tv [untitled] February 18, 2012 1:48pm-2:18pm EST
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anymore crying out that our civilian system for terrorist suspects will be a danger to our national security just another example of the hypocrisy but while those that have been arguing all along the way that this works just fine we have an example after example to prove that there's something else that should make us pause for a minute and so unfortunately despite the proof the argument may still been lost don't forget of the n.b.a. the president signed on december thirty first of last year includes a provision for the indefinite military detention of terrorist suspects including us citizens this was passed by congress signed by the president despite the fact the military commissions don't have the success rate the tested method there are civilian courts to despite the fact that indefinite detention puts our devotion to human rights and civil liberties into jeopardy that will now apply all the time even when our wars in iraq and afghanistan are both over adam serwer mother jones wrote about this issue today he put it this way he said you think that somebody who couldn't even bloom self up right now would be a joke
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a punchline instead of accidentally setting himself on fire went to all of managed to inspire panic that culminated in congress altering the law all i can add to that one is that once again we hear when. our guide for a happy hour enjoyed you this evening as sam sachs producer of the big picture with tom hartman and dave kat nice national political reporter for politico hello gentlemen like you for joining us to handsome gentleman very very lucky tonight ok let's first start talking about the movie i'm sure everyone's seen the trailer already but we're going to show you clip again anyway because i believe it comes out on monday take a look. before she was captured morales was working up jobs so it could be why she
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was abducted. but you're a soldier from the war. all right so the whole thing in this movie act of valor is that some of the actors are actual active navy seals and you know just kind of makes you wonder what that about is that cool apparently the navy seals didn't get paid anything to do the movie so it's not going to go support or watch the movie like support your troops at the same time i just said today that this is military right here and we just want to warn everybody that this is a military propaganda well if you're going to make any movie and you want the department of defense involved in it it's going to be propaganda they have to sign off on all the scripts and i think it's no big surprise as can be propaganda. but i'm sure it's going to be really that it's going to be almost like it's like it's a it's an action movie right and i don't think usually for movies of they try to make real they bring in consultants to try to make it as real as possible as you
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know without the risk is like you always if you're going to be using military equipment and the like they put a lot of rules on you anyway you're going to have to sign off and here it's just but it was a piece on the right in the nose of just as real navy seal. in the you know because i'm sure yours in the video game i'm going to be ready for war crimes very well. anyway well let's talk about saggy pants. people really don't like that pan pacific lee in alabama alabama house of representatives well they're taking this issue up but i guess the first let's just residents of what they say about it. love it. do you. do you mind remember that classic song by general larry platt with the pants on the ground it's exactly the message folks like nineteen year old jules. or what his peers to hear is just. is very very.
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big parts of the house in alabama has already passed the saggy pants bill which would make it against the law to wear your pants down low and this is only in public don't worry about it but come on people really this is big government i'm guessing republicans signed on to this but this is to me look the schools are make their own rules i think teachers should be allowed some discretion but like owners where's the line i mean it's a girl who was wearing a really tight shirt is that offensive to some people and i complained about that but this is more the big government this this is generational warfare i mean this is a nineteen year old saying it's funny it was cool when i was you know in middle school to where i occasionally still see my parents. and. your paths will go i don't think you do is that you know one of the people that are going for this says is it infringes on another person's personal right if a student has their pants hanging down and a person has to see their underwear so it's it's
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a now you know you're you're taking away my rights because i have to look at your underwear it's absurd what i mean but then the next thing i mean. i mean cut off t. shirts if someone's got nasty arms with tattoos that someone has i mean come on i mean i think you can't wear you know see through shirts and browsing and l. i've recently made a pretty sizable investment in drink go that are not going to get on your time zone now because of this stupid law. it doesn't completely know it isn't there the house is going to set it nags to add now the people who are pushing it say that if it passes the senate they really want to try to make it a state wide. ok let's talk about this other story that happened yesterday but basically we have no fly zones in our own country i mean out of that take a look. a fixed wing plane described as a cessna one eighty two like this one was brought down at long beach airport after flying. in a no fly zone according to the secret service president obama was heading back to
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l.a.x. aboard marine one when a cessna entered restricted airspace fighter jets scrambled from march air base and intercepted the plane forcing it to land in long beach. so it was a drug plane and it's like you just. going to be trying to smuggle drugs in a plane and you should probably pay attention to where the president might be that day grilling really do they have to consider that i would think you want to you know check and check everything off make sure that sophisticated that you're flying a plane to do this i mean this wasn't just you know a sixteen year old transporting you know drugs in a car this seemed to be i mean if you're in a plane transporting it that seems really like a pretty high to get off as you just get operation that you don't should put a lot of land o. the president is thirty miles away may want to go south i'm saying that i mean it's pretty discouraged with you know president obama has been going after marijuana for medicinal marijuana use ignoring questions and now this i know he claims you know
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their eyes know how to drive planes are going by how many any a mile a mile radius of no pot in the area the waste in the air. ok. let's talk about the app that the f.b.i. basically asking people to develop for them take a look. according to online requests from law enforcement and intelligence agencies they're after software that can sift through billions of posts and weed out those words and patterns the f.b.i. claims that could help prevent terror attacks here in the united states and it could help track for and uprisings like the arab spring. when el feel like i can't help but feel like this make the f.b.i. just seem stupid if you want to track the arab spring you just go on twitter and i everybody you know you're going to be i terrorist to have you need an entire i don't have to you know to have somebody monitor or that i don't believe they don't have something like this already i mean. we can go on and make something i mean i'm trying to do twitter but you can make a list and follow certain people and know what's going on guys are into this world
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and it may just be a signal to people that hey we're in the new we're in the online game it's like if you're so late to it maybe just don't admit it and do it kind of on the fly that's true but you know apparently i mean there had to be a rationale for this and i think probably it's hey we're we're more tech savvy to i mean we would but i mean a lot of the critiques that was the f.b.i. wasn't wasn't prepared there yet it was not a left the cia to they were specifically how did you guys not know that they're supposed to gather intelligence but i mean i don't know if i was that the i i would maybe not publicly advertise that now really would not know what it is and that would be what our guys thanks so much for joining me tonight and that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in ad make sure to come back on monday we have sheriff richard mack on the program. and a former arizona sheriff and he's running for congress against the arsenic in the meantime don't forget the fan of the launch on facebook follow us on twitter if there's anything you never miss you tube dot com slash the on the shelf and coming
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with mike's cars are the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser report. all roads lead to tehran pressure grows on the regime in syria with that if it for the nation's key ally iran could be left stranded and propelled into action. giving a voice to let his russian minority the baltic states vote on whether the language spoken by third of its population should official status. and the idea of euro unity hold strong despite the region's crumbling finances as some schools are accused of brainwashing children to believe the project is infallible our top stories this hour.
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international news and comment live from moscow this is. with a crisis like damascus feeling the squeeze from within the country and abroad its crucial ally in the region is also suffering the strain experts warn that the collapse solve the syrian regime would be a devastating blow to iran making to iran extremely isolated and compelled to act. iran's military is put through its paces but how long will this carry on being a drill as the conflict in syria gets bloodier by the day western powers range against president. ally iran the strategic position looks increasingly shaky which some suggest is no coincidence that there is a proxy conflict between israel and its western allies and iran which basically
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only has one ally in the region which is the syrian republic so if you can get syria away from iran either through a diplomatic deal which they're trying for many years all through regime change which seems to be the direction of travel now that would definitely weaken iran and all the roads in the middle east right now do seem to lead back to tehran experts are calling the last thing deployed and hope that bring down the row a rainy and how sad and replacing it with the opposition because they've already said they did talk to nancy terror on foreign policy for life i think korea iran is the most powerful ally since the iran iraq war iran and syria have developed all sorts of ties cultural and economic included but crucially iran uses syria as a conduit for support for hezbollah in lebanon and how mass in the palestinian authority both declared foreign terrorist organizations by the u.s.
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state department take that away and iran's influence in the region could waiting cornered iran could bite perhaps accelerating the nuclear program projects on raising its. interference perceived interference in other countries in the region press bahrain probs lebanon perhaps palestinian territories. and that will be the way that iran will react so you can make a case for suggestion that the removal of assad will make iran even more protective or even more dangerous it's a knife edge situation and one which worries malls. carious is events in syria worse than the us even says israel could attack iran in a matter of months the possibility of a conflict between major western powers and iran becoming a conflict between the world's major powers is on the horizon storm clouds are massing over the region reports of emerge that the qataris and saudis are already
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funding arming and covertly operating with the syrian opposition iran looks increasingly isolated with a hostile israel perilously close north me r.t. . the e.u. states are calling for creating humanitarian corridors in syria which some fear could open the door to foreign intervention but asia times correspondent says it's already under way. there is already a foreign military intervention going on don't forget that nato they have a command and control center in the heart type province so the turk very close to the third to syrian border this is a conduit for intelligence going back and forth across borders weapons or force and these weapons are trying then spies' again by the gulf cooperation tells especially to the saudis but specially to the qataris who are actively involved with the intelligence as well and with money it's of the same trainers on the ground plus
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they have another conduit through the lebanese border the syrian national council for instance they are supported that actually by nicholas sarkozy and david cameron by the turkish government and by the qataris and there's also the free syrian army which heaver that i would see normally by analysts in europe see that it's not the end it's not an army it's a bunch of the realist infiltrated by people feel. that we've salafi jihadists so the foreign interference is already there now this is a souped up shadow war build with the civil war which the only people who will lose in all this are this so-called syrian people that once in a while our muster pieces of the democracy or mediocrities like coming on suckers in research and. a few times correspond to ask about talking to us from bangkok
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that. levere is set to decide whether russia should become the country's second official language authorities claim it threatens national integrity despite russians making up a third of the population as an axiom cesky reports this referendum is just the first step to ending decades long discrimination. the lady from la to the russian minority says his country's government has gone too far having lived in law to be all his life it was only recently that he managed to exchange a temporary residence permit to a passport but now this father of three faces another hurdle for his family this time and that his children and their education was a pass through legislation that school schools sixty percent of the lessons must be taught in latin language but excuse me chemistry biology and physics it's difficult to get it even in your own language and it does create
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a lot of problems for the students of the moment and of course it lowers their results it was the threat that these schools where at least some lessons are taught in their native russian would be closed down for good that's scared the russian minority which constitutes one third of the country's population they initiated a referendum on making it to be a second state language something radical right wing parties call a threat to national integrity to fit into this vote is against our constitution which says life is a man a national state and always be it it splits our society which has to have one solid foundation but if you are not to it to be like russia then lion not going to russia and leave us be. at least three quarters of a million people must vote yes for a constitutional change to take place but with support predicted to be just half that seems to be unlikely the outcome however could have been different if another
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three hundred twenty thousand residents were allowed to vote those are ethnic russians who spare and grandparents came here after nine hundred forty five they were denied citizenship after laundry became independent and are still carrying allien passports people who are gaining independence because. in the huge bulk of people who are right now ellen's also voted for in abandonment and afterward see when a friend is in the shit and it's a fraud it's a problem of the building society it's a problem of mutual trust it's a problem of relations between the state and vested minorities the newly appointed council of europe's commissioner for human rights believes the vote will not solve the discrimination problem and that its readers handling of the russian community that should be changed give the human rights aspect of stateless children being born in latvia. clear norms in the convention on the rights of the child every child has a right to citizenship from birth regulating language use in the private sphere
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this also has human rights implications. here i think that things should be reviewed though it is widely accepted here that the russian language referendum will fail the russian minority hopes that bring their struggle out of the shadows and force the government to at least open a dialogue. are contemplating another vote to introduce changes into the citizenship law. and. living with and many say. they would only need a little more than two hundred thousand. reports. here with twenty four hours a day coming up in the next few minutes so the living becomes more fashionable. to cash in with.
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fear keeps you in control if you. are to be manipulated by somebody telling you to do something rather than question. voices in the international arena we also people on the streets if there is good reason to fear the country. well that still to come. on the edge of bankruptcy the future of. the single currency itself could be in trouble the ranks of people writing off the eurozone and even the european project. so perhaps that's why the message for a united europe is being pushed. as this report. what do you know about your country and the capital is your own not just some lived with. a spanish french and english and
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a bit of italian these youngsters are attending one of the fourteen european schools that are primarily to educate children of e.u. stuff we are the only system which is able to provide education in twenty three different languages you know the more europe is united in their city and that's what will leave every day school but outside the classroom reality says otherwise for now differences seem to transcend unity critics along accuse the e.u. of brainwashing children through education par for an alien that they claim promote a stormy eyed vision of the e.u. a comment from a european commission representative at an education fair appears to support that point but he would never succeed to convince people of both of you being members here and you are not early enough when you are young or old. prejudices. will fit there is no push to export concepts from the
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european school model international curriculums apply now live in a two thousand and eleven report and later adopted by parliament. the european parliament repeats its request to the member states to promote the inclusion of the specific subject on the background goals and functioning of the european union and its institutions which will help young people feel more involved in the process of european integration school curricula responsibility of individual member states to tailor to their own needs and their own classrooms and the e.u. should not get involved in dictating what individual schools teach you know we don't want the european money wasted on pouring out it's pouring out to you propaganda into our schools we say it's part of our role to explain to citizens regardless of age how this thing work why we have the european union why it's a good thing that the aim is more information not not kind of propaganda or you
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know sort of brainwashing exercise that's not what we're talking among the objectives of the european school are to encourage a european and global perspective and to promote the emergence of a european identity from an early age but the question is why does it stop being education and start being a propaganda when the suggestion is being. better europe is automatically more europe then i have a problem with that as do angry m e p's he say that targeting youngsters and their education with a potentially one sided political view may just be a little too sinister just are cilia r.t. brussels. a little later our finance guru max kaiser brings you his assessment on the health of the global economy the cause report asks what google is trying to achieve by offering you five dollars in exchange for your search history. forty acres and a mule you know they give you five bucks to spy on you and i would be surprised if
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you have people from overseas rushing to america to get five dollars from google people in greece for people in greece five dollars twenty five dollars that's a whole six months of pay and it shows you the whole neo feudal system ok now these economies these the rich people the rich communities are those who are doing the spying who get paid to spy on you google is one of the biggest corporations in the world because they spy on you you are poor because you take whatever dregs whatever bread and circuses they trickle down to you you'll take whatever you get you'll accept this being spied on they think they have a first says they're getting free twenty five dollars oh it's a free twenty five dollars never for a moment considering that the apparatus that allows them to get that twenty five dollars has disenfranchised them so horribly that the u.s. competitiveness is crashing and the standard of living is crashing and there's no health care there but you got your free twenty five dollars.
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more from mexico has been states you have it and then take on the latest financial headlines in about fifteen minutes from now here on. tens of thousands of people to be running across russia to support prime minister putin's political course in his bid for presidency next month in the premier's natures in petersburg some sixty thousand people gathered in the center of the city they chanted slogans and brandish russian flags and banners in support of let me read to them by the city's prominent citizens who also addressed the crowds the demonstrators spoke out against social disorder in the revolution in the country saying they wanted a strong and stable russia the country also source several mass rallies against the current leadership of the last december's parliamentary elections which protesters claim were rigged tens of thousands are expected to gather again to call for fair elections at the end of february. what some of the news may. in headlines around the world this hour in the world of fake police in senegal the tear gas and rubber bullets crowds of protesters demonstrations were against current president. running
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for a third term as head of state constitution allows for only two stretches in office but a court cleared him to run again as he took office before the term limit was put in place at least four people have died in the protests since the unrest began last month. pope benedict has appointed twenty two new cardinals at the vatican the main role of the elite club of catholic figureheads is to advise the current pope and choose his successor almost a quarter of cardinals and from italy decreasing the chance that the next pope could be from another country a situation in israel's accusations of bias the ceremony is being clouded by embarrassing leaks of internal documents alleging corruption among top clerics. friends and family are gathering in newark new jersey for whitney houston's funeral we'll bring you live pictures of that taking place at the moment and we can see
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them gathered to say their last goodbyes to the pop icon the funeral services being held at the church where she sang in the choir as a charm started to pay their respects on friday leaving flowers and balloons on the church steps the six time grammy award winner was found dead in a bar for the beverly hills hotel last week. as we can see those live pictures also to let you know that we're following the funeral live on our website. dot com. there's more land in russia than in any other country in the world but people especially in big cities struggle to find fresh produce however the supremacy of supermarkets and big businesses could soon be over as a growing appetite for organic products means more and more people are taking up farming but there's still a long way to go results he's done a push over now reports. if feast for the eyes but not necessarily for your stomach many would be shy.
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