tv [untitled] February 20, 2012 4:48pm-5:18pm EST
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about everything we're talking about to me is the role that wall street still does have in washington and i know that you've written about in your post political that you think both parties don't really serve your desires is this why is this because we have this this collusion between government big business yeah i mean it's far from an original idea of my own but it's becomes really apparent when you were turning thirty five this week so happy i have a lot to expect thank you have a lot to experience and a lot to learn but in my relatively short time as a young adult and having a failed family of my own and starting to really pay attention to the politics of it all you really have to be. of a subpar i.q. to not recognize the fact that we've essentially led business interests take over washington i know it's not a regional thought but what i do think is that you know to certain points the
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futility of it all. is hammered home to you so when you look at the influence that wall street has on on washington it's it doesn't even matter what party these guys are in because you look at the goldman you look at their contributions they're giving to both equally it's you know it's really become it's gotten to the point where even obama who was supposed to come in and tackle finance quote unquote he basically would have to health care instead so dodd frank comes along two years after the fact and you know really a lot of the for and the desire to make this thing work fairly was already out the window so it's kind of frustrating yes and i think that's why i refer to myself as post political ok and real quickly before we go because you did come up with the boob indicator and we talked about it you talked about this is there a place that for the. indicator we go out and i just you know maybe you want to give a few words about what inspired you if you think these things really catching on.
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sure i don't know i don't think most young girls even know what a headline is so there was this piece of there was this piece and you know it was this piece in usa today where they look at the rebound the plastic surgery and most people would think that the most common plastic surgery is a face lift or some type of chin thing or a tummy tuck but really breast implants or like three to one and they talk about the rebound there and i thought to myself you know maybe that's a little bit more. than the headline of a skirt given that most of the famous female performers don't even wear skirts anymore performs in a leotard so they're down to their giving thank you for telling us that on now we really appreciate you being here it was great that was that josh around there and vice president of investment at fusion analytics.
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all right euro zone leaders are meeting over greece these are the headlines we see everywhere today and they typically can be characterized by our best estimate to a few points of focus to let's take a look at a couple of them ok greece moves to second bailout as d. fault risk spooks europe ok that's the key concern the concern over default with bailout as the antidote to that and then there's another other song scenario euro leaders consider a greek exit at their own peril ok so this is the exit scenario a failure of leaders to work this out and greece leaves the euro zone in that case now the mainstream media conventional wisdom is a greek default equals an exit from the euro zone here is our reality check this is false these two scenarios are not one in the same and here is why greece is position in the euro zone is dependent on the support of the e.c.b.
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and its willingness to continue allowing greek banks to post collateral at the e.c.b. and return for fresh loans these are things like government guarantee commercial papers so this is what the e.c.b. has been doing does far now it has of course been criticized for lowering the standards of how and what it judges quality collateral but that's not not just from greece that's from numerous other national banking systems within the euro area since the eurozone crisis began ireland portugal italy all to name a few now a unilateral default by the greek government now would force the e.c.b. to realize huge losses on bonds that it is either bought through the secondary market or accepted as collateral by greek banks ok these are sunk costs though and they have nothing to do with whether the e.c.b. should continue to accept collateral from greek banks in an effort to prevent a banking system collapse in that country if. anything the finances of the greek banking system and government will be vastly improved after a default this makes the logic for withdrawing liquidity support to the country's
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banks one teaching a lesson ok they would be punishing greece and sending a very clear message to any other country that is considering similar steps if you dare default you're going to have a banking collapse ok that's the message so we just wanted to make this very clear a greek government default as bad as it may be does not have to be compounded by a disorderly euro zone exit could that would inevitably result in a banking collapse a return to the drama and drama recapitalization of the domestic banking system this is a choice that euro zone leaders would have to consciously make or the greek leaders pressured to divert purchasing power to the government by issuing a new domestic currency without having a tax revenue would have to consciously make but conflating the two default and euro zone exit with all that this would entail has been regularly used as a scare tactic by greek politicians in particular as they scrounge around for whatever political capital may be left to push through drastic spending cuts and
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austerity so as you read the headlines this is what we think is missing from the story. all right before we go earlier we were talking about the boob indicator so we might just continue this conversation stick to larger ray when it comes to business and innovation and economic measures i want to bring in alone and kosky host of the alona show she is on set filling in for dimitri and shannon donahoe in the control room to help me out to talk about a couple of these things before we go so ryan air is an airline that is known for innovation ok they have gotten airfares to really low levels and they also have
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a you know racy ad campaign here's their c.e.o. talking about innovation. right here is the most innovative you're going to the words i accept about small so if you the bar very high given that the airlines around the world has. probably seen wilbur and orville wright for slew of nine hundred twelve so it's not just the ninety nine fires it's also that they have you know a saucy ad campaign that kind of goes with their whole innovative agenda and this is one of their latest ads it was banned in the u.k. by their morality police their official regulatory body. we'll just call them the morality police but my question looking at this is to ban this based on morality is this unfair to business is this squashing innovation a competitive edge by saying we you know we can't handle lingerie i mean to me i wouldn't even say this is something so extraordinary and so new because that's the oldest trick in the book is sex sells so why this is considered you know a matter of innovation i don't really get i think it's unfortunate that they've
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banned the u.k. happens to do these things a lot more than we see here in the u.s. when it comes to clamping down on freedom of speech and such and the same time i was reading in some of the letters there that you know some customers thought there might be misleading to the meld travelers and they thought that maybe this meant that the flight attendants were going to offer sexual favors i was heard that you're just stupid enough. to sell because guys immediately think it's going to lead to something for them yeah shannon do you want to weigh in here i think the newspapers are what's really missing out because newspaper sales are obviously declining and here ryan air bought advertising space and that you can is like no. no i know i agree it's bad for business all the way around when you look at all of the ads that they have pulled because they're too airbrushed in the case of makeup or because they're in you know skimpy outfits or whatever it just seems like legislating morality is a weird thing anyway and just really not conducive to business i agree a lot of great let's move on it is present day presidents day so in honor of the
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forty three men there yes. forty three grover cleveland served two terms president here is a bit of fun history on them so to start out the shortest president was james madison he was five foot four so that means that he was two inches taller than me and the same height as you i guess time to change that i guess times have changed a bit and to bring shannon in president obama can trace his roots to ireland which is a small county money goal which is in another county i cannot pronounce what are these but where you can trace your roots towards but my question to you guys is presidents day good for anything aside for not having news papers prints not having news stations do their news not really having things open i mean what is the point . i work in the news right so you and i never get presidents day on how we are sitting in the studio we have to work so i wouldn't say that it's necessarily good for us but i mean sure why not commemorate the people that have held you know the executive branch and how that seat of power there have been some very influential
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presidents have done both good and bad scary things for the country my point a lot of the newspapers aren't printing and i'm kind of like who are all these people that are off while we're here working on presidents' day but that is our contribution there that's all we have time for their lucky thank you so much for watching feel free to follow me on twitter at lauren lester give us feedback at youtube dot com slash capital account come back tomorrow and have a great night. sure is that so much. in which of course you want to hear the trials and tribulations of the middle class long considered the failure of the west political economic border is now the victim of a long term. thank
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else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry is a big if. we let our guard against that you're not going to let that influence whether sought or known by the military industrial complex the morning of dwight d. eisenhower spoken more than fifty years ago is being reverberated today this time by ron paul who also says the us is on a dangerous path toward fascism i'll tell you what keeps this presidential candidate up at night. there's a wise old greek proverb that the person who borrows. becomes the slave who he borrows from and on your marks they get set bail out european ministers are meeting
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in belgium to plug the holes in greece's economy what's at stake and what does it mean for your finances well explore. is this another step potentially on the road to road to potentially making nuclear weapons and iran's nuclear potential has lawmakers and media outlets crying wolf but haven't we seen this story somewhere before isn't this the equivalent of iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction and is fear and not to send us into yet another war. good afternoon it's monday february twentieth five pm in washington d.c. i'm christine for you watching our team. well it's president's day today and we're in the fifth on the campaign season with four remaining g.o.p. candidates crisscrossing the country preparing for another round of presidential
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primaries arizona and michigan a week from tomorrow and of course super tuesday coming up on march sixth now over the weekend g.o.p. presidential hopeful ron paul was in kansas city missouri speaking at union station there to a crowd of more than a thousand people he came out with a pretty strong warning about the direction this country is headed in and we should mention i'm going to show you something a part of that speech but i want to tell you this video was shot on a cell phone you should be able to hear it but it's not the best video quality. all right so again a ron paul saying the u.s. is slipping into a fascist system dominated by government and businesses strong words there from the texas congressman and as usual their words largely ignored by the mainstream media
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so we thought we'd take some time to talk about this more in-depth let's go to journalist michael tracey in montclair new jersey michael as someone who has yet to win a primary in this campaign these are seen by some people as strong words derogatory words even offensive by many why do you think ron paul felt the need to say this about the direction that the u.s. is heading. this is something that ron paul saying for quite a while i think i remember an interview with him in two thousand and seven where he said that you know the state of the country is too soft fascism so i don't think he's trying to say that the united states is on a path to or ask. suppression. you know the way that he characterizes the situation i think speaks to a growing apprehension that a lot of people have about where the country is headed and i think you know ron paul has gained traction not because he's and remarks but because he you know
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shoots from the hip and some of the that as you say the growing apprehension and some of those concerns have been articulated in the last several months by the occupy wall street movement i wondering michael do you think that all is sort of reaching out to these people letting them know people who identify themselves as the ninety nine percent versus the one percent you think he's trying to make sure they know he's on their bandwagon. what remarkably if you been following the presidential debates throughout the fall and into the winter every now and then ron paul's say something you know on his own volition invoking his support for aspects of the i was three movement and he said that he hasn't been to do with the tea party and occupy wall street movement so i think that there is a void that he is feeling pretty remarkable and he's a pretty remarkably unique figure in that sense that you know he can extend an olive branch to both of these movements which you know that the mainstream media
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casts is income in conflict one another i think he he shows that there's a uniting sentiment that's driving them to some extent let's talk about that void that he's feeling i mean talk to me michael about in what way you think ron paul has a short of change the discussion in this country whether he's won primaries or not he's still in there there were nine and now there are four candidates left he is still one of them and he has decidedly different opinions about what is most important in this country what do you think his role has been this far. well one of the striking dynamics throughout this primary season is that the televised debates have been very important so regardless of what kind of polling ron paul tains or what is the delegate count it's back that he's given a national platform on a fairly regular basis and is able to disseminate his views you know before an audience that's you know range from hostile to sympathetic i think is really
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significant and if you have attended or watched video of any of ron paul's campaign appearance that's what he always mentions with basically without except almost about exception the n.b.a. for example which you know allows for the indefinite detention american civilian as we all know and this is something that we never even be remotely discussed if it were if ron paul or some of them were excluded from the continents. so this event saturday night in kansas city missouri kind of interesting it was at the same time as a more sort of a stablish went republican event it was a fund raising banquet of some kind some heavy hitting republican people there speaking and were on the street is that quite a few republicans left that fancy banquet to actually go here ron paul speak and to hear his message i want to get your thoughts on ron paul and his place in his own party. well it's very interesting i i think in the past few months it's become
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clear that there are quite a few republicans especially the skewed toward the younger son and of the spectrum who kind of privately some or all. for reasons of professional image maybe aren't able to be vocal about it for too you know ruffled feathers by coming out and you know outright dorsey but for a while now there's been kind of murmuring. ron paul is gaining traction among this younger demographic and. before the fact that his message has been so widely disseminated shows that you know he's gaining a lot of traction and this is actually causing a fissure within the republican party that i think it's going to have pretty last lasting implications regardless of the outcome of this contest i mean i think in the future we're going to have. you know ron paul is going to be become a respected figure within the party establishment. even if he's in the piers and he
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shuns now because of the ideological resonance of a lot of what he's thinking of ideology some of what he says seems very different from some of these candidates but some of what he says has also been around for a really long time certainly one of his most outspoken messages and harshest critiques is about the wars that the u.s. is currently involved in was involved in spending money on and this is also a warning that came decades ago fifty years ago from president dwight d. eisenhower and his farewell address back in one thousand nine hundred eighty one i want to play a little bit about what he said and then talk about its relevance today. in the councils of government we must car guard against the acquisition of don't want that influence whether sought or loans sought by the military industrial complex the potential for the disastrous rise of this place power exists and will persist. so michael talk a little bit about this message from eisenhower somewhat similar today from ron
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paul and what it all means in you know for today especially with considering how many people are really just sick of the wars that we've been fighting in for the last ten years. well with the codification of many wishes worst excesses in terms of foreign policy by obama it's become clear that it's virtually impossible for the american citizenry to signal disapproval of military industrial complex by way of electoral and i think that's what ron paul was speaking to with his comments of the week and. so. on because you know voting for obama did not really attain any actual practical change and in that regard ron paul's presentation of a you know radically different alternative i think it's getting a lot of resonance and you know for ron paul to. warn about the dangers of the
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military doesn't such a regular basis i think is implanting that idea and that distrust of that institution within a new generation. politically aware and i think again nobody would argue that he is the most different out of all the candidates out there and journalist michael tracey speaking to us about ron paul from long claire new jersey. and again one of ron paul's most strongest and loudest messages is that anti-war stance he wants to close the more than nine hundred u.s. military bases around the world he wants to end the war in afghanistan and spend way less on this country's military some people might even call him anti military but if you take a look at those who are actually serving in the military or who have served they donate to ron paul's campaign more than any other candidate his messages of getting out of the wars seems to actually resonate most with those who really understand
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the consequences of these wars and today hundreds of military veterans came out to show that support in a march called ron paul is the choice of the troops it began today at noon at the washington monument and r.t. correspondent lizzie wall was there and has more. his consistently strong antiwar message we don't need another war i understood and you make that point quite a lot as one that resonates with many u.s. troops today i don't believe that we should be over in these other countries messing around he wants to close the nine hundred overseas bases that we are funding and a very expensive and growingly more expensive rate there that has bankrupted this country well hundreds of active duty troops better and and their families are gathered here by the washington monument they'll be marching to the white house to show their solidarity and support for republican presidential candidate ron paul. but. often ignored because you know they deserve more than one mansion on all the
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stations somewhere instead of this of these all of their stars are so what's going on here you're going to be a business how did libertarian ron paul become the thirteenth floor in a hotel. when his message isn't being cut off well i think it would be even more dangerous to start to pick in wars with other countries someone like iran israel is more than capable. we just lost our curriculum actually unfortunately. the mainstream media would have you believe the military doesn't back paul the top three contributors of the air force the army the navy and you know compare that to somebody like mitt romney who's top donations or like goldman sachs and fact paul gets far more campaign donations from members of the military than any other presidential candidate ron paul seems to be the only person that's representing instead of the defense contractors and bankers the danger is really also overreacting and we need a strong national defense and we need to only go to war with
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a declaration of war and just carelessly flouting it and starting these wars so often president. sick of fighting seemingly never ending wars overseas these soldiers are ready for radical change. the only hope for that they say is getting paul into the white house. in washington. liz wall art. well it is d.-day in brussels belgium today where greece will find out whether the several round of cuts it's made in some of those financial hoops it's jump through have been enough to be awarded in economic bailout seventeen year old's own members will decide if they'll hand over the one hundred thirty billion euros or one hundred seventy one billion dollars greece needs to avoid default the greek prime minister lucas papademos along with greece's finance ministers are also in brussels for the meeting as is r t correspondent tess are silly who brings us a look at what's at stake another crucial meeting is taking place in the brussels
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to be as the eurozone finance ministers gather after their last meeting was was called for last what state to today the big topic is still peace as it has been for the past weeks now and the big question is will the speed will to secure that or hundred thirty billion euros of bailout from its international buffers the second such move off the country on the back of the bonds of those watching the situation a greek default is still a possibility so we can see the exit from the your results were some readers have been trying very hard to keep a positive picture told this big german chancellor i look forward to whatever of course what will count is the solution of the answer that they will perceptive come up with at the end of today's meeting all of these efforts to was probably to put together a solution for to the greek crisis is to meet the deadline of march twenty pound reduction. was to make fourteen point five b. if it works and it's not able to do so it would be technically difficult to. that
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was has arcilla arcee correspondent in brussels and as has a mention the deciding factors here revolve around how much greece is willing to cut back they're worried about a few rounds of austerity measures and the country will be asked to continue to cut more officials say it's the only way to move ahead but what about the people of greece how have their lives been impacted and what do they think about today's meetings are decors want to go greaves looks at that aspect of the story. voting for morse there is something that dubbed by greece's caretaker prime minister has a moment of historic responsibility a notion some especially the greek population feel has been lost on euro zone leaders but i feel disappointed and sad because these measures were imposed on actually foreigners and we didn't have a say as a greek people that. there is a wise old greek proverb that a person who borrows and borrows becomes the slave of who he borrows from an uptick
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sickness after passing more unpopular cuts greek politicians are told that brussels amber lynn pepper spode the decision on another bailout that and questions over greece is place in the euro that the country's finance minister to talk they were toying with a nation's future this is by no means the first set of austerity measures to be imposed on greece but with a significant amount of coalition m.p.'s choosing to say no it does mark a shift in thinking among governing politicians willing to share the grievances of the public and offer them an alternative if the greek economy is not through stuff just doesn't go down the alley of development that eventually greece we at some point will bankrupt. in that case what will happen is that all of the assets of the stern tree will actually pass in the hands of the. all the funders in total forty three m.p.'s in the ruling coalition chose to say no to morris their take that even among those in favor may remain hostile to the euro zone's message and how it's
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being delivered i think it was such type of message as brussels of helping to european forces in greece. and all of the austerity measures don't solve the problem they make it worse we need development we need development for the survival of the greek economy is going to be among both the public and the teachings that he's doing that using his art and that. well. there's more people as we say very lifting so this is jason because it's rewarding greece cover way to the way they're ready to last sunday's mass demonstrations and continuing uproar sent a message to those in athens and brussels that though voting through austerity may have been an historic moment as one of the likely to put the nation's problems to bed meaning rather than being resigned to the past scenes of anger likely to be.
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