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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2012 11:18am-11:48am EST

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people knew what their sausage is made of or how they jagow it was bottled they would be very upset and would stop buying anything at all of the shops but. perhaps that's why there is a growing demand among people in russia's main cities organic products unfortunately for them russian shops have little to offer what is sold as eco and bio friendly is often far from it. by abroad as have found a niche in the market i think starboard environment and in here fashion for a healthy lifestyle. there are no legal standards also defied labeling schemes for organic produce in russia. so individual farmers define it in their own way but it's really on every farmer's own conscience. alexander is a computer programmer who turned to working the land what started as a hobby is now a mini industry with several farms in the moscow region covering livestock fish vegetables and habs he's even aiming for his first harvest of black caviar first
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urges he breeds not far away from moscow if you ever on the big business simply can't afford to produce ecologically clean product of their years past decides to boost growth and lower the cost of everything i do is pure without a drop of chemicals you need to this new market in moscow had said and ambitious task to offer its customers and unprecedented range of eco products what started as an attempt to bring organic food to the masses turned out to be almost impossible in reality no russian farmers can produce all this let alone in quantities needed for a large city so anything truly eco and bio friendly remains a luxury only a few people in russia can afford despite soaring prices for anything organic individual farmers find it hard to make their businesses profitable beaten by the supermarkets with their cheap. processed food by the sec human founded and online
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organic store trying to help small farmers survive and at the same time improve the quality of life while food conscious customers just like him. initially we simply wanted healthy stuff for our families and friends now we hand pick each person involved in the production of meat or bread that we sell so that we know where the food has come from and the business is growing but. some go as far as saying russia with its plenty of land could eventually become an organic food basket for the whole world or very few europe in one hundred fourteen russia that half of the world and we could easily get back to that but the state needs to start investing in agriculture. and while city dwellers are only starting to go back to their roots milledge is in russia's most organic far away corners are probably unaware of the treasures they could offer and russian klondyke to be discovered gary bush gave up
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r.t. scary. the web site l.t. dot com is the place where you can find all the latest news and analysis and in our blog section right now online exclusive reflections from iran. quality of people into iran how they feel about their country's controversial nuclear program and here's what students who volunteer to do atomic research. also anonymous strikes again as activists bring down several u.s. government websites in the latest active protest against on line censorship. is.
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down the official anti application your i phone oh i pod touch from the top story. on the go. video on demand. and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the dot com. the u.s. defense secretary is hailed afghanistan's involvement in peace talks with the taliban present common cause i has confirmed u.s. and afghan efforts at negotiation peace but all these military contributors says karzai continues to avoid the real issues that prevent stability in the country. interview to a wall street journal was the most important public relations event for the president of afghanistan it was rather strange when mr karzai
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during this interview quoted unwittingly the former soviet president gorbachev referring to afghanistan as the bleeding wound in full display of poetical correctness mr karzai was careful this spared from answering two most important challenges facing afghanistan right now that is there rampant corruption. that is suffocating the country. and the narco aggression there. too leading factors there could precipitate the implosion of ghana's stand from within. russia and china came under international fire when they refused to take sides in syria's conflict and vetoed a u.n. security council resolution it's just the most recent example of the two standing
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largely on their own when i was resident in new york went to ask people in the big apple whether the two countries should be feared. if you believe the news media you should fear china and russia this week let's talk about why if they wanted to china could wipe out the us in probably three minutes but anyone with an atomic bomb could true so why china in particular. chinese people are very dangerous why are they what is made you think bad have you ever been personally threatened by a chinese person no so why do you feel that way. they know kung fu i don't think were in the good of relationship with them so should we fear them is that going to make relations better and we should fear them i think they should fear us i think there's a legitimate concerns about human rights there and i think tweeted to pay attention
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to what are their legitimate human rights issues everywhere don't we have them here in the us sure i think a different scale there but but yes we do have another places when there's there was stuff to find out so well that is the stuff to find out so well that will screw nobody's going to give us a mono would be but we're participating in that why is it their fault because they're acting smartly. it's hard to resist last year i was in china i wasn't scared at all this i don't think you'll be too should be scared if i don't think we should run our country like china or russia but i think there are some ideas and some kind of plans they have that help their economy so maybe we can learn from that's more amul aiding and looking up to rather than fearing but we're target to fear them why do you think that is because fear keeps you in control if you are afraid it's easier to be manipulated by somebody telling you to do something rather than questioning what they say everybody is freak scared today
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because the news and all the media makes people's care then specially in america why china and russia in particular are we made. to feel scared because they're very powerful that's what we think ultimately they're going to be a part of the growth picture and they need us as much as we need them so why are people scared of that mire they painted in this more about picture the unknown it's always the same so maybe we should get to know them invite them over for coffee like whether or not you believe the world should fear china and russia the bottom line to me is the old adage those who live in glass houses should never throw a stone. twenty six minutes past the russian capital h. of the moscow on a trip to live the life of the rich and famous here in the russian capital.
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the scene is booming here in the russian capital with dozens of galleries opening up every year and contemporary art especially being explored and developed more than ever before with new and easy laws on taking pieces out of the country this allows various collect disruption or international to take full advantage of the growing industry such a creative and profits more market is any millionaires three my friend is going to love it here. and you can join moscow out in just a few minutes from now here on before that all be. on our top stories this hour stay with us live here in moscow.
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resistance is not politics but a culture. is couldn't. it's own. cultures of resistance on our team. wealthy british style. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report.
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this is top stories now. some pressure grows on the regime in syria with russia and tried china and trying to mediate peace but they're off is that if damascus falls the nation's key ally iran could be left stranded and propelled into action. latvia votes on whether russian language spoken by a third of its population should official status for his claim it threatens national integrity but russian speakers say the referendum is just the first step
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to end. decades long discrimination. the idea of euro unity hold strong despite the region's crumbling. schools accused of brainwashing pupils critics say they're trying to convince children that the project is in. with another update for you less than fifteen minutes from now in the meantime as promised splash. into the world of the mega rich here in the russian capital. absolutely delicious hello and welcome to moscow out on this week's program we take a look at the spectacular section of new restaurants that have opened up here in the us and. the rocking here in moscow at the moment.
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i am kind of. what tonight moscow. yeah i can help you out i'm kind of ok yes. but i'll do it. by. what you know it's great to have friends all around the world but as for the high end dramatic. sometimes million too much. so my friend will be arriving later tonight and true to the millionaire lifestyle they will expect the best of the best glittering nightclubs designer clothes shops twenty hotels and glorious restaurants. just a five star experience very very well. but it's not just about the russian rich many cultural corners of moscow attracts foreign investors
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as well as the locally loaded who want to spend spend spend one subject that's attracting attention more than ever before is. the gallery was founded by marina in january two thousand and eleven take a look at the weird and wonderful items on display famous media moguls spend hundreds of millions each. business. develop people who are doing a lot of money they want. or kind of things like contemporary art market because it's acquired here investment now because. in the art market. it's a good thing for you can join the pieces here by the strategy of the gallery to exhibit new names from western europe young russian artists however controversial. the art scene is here in the russian capital with dozens of galleries opening up
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every year and contemporary art especially being explored and developed more than ever before with new and easier laws on taking pieces out of the country this allows various collectors russian or international to take full advantage of the. such a creative process. my friend is going to love. every year to the millionaire. retail market. on the outskirts of the capital over two hundred companies set up display stands. in everything from. phones to the latest overpriced imported sports cars and there's no shortage of here so cheap bargains are hardly on the cards. luckily there's no need to be a millionaire to take a peek at the exclusive goods at the fair because anyone can gain admission.
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with its towering skyscrapers is the epitome of economic expansion in the largest country on our planet on top of the moscow federation tower is the tallest bar and restaurant in new york. and to discuss the world of millionaires. and those with extravagant appetites let's meet this week's guests. nice to meet them so tell me it seems that luxury lives. yes absolutely. because of the new. and new mentality of. ok that's why it's interesting to be here. now you work for the famous company. and english club which appeared in the markets more than six years ago we have
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individual and corporate clients basically. as a concierge what's the strangest request that you've. was the request to be invited officially invited by prince charles or by prince william to the vetting of the well the wedding of the area but the request was not just standing nearby in the georgia nearby the quest was personal for this client and to be among this three hundred guests on this waiting tables. so you can feel that you have. at this moment i think. because originally we can of course now also you know. also americans and other people who are members of. the russian capital as we have
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. this many people. because of this business. different. but they ask us to help. organize everything so next time i need a private. person to call. them located on the god. let me think the russian capital is saturated with five star hotels and the right but still you can hear every year grand design. and the local cream of the crop. with the opening of the hotel in one nine hundred seventy three. luxury hotel group. of the asian hotel features three hundred elegant streams and to top notch.
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you can enjoy the warmth of. the world. and the complex elegance in every way i think my influential guest. will be quite happy. what i can only say that this is the largest suite i've seen in my entire life but alone here in russia four hundred square meters this month. and a half a million rubles per night before tax that's roughly around sixteen thousand dollars whether we're talking about. simply filthy rich i think any multi-millionaire. but enjoy staying here. very nice and regarding those with the cast of the russian capital would be complete without taking a stroll down the beautiful. collection of designer clothes shops has to offer although i one problem no priced my multi millionaire made no problem.
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the legendary british male brands tumbling among me on the officially represented in russia by the store named world club as one of the most expensive shopping areas in moscow the store caters for the upper market and the marriott hotel guests but it sits alongside of our. top. i think politicians business people bankers the first of all the. there is a very educated. white. i love it i respect. in london eight hundred eighty five turnbull and enjoys a one hundred twenty three year heritage as a gentleman should make. the clothes are designed and created in england using the best techniques the highest quality material and stitching an ideal shopping destination for my arriving guest.
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chairman to the airport is one of the main hubs for private jets in moscow. we are now in moscow's newest and most modern business innovation terminal for executive travellers we offer a premium class service that can satisfy our clients demands and their privacy while they're out the airport is one of our priorities. as my wealthy friend finally arrives it's clear whether student or millionaire this is he can accommodate any requests business jets and first class travel is a massively growing industry here in a climate that's all about money money money that's what distinguishes russia's rapidly expanding millionaire class from foreign millionaire as i think the answer is simple they spend a lot of to show their wealth. for the oligarch class russia is a land of opportunity and today's teacher six skyscrapers love
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a shopping mall chic restaurants and innumerable boutiques cars much part of moscow city skate as the dazzling red square. a party town in every meaning of the words and misunderstood moscow and its retail divorce rate glitzy living and high end restaurants has no sign of slowing down but one thing is for sure bikes traffic and friends will certainly not be disappointed so. shopping hotels like comes restaurant spas check check check check check there we go anybody can be a millionaire here in the us to come so it's just a billionaire have to watch out for but fortunately that's not somehow blessing this week's program i'll see you again at the same time next week until then i might announce publicly.
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i. am going to.
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keep. up. the. box. it's all designed to keep you closed in your smile world as a person. you know you leave somebody in there for a couple hours like in a stress positions. you have this fear of the unknown in this stress sort of building and. i've seen interrogations go on ten twelve hours a chose a member from marilyn manson the slayer to songs to be angel of death and raining blood to kill the enemy those are more coming up here into iraq i mean look into baghdad. charlie poole of the body said the floor which is the rock n roll band is fitting for the job we're doing.
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and. we. believe. this. to. be a. top
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stories this. escalate some pressure grows on the regime in syria while russia and china are trying to mediate things. the nations iran. interaction. whether russian language spoken by a third of its population should official. national. referendum is just the first step to ending. discrimination. in the idea of euro unity hold strong. trying to
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convince children that the project. with more on this story in fifteen minutes from now in the meantime dimitri is next with the latest from the world of sport. hello there welcome to the sports object thanks for joining us this hour good to have a company again coming up. golden goose you on jihad coach guus hiddink describes his role at the big spending as huge and promises to focus on football development in dagestan. into the final rush claimed. victory at the beach football euro cup here in moscow to set up a decisive clash against portugal. and driving for success
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formula one's only russian representative it secures our season in the sport with the current team. so form. sitting has described his new job. huge sixty five year old dutchman side a year and a half deal and has promised to focus on football development in dagestan it's a first permanent position in six years and his side a contract reportedly worth around twenty million dollars while also becoming the club's vice president because things are hitting the most significant thing about his new role is that the club is planning on developing the game in dagestan he says that as important as first team results his first game in charge will be away against the now mark moscow when the russian premier league season resumes next month. in the meantime chelsea have missed.


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