tv [untitled] February 17, 2012 1:48pm-2:18pm EST
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strategic and gage meant group a nonprofit whose sole profit is to educate local state and federal agencies about the threat of the unified islamic movement here in the united states and right here i would show you video from the training session which was a free seminar for the community but this is actually what happened when a local news crew try to film it. we don't want to hear a rumor that you know. the way that we use our. troy. now the man in that video is one dollar himself and although he would let the news crew in he was nice enough to let the reporter state observe and according to her topics included hamas was plan to destroy western civilization from within at islamic centers as potential military compounds the second part is particularly interesting given that this training was happening in murfreesboro tennessee some of you might remember the controversy that erupted in murfreesboro a couple years ago over the building of an islamic mosque. from the outset plans to
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build this new mosque have been slow roche asli contested for reasons like traffic congestion zoning liabilities even suggestions that islam is a political movement disguised as religion. it's what we have here is a community that a history of islamophobia and hate crimes related to the building of that mosque and so what does local law enforcement do they bring in somebody who makes terrifying generalizations about the entire religion so rather for a county sheriff robert arnold trying to defend the seminar saying that the officers were just trying to learn about muslims in islamic culture and they were trying to offend anybody arnold then went on to say that this is kind of like c p r it took twenty years to perfect c.p.r. and we first started doing it we weren't doing it correctly well guess what sheriff arnold i've got news for you were reports came out of the way that c.p.r. is being taught wasn't the best way people changed the way they taught it and shared arnold or anyone else in the rather for a county police department had taken
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a little time to do some research they would have found out the back in two thousand and ten in columbus ohio one dollar training session turned ugly when he accused a local man of having ties to the muslim brotherhood so yeah sounds like my idea of somebody who is just trying to inform people and not offend and it should be noted that just this week an inquiry into the f.b.i. training on counterterrorism has led to them purging hundreds of documents or about three hundred presentations given since nine eleven because they were importation they use stereotypes about arabs or muslims or they had factual errors and the f.b.i. seems to be working to clean up their act of training sessions like the one in tennessee this week are allowed to continue. all of our foreign policy all of our state and local level decisions all law enforcement actions will be completely based on a fiction. yes john a fiction but unlike you i don't think of the muslim brotherhood is behind this scary story i think that it's you and so are having its officers attend a training session with jod the brother for a county police department is tonight told time went.
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hi guys time for happy hour and joining me this evening are two producer jenny churchill and comedian bryan perry thanks for joining me guys i see your name right ok well you're not. close enough to. her you see yet reach the ok. let's talk goats goats go sometimes do funny things some of them just just faint all that take like this. are you. know because they never lose consciousness when they keel over. or start a genetic cause muscles. know you are. on their feet. turns out that's not the only funny thing about goats resarch or as
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a fad that they actually develop their own speaking voice when they move away from their family and from their siblings and so goeth accents change as they grow older and go from one place to another to go to have access can you imagine when to go that sounds like can you give me an impression no i think i'm going to do i think i'm going to out of that when i do your best go. i do have to say that i'm a little upset that i've been wasting all this effort on cat as the biggest threat to humans when clearly it's goats if they have the intelligence to change their other this is a suspicious study because this is a british study saying that if you let a bunch of goats go off on their own they develop their own accent. it's kind of just like a way for british people to compare goats to americans i mean if you think about it it's just them saying i'll give you studies have shown if you let a bunch of stupid animals off on their own they'll start to develop a funny accent you know i think that you actually think they're you know without.
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talking about seventy who is just a. lot of words but i will say that take a listen to eric bolling today when he was speaking to maxine waters or about the congresswoman you saw what happened to whitney houston stepped away from the crack pipe stowing away from. going to get in trouble. how would she explain those cuts. and that was in reference to her strong rhetoric against the banks and then afterwards he didn't apologize he just said i was joking yeah only fox news could take something that they claim is controversial and. and have their coverage be that fully more controversial it should be even be honestly if fox news anchor says something racist is news at this point should be just we should just this new should have you know way they say something when they just listen to her and then responded to her with like whatever she was talking about
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that that part could have to go by the media for ever everyone to see but it's just . third ok this is kind of depressing i have to say about the u.s. but first before we get into the study of what exactly are fields there are benefits to alcohol we just learned this recently. if you want to boost your creativity you might want to grab a drink a new study suggests having an alcoholic beverage or two can help inspire you researchers found social drinkers they studied completed a problem solving task better than sober people seems those who are less afraid of making mistakes and they simply go for it. totally makes right really fast before you have to say something about that clip bothers me i thought most young people spent all their time like looking for their friend steve so they don't seem to have the best problem solving skills but i'm wondering what the problem they had people solved was yeah i think it depends on the problem because there's an old. one or
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two drinks. have some confidence. and then like once you've passed a certain threshold that you just start your battles but the reason for this is because there was a study done basically that found out that the us doesn't even break into the top twenty when it comes to consumption of beer wine or spirits which personally i like mine find a little i find it a little shocking disappointing i think it's a little disappointing but then you kind of have to get. pissed because the reason this was even done is that. the university of cambridge is doing this because you say that alcohol kills more than two point five million people annually and so they want the world health organization to regulate alcohol on a global level. how do they do that on a global level how do you do anything on a global level here that's low on the bottom of the list of things i think it would
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be i think they're going to get to that right after they regulate the internet on a global level that maybe you saw it because it was already. you should solve first before you just want to take people's booze away did you know it was true we lost to like swaziland i have to say i'm really intrigued to go to some of these places just to see i mean if you've been out on a saturday in adams morgan in d.c. you know that there are lots of junk people running around so what are these countries that there are more drunks right now where are the sober people in america right now this one i'm really curious about what it. was on the list you took you to on church you know i don't know i know i did my saw the russian federation on there or something on the list or you know what that means but that's . ok all right let's to our last one here you know we're still really torn up about whitney houston's passing here on the show nancy grace tried to claim somebody shoved her head under water and now the westboro baptist have to ruin
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things too and so they put out a little song take a listen. oh me. they're going to protest whitney houston's funeral for her sorcery. things magic words well i have to say i read about sorcery and magic but i do have to say i watched at least one episode of her reality show and she certainly seemed possessed so that could be what they're referring to and probably know why they're protesting it seems weird to me that you protest a funeral because in marriage demented minds she's like died and gone to hell so a vision be they process one approach and i'm sure they're happy usually having relegated right everyone forgot about it remotely them any relevance i guess got to wrap it up thanks so much for joining us tonight as every night show thanks for
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. the syrian regime under siege from the un is the general assembly adopt a non-binding resolution but moscow votes no saying opposition violence should be condemned as well. greece's next bailout could be creeping closer despite the use ever mounting demands while some the euro free countries are proving to be the real winners. and a look at why one of premier putin's harshest critics blogger alexina valmiki is being showered with praise by the foreign press despite some of his controversial views.
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eleven pm in moscow good to have you with us here on r.t. our top story the u.n. general assembly has adopted a non-binding resolution turning up the heat on syrian president assad to step down russia among twelve states who voted against saying the draft fails to address the armed opposition in the country moscow maintains the conflict should be solved by the syrian people without foreign pressure or tease marina portnoy has more from new york. this is very much a symbolic kind of message on the part of the international stage because you have an overwhelming majority of the u.n. members in the general assembly supporting a resolution that essentially endorses the arab league plan which calls for syrian president bashar al assad to step down it also condemns syrian authorities for violating human rights fundamental right or freedoms and using force against
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civilians it also calls for u.n. secretary general ban ki-moon to appoint an envoy to syria this text resolution condemns syrian authorities now the reason for all countries did not support this resolution is because they argue it's on balance most of those would because you know order to resolve the syrian crisis there's a need to uphold principle which no one seems to object to the violence must be stopped by all sides in this series solutions can only be found through an inclusive political led by the syrians themselves today's arab league draft resolution on the situation in the syrian arab republic does not meet these criteria. to a large extent it reflects the worrying trend that causes concern to attempt to isolate the syrian leadership reject contact with it and impose an external formula for a political settlement but. russia has in the past of course offered to facilitate
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a dialogue between the syrian officials and representatives of the opposition groups to host those negotiations in moscow but now where you see the majority of the international community standing behind a plan that calls for president assad to step down the opposition groups will most likely not be running to a negotiation table. there are reports of ongoing violence in syria both sides of the conflict accuse each other of committing atrocities activists say syrian troops are intensively shelling rebel held neighborhoods while the government insists it's fighting an armed insurgency artie's worry if an ocean or reports from the syrian capital. damascus one day two funerals the men in both coffins were killed falling victim to the ongoing crisis in syria but at the hands of different sites was. said dick that he's seventy pointedly received
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five bullets to his chest and his head has become the first for the just litter slain in the capital for announcements those who knew him say the mom had tried to stay in the middle of the present crisis but couldn't help condemning the armed and to government forces that he blamed for bloodshed in his country. but i would like to go back a few months ago we had people saying words like freedom and peaceful where is the freedom if they simply killed those against them is this the freedom they wanted. a brutal irony that shaikh said dick himself was gunned down by those whose filas he put himself against. them until he was killed because he was calling for reform and the end of clashes did he want chaos and. this is what you know this is the message to all islamic leaders the word of truth may cost your life would be the you tried to defend your country or stop the violence or stop bloodshed you are not safe if
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you are saying the truth many people paid the price for truth he was one of them and. malta for some a traitor for others an internet page of the opposition news network sham is a chilling picture of the hatreds driving conflict in syria. he was killed and his soul was sent to hell this is what he deserves then people don't have political issues. and he saw it it is really a very deep crisis very very very little you will see me turn to a demonstration or protest god that's exactly what happened at these funeral procession. with those who gathered to pay tribute to. do an anti-government protest have not only brought flowers and greet but also political slogans and to my mind think we are afraid for our children and people and brothers
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and sisters. witnesses say the prove it to court the young boy at the threshold of the mosque and his body fell insight we have in islam. full respect chin with for respect with holy mosques and we believe we have to avoid any kind of violence in mosques but unfortunately with this kind of crimes with this kind of that i-g. the situation there is no hole in this for any you know i was with fallen schools and even more violence series seems to find itself in a vicious circle with little hope of finding a way out of my life notion r.t. damascus syria. a top u.s. intelligence official has admitted al qaeda is working alongside syria's armed opposition as washing considers extending support to the rebels activist omar what car from a syrian pro-government group thinks the u.s. could now be realizing that it may be teaming up with terrorists. i never thought
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that the americans would want to publicly admit that our is actually operating in syria what we know for sure is that. your involvement had started repeated by amazon while hearing the head of al qaeda back in july calling for jihad in syria and nobody actually took notice that when the first suicide bombings in damascus took place there were less than twenty four hours before that huge explosions led by iraq they carry the same fingerprint now the american position is very interesting it just says that hang on a minute this is a an enemy that we want to fight and suddenly they're operating in the same theater that we're trying to overthrow this government and perhaps it may signify that the americans are trying to understand what the syrian president had said previously or there might be tens of landslides in the in the region if they keep pressuring the syrian government i would say let the syrians sort this thing ourselves and do not
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interfere with us the more you interfere with us the longer this takes on and the more bloodshed we will be seeing. well international pressure on syria grows it's over for a libya as the country marks a year since the baltic ends they could be regime celebrations are tainted by ongoing gunfire in the streets and allegations of torture. plus harsh rhetoric from the israeli government toward iran fails to convince many in israel that terrine is indeed the main threat. but first greece edges closer with second ballot as the german chancellor said to be optimistic that the deal could be reached next week. the leaders of italy and greece held a conference call ahead of monday's eurozone summit and greek officials have already signed off on creditors earlier conditions including major budget and job cuts the move saw violent protests on the athens streets but eurozone leaders are demanding greater supervision of athens finances doubting drastic measures can be
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implemented if greece doesn't get one hundred thirty billion euro rescue package it'll go bust in march when the next payments are due on its debt looking at greece is downward spiral some e.u. countries are glad that they've decided to stay away from the euro as artie's tom barton reports. a day's shift nearly over for forty three year old team leader jimmy carlson lorries keep rolling off the production lines here at scan years main works but one dosed weeds know there's a crisis on their way to with on top of it so much but i heard up in profit making health cards in fact scam who was hit by the eurozone crisis when economic trouble loomed many laurie orders were cancelled the black headlines came we have a crisis in the euro of the euro with maybe going down and so on and then our customers get very hesitant but the lorry maker like sweden overall recovered fast
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from the initial downturn and has so far managed to dogs much of the pain felt further south in two thousand and three swedes shocked other review members by voting against joining the euro it was just one factor which now sees the country with one of the world's lowest government debts and one of the healthiest looking economies in europe we have most with pathetically changed our problems with the fiscal side so we don't have all those debt problems and budgetary problems that many other countries have but big debates lie ahead the rest of the u.s. still by far sweden's largest trading partner here as elsewhere everyone is watching the embattled euro as a guide to their vote in a possible future referendum some put it simply mike economist wolf england who campaigned against the euro back in two thousand and three i think the euro will collapse before sweden will join the whereas around eighty percent of swedes say
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they're glad they're not in the euro the figure is reversed for their politicians most europhiles argue this crisis isn't the euro's fault it's about debt if you compare sweden which has been outside of the euro for just over ten years and fiddler which has been a member of the for the same period we have wall identical we can all read developments. both politicians and people here seem to think that there will be another referendum on joining the euro sooner or later but what their choice will be assuming there's still a euro left choose is anyone's guess this is a swedish kronor coin it's become a symbol of that momentous no vote of swedish prosperity versus the chaos of the euro but sweden can't ignore that its economic and political fate is tied inextricably to europe and as for predicting the future of the krona well political
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in tom barton r.t. . as the russian presidential election draws closer the media hype around it grows a louder opposition blogger alexina valmy a harsh critic of lattimer putin has emerged as a darling of the foreign press and of all me is praised for his anti-corruption campaigning but it's his radical views and some nationalist comments that have gotten glossed over abroad as artie's and he said now way reports. he's the anti corruption crusader making waves in and outside of russia he's pushed for transparency and exposing multi-billion dollar homes in state projects into a political phenomenon blow good opposition dolling alexei devalued the often gets glossy coverage and is rarely asked tough questions by international media whether comparing the vile need to julian a son or calling him one of the most influential new political figures he's hardly
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challenge to prominently praised and very present at the used introduction that is the very basis of the political system we should work in phone go for he's not just point when speaking at rallies which has been after their biggest numbers in tech gates because it's got tell. him. these are the good guys don't stick out he's a couldn't see those guys get him to believe don't because it's just a number and he's popularity in major cities and on the web soars in comparison with the rest of russia it's going to be foreign media coverage won't make him any more popular they keep writing about move on they but his recognition race in russia is only some three percent many russians who do no know who are named due for his sometimes shocking nationalism. what if it was the words that dressed up as a dentist here he compares migrant workers to rotten teeth that need pulling out
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the i remember i was with that was to be what i see and hear non-drug. when intruders cockroaches smiling you'll need more than a term to kill them. with i'm still going to commit to spending inside russia you find much more criticism of the blogger and his questionable connections to radicalism than abroad where it's usually buried barely mentioned or brushed off as a larger russian problem we tried calling contacting and finally caught up with not vied me but to no avail i didn't see it but i know that it was with that as the reason it was not what. was. the best and that's at the moment because i do you. know what you know it's not that no absolutely seconds later he did find time to tell russia's read a news agency he's ignored by much of the russian press selling that book and
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that's what you really need to go to meet up with the flow of the delivery system and what you see is up over the seemingly more gradations bacon ironically to non russian channels alex countries corruption problems and criticize munches most are going to put forward was really the solution example rather than make sure it was use for russians and he said now r t moscow. get updates around the clock on everything we're covering a click away at our t dot com here's what's on our website for you right now yes. high level documents detailing president obama's movements and whereabouts at a french restaurant and read what was in the top secret files on our website lots. of electroshock revenues to incapacitate criminals has killed hundreds of people over the last ten years in the u.s. alone find out more about the controversial use of the detainees or at our t.v. dot com. twenty years since the uprisings that brought down the regime of moammar
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gadhafi in libya but with some former rebels armed to the teeth still largely in power in the country the future. there is in the balance human rights groups say libyan militias are running wild in the interim government is either unable or unwilling to rein them in there's also evidence of the torture and abuse of the supporters amnesty international has warned the armed groups pose a serious threat to democracy in libya let's get some insight on this from jim brann of the stop the war coalition joining us from london so the u.s. has congratulated libya on the first anniversary of the uprisings but with these reports that torture and abuse are still in place there do you think this is the right path for democracy you know if you listen to what the chair of the national transitional council that was the body that was particularly backed by night during the summer so boming what he said in. almost as a new message. he said libya faced the prospect of violent
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suppression of the militias as he said civil war and break up so the present and the prospects i think that has to be center stage if you're looking at the first anniversary the militia are almost in control of every aspect of libyan life do you think this is just a matter of switching from one dictatorship to another. i suppose in many ways it's different but you can hear a lot of a lot of libyans saying well we didn't get rid of gadhafi you know that this voice comes across despite the the hype of the celebration. now there are deep tribal divisions within libya and whatever kind of leader colonel gadhafi was the arguments on both sides he did manage to maintain control in the country as is typical of many strong.
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