tv [untitled] February 20, 2012 11:48pm-12:18am EST
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the state government is using loopholes to work around this and hitting the pockets of minnesotans for three hundred million dollars in taxes nearly seventy percent of minnesota voters thought that any new stadium should be built using private financing according to a poll earlier this month so despite a legal record referendum and resounding public opposition the state government is still intent on allowing the vikings to fleece the people of minnesota n.f.l. and minnesota vikings rake in millions of dollars every year but the public is being paid to force to pay for a new stadium and that is very very. europe is nearing a tipping point and it's not so inconceivable that this ongoing financial crisis could descend into and i'm not exaggerating war with
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a second bailout coming down the pike for greece and more austerity or starvation on the way for the greek people potter heads are speaking up one being this guy german finance minister wolfgang schauble you see when we're talking about bailouts for greece i should say bailouts for banks years have invested in greece no want to lose their money we're essentially talking about german as primarily who's footing the bill for these bailouts along with the nordic nations and shargel the german defense or finance minister is getting fed up after all it's his job to make sure that the german money is invested wisely and shovelled doesn't see greece with its capital city of athens on fire suicide rates skyrocketing and unemployment at twenty percent as a wise investment so before folks forking over the money szabo is making some outrageous demands of greece the main one being the greece should postpone their elections so
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a new government will come to power that may do it iceland has done in two citizen referendums say hello to the banks toure's including the german banks there's a think about that for a second here's one sovereign nation in europe germany trying to prevent another sovereign european nation greece from holding democratic elections. that's what this financial crisis has brought us to as expected shovels demands have been met with anger and animosity from greece the greek president called it an insult the greek finance minister suggested that a conspiracy was underway to have greece kicked out of the euro zone and greek newspapers are routinely publishing political cartoons portraying the germans as nazis so things are getting pretty nasty in europe the germans aside from uncle a merkel who still thinks that greece can be saved are growing tired of throwing their money down the black hole of the greek economy that's being ravaged by i.m.f. austerity measures and the greeks themselves are on the verge of overthrowing their
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government which is self is now being run by an unelected banks thanks to austerity spending cuts schools in greece are running out of books people are getting the medical attention they need with a forty percent cut in the public health budget in two thousand and ten and now the i.m.f. wants a thirty two percent cut in the minimum wage along with more layoffs for government workers that explains the riots in athens even the financial times that newspaper work rich people talk to rich people is catchy wind of the volatility and the prospects of violence across borders as calm as wolfgang wrote in sunday's financial times german m.p.'s expressed outrage at the greek outrage build the german mass market daily is calling for greece to be kicked out of the euro zone i shudder at the thought of an act of violence committed against germans in greece or greeks in germany this is the kind of conflict that could easily escalate. entering
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into that equation the greek elections are on the horizon the same elections that german finance minister shall want to scrap we're already seen extreme far left and far right parties making huge gains in the polls in greece remember it was economic desperation in europe following the last republican great depression gave rise to extreme fascist governments and eventually world war two right now financial technocrats tentatively have the reins of government in places like greece and italy with an agenda that includes pain and suffering for their own people it may only be a matter of time before those technocrats are shown the door by an increasingly unruly and violent populace again just look at what's going on in athens and who might win the upcoming greek elections is anyone's guess hence the fear coming from the german finance minister and the financial times editorial board this is turning into a really bad situation and here's the most interesting part of this whole mess the
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implosion of the greek economy the suffering of the greek people under austerity the anger coming from germany and the increasing likelihood of extremism and violence can all be traced back to one place one bank in fact one bank on wall street in fact actually goldman sachs rewinds is two thousand and one the creation of the euro zone greece had some debt problems they wanted to join the euro zone to get all kinds of cool advantages but the debt problems that they had the greece had would have disqualified them from being members of the or as a core of the rules in order to in order to join you had to have annual deficits below three percent of g.d.p. and total debt of less than sixty percent of g.d.p. in two thousand one greece didn't meet either requirement so how do they get into the e.u. well they called the banks toure's over goldman sachs and said hey kalpa south goldman loaned them a billion dollars. here's billion dollars guys and then they took three hundred
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million dollars in fees and backloaded future payments to sir likely just more rate mortgages that they are giving people the united states exploding mortgages greece signed off on this by giving goldman stuff like future airport and lottery income their times reported back in february two thousand and ten when this loan came to light in two thousand and one just after greece was admitted to the europe's monetary union goldman help the government quietly borrow billions people familiar with the transactions in that deal hidden from public view because it was treated as a currency trade rather than a loan helped athens to meet europe's deficit rules while continuing to spend beyond its means as b.b.c. investigative journalist greg palast told us here on this program breach exploded people should know that it was cold. that lit the fuse the right thing create government and screw things up badly so they hired goldman paying the nearly half a billion dollars to give all of this completely secret to come up with the wish
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through using financial derivatives to completely flimflam the world markets the other governments and the european central bank you would think yes if there was this goldman sachs a scheme and they walked away you know what they're asking do you got. the you know on skates so with the help of goldman sachs greece finds their balance sheets got into the euro zone the world economy blew up and suddenly greece couldn't pay their bills but goldman was smart because they had bought insurance on those loans in fact they eventually sold the loans to the greek national bank itself back in two thousand and five now agrees about three hundred billion dollars to four investors the bankers want their money and they're pushing austerity to get this. to get to get their cash so the point is this this crisis would never have come into existence had it not been for shady financial deals orchestrated by goldman sachs shady financial deals that are almost identical to what banks like goldman sachs dished out to american homeowners which eventually led to the financial collapse of
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two thousand and eight and matter which way you look at it the banks have their fingerprints all over this mess so it's not just about a government living beyond its means it's about a form of capitalism or vulture capitalism that allows big banks on wall street to make enormous profits while ruining entire national economies if the banks mandated austerity continues in greece and the greek people are pushed closer and closer to a breaking point and the animosity between the germans and other creditor nations grows and it's not inconceivable europe could explode into war at least that's what history tells us may happen or one just started with the assassination of archduke ferdinand and if it does then it'll be a world war abetted by wall street this is not the kind of thing that we want to have happen in wall street creating a war and you look back again you look back and you see it was this little tiny trigger that fired off world war one archduke ferdinand being being assassinated
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and boom you've got you know countries after country because everybody has all these agreements with everybody and world war two you can say it grew out of the ashes of the treaty of her side which was so punitive against germany is said you know you've got to pay back all this enormous amount of money germany couldn't pay it back so they inflated their currency like crazy they could pay back with cheaper do it cheaper deutsche marks but the result was it wiped out the german people and so they said hey let's go with somebody who says he's going to solve all the problems and bang right into world war two this is not the direction that we want to go here you've got to do something. as the big picture for tonight for more information the stories we've covered visit our website to thom hartmann dot com free speech dot org and our to dot com also check out our two you tube channels there are links to tom arbor dot com also at tom hartman dot com check out all the different ways you can send us your feedback and turn tomorrow night for a special edition of the big picture we'll be teaming up with the campaign for
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america's future for national teachin on the economy and don't forget democracy begins with the you get out there and get active tag you're it occupy something the state of our. wealthy british style is not. the time to write let's go to. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars
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. a fresh attempt to negotiate a syrian cease fire this time by the red cross as people count on an upcoming referendum on a new constitution to help end the violence. the coming presidential election or russia causes an outburst of civil activity with people from all walks of life showing a greater interest in politics. eurozone strikes a long awaited deal on a second ballot for greece after the demands of harsh austerity measures of athens to secure the package sparking riots in the debt stricken country.
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nine am in moscow i matras a good to have you with us here on r t our top story the red cross says it's in talks with the syrian government and the rebels to stop fighting in the country so it can deliver vital aid this is some activists claim regime troops have been gathering around the city of homs while authorities say they're crushing terrorist groups armed from abroad with the deadly violence threatening to get worse many in the country hope the upcoming referendum on a new constitution will help reduce the bloodshed artie's marie if an ocean or reports from damascus. ballots instead of bullets mess demonstrations and violent protests have been rolling across syria for almost a year. the syrian government is now calling for the people to shape their future together by taken part in
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a referendum on the country's new constitution fulfilling its pledge to reform. a boss who's very excited that soon he'll be able to decide his own tomorrow because it's a completely new era is good for everybody even opposition can take part it's for all the amendments to the country's number one law have been among the key demands of the opposition since the uprising began and the draft seems to cover the most pressing issues it starts with eliminating baath party supremacy which have ruled the country for the last fifty years introduces a multi-party system and sets a two term limit on any future president however even these reforms a cause in controversy. jihad and his friend odin flower shop in damascus he says this new document draws a line between him and his muslim business partner just to show there's a big contradiction article thirty three says all equal regularly number three says
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i can be a president what about the other term percent we're not here temporarily we've been living together for ages we want to be counted. now maybe ten percent of the people they speak about this ok but maybe if we was removing this article from the new constitution the ninety percent who said well why you take this article out. public debate on the draft constitution have been organized to bring the people and the authors of the new documents together they don't trust me they don't see the sailors are supposed to meet you work for hire you make believe that your city is going to see this becoming but some say the reste a long way to go to that new syria and they don't believe the government will follow through with their reforms i'm afraid if i were a goes the constitution somebody will in the world will shoot me clashes and
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protests almost every day but some hope that the referendum will not only breed and you constitution it might even be able to stop the bloodshed. there are people who want to improve and develop but also others who want to divide syria we shouldn't help them we should go and vote for a future. the draft of syria's new constitution has been made public ten days before the national referendum fourteen new and forty seven amended articles of all here with comments and details to base are also on t.v. and the internet never in the country's modern history for its residents so close to policy making its many here on the ground fear that the ongoing violence could bury any hope of reform. altie damascus syria. the so-called friends of syria group consisting of the u.s.
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and its allies will meet friday to discuss how to apply further pressure on president assad over the violence in the country and support the opposition earlier china accused the west of stirring a civil war in the country with its pro opposition to rhetoric international politics professor john young jean says beijing would like to see the libya scenario repeated elsewhere but simply warning the possibility of these rhetoric eventually becoming part of the policy by the west i mean there is a very interesting parallel between the syria situation and libya situation with the british army for example the libyan opposition there's a lot of rhetoric and that eventually became part of the official policy of france to do some kind of encouragement for the opposition well to accept any kind of political solution and keep fighting and this call for assad to step down we've agee's very concerned obviously about how these kind of possibility of peaceful
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resolution of the syrian situation is undermined by any such rhetoric and also this direction. the next hour we'll speak with a former senior u.s. advisor to the leadership who thinks the states should think twice before urging assad's ousting. i think the united states. american strategists would have to be fools not to see what al qaeda is doing not to ask the question if it's good for al qaeda can it be good for us and not to look at didn't say he may be a ruthless dictator and what he's doing but what comes after him when he phone so we've got to ask ourselves is the devil we know preferable to the devil we don't know. you a nuclear inspectors back in iran for the second time in less than a month the i.a.e.a. team is expected to hold key talks over tehran's nuclear program with the islamic
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state hoping to dispel all allegations of its military use despite growing international pressure triggered by iran's atomic development some experts say the west war rhetoric is misguided. there is no evidence that iran is developing a nuclear weapons program there is only evidence that iran has a nuclear energy program which it iran's says it does there is no evidence that iran is violating the nuclear nonproliferation treaty all of these facts are in trying trast with israel and the united states by the way which if these were justifications for war there would be justification for war against us but of course they are not and this crazy media madness leads us down the same path where we all begin to assume that if iran does have a nuclear weapons program then we need to nuke it and nobody can prove it doesn't the president himself claims not to want war with iran but suggests that it's up to iran to cease its probably not existant nuclear weapons program or the blame is on
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iran and we should have a war whereas of course there is no such thing as a justification for a war based on what weapons a country has played of us are we take a look at a standoff involving another country facing international pressure over its nuclear program in north korea this time the threat of a military confrontation coming from a different source as pyongyang southern neighbor holds military drills near a disputed sea border despite warnings from the north we asked what experts make of the timing of the exercises plus. some projects from iran are also on the threat poland's heightened destructions r.'s five hundred system will have all the details and business shortly. before we get to that with russia's election campaign in full swing it's not just presidential candidates attracting voters' attention ahead of the ballot next month people from very different walks of life have stepped up to try and make their mark in shaping the country's future art history
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a pushover reports on the unprecedented rise in the civil activity in russia in recent years. russia's counsel to paris hilton t.v. host sirius up champ has a reputation to match up claiming to earn two million dollars a year chilean unmindful glamour bloodiness putin was once very close to her father and is still a family friend if rumors are true he could even be such a good father hence the shock when she became a vocal part of the new energized opposition which i lov put in as a man who saved my father but i don't respect his politics right now he is a free person to think whatever he wants he can think of anything as a betrayal it's his choice i can't interfere with his politics and i it's not of the trail at all i just don't agree with this in december subject for the first time in her life joint thousands for street rallies triggered by leaking with
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falsifications during parliamentary elections. it all started with videos like this one showing eleggua relations at the polling stations your post but i immediately understood i had to make this video available for everyone and i felt it was my civic duty to report what i believed to be a breach of electoral law when you hear legations led to an outburst of civility between russia. apparently we lost a package there we'll bring it back as soon as possible but first explore all the stories and more death simply death simply by logging onto our website r t dot com there's plenty more a click away without these cash a massive stockpile of weapons belonging to the former libyan regime has been unearthed in algeria find out more at r.t. dot com. top ranked politicians in nuclear sites just a few of the possible targets chosen by norwegian anders breivik who confessed to
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killing seventy seven people and wounding more than one hundred fifty others last year by his hit list in full on our website. eurozone ministers have reached a deal on a second bailout for greece talks in brussels are the one hundred thirty billion euro cash injection went well into the night the greek parliament went through a storm of public outrage and several internal conflicts to approve the austerity measures demanded by international creditors the plan by those drastic cuts in the civil service jobs minimum wages and pensions frustrations growing among the e.u. politicians over athens failing to meet necessary demands on time now there is calls for the e.u. european central bank and i.m.f. to maintain a permanent presence in groups christopher green creator of alternative media t.v.
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network and green wave t.v. says the outcome of the debt crisis may already be set in stone. the greek people do not have any sovereignty over their nation anymore it's been taken over by technocrats this is a complete that talent to rehabilitate go over which the people have no say in again it's the reason that we have riots in the streets right now and i've got to give it to the greek people for actually standing up to the plea other dealing with the norm his problems were looking upwards of forty percent unemployed. it's now fifty percent in some european countries among the youth that is catastrophic there is no bailout measure or quantitative easing or stimulus program that will prevent the collapse of europe in this is extended in pertaining to economics this is the land of chocolate colored lollipops and dandelions it doesn't exist this is fantasy so this will not end well i don't have a time frame on it i just know it's the map medical certainty again you cannot
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solve the deaf problem with more debt and that is what our leadership around the world on the merkel's or cozy double duo better known as more cozy is trying to sell the public. despite a grim outlook for a some there are still e.u. members waiting for euro take it latvia planning to join the monetary union by two thousand and fourteen but as artie's like sarah shares europe or its many of the country think membership will only bring more pain for an already struggling economy. as the eurozone continues to combat the painful death crisis witnessing bloodshed on its streets and the euro sees less support across the continent. this project is doomed to failure it was always tuned to fail some of the more recent members are still keen to make a leap of faith while poland recently rejected the idea of having the euro by twenty fourteen the latvian government still firmly believes that the single currency will make its problems go away let me
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a very. strong intention to adopt the euro in twenty four. through the past consistent with. any other country. but at the same time still using its time. and the problems are massive to say the least lot of a has only just now started to recuperate from the recession which made it one of the most economically affected e.u. countries it still has the highest poverty risk rate in europe alarming unemployment and a vast gap between rich and the poor one of the country's leading euro skeptics says joining the euro zone by twenty fourteen would be nothing short of economic suicide for riga. latvia would then have to participate in the bailout fund and
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lots of four billion euro contribution their g.d.p. had only fourteen billion i think it's like we've been invaded on the titanic the ship is sinking and we're being asked to be laid all the water. no doubt lots of it will also be looking at the experience of their baltic neighbor in two thousand and nine is still stary to measures to meet euro zone accession criteria in twenty eleven it converted to the euro but now the country's chancellor of justice reports of low wages and poor social welfare not to mention sixty thousand children living below the poverty line plus continuing emigration. something this father to a big. family fears will also happen in law. i'm a father of four and we're expecting a fifth child and when you call me a madman because of that sergio almost impossible to get a new financial aid from our government for a large family like mine but it would be played to your game then will be doomed to
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completely economists say that a lot of you can meet the euro dollar criteria what worries them is where the review would be able to afford it especially with the alarming number of those fleeing lot hundreds of thousands have already left the country in the wake of the recession and experts are already speculating on the worst case scenario a lot this year to join the euro zone a violent greek like outcome is not ruled out but a mass exodus is the most likely case let's see reporting from latvia. argues financial guru max kaiser in sokoto stacy herbert are always ready to expose those who they think orchestrated the global economic mess kaiser report coming your way a little later today here's a preview. greek authorities say a major armed robbery carried out ancient a limpia museum now my first instinct was wow this is the headline from a.p. that there mainstream media is actually starting to report what is happening to
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greece in the real terms of what has happened there right well my media thought was my god did britain steal the elgin marbles again. until apparently it's a new band of thieves and they're taking everything but the elgin marbles and of course you find this at the nexus of any wholesale devastation that's occurred in an economy that's been gutted by thieves and bankers in the city of london or on wall street. so korea's have live fire war games on islands near its disputed naval border with the north yang promised to retaliate calling the drills a premeditated military provocation two years ago north korea responded to similar military exercises from its neighbor with an artillery and artillery attack that killed four erics a rock and co-founder of the campaign to end the korean war thinks the war game.
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