenty live in. the euro zone of fear of contagion. greece's default has already happened for investors and we should be worrying about the real elephant in the room portugal. let's take a look at the markets and i always start with the current here is trading at. the very ball on hopes greece it was still a long way to the next weight on the reverse hard against u.s. currency supported by stronger crude oil max oil is trading near the highest level in six weeks because of encouraging signs from the u.s. the biggest consumer of crude of course for jobless claims the lowest level since two thousand and eight light sweet is out there we are like it's moving on in europe markets are higher with investors inspired by the upbeat data from the u.s. and investors seems the optimistic agree situation but remain cautious the first
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three point four percent on the darkness point nine percent just under some barrel . on the russian market see how it's a mixed picture shouldn't they be r.t.s. this point some sent up to my sex just recently slipped into the red raising some negative i will see how the individual doing on the my sex energy stocks are on the rise supported by stronger cred with. percent. black that was well not quite just point one and financials also. point six percent of racing by economist magazine schools as the world's second best story in terms of return on investment over the past decade and calm is a game eleven point four percent. russian business is being hit by western sanctions against iran over its nuclear program the gulf state takes
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approximately fifteen percent of russians did exports trade across the caspian sea is being severely impacted because of restrictions imposed by us banks that's got every now from industry research group plus explains what's going wrong any bank that is tied in with the u.s. banking system. cannot cannot take part in trade it cannot open letters of credit it can we all know lots of credit theoretically it can be done through russian or ukrainian banks in fact in the end of december the iranian and russian trade and boris have met there has been talks about priscilla tating an easing of the system for russian banks to accept iranian lots of credits the fact is it doesn't seem to be working at the moment traders producers are telling us that three hundred thousand tonnes on a normal month zero terms at the moment. here's
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a warning to the super rich if you're planning to buy a mega yacht in russia do it now the finance ministry says it's working out a way to impose a new luxury tax and next year softer prime minister putin said he wanted to tax conspicuous consumption consumption as the price paid for not investing in the development of a country russian tycoon is a well know of the love of expensive boats but the new jersey will also apply to things such as coast and housing. doesn't really affect me to be a master of it back right here fifty five minutes with more business news here and i'll say headlines are up next.
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half past the hour here in moscow thanks for being with us here's a quick recap of your headlines russia says no to regime change in syria and votes against what it calls an unbalanced u.n. resolution that fails to address the dangers posed by armed insurgents government forces are reportedly stepping up their assault on rebel fighters across syria. fueling and tyrone rhetoric israel accuses the islamic state of targeting is its diplomats after thai police a link
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a group of iranians to explosions in bangkok it follows similar attacks in india and georgia earlier this week but from fiercely denies any involvement. euro zone leaders are deciding of the terms of the next bailout package for embattled greece as the deadline for its debt repayments looms closer the economic crisis has engulfed much of europe but countries outside the single currency like sweden are managing to avoid the worst of it. up next the latest edition of moscow out as we take you into the world of endless money parties and luxury. absolutely delicious hello and welcome to moscow out here on this week's program we'll be taking a look at the spectacular selection of new restaurants that have opened up in the
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rest of the color is seen as the rocking here in moscow at the moment. and also the chef style here in the city well. sorry. hi i'm kind of. what tonight. yeah i can help you out i'm kind of ok yes. but i'll do it. by. what you know it's great to have friends all around the world but as for the high end dramatic. sometimes millionaires too much. so my friend will be arriving later tonight and true to the millionaire lifestyle they will expect the best of the best glittering nightclubs designer clothes shops twenty hotels and glorious restaurants. just a five star experience very very well. but it's not just
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about the russian rich many cultural corners of moscow attracts foreign investors as well as the locally loaded who want to spend spend spend one subject that's attracting attention more than ever before is. the gallery was founded by marina in january two thousand and eleven take a look at the weird and wonderful items on display famous oil gas and media moguls spend hundreds of millions each. business in russia to develop people who are doing a lot of money they want. or kind of things like contemporary art market because it's acquired investment now because there are no faith in the art market. as well it's a good thing for you can join the pieces here by the strategy of the gallery is to exhibit new names from western europe. however controversial.
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the art scene is booming here in the russian capital with dozens of galleries opening up every year and contemporary art especially being explored and developed more than ever before with new and easier laws on taking pieces out of the country this allows various collectors russian or international to take full advantage of the. industry such a creative process. my friend is going to love. every year to the millionaire. retail market. on the outskirts of the capital over two hundred companies set up display stands. in everything from. phones to the latest overpriced imported sports cars and there's no shortage of. cheap bargains. on the cards. luckily
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there's no need to be a millionaire to take a peek at the exclusive goods. because anyone can gain admission. with its towering skyscrapers is the epitome of economic expansion in the largest country on our planet on top of the moscow federation tower is the tallest bar and restaurant in new york. and to discuss the world of millionaires. and those with extravagant appetites let's meet this week's guests. so tell me. yes absolutely true. because of the new. and new mentality of. ok. it's it's quite interesting. how you work for the famous company.
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and english club which appeared in the markets more than six years ago we have a lot of individual and corporate clients basically. as a concierge what's the strangest request that you've. was the request to be invited officially invited by prince charles or by prince william to the vetting of the well the wedding of the area but the request was not just standing nearby in the georgia nearby the quest was first lutetia for this client and to be among this three hundred guests on this waiting tables. so you can feel that you're. at this moment. because originally we can of course now also you know.
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also americans and other people who are members of. the russian capital as we have . this many people. because of. business. different. but they ask us to help. organize everything so next time i need a private. person to call. location. location oh my god. really think the russian capital is saturated with five star hotels and the right but still you can hear every year. on the local cream of the crop. with the opening of the hotel in one hundred seventy three. luxury hotel group. of the
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asian hotel features three hundred elegant streams and to top notch. you can enjoy the warmth of. the real suite here. and the complex elegance in every way i think my guests will be quite happy with this really what i can only say that this is the largest suite i've seen in my entire life but alone here in russia four hundred square meters this month. and a half a million rubles per night before tax that's roughly around sixteen thousand dollars whether we're talking about. simply filthy rich i think any multi-millionaire. but enjoy staying here. very nice and regarding those with the cast of the russian capital would be complete without taking a stroll down the beautiful. collection of designer clothes shops has to offer
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although i one problem no priced my multi millionaire mates no problem. the legendary. among me on the officially represented in russia by the store named world club is one of the most expensive shopping areas in moscow the store caters for the upper market and the marriott hotel guests but it sits alongside of. florence. i think politicians business people bankers the first of all the. there is a very educated. white notion of this what i love it i respect. in london eight hundred eighty five turnbull and enjoys a one hundred twenty three year heritage as a gentleman should make. the clothes are designed and created in england using the
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best techniques the highest quality material and stitching an ideal shopping destination for my arriving guest. chairman to the airport is one of the main hubs for private jets in moscow. we are now in moscow's newest and most modern business innovation terminal for executive travellers we offer a premium class service that can satisfy our client's demands and their privacy while they're out the airport is one of our priorities. as my wealthy friend finally arrives it's clear whether student or millionaire this is a kind of calm a date and requests business jets and first class travel is a massively growing industry here in a climate that's all about money money money that's what distinguishes russia's rapidly expanding millionaire class from foreign millionaire as i think the answer is simple they spend goal and love to show that wealth. for the oligarch
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class russia is a land of opportunity and today's teacher six skyscrapers love a shopping mall chic restaurants and innumerable boutiques cars much part of moscow cityscape as the dazzling red square. part of town in every meaning of the words and misunderstood moscow and its retail divorce rate glitzy living and high end restaurants has shows no sign of slowing down but one thing is for sure bikes traffic and friends will certainly not be disappointed so. shopping hotels like comes restaurant spas check check check check check there we go anybody can be a millionaire here in the us to cancel it says the billionaire as we have to watch out for but fortunately that's the time we have less in this week's program i'll see you again at the same time next week until then for now clearly.
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culture is that so much going on there is a huge musician minute mark with syria and the smile of violence why does the west refuse to describe events being played out in syria's civil war why is there such me. up. but. it's all designed to keep you close in your. world as a prisoner. you know you leave somebody in there for a couple hours like that in the stress positions. you have this fear of the unknown
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in this stress sort of building and. i've seen interrogations go on ten twelve hours they chose songs i remember from marilyn manson. slayer the two songs would be angel of death and raining blood to kill the enemy going through war coming up here into iraq coming to the baghdad. johnny pool the bodies to the floor with just a rock'n'roll band it was fitting for the job we were doing. russia
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says no to regime change in syria and votes against what it calls an unbalanced un resolution that fails to address the dangers posed by armed insurgents government forces are reportedly stepping up their assault on rebel fighters across syria. fueling on tyrone rhetoric israel accuses the islamic state of targeting its diplomats after thai police a link a group of iranians two explosions in bangkok it follows a similar attacks in india and georgia earlier this week but to run fiercely denies any involvement. eurozone leaders are deciding the terms of the next bailout
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package for a battle to greece as the deadline for its debt repayments looms closer the economic crisis has engulfed much of europe but countries outside the single currency like sweden are managing to avoid the worst of it. taitz here with the latest action from the world of sports. hello welcome to the sports headlines. full steam ahead locomotive come from behind to beat our classic go back to want to moscow to win the first leg of the rope in the last thirty two time. while joint owners manchester united and city both enjoy away winners as they get their europa league campaign on the world. and he's got the drive for we know one is only russian the goalie but rather finds a seat for his third season in the sport with a team catering. let's start with
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a vocal bone philippe chi sado scored the second half when i was looking for back to beat us let it go to one in moscow to win the first leg of their last thirty two tie in the regularly well the home side fell behind after thirty five minutes that you can win and watch just a few series man found an equaliser on the out in the penalty kind side i was struck there were not ten minutes later while in other results that you know i go where i scored the eighty fourth minute were not as english premier league leaders manchester city one to one at defending champions porto while second half goals were actually young and i've yet to nanda is manchester united eight two no first like when i axed a result which pleased managers or alex ferguson more than the performance. but here we cannot be certain now. because we did the roof. so you have proved to be some good opportunities. and i think we're.
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