tv [untitled] February 18, 2012 1:18am-1:48am EST
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in the supposed national police force and just by the very limited newspaper reports you can see that very very few people have joined you have this creation of a federation of the western militias a few days ago one hundred militias in the western libya and that really does step on the road to the breakup of the at least two part question if not more american afghan officials are in secret peace talks with the taliban according to president hamid karzai the afghan leader described as a breakthrough in attempts to an the war and its dragged on for more than ten years but argues military contributor says karzai continues to avoid the real issue is standing between afghanistan and prosperity. interview to a wall street journal was the most important public relations event for the president of afghanistan it was rather strange when mr karzai during this interview quoted unwittingly the former soviet president. referring
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to afghanistan as the leading room in full display. correctness mr karzai was carefully spared from answering two most important challenges facing afghanistan right now that is there rampant corruption that is suffocating the country and the aggression. leading factors there precipitated the implosion of ghana's stand from within. healthy shoppers are saying they're buying organic third from russia supermarket shelves may need to think again buyers are often told by grocery stores labeling processed foods as all natural but farmers are making a change for the better paving the way for russia to get
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a provider organic food for the rest of the world reports. the feast for the eyes but not necessarily for your stomach and many would be shocked to find out what exactly makes its way onto our plates. if any people knew what their sausage is made of or how they yogurt was bottled they would be very upset and would stop buying anything at all of the shops. perhaps that's why there is a growing demand among people in russia's main cities products unfortunately for them russian shops have little to offer what is sold is going bio friendly is often far from it. by abroad it is have found a niche in the market thanks to our bed environment and in here fashion for a healthy lifestyle. there are no legal standards also defied labeling schemes for organic produce in russia. so individual farmers define it in their own way but
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it's really on every farmers own conscience. alexander is a computer programmer who turned to working the land what started as a hobby is now a mini industry with several farms in the moscow region covering livestock fish vegetables and habs he's even aiming for his first harvest of black caviar from sturgeon as he breeds not far away from moscow if you ever only go big business simply can't afford to produce ecologically clean product. pesticides to boost growth and lower the cost of everything i do is pure without a drop of chemicals you need to this new market in moscow have said and ambitious task to offer its customers unprecedented and. grange of eco products what started as an attempt to bring organic food to the masses turned out to be almost impossible in reality no russian farmers can produce all this let alone in quantities needed for a large city so anything truly eco and bio friendly remains
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a luxury only a few people in russia can afford. despite soaring prices for anything organic individual farmers find it hard to make their businesses profitable beaten by the supermarkets with their cheap processed food but he said founded and online organic store trying to help small pharma survive and at the same time improve the quality of life while food conscious customers just like came. initially we simply wanted healthy stuff for our families and friends now we hand pick each person involved in the production of meat or great that we sell so that we know where the food is coming from and the business is growing but. some go as far as saying russia with its plenty of land could eventually become an organic food basket for the whole world or very few in one hundred fourteen russia third half of the world and we could easily get back to that but the state needs to start investing in agriculture
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. and while city dwellers are only starting to go back to their roots milledge is in russia's most organic far away cool news are probably unaware of the treasures they could offer and russian klondyke to be discovered. r.t. scary jhon russia and china angered a large section of the international community when they jointly vetoed a u.n. security council resolution condemning president ass's regime in syria just the most recent example of the two standing largely on their own in the international arena so our resident in new york laurie harvest went to ask people whether the two countries should be feared and why. if you believe the news media you should fear china and russia this week let's talk about why if they wanted to china could wipe out the us in probably three minutes
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but anyone with an atomic bomb could true so why china in particular chinese people are very dangerous why what is made you think bad have you ever been personally threatened by a chinese person you know so why do you feel that way. they know kung fu i don't think were in the good of relationship with them so should we fear them is that going to make relations better and we should fear of them i think they should fear us i think there's a legitimate concerns about human rights there and i think we need to pay attention to what are their legitimate human rights issues everywhere don't we have them here in the us sure i think a different scale there but yes we do have another places when this there was stuff to find out so well that is this stuff to find out so well that will screw nobody's going to give us some one who would be but we're participating in that why is it their fault because they're acting smartly. it's hard to resist
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last year i was in china i wasn't scared at all i don't think you should be i don't think we should run our country like china or russia but i think there are some ideas and some kind of plans they have that help their economy so maybe we can learn from that that's more emulating and looking up to rather than fearing but we're taught to fear them why do you think that is because fear keeps you in control if you are afraid it's easier to be manipulated by somebody telling you to do something rather than questioning what they say everybody is freak scared today because the news and all the media makes people scare them specially in america why china and russia in particular are we made to feel scared because they're very powerful that's what we think ultimately they're going to be a part of the growth picture and they need us as much as we need them so why are people scared of them why are they painted in this more of a picture the unknown it's always the same so maybe we should get to know them to be good invite them over for coffee like that whether or not you believe the world
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it's all designed to keep you closed in your own small world as a prison you. know you leave somebody in there for a couple hours like that in a stress positions. you have this fear of the unknown and this stress sort of building and. i've seen interrogations go on ten twelve hours they chose songs i remember from marilyn manson and metallica slayer the two songs would be angel of death and raining blood to kill the enemy going to war coming up here into iraq coming to the baghdad. charlie poole of the bodies to the floor which is the rock n roll band it was fitting for the job we were doing.
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welcome back you're watching r.t. here's a reminder of the top stories international powers are in deadlock over syria the u.s. and its allies are piling on the pressure while china combines with russia's push for a negotiated solution by sending a top diplomat to damascus. labia holding a referendum on whether russian should be an official language that motion which is likely to fail was put forward by the russian minority which represents a third of the population of a complains of state discrimination and. european impartiality is under scrutiny at
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a number of schools accused of brainwashing your values into children they claim to teach multiculturalism but you control the curriculum and raises questions about how much propaganda is being taught and. wop next in our special report we travel back in time for a look at some of the crazy things people used to do to look younger and ancient times find out the secret of immortality here. humans cyborgs. nothing but fantasy or potential reality. how long can a human being live for. the thousands of years people sought to find an elixir of eternal life to halt nature's ticking clock. the subject has returned to the stage once more in the twenty first century this time scientific globe or a tree's
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a joining the hunt but instead of seeking a fountain of youth there focusing on the power of technology to achieve immortality. this is one of the formulas designed for the fight against aging the substance is called the school or church of i on it is named after its creator for d.m.'s color choice of he heads the department of genetic engineering at moscow state university . if. you first suggested this age nineteen seventy two. but it was not going until two thousand and five that we put the whole formula of age fighting on paper and why you should. according to dr school the choice of oxygen is of all things one of the most
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dangerous substances in the human body he say's that when cells become oversaturated with active forms of oxygen they become oxidized and this leads to an early death. mirror but as over here the body produces poisons one of the most malicious poisons is generated at the heart of each cell in the middle condra i'm on the one hand they supply the body with energy on the other they gradually kill us the older we are the more poison we have in our bodies in the form of free radicals. some time ago maxim's father came to the conclusion that there is a mechanism which makes cells a he theorizes that a new biological process is set in motion immediately after a mother gives birth this process makes the body destroy itself with the program given that aging is programmed it can be stopped like any other program in that case humans characteristic of old age will be nipped in the bud and we won't age.
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this unique footage taken by a digital microscope reveals the nature of human mortality in the second minute of the video sudden flush marks out a dying cell setting off a chain reaction that kills off nearby cells. with a death signal is received by neighboring cells in this experiment and they realize that the cell died only a moment ago and its death was not accidental rather it was the result of a process the signal went right across this tiny island of cells it's really quite an unusual sight. dying of old age was uncommon in nation times people would usually full victim to wild beasts or their enemies but later people came to believe that immortality could be found in faraway lands the arab scientist ibn battuta learned about the fountain of youth in china alexander the great
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believe that it was in india one theory claims that the real reason he undertook his famous campaign in the indian subcontinent was salute for the waters of life. abkhazia is a republican the southeastern coast of the black sea in soviet times many people head live to a hundred or more more than two hundred seventy centenarians lived here in the mid twentieth century there was even a quiet composed soley out of the very elderly in the republic only those between seventy to one hundred years of age were allowed to join the choir mostly sang old up cars in songs to the accompaniment of traditional instruments now the choir members a younger than the previous generation. on. here was interviewed with i'm eighty one years old and he says that my singing career
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spanned sixty five years sometimes i even sing when i'm at home if you are my wife schools me she says why on earth are you singing stop that mumbling good night for i see a tune is racing through my head since i need to sing all the time i say that. in the one nine hundred seventy s. a resident of abkhazia. kill became the main character in a documentary about centenarians home mark t. told the filmmakers pulled icy water from mountain streams over himself several times a day throughout his life he was certain the water cleansed people of everything with it the. fire really over a hundred years old a hundred and nine now would you like to share this secret over your longevity people must know how to take care of themselves healthy habits help them. to
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demonstrate that a one hundred nine year old abkhazian is just as capable as the youngsters. kill mounted a. horse unassisted as the camera crew looked on his destination was the neighboring village of dilip where one of his great grandsons was celebrating his wedding interestingly almost forty years on people in that village still remember. i remember talking very well. i even recall the good time we had during his great grandsons wedding my grandsons with their to. live in is ninety three years old now he has spent most of his life here into the blood him it worked on a collective farm before his long absence from the village during world war two he retired many years ago but he still works in his orchard every day he graft sprouts
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of new varieties on to old trees these apple trees are going to get a new lease of life soon. i think i would say it's about time for me to die and lie in the earth peace. but no. life still gives me the strength to be on the move sure when i see anything new after i die well i don't think so and officially the main body of lawmakers in abkhazia is an assembly made up of elders all of the country's historic decisions have been made in this meadow in the village of law from the abolition of serfdom to the recent decision to declare abkhazia as independence. people gathering here right to make a decision on any important issue. their rulings became law for the entire people. during the years of soviet government several international
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groups of scientists came to abkhazia to find out what made people here live so long their conclusions were intriguingly simple hear old people last longer simply because they are always aware of the fact they have a role to play in society. sending centenarians to an old people's home is a disgrace for idea they should be allowed to live in the homes where they were born they should be cared for and loved that's what they need they should be made happy and they will live a long life. counters elizabeth but tory of hungary in the blood of six hundred fifty young serf women every day the fifteenth century french marshall judah here does numbered more than eight hundred peasant children at a laboratory news council to avoid aging. as it turns out the twentieth century dictator joseph stalin was also anxious about his mortality he
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had five cottages built our cars here in the vicinity of the locality and habited by generations of old ages. the legend has it the during a stroll in his dutch or stalin met a one hundred twenty year old local man he asked him whether it was true that the magic rivers a cause here could prevent aging. yes the old man said there were no magic reverse but there was a want a full repeal in powers. that. each morning he washed their and drank some water. among them causing methods of fighting old age had been handed down from generation to generation this is one of the oldest pagan rituals during festivities people boil the hearts of wild beasts and big tubs placed outdoors in the hearts of put on a boiling rock it is believed that he has tasted the heart of
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a wild beast strengthens his own during a festive meal elders get the biggest chunks this custom is thought to give them strength and a long life. she who takes skilled in words lives as long as killed itself in terms one recipe of an elixir of eternal life from the middle ages. another is a ground a mixture of a one thousand year old toad in the ten thousand year old bed in the shade toas philosophers young doling lived to one hundred twenty two years as a result of taking such mysterious potions.
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wealthy british style stock. on the. market why not. going to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our. a true to life in mortal human being will walk the earth in two thousand and forty five this bold claim comes from the russia two thousand and forty five movement in december two thousand and eleven
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its representatives demonstrated their first accomplishment on the hard road to immortality this electronic om is only the start of a process that hopes to finish with a fully functioning human saw it will. this time it seems that this year we will meet again in five years time with my double will be here but i'll be in another room or at home yet you will still feel that you are talking to me and not my double. dmitri it's called does not put his hopes in such dreams instead as a successful businessman he has gathered many scientists doctors and inventors their chief goal is to create the perfect body to give it soul consciousness of a human being. but him but at them we hope that at some point we just have to perform a painless transfer of the mind of the person falls asleep and wakes up in another body where he feels just as comfortable. dimitri is called was inspired by the
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hollywood film surrogates it shows the possibility of creating a human double a surrogate cyborg controlled by the force of thought and imagination would be done without leaving one's home. computers and computer intelligence exceeds human intelligence and then what happens in that sort of perhaps more of the terminator scenario you know what happens when the machines become self-aware enough to realize hey we don't need these people and in fact these people are kind of screwed up the planet. surrogates begins with a lib or a trick creating a replica of a human controlled. by the human mind the surrogates of the future cannot be distinguished from the human counterparts but it's obvious that the first surrogates are a combination of man and machine kevin warrick has volunteered to be
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a human cyborg. first imply that i had. here we go this is show you what it looked like so this was the first implant. that's right e.o. frequency identification device and that was implanted in my left arm just up here so pushed in that point and what we use this for was simply as i moved around my building here in reading in england and the computer knew where i was at particular points so i would open doors for me and switched on lights and said hello and having studied the experiences of those who use cybernetic limbs work agreed to more surgery this time a more sophisticated chip will be implanted into his arms nervous tissue operations like the. little bit nervous but i think much more
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a lot more exciting than anything else i really feel love with doing now it will be . but. it's actually doing some soil where actually you have a choice of the way i think. the operation lasted for several hours warrick was worried about whether the new device would be rejected by his body but the surgery was successful as a result the scientist could subject him self to more experimentation. one of the experiments i did was to drive a wilcher around just from my neural signals so it's the sort of thing that a paralyzed person could they could drive themselves in a car just by thinking about moving if you like. robyn f. ecan stone a swede lost his right arm a few years ago it was he who was the first patient to test an experimental device called the smart hand scientists connected more than forty senses from this
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artificial device to his arm then able him to move his bio nick hand and feel the touch of objects. that precious even can be transposed to a specific area the skin of the remaining head and if you find the right spots to steamy day we know that also that correlates to areas of the brain court case went back to it. it took robin only one day of training to learn to control the artificial limb as he would his own arm to start with he made the device stimulate the movements of his other hand later he learned how to get it to perform operations on its own. more importantly robin even recalled how it felt when he touched something. bigger put them now i can give orders from my bring to my body which i haven't done in years when you can control your movements it's great.
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