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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2012 4:18am-4:48am EST

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if you can get off. saying only. you know that. voice comes across nothing then you're supposed to integrate militias into the supposed national supposed national police force and just by the very limited newspaper reports what do you see that very very few people do and you have this creation of a federation of western militias a few days ago one hundred militias in the western libya and that really does seem to be a step on the road to the breakup of the least to west and east if not more. american and afghan officials are in secret peace talks was a taliban according to president hamid karzai the afghan leader described the negotiations as a breaks or in attempts to an the war that's dragged on for more than ten years military contributor says karzai continues to avoid the really issues standing between afghanistan and for asperity. interview to a wall street journal was the most important public relations event for the
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president of afghanistan it was rather strange when mr karzai during this interview quoted unwittingly the former soviet president go about your referring to afghanistan as the leading war in full display of poetical correctness mr karzai was carefully spared from answering two most important challenges facing afghanistan right now that is there rampant corruption. that is suffocating the country. and. aggression very. leading factors there who precipitated the implosion of ghana's stand from within. tells me shoppers are saying they are buying or getting food from russia supermarket
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shelves may need to think again it was vague standards for labeling products buyers often don't know what they are getting but farmers are making a change for the better paving the way for russia to become a provider of organic food for the rest of the world which color has more. the feast for the eyes but not necessarily for your stomach many would be shocked to find out what exactly makes its way onto our plates. if any people knew what their sausage is made of or how their yogurt was bottled they would be very upset and would stop buying anything at all of the shops but. perhaps that's why there's a growing demand among people in russia's main cities products unfortunately for them russian shops have little to offer what is sold as eco and bio friendly is often far from it. my brothers have found a niche in the market thanks to our bad environment and in your fashion for a healthy lifestyle. there are no legal standards also to hide labeling schemes for
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organic produce in russia. so individual farmers define it in their own way but it's really on every farmer's own conscience. alexander is a computer programmer who turned to working the land what started as a hobby is now a mini industry with several farms in the moscow region covering livestock fish vegetables and habs he's even aiming for his first harvest of black caviar first urges he breeds not far away from moscow if you're ever on the big business simply can't afford to produce an ecologically clean product of their years past decides to boost growth and lower the cost of everything i do is pure without a drop of chemicals related to this new market in moscow had said and ambitious task to offer its customers and unprecedented range of eco products what started as
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an attempt to bring organic food to the masses turned out to be almost impossible in reality no russian farmers can produce all this let alone in quantities needed for a large city so anything truly eco and bio friendly remains a luxury only if people. and russia can afford. despite soaring prices for anything individual farmers find it hard to make their business is profitable beaten by the supermarkets with their cheap processed food by the sec even founded and online and getting store trying to help some of the pharmacist and at the same time improve the quality of life will suit conscious customers just like amy. initially we simply wanted healthy stuff for our families and friends now we handpick each person involved in the production of meat or bread that we sell so that we know where the food has come from and the business is growing but. some go as far as saying russia with its plenty of land could eventually become an organic food
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basket for the whole world or very few europe in one thousand nine hundred eighteen russia good half of the world and we could easily get back to the us but the state needs to start investing in agriculture. and while city dwellers are only starting to go back to their roots milledge is in russia's most organic far away coolness are probably unaware of the treasures they could offer and russian klondyke to be discovered. aren't scary join russia and china anger at a large section of the international community when they jointly vetoed a u.n. security council resolution condemning president ass's regime in syria is just the most recent example of the two standing largely on their own in the international arena so our resident in new york laurie harvest went to ask people whether the two countries should be feared and why. if you believe the news media you should fear china and russia this week let's talk
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about why if they wanted to china could wipe out the u.s. in probably three minutes but anyone with an atomic bomb true so why china in particular. chinese people are very dangerous why what is made you think bad have you ever been personally threatened by a chinese person no so why do you feel that way they know kung fu i don't think we were in the good of a relationship with them so should we fear them is that going to make relations better and we should fear of them i think they should fear us i think there's a legitimate concerns about human rights there and i think to need to pay attention to what are their legitimate human rights issues everywhere don't we have them here in the us sure i think a different scale there but but yes we do have another places when there's there was stuff to find out so well that is a step to find out so well that will screw nobody's going to give us some money
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we'll be but we're participating in that why is it their fault because they're acting smartly. you going to resist last year i was in china i wasn't scared at all i don't think you should be i don't think we should run our country like china or russia but i think there are some ideas and some kind of plans they have that help their economy so maybe we can learn from a bit more amul a thing i'm looking up to rather than fearing but we're taught to fear them why do you think that it because fear keeps you in control if you are afraid it's easier to be manipulated by somebody telling you to do something rather than questioning what they say everybody is freak scared to do because the news and old media makes people scare them specially in america why china and russia in particular are we made to feel scared because they're very powerful that's what we think ultimately they're going to be a part of the growth picture and they need us as much as we need them so why are
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people scared of that why are they painted in this horrible picture it's always the same so maybe we should get to know them invite them over for coffee like that whether or not you believe the world should fear china and russia the bottom line to me is the old adage those who live in glass houses should never throw a stone. away or today here in our team can learn more about the magic of security silly the latest attack or shells or con is currently in moscow only the second city in the world to welcome it form and eighty's by two street artists are just a way as evolved over the years into unique makes a performance art and professional acrobatics and contortionist but as he always argues into the show spotlights talks a great telling them a first brought down company to russia to talk about what's the crowds can expect this time. what reasons they hear on r.t.
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i'll be back shortly with an update off the headlines.
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welcome back a reminder of the top stories here on our international powers are in deadlock over syria the u.s. and its allies are piling on the pressure while china combines with russia's push for a negotiated solution sending a top diplomat to damascus. lobby and hold a referendum on whether russian should be an official language the motion which is likely to fail was put forward by the russian minority which represents a third of the population but complains of state discrimination. partialities under
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scrutiny at a number of schools accused of brainwashing your values into children they claim to teach multiculturalism but tidy e.u. control of the curriculum raises questions about how much propaganda is being. one of the next maxims days are discussed were the wealthiest americans come from and where they reside that a lot more in the kaiser report that's coming up next. as of this is the kaiser report where do the one percent live really i mean where do they really live. max that's our first headline here where the one percent live the fifteen richest counties in america and this is from census bureau data and my answer is that pretty much they live within an hour's drive of washington d
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c ten of the fifteen are within an hour's drive of washington d.c. either virginia or maryland so number one richest median income in america is virginia luden county it's a one hour four minute drive to washington d.c. median household income is one hundred thousand nine hundred thousand five hundred forty dollars of the top ten employers in the county number six is the department of homeland security but number two max is fairfax virginia of course this is home to langley and. they watch our show that's why demographic but all of the intelligence community much of the intelligence community is there the u.s. government is actually the number two employer in the county booz allen hamilton s.a.i.c. which is of course a science applications international corporation which has a lot of work for the n.s.a. there guys. freddie mac.
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northrop grumman and lockheed martin so it appears that being part of the surveillance state makes you very wealthy well if i were living in looting virginia and i were looting people for a living whether it's at the airport through the homeland security or the t.s.a. or whether it's old down there on capitol hill where they put together all because of bills to pay. all sales from people you know i have a above average standard of living in that one mile radius of washington d.c. and this is where all the one percent is now this is all relatively new because it wasn't until nine eleven the most overrated attack in history did you find that the u.s. government needed to create seventeen or eighteen new agencies pay them billions and you know they made jamie diamond look like. restraint of litter in fact luden county now it's not looting but it sounds better as looting it was an
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agricultural county up until only the one nine hundred sixty s. so yes it has you see the emergence of the new the one percent they are there they're the ones that are basically the tollbooth operators between you the people the ninety nine percent and the government so they own the government behind their toll booth so that that's the key point is that the life in the u.s. and around the world is being obstructed more and more by these especially these tollbooths where you've got these in privileged sort of we're privileged class that are set up by the government to basically take money from folks as they're trying to get from point a to point b. so it becomes extraordinarily. going to rewrite the some of the songs like america the beautiful they're going to write it it's like america the prism but also like what sort of wealth do these people create
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a service economy is in which the service being provided is spying on the citizens that doesn't add any wealth to the economy these people obviously are very wealthy they're making income from it but it's not creating wealth for the economy and that's why you see an economy that is collapsing it's a drag on wealth it's a drag on wealth and they justify it as you need to have this one percent in these counties looting because again going. so this theory of trickle down economics going back to reagan's day that meant one thing but now it's just trickle down looting and we see this now in the g. twenty nations whether it's the u.s. but in the u.k. the u.k. is you know the really primo example of the so going back to fairfax county virginia now this is a thirty minute drive to washington d.c. and the median household income is one hundred three thousand and ten dollars now business on cider says this government will be excited to learn langley headquarters of the cia is within the county line so government employees must be
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making a decent amount of money these days also the unemployment rate in the county has been astoundingly low historically hitting one point four percent in one thousand nine hundred nine so there's no end to the jobs available in a global war on terror state right and of course it's more government but you know all these presidential campaigns are saying we want less government but this is more government they love government there and by the way let me make a quick aside here about mitt romney he is a liar he says he's only worth two hundred fifty million dollars that's wrong he's worth at least a billion dollars because he made twenty million dollars last year as investments interest rates on ten year notes are around two percent it's all passive investment managers passively in a blind trust there's no way he could have made six or seven percent to him for the million dollars he claims to have mitt romney is a billionaire and he won't say it because you know there spark incredible backlash
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against that lawyer and number three on this list is howard county maryland fifty eight minute drive another one of the top employers there is sai c. so these are the science applications international corporation which provides services to the n.s.a. and the department of defense monitoring i guess web sites and things like that oh yes science they they love science except what it proves things like manmade global warming then of course they hate science but. when it's about the science of picking people's pocket and spying on people they love science but you see that it's mostly the security apparatus these are the guys making money these are where the money is flowing is just observing you so now here are the rich guys ok now i'm going to look at the the people being observed google offering to pay web users to track their every move by signing up for screen wise and installing a browser plug in you'll be given five dollars in store credit on amazon for every
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three months you continue to provide google with browsing data you'll earn an additional five dollar gift card up to a total of twenty five dollars only those over thirteen can participate and perhaps not surprisingly sign ups are currently on hold due to overwhelming interest womyn the amount used to be forty acres and a mule you know they give you five bucks to spy on you and i wouldn't be surprised if you have people from overseas rushing to america to get five dollars from google people in greece for people in greece five dollars twenty five dollars that's a whole six months of pay and it shows you the whole neo feudal system ok now these economies these the rich people the rich communities are those who are doing the spying who get paid to spy on you google is one of the biggest corporations in the world because they spy on you you are poor because you take whatever dregs
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whatever bread and circuses they trickle down to you you'll take whatever you get you'll accept the being spied on they think of them or first of says they're getting free twenty five dollars oh it's a free twenty five dollars never for a moment considering that the apparatus that allows them to get that twenty five dollars has disenfranchised them so horribly that the u.s. competitiveness is crashing in the standard of living is crashing and there's no health care there but you've got your free torn. five dollars i like that also google says you have to be thirteen or over to participate i mean what sort of a thirteen or fourteen year old are signing up to this and do they need their parents' permission or who it seems totally bizarre thirteen years old then you know where is that going ten years old five years old. well you know these people are at least receiving thirty five dollars to be spied on i however was spied on yesterday and performing my service here to the kaiser report researching some
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headlines you k. now see using music blogs with american domains over copyright claims so the site in question is r. and b. exclusive dot com it's a dot com domain but it's based in the u.k. now i followed the link to the story about it being seized and here is the image of what i was presented with soca which is the serious organized crime agency has taken control of this domain if you have downloaded music using this website you may have committed a criminal offense which carries a maximum penalty of ten years imprisonment and an unlimited fine under u.k. law this is your ip address and then goes on to say the above information can be used to identify you and your location soca has the capability to monitor and investigate you and can inform your internet service provider of these infringements put that together with the google story and the ability to farm all
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of the information images and photos of the next time it'll be a picture of some greasy grease ball from washington with your grandmother and a gun to her head and say stop or blow your grandma's head off. and look at the also this is the serious organized crime agency and look at the treatment they give you look at the words look at the threats they issue and yet london is where bernie made off happened where lehman brothers happened where a i.g. fraud happened where m.f. global fraud happened and how do they talk about these people oh we don't want to chase the business of the city out of london oh we must molly coddle them oh we don't want to banker bash you bring up m.f. global they still haven't recovered the one point six billion missing they are still hasn't been and there's no investigation john corazon is just getting his toenails painted so one of the code does or there's no there's no prosecution well let's look at the math the fact that this is called soca the serious organized
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crime agency where is the racket max look in the city of london is it the banks working with the credit rating agencies working with the regulators in a conspiracy to defraud the global investing and savings world no absolutely and they end up pushing all their losses and to countries like greece and elsewhere where people have to suffer real austerity measures now to make up for all that criminality also i mean these people basically the site was providing just the way you could listen to the music ok. which is a lot like radio ok you can accidently hear radio all over the place now is it going to be an organized crime if you happen to be walking past somebody is radio playing a song and i thought maybe your burkas you know that these soca and m.r.i. a and all these guys could start pushing i think their burkas is a good idea you know probably put that there in the past a lot of washington you know easy peasey nobody will stop it and they'll say it's for the young musicians and they'll charge huge fees and then the reverse
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collateralize on the open futures market and then the play themselves over huge bonus and then and more austerity measures will come along and you won't be able to hear music to it it will be all quiet and finally max from the u.k. a lot of this is about our innovation economy we're supposed to. innovators and that's the way of the future right well cameron has a suggestion that innovative solutions to the drinking problem in the u.k. david cameron to launch attack on britain's boozing scandals cells known as drunk tanks this is his innovative solution max which detain in the breed of people until they sober up could be introduced to towns to tackle the nation's growing alcohol problem. it's all in time for the queen's jubilee that is the queen floating on the thames and there's a bus full of drunken louts urinating on themselves go brittania all right stacy ever thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max don't go away much more coming your way so stay right there. no.
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one seems. to be. ever. turtle is going. to. do we only wants to see this on forever. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harkin welcomes a big picture. imax has a welcome back to the kaiser reports i'm not to go to california and speak with charles
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who smith is website is of two minds dot com charles you smith welcome back to the kaiser report thank you max all right sir i'll see you sweat before we begin to address the financial and economic situation we need to take a look at social fractals and financial fractals and how we got to the position of rot that we find ourselves and this is a recent story you've been working on social fractals very interesting to tell us more the idea fractals usually we refer to them in nature like the way that a clothesline looks really good at thousand feet and it looks ragged at ten thousand feet and so these structures are self self same we call me look the same no matter what scale you're looking at so like in social fractals if you take for honest people and you put them in a house in that household is more than likely going to be honest because that's the only that's the only characteristics that are available to that household so if you
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take a household it's hard working and honest and responsible and caring you're going to have a community that has the same characteristics so when you go ok let's take all those communities and put them in a country where the outcome of the united states is so good that we corrupt at every level so you have to wonder how come basically honest people end up with a politically corrupt nation. then you start asking well how did that happen and i think the answer is when the top level of the society and economy is totally corrupt then everyone belittles starts realizing they're going to have to game the system by becoming corrupt themselves to get ahead so if you have a living at the top you have living at the bottom and so this these things are connected to a need some kind of role model some point now speaking of social fractals greek prime minister look as papademos said that if the austerity measures were not passed by parliament there would be a social explosion your thoughts i think as we discussed on my last visit when you
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deny democracy when you put. the financial and social future of your nation in the hands of bankers then how how can it how can you expect any response other than an explosion against this sort of oppression and feudalism yeah and on on on the worldwide basis charles you spent the oil imports of iran are cut off to greece what impact do you expect on the greek economy in light of the fact that iran was the only nation willing to send them on solid oil on credit it's hard to imagine. the tragedy that's unfolding in greece where these dominoes one after the other you know that the government is ceasing to function certainly as a democracy and it seems to be ceasing to function as an organization that it can serve its people and so having a construction of a.


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