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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2012 6:48pm-7:18pm EST

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surveillance of muslims and the investigation revealed and why p.t. has been keeping tabs on muslim students not only in the city of new york but all across the state into the entire northeast this raise concerns yet again about the n.y.p.d. the intelligence gathering but at least one person found the investigation caused to be weary not of the n.y.p.d. but of the a p itself michael walsh is the former editor in chief of big journalism who now writes a twice weekly opinion column for the new york post and this week he decided to tackle what he calls the journalistic jihad of the a.p. is waging against the n.y.p.d. and yes he actually used those words now the investigation exposes that despite new york city mayor bloomberg the surance as the n.y.p.d. only follows legitimate leads about suspected criminal activity and my p.d. is surveilling muslim students with no mention of wrongdoing whatsoever but watch things and that's totally normal he says quote there is always a gap between what public officials say to the gotcha media and what they actually must do especially when it comes to terrorism if officials could candidly talk
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about the daily reports they get about possible lethal jihad this activity the country would be in a permanent state of panic now what if they actually came out and said we are monitoring muslim students who have done nothing wrong because they are muslim and therefore could possibly be terrorists i mean can you imagine the sheer and utter chaos that would ensue yes better to keep that one secret otherwise the entire country just might go to terror induced panic was also claims of the targeting of muslims for no reason is a good thing plain and simple he says that on nine eleven america was shot in the back by nineteen devout praying muslims some of whom had infiltrated our nation posing as students what the politically correct a.p. apparently sees as an oppressed minority is correctly viewed by the n.y.p.d. as a possible suspect pool for the next attempted terrorist attack i don't forget media was busted for showing it islamophobia training video called third jihad nearly fifteen hundred times now the message of that video the muslims are here to the ceiba us into believing if they are moderate while they are truly here to bring. on
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all of western society so let's just say that i'm a little more than disturbed and they're targeting muslims with no record of wrongdoing in their surveillance wash then goes on to explain that sacrifices must be mate says al qaeda may be operationally damaged but the failed times square bombing serves as a poet reminder that eternal vigilance in the war against radical islam is a price that even pacifist new yorkers must pay for the right not to get blown up at macy's so we have to be willing to accept the n.y.p.d. infringing on the civil liberties of muslims of the nothing wrong why well because that's what's going to keep me from being blown up when i want to pick up a new sweater it's funny though when it comes to sacrifices last march walsh was singing a little bit of a different tune in a column titled the worst homeland security met as he argued the vs a full body scanners go against his fourth amendment rights and wrote the fourth amendment state explicitly the right of the people to be secure in their persons houses papers and effects against unreasonable unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated hard to square that with the mission of the homeland security
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department and its intrusive t.s.a. which treat every american equally as a potential criminal and terrorist but why didn't the terrorist board planes does not make all airline travelers part of this suspect pool so maybe walsh you would be more comfortable if the scanners are only used against muslims so for championing his own civil liberties while asking others to give up their michael walsh is tonight's tool time winner. hi guys it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening producer jenny churchill and comedian all right guys joining me ok so there's a new phobia and down and it's called no phobia take a look. you're moving into a land of both shadow and substance of things and ideas we're not accessing this
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you have. so basically a study has found that people that have a little bit of withdrawal symptoms i guess you could say from not having their cell phone around them it's going up i think the survey it was in the u.k. just four years ago fifty three percent of people suffered now. sixty six percent of people suffer and i guess seventy percent of female spawn and i think i have no what i witnessed you freaking out looking for your phone today actually tried to play a trick on me stole my phone it to see if you know. it was my iphone and i'm freaking out where you're going to go talk to security downstairs see if i left it somewhere like an elevator. you know like. it's like i don't know i phones are like your best defense against humans. i mean like you i don't want to
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conversation crazy people on the train it's like bam. i don't have to you know. it's true i have an issue with this entire thing because what they asked to determine if someone had know my phobia was do you fear losing your phone. that qualifies you then for a phobia that you fear losing your that have all of your contacts you have a lot of money and it was when you live there was fear all you like having nightmares about it. never going to analyze you doing you know what is fear i don't see. a philosophical still important questions once again. ok this story is just and this is to love these levees if we create stories so i think everyone is going to remember this sheriff sheriff paul babeu who is in john mccain's ad about building the dang fence take a look. drug and human smuggling home invasions murders.
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of all the illegals in america more than half come through arizona and we've got the right plan plans perfect you bring troops state county and local law enforcement together and complete the dang thing it will work this time senator if you want to pass. parts of babbo is currently running for congress and now there are accusations so he's gay which i don't think he hides but there are accusations basically for a mexican immigrant who is undocumented he said that he dated a share for years and was threatened with deportation if he ever told anyone about the romance and there are even some racy photos that he put out there do we have the pictures we wait i have the baby that's the root of his right there they are there they are looking for a copy to feel and one of the. maybe that's the root of his racism no it's like a mexican for you and now i don't like. to be like i think you are you saying that like most people who are homophobes then turn out to
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be gay i thought that's where you were going with that not really sure but like i have a bad relationship could make you hate it was not a blanket he just he was just heartbroken like maybe he's he's scored you know he's mexican folderol reasons you know well you know the mexicans because they're jealous and controlling and. i think they need to make a new where he's just walking saying build the fence that relates around his bedroom door for me. all right let's move on. linsanity which we've spoken about here for the show. because you're the only. ok so e.s.p.n. and basically what happened is they had headline asking if there is a chink in the armor and one of their anchors asked the question to so the anchors been suspended for thirty days the headline writers have been fired and i mean it
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really at the end of the day here is jeremy lin's response he appreciated their apology he doesn't think it's that big a deal. e.s.p.n. is apologizing. you know there's no. i don't think it was. you know on purpose or whatever but you know at same time they've apologized for mine i don't care anymore so you have to learn to forgive and you think that was intentional or hopefully not. right so it may have been a poor choice of words but to me it didn't really seem like it was something that was you know it doesn't seem like you know they are being obviously races i could read just like a cliche terms like is there a chink in the armor when you're talking about i mean i just think that people are overreacting but if the legitimate didn't know there was going to be a problem like this was like his picasso piece chicken armor this is it and that's not why they don't teach you know racial slurs in school so how would you how would you really know what if he was just blissfully ignorant we don't know if we really
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don't know but i have to say you know i think it was only a matter of time until someone said something that was lynn sensitive you know given all the time that i've been going around waiting all day to say that all that and so much as i noted on his basketball i do find it kind of shocking how well he drives to the basket because no matter our. point guard all right and that. thank you for joining me both you guys that is it for a diet so thank you for tuning in and make sure you come back tomorrow we're going to have anthony red the director of economic research for the reason foundation joining us for happy hour any time so forget to become a fan of you want to show on facebook also follow us on twitter if there is anything you missed on tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch all the you tube dot com slash here on the show you'll find the interviews so as the show in its entirety we have the next list.
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british. market. find out what's really happening to the global economy. the global financial headlines kaiser report.
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we must guard against the idea that you're not going to influence whether sought the loans or by the military industrial complex a valid was fifty years ago but the message is still just as important today and that's not all ron paul is afraid of when it comes to government influence i'll tell you what keeps this presidential candidate up at night. there's a wise old greek. person who. becomes a slave. looks like that old proverb might actually be coming true ministers
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discussing ways to get greece out of the red what is the salvation worth of the sovereignty and what does it mean for your finances well explore. is this another step potentially on the loans road to potentially making nuclear weapons that's right probably maybe potentially one day in the future iran might be able to create a nuclear weapon and that prospect is enough to have american lawmakers and the media beating the drums of war but does this nuclear fear mongering remind anyone of the alleged weapons of mass destruction back ten years ago. monday february twentieth seven pm in washington d.c. i'm christine and you're watching our t.v. . well on this presidents day let's begin with the presidential race in full swing now as candidates prepare for another round of primaries arizona and michigan
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a week from tomorrow and of course super tuesday on march sixth now over the weekend g.o.p. presidential hopeful ron paul was in kansas city missouri speaking at union station there to a crowd of more than a thousand people and he came out with a pretty strong warning about the direction this country is headed in and i want to warn you this video is shot on a cell phone so the quality is not great but you should be able to hear it. i am. all right strong words there from the texas congressman and as usual their words largely ignored by the mainstream media earlier as well with lou rockwell chairman of the looting von mises institute he's also the author of the left of the right and the state rockwell express his agreement with ron paul's views and the possible
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fate of the country take a listen. braun is that is the truth teller as usual because we have remembered typically of fascism fascist or just epithets but if that is an actual political philosophy it's an actual economic philosophy from an economic standpoint as ron pointed out it's a combination of big corporations and big government working together against the rest of society to illegitimately profit then you have militarism belligerent nationalism demonization of the other muslims and in the american case today and the welfare state and perpetual war so is america slipping into a fascist state the movie think of fascism as just being an historical philosophy of franco and mussolini and hitler and or theon salazar and roosevelt i would add too by the way they think of us think of it as being from the past but it's not from the past it really sort of says the philosophy that's pretty much
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taken over the world i mean most countries have a fascist aspect of the myth of this corporatism and we see goldman sachs appointing the prime minister of greece and the prime minister of italy i mean this is a fascist that's a fascist act not so you have it's not have that's a lot of little it's not just a philosophy from the past so as you say it's also sort of the philosophy and ideology that many i think in both parties and of course in the media would call fringe or radical using the word fascist this is usually a way that is something many of us it was to point out the emperor has no clothes i mean this is that when the word itself is something i think many people find derogatory but i'm going to allude to one of them do you think this message is resonating with regular americans those who don't consider themselves friends or radical just people worried about the direction that this country is taking they probably would not use the word but i think more and more people are so rightly worried about the suppression of civil liberties in this country the fact that the
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president claims the right to kill anybody american or not american everything. they're a bad guy to have the military arrest them we haven't had this stuff since lincoln the military arrest you put you into a secret military prison you're talking of course about the national defense authorization and i mean this is their only their openly claiming and and acting fascist powers things that we think of as more more appropriate for mussolini and but we only have to look at the whether it's obama or the republicans i might add this is not just a democratic thing you see the president in league with the big firms on wall street and the big banks as ron i was point out is not the middle class of the poor got bailed out it's the big banks is the big wall street firms this is an aspect of corporatism of the corporate state where again this is what mussolini invented way back. in the twenty's and really that was the teens of the of the last century in the progressive era fascism is an outgrowth of the progressive era and it's a it's
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a horrible philosophy and unfortunately. much more robust than socialism socialism always had was always an economic basket case fascism because that aspect of capitalism is less of a basket case and therefore the government has more resources to do it to do it so dirty deeds with the weather internally against the people against other people in other countries in this pic spending the american empire we see this of course right around russia i mean the u.s. has always wanted to encircle russia now they're now they're really stepping it up and they want to encircle the whole world u.s. sees itself as the global government and going right along with that is idiology of militarism of going to belligerent nationalism welfarism warfare ism it's a very unpleasant brew it's a which is brutal and i think it's aimed when they talk about this of course another one of ron paul's most outspoken messages and harshest critics is about the wars that the u.s. is involved in and spends money on and this is of course a warning that came decades ago also from president dwight d.
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eisenhower in his farewell address back in one hundred sixty one i want to play just a little bit about what he said and then talk about its relevance today. in the councils of government we must car guard against the acquisition of government that influence whether sought or loans or by the military industrial complex the potential for the disastrous rise of this place power exists and will persist all right lou to what extent is this a military industrial complex strong enough to remain as it is i mean when you think about americans and you look at polls people are sick of war and the ron paul school of thought continues to pick up steam that the government should not be involved in or finance these wars i mean do you think eisenhower's fear which arguably has happened sustain. no of course it's exactly right i mean there are probably three big interest groups about the corporate state that are in league with the government they have the wall street banking complex you have the big
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pharma medical complex but not talked about much is the military industrial complex these are the people who profit wildly profit from war they love a war that promote war there's also a security aspect to this because of the department of homeland security but war is about the most profitable thing for any of the institutions connected to the government and these people they want to increase their profits and they do so by promoting war and instigating wars they work with the government we see now you know the run up against syria and the run up against especially iran they'd like all these countries destroyed and turned into into new colonies or dependencies and i think other countries are. head of this pakistan even saudi arabia if we look at some of the plans that have been discussed to totally take over the middle east all and have the us empire run it so it's a very alarming thing it's all too real i would argue it was it had been all too
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real by the time i was in our gave a speech really we never got rid of it from world war two because they started up the cold war almost immediately after the war as a justification for keeping the whole thing in operation keeping the money flowing to the favored clients of the u.s. government and creating a world empire and i think that ron paul even argued in the speech saturday night that that it's not just been going on for fifty years that it has been going on for a hundred years as a side note this speech that he gave at union station in kansas city saturday night with the same time as another sort of more establishment republican event it was a fund raising banquet of some kind and we're down the street is that some republicans are actually left the banquet to go to ron paul's rally to hear his message your thoughts on ron paul and his place sort of in his own party and the role you think that his messages have played in the campaign as a whole. well of course as you know the establishment want to stop him out they
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don't like him they fear him they're right to fear him by the way because of his appeal to young people and americans of all ages if you look at the pupils that were taken last summer show that young people here to ron paul most of all for his views on war and peace that is the powerful issue for the young and also since this is one of the reasons he's here he's brought back into the discussion not only such things as the federal reserve but the permanent warfare state and a lot of americans who may not have been may just accepted the propaganda they hear from the media and from the government so this time now they're starting to think well wait a minute why are we starting another war other multi-trillion dollar expenditure in iran not to say the murder of a humongous number of people how many have they murdered in iraq a million perhaps we'd we don't know for sure so there are this is happening also in syria libya yemen i mean it's all they have worldwide objectives i think they're all i think there's
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a lot of you know is resonating as i think you're absolutely right his messages which he's been kind of spouting out for the last several years decades even are starting to resonate more and more with iraq while chairman of the losing about one mrs institute also author of the book the left the right and the state. and of course one of ron paul's strongest and loudest messages is that antiwar message he wants to close more than nine hundred u.s. military bases around the world he wants to end the war in afghanistan and spend way less on this country's military some people have called him and the military but if you take a look at those who are actually serving in the military or who have served in the past they donate to ron paul's campaign more than any other candidate and his message of getting out of the wars seems to actually resonate most with those who really understand the consequences of wars and today hundreds of military veterans came out to show that support in a march called ron paul is the choice of the troops it kicks off at noon today at the washington monument and r.t.
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correspondent liz wahl was there and has more. his consistently strong antiwar message we don't need another war i understood and you make the point quite a lot is one that resonates with many u.s. troops today i don't believe that we should be over in these other countries messing around he wants to close the nine hundred bases that we are funding at a very expensive and growingly more expensive rate there that has bankrupted this country well hundreds of active duty troops veterans and their families are gathered here by the washington monument they'll be marching through the white house to show their solidarity and support for republican presidential candidate ron paul. often ignored as you know deserved more than one mention on all the stations somewhere in having this these all up thank you so what's going on here you're going to be a business probably a libertarian ron paul become the thirteenth floor in
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a hotel. when his message isn't being cut off well i think it would be even more dangerous to start to pick in wars with other countries someone like iran israel is more than capable car we just lost our car connection unfortunately. the mainstream media would have you believe the military doesn't back paul the top three contributors of the air force the army in the navy and you know compare that to somebody like mitt romney who's top donations or like goldman sachs and fact paul gets far more campaign donations from members of the military than any other presidential candidate ron paul seems to be the only person that's representing instead of the defense contractors and bankers the danger is really also overreacting and we need a strong national defense and we need to only go to war with a declaration of war and just carelessly flouting it and starting these wars so often president. sick of fighting seemingly never ending wars overseas these
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soldiers are ready for radical change and the only hope for that they say is getting paul into the white house. in washington. liz wall artsy. moving on to brussels belgium where it was d. day today and greece will find out in the next few days whether or not the several rounds of cuts it's made and some of those financial hoops it's jump through have been enough to be awarded an economic bailout seventeen year old's own members will decide if they'll hand over the one hundred thirty billion euros or hundred seventy one billion dollars that greece needs to avoid default the greek prime minister lucas papademos along with greece's finance ministers also in brussels for this meeting as is our correspondent has our sylvia who brings us a look at what's at stake. another crucial meeting is taking place in a brussels city as the eurozone finance ministers gather after their last meeting was was called for last wednesday to today the big topic is still greece as it has
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been for the past few weeks now and the big question is will the priest be able to secure them or hundred thirty billion euros a bailout from its international buffers the second such move off the country on the back of the bias of those watching the situation a greek default is still a possibility so we can see the exit from the euro zone or percent readers have been trying very hard to keep a positive picture to all of this including german chancellor to look forward to whatever of course what will count is the solution of the answer that they will perceptive come up with at the end of today's meeting all of these efforts to will scramble to put together a solution for to the greek crisis is to be a big deadline of march twenty five hundred deaths and live with us to make fourteen point five it could get worse and it's not able to do so if we technically default. and that was has ourselves are to correspondent in brussels and as you mentioned the deciding factors here were evolve around how much greece is willing
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to cut back or of already been quite a few rounds of austerity and the country will be asked to cut more officials say it's the only way to move ahead but what about the people of greece how have their lives been impacted and what do they think about today's meetings are to correspondent jacob greaves looks at that aspect of the story. voting for morse there is something that dubbed by greece's caretaker prime minister has a moment of historic responsibility a notion some especially the greek population feel has been lost on euro zone leaders. i feel disappointed and sad because these measures were imposed on actually foreigners and we didn't have a say as a greek people. which there is a wise old greek proverb that a person who borrows and borrows becomes the slave who he borrows from and that because it isn't it after passing more unpopular cuts greek politicians are told that brussels amberley and perspire in the decision on another bailout that and
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questions over greece's place in the euro led the country's finance minister to talk they were toying with a nation's future this is by no means the first set of austerity measures to be imposed on greece but with a significant amount of coalition m.p.'s choosing to say no it does mark a shift in thinking among governing politicians. share the grievances of the public and offer them an alternative if the greek economy is not through studies that doesn't go down the alley of development eventually greece will at some point pull back. in that case what will happen is that all of the assets of this country will actually pass in the hands of the. or the funders in total forty three m.p.'s in the ruling coalition chose to say no to morris territory that even among those in favor may remain hostile to the euro zone's message and how it's being delivered i think such type of message is brussels.


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