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tv   [untitled]    February 19, 2012 8:48am-9:18am EST

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yeah but it was there was so much negativity during the genocide people also showed humanity. there were people who dared during the genocide to hide their neighbors despite the threat to their lives because they could have died. and yeah fish she took me into the house and suggested that i hide up in the roof she put me there she works harder in sick i took him in and instructed him to hinds in the attic but when the war the genocide started and i was nine years old i was in third grade. of course i was afraid. i had to be brave because they attack or so would come and ask me these days there anyone in the house and i would say no there is nobody here were me that if i peer out of myself they could kill mit and my children and i came out after three months together with this brave woman but first we really need to
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prevent genocide from happening again in a dress and staggering aftermath so we can rebuild this world and then my advice to people is to have long. to let love come back in manas so that war never returns to this country. six years after the chant aside we started bringing troops over abandon women leaders one of them was a lawyer is here in new. we don't speak as different political but his speech was the one that she had to figure out how you bury eight hundred thousand corpses without any quick meant and what to do about five hundred thousand orphans. adopted the program over. there one it took them to the homes. this is sexist or one cheap in its holder to beat it to the. highest
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percentage of women in any parliament in the world. to fit in and that's a strong message. of pick up to the overall. it is that this country can be. in music the going to do it will do it bit. unity because fissionable people. think. is a bad player not only real one didn't hear at the fest pad festival but many countries responded to the invitation that's replace the amount of top player in the tournament. then it's to be
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a different level of conflict with the looking people who refuse to be involved. so that it's tomorrow it comes up and says bits go and fight these other girls. just a minute we dance together we sing together why should we fight. you say you're all shown to do the show so do we try to sing songs or a piece for us i'm a haro it's a piece of boom ways unity with you and we try to cultivate national pride to us you're not. the colors that we wear the colors of the national fly. into boston sensually is that we are making a contribution to the unification and thus unity which brings about peace.
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your mind should look at the darkness but your real and your action driven or trip . regardless of what anybody thinks of the iranian government and regime i think iran is grossly misrepresented. they run your nation as a whole it has always been a defensive posture it's never been in an office of posture. you have been good why does for any intervention in a specific in one's interface mean when our first democratically elected government said it was overthrown by c.i. a and it british. there is a very serious wall of mistrust between that iran and america because of america's past performance and actions in iraq.
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they want iraq war was a very stark reminder news line is that they were isolated as iran was being pounded in and simple answers the western powers were giving arms and weapons to saddam hussein this has been the root of most of the ones mistrust were dressed up the world. looks. like cut. out of. it all you express ourselves through rap music when the motor the jew we talk about things we see in real life i'm reading was you know i'm. done those are those good job the whole goal posts just. looks
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a. little german but as comes from nationalism and i'm from the love of our motherland good enjoy and we're trying to reach people and have our words heard not just in iran coming in but by people all over the world hopefully will have a positive effect or injury even if it's just a small was. cut. cut cut cut. i always wanted to somehow emerge the mill of these are there learned in my childhood and use them in my work. her car. her. it's all silence at the end in slow march to a lecture the village that was bombed by saddam hussein and was wiped completely.
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you're. sure. it's the street that i think it's one of the current in our century a leader of them doing this to so many people. for. the first there is nothing we can do about it but the membrane collapse we can make you think how to prevent the. her womb what can we do to stop making it happen again as humans not just there's not this iran is not the same world these you know not as citizens of any country but as humans.
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this is basically a deposition of aging from one thousand to twenty my interpretation has been to bring all of these elements in this this moral agency and see how it works in fun temporaries time. as i was working the rants in here on there taking place in the green movement so a lot of this is here just parts of humanity's that are shocked by mobile phones and recorded as rossi's made their patients with the pain and still. there's a reason for this uprising is that people then time voltage and their voice was. told people even though you want their voices heard. i use movement as. civil rights.
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i talk about the symbolism of activism of bill with your mind should look at the darkness but the real action should be driven work to chance. well to the. science technology innovation and all the least developed from around russia we've got the future covered.
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latest news on the week's top stories on our team of the year one wraps up the pressure on the syrian regime as violence escalates but russia calls for talks to break the stalemate while damascus promises reforms. iran's oil ministry says tax problem is stopping oil exports to france and britain made pressure and sanctions over its nuclear program. and greek anger spills out onto the streets once again as lawmakers clear more cuts to secure vital rescue cash the wake of days of violent protests.
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thanks for being with us on karen with the latest the u.n. general assembly has adopted a non-binding resolution this week calling on syria's president assad to step down russia was among twelve states who voted against saying the draft fails to address the armed opposition while damascus is vowing for major reforms reports of violence continue archies maria finnell sheila is in syria. situation here in syria means volatile with tensions between security forces and the armed opposition groups continue in claiming lives of both military and civilians almost every day on thursday we attended the funerals of a young boy who was gunned down early here in damascus during the n.t. government protest and the procession itself eventually turned into hostile demonstrations in the clashes that followed and the continued the next day five
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people were killed and many others injured one violence one day causes even more violence next and so on and so on we also can see political murders as well this week shake of the most of damascus was assisted native apparently because of his pronouncements to shake came out with strong condemnation of the terror groups of the armed groups he blamed for the bloodshed calling for to stop the violence to stop the bloodshed we're also hearing about her stitches in other parts of the country reports from opposition activists that in the city of homs many people die every day in the city of hama they've been several explosions all pipeline in the midst of balance these tensions all across syria syria reforms. to go in this week and the date for the national referendum on the country's new constitution was announced the vote is expected to take place next sunday as far as the ministry of internal affairs of syria has said around fifteen million people in
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syria today have the right to vote this new constitution was drafted. and the monopoly of the ruling party the vast party here in syria had been in power for the last fifty years but people on the ground are actually fearing that this referendum and this new constitution it's too little and too late this week the chinese delegation visited syria both russia and china are calling for the dialogue to be restored between the syrian opposition and the authorities. saying that this is the only way out of this crisis. syrian state media reports a senior prosecutor and a church have been assassinated in the country there the latest high profile killings that damascus is blaming on terrorist forces supported from abroad with the cia admitting al-qaeda are among armed syrian opposition political analyst. says washington is teaming up with the extremists you look american who are
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today siding was. that the one they invaded the war because of it but now they're in bed with al qaeda in syria actually arming and dull and to continue arming and smuggling weapons and dumping and meaningful dialogue between the syrian syrian government and the opposition i think today the point that we have to make a logical policy change now the emphasis should be on encouraging dialogue and stop this policy of inciting because this is kind of the counterproductive for syria and for the world i don't hold the american should know better because they got nine eleven and now they go in and associate themselves was al qaeda again. high iran says it has stopped oil exports to french and british companies
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the country's oil ministry says taffrail has other customers to sell its current to the islamic republic games to a preempt any you oil embargo that start to come into force in july the e.u. says the ban was aimed at forcing iran to resume talks over its atomic program europe and the u.s. suspects as pursuing nuclear weapons denies that and says it's ready to resume negotiations that's as reports suggest iran plans to boost the enrichment capacity of its underground site near the city of home meanwhile israel accused iran this week of being behind bomb attacks on its diplomats in india georgia and thailand with israeli pm calling around the world's chief exporter of terrorism some fear israel is paving the way for military action i think what you really are trying to do is trying to up the ante to the americans will do something they aren't capable of taking out around nuclear program they don't have the means to do it best it could mean more as a hit and run has the run of the tarik but i think it actually behind the rhetoric
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about nuclear weapons the reality is what they are worried about is the increase of the increase of around influence in the in the region who really is of constantly said that they're not going to be nuclear weapons international it's all the inspectors have just been to iran the bank seems a good visit they're going back to iran they're getting cooperation you wouldn't know this from reports in the western media so i think there is a rush to go but my opinion is the ratcheting up is not by the real news it is by the israelis and by the americans and i think there is a lot of hypocrisy a boat around you could program. preventing iran from getting nuclear weapons isn't the real driving force for the u.s. and its allies that's what anti-war activists brian becker sets. the united states government has created an artificial crisis that's first and foremost it's a manufactured crisis iran is complying with the. iran does not have a nuclear weapon iran is not threaten its neighbors iran has not started
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a war with any of its neighbors israel on the other hand has hundreds of nuclear weapons and unlike the run refuses to sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty does not allow. specters into its country so there is not really a nuclear menace or a nuclear danger from iran and so what is the cause of the artificial crisis the real goal is the united states government has embarked on a course of extreme economic aggression against iran with the hope that by creating economic suffering economic isolation economic misery that part of the population will rise up or become disenfranchised with the government so that the u.s. can do as it has in history carry out regime change. you can hear more from brian becker in about twenty minutes time from now. right now in the next couple of minutes we how the pro-democracy anniversaries that are
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marked across the middle east fireworks replace gunshots in libya four days of celebrations but an armed to the teeth militia isn't going anywhere casting a shadow on the country's path to stability. and another middle eastern country bomber and police come down strong on anti-government protesters with the help of one of britain's former top cops. frustrated greeks are filling central athens once again i asked crowds gather outside parliament to protest ever more all started being pushed upon them greece's cabinet has passed the final set of massive cuts e.u. creditors to. manton return for a one hundred thirty billion euro bailout which could now be cleared on monday but the rage of a beleaguered population is still at the forefront of greek society artie's jacob greets reports. the system under siege m.p.'s drowned out the pleas of tens of thousands of demonstrators amassed within a short passing another round of them popular cuts. the results proved
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incendiary. that uganda protests turned violent as protesters including fringe and the kids clashed with police again leaving their mark on athens. the day all this is the remnants of public anger but glass isn't the only thing that's been broken as the government's past increasingly unpopular austerity cuts will be left asking who can they trust serve their interests the measures are very very tough part of the poor people especially and this is the reason that we feel. we today and i think more measures have been taken and it's not going to work in the end they'll be another bill. and. oh i hope for the best but i don't see it coming. under pressure from brussels and the international monetary
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fund the greek government has cut more jobs to slash funding for the nation's pensions a minimum wage but current policy appears to mainly expose those most vulnerable to crisis conditions is a mindset some feel is doomed to fail and they already have destroyed the whole generation of young people and their dreams destroyed. the safety and infrastructure of the whole country we know that it is impossible to read a piece there that we have no signs that these illegal or all do those bad we cannot continue. because the policy that the government is following actually increases the did instead of finding a solution but the heart of activists claims is their search and they've noticed their tea for the best part of five years now and that time taxes have risen incomes have full but the country's deficit only seems to grow and in this
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austerity cycle is something sought by an increasing number despite the turmoil the government warns will follow what is a bad about our political system is the work of the right exactly even more good people by these third or four. years they are going to come the only way out from this point is the default default is going to be very tough for us but there's going to be a better solution than this slow death for now relative calm has returned to the streets of athens smashed buildings have been patched up the signs of damage where the way for the simmering discontent hasn't been and was forced medicine appears to bring nothing but pain many are continuing their call for target of treatment jake agrees athens one of the creditors is conditions that's riles greek politicians are the demands for written guarantees that they will stick to the cuts regardless
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of who wins the next election and her national consultant. says greece is government is not acting in the best interests of its people. are bankers that stupid that they always make the mistake of lending too much money and are governments that stupid that they take loans much more than they can pay back or insist is this part of a model where like shylock's pound of. pay you ability of the sovereign there is literally used to control the entire country who runs greece is it the greek people or is it the idea of the european central bank the european union germany and the private bankers and i ask this question because president lucas papademos is a member of the trilateral commission which is one of the power groups where you also have the top brass members the top brass of. their bank goldman sachs city or those are rare you see j.p. morgan so you figure will mr buck by the rules prioritize the interests of the
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people or the interests of the bankers so sad to see the same sickening scene time and again since taking to the streets they are repressed by the police who tear gas they throw stones somebody gets injured hundreds get into somebody's always ends up getting killed and i always figure that it's the poor people on the street fighting the police who are also poor and i always wonder if there are a cigar smoking perched on the fiftieth floor board room looking down the horrific scenes and just laughing at it all. they are as ons are staring into has also hit spain as tens of thousands of people have marched out across the country protesters are angry at the government's labor reforms the largest rally is taking place in madrid but trade unions have organized gatherings in fifty seven cities across the country protesters say reforms were unfair to workers and would destroy jobs the changes make it easier to adjust employees schedules and wages and have south fired
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last week similar rallies turned violent as demonstrators were blocked by police on their way to the parliament spain's unemployment has tripled since two thousand and seven and almost half of people under twenty five are out of work. this week libyans have been celebrating the first anniversary of the uprising that led to the toppling of colonel gadhafi the united states congratulated the people while urging the libyan government to protect civil rights amnesty international has been reporting that the darfur supporters happen subjected to abuse and torture this as concerns grow that libya's armed militia are still roaming the country unchecked pharaoh's mangi who is editor in chief of the pan african social justice network told r.t. the situation now is much worse than it was during the colonel's regime. versus the nature we can vary of libya. as the. groups human rights but it's not just torture there is. indiscriminate
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killings there are extra judicial killings there's summary execution of them coto gadhafi. members of this film have been summarily executed nobody has to do justice or the huge a mode of being poured into the body of europeans by the americans of. this place is this they get too into. the ball civil war this situation you know we've got is worse than it was under the the rule of gadhafi. so i had for you this hour willing voters with just two weeks until the russian presidential election we look at how candidates are attempting to attract the electorate. and spent a year sends another pro-democracy uprising but this time in bahrain but it was
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tear gas and rubber bullets that rained down on time strainers as they faced a tough police clampdown and bennett has been finding out security forces are being helped by foreign advisers. tear gas and stun grenades supposedly the work of a reformed police force but one year on since the first anti-government protests were crushed in bahrain it seems not much has changed the only difference now the crackdowns being planned by one of britain's former top cops john yates used to be assistant commissioner of london's metropolitan police he now works for bahrain's monarchy which says he's there to oversee police reforms the police have borrowed or behaving despicably the latest trick is to throw cancer tear gas into homes of people they don't like shut the doors and people have died choking to death tear gas or use out of doors and i think for the british police officer overstimulate retired to be associated in any way with that is this is wrong yes resigned from
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scotland yard last year in early fictive of the phone hacking scandal he popped up in bahrain in december as part of the regime's p.r. campaign to clean up its image a campaign pushed hard it seems by yeats himself he recently told the daily telegraph his new charges had a well rehearsed plan for the anniversary of the uprising adding the concept of reasonable reaction to provocation has been reinforced as for the uprising itself yet said this isn't organize protests it's just vandalism rioting on the streets claims hotly disputed by london's bahraini community i mean you get thousands and thousands of people protestant demanding their rights and you call that vandalism if you seem to forget that there are sixty five or sixty five people actually died in france from police brutality activists in bahrain insists their protest was peaceful their aim to reach.


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