tv [untitled] February 21, 2012 2:18am-2:48am EST
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being a fifth child i mean you call me a madman because of that sergio almost impossible to get a new financial aid from our government for a large family like mine but it wouldn't play to your game then will be doomed to completely miss economists say that a lot of you can meet the euro adoption criteria what worries them is where the review would be able to afford it especially with the alarming number of those fleeing lot hundreds of thousands have already left the country in the wake of the recession and experts are already speculating on the worst case scenarios a lot to be sure to join the euro zone a violent greek like outcome is not ruled out but a mass exodus is the most likely case let's see recessed reporting from latvia. party financial group max kaiser and co stacy herbert always ready to expose those who they think are behind the global economic mess kaiser report coming your way in about a quarter hour here's a preview of. the greek authorities say
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a major armed robbery carried out ancient a limpia museum now my first instinct was wow this is the headline from a.p. that there are mainstream media is actually starting to report what is happening to greece in the real terms of what has happened there right well my media thought was my god did britain steal the elgin marbles again. apparently it's a new band of thieves and they're taking everything but the elgin marbles and of course you find this at the nexus of any wholesale devastation that's occurred in an economy that's been gutted by thieves and bankers in the city of london or on wall street. south korea has held live fire war games on islands near its disputed naval border with the north pealing yang promised to retaliate calling drills a premeditated military provocation two years ago north korea responded to similar
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military exercises from its neighbor with an artillery attack that killed four people eric cirrhotic and co-founder of the campaign to end the korean war thinks the war games are aimed at hampering upcoming talks between north korea and the us . well at this point we are not surprised that some type of provocation has taken place and i think it is a provocation the united states and north korea were about to start bilateral talks next week in beijing this is about the nuclear program and about food aid and perhaps twenty third a treaty to finally end the korean war but here we have an election year in south korea and boom we have live military exercise in not only disputed waters but waters that really under international law belong to north korea it would be quite easy to sit down and do. some talking i mean it's not rocket
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science to dialogue with people we have a profound difference with to use president obama's words so what we look for our bilateral talks other talks the north koreans have been pretty consistent according to president carter former president carter the united states that they would give up any nuclear program in exchange for peace and normalized relations with the united states and i really look for countries like russia who's in a perfect position to really step forward and demand finally a peace treaty take place between south korea the and north korea but more importantly as well between the united states and north korea so that we can have an ease of tensions in the area take a look now at some other stories making headlines across the globe. thirty three or one rule over in yemen comes to an end this week as voters elect a new president but sollers current vice president is the only choice on the ballot
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the single candidate election was a condition of a power transition deal signed by sali last november after ten months of protest and pressure calling for his resignation the vote makes him in the first arab country where uprising led to a negotiated settlement. thirty people have died in nigeria when the islamic sect boko haram your explosives and opened fire inside a market in the northeastern city of my degree home to the insurgent group the attack set off a gunfight with nigeria's joint task force in which eight boko haram members were killed the sect has been behind several deadly bombings throughout nigeria that have killed more than two hundred people since january. sixteenth a state of emergency declared in several peruvian provinces after heavy rains flooded whole towns thousands of residents forced to leave the regions after their homes were swamped a military plane has been sent to deliver food aid the rainy season that typically
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starts in january has resulted in the spread of dengue fever which has killed more than a dozen people since october and marina's up next with a business update stay with us here on our team. hello and welcome to business and here on the scene now russian companies across a number of sectors are becoming secondary victims of the sanctions against iran the united states has tight so aslaksen is on the iranian banking system and now brussels railways warns its infrastructure projects in the country are under threats and it's a situation the boss of the company says is simply unfair to everything should be clear and transparent and if this sunk chance of the united nations. do not include sunshines a gaze and normal economical corporation in some but you call a fool's or why only one country. dried to
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consume the sanctions should be imposed on different banks of different countries just because they are keeping. your credit credit history in cooperating with particular particular organizations in that country in order to construct railways. the main competitor to russian gas pipeline projects in europe than the book around could be downsized the wall street journal side sources close to the consortium behind the project as saying the group is considering cutting its capacity and length now in a book that has long been europe's preferred alternative to the russian routes as it seeking to diversify supplies the pipeline is expected to deliver gas from central asia but experts have questioned the region's ability to fill the originally planned routes. and that's was our price in the recent reports saying the european finance ministers have agreed on
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a new bailout deal for greece the hundred thirty billion euro rescue package should help cut the country's that's one hundred twenty one percent of gross domestic product in about eight years but experts say it's not enough to revive the nation's troubled economy now let's take a look at the latest numbers personal with oil crude is still trading near the highest level in eight months after iran hole to the well sells of british and french companies the w.t.r. is trading close up hundred and five dollars per barrel while the prime blend is around one hundred and twenty dollars per barrel let's move on to asia now. with see these even though the hang seng is recovering slightly stocks almost a little lower following the news from the euro zone insecure some exporters see europe are heavily in the red in monster overrun with three sons on record saying it would need to issue new stock in order to shore up its finances now let's take a look at the picture here in russia after a pause it's a run on monday the markets have made a u.
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turn into negative territory both the ideas and the my side to loosen of a half a percent the south let's take a look at some of the individual share movements on the mice x. and originators are doing better than the market on stronger prove prices gas from point five percent while loop hole is stop and around two thirds of a percent and banking stocks are among the top losers of the big city dropping more than one percent this hour. now russia's ambitious move to create alpine ski resorts in the caucasus region is gathering speed billions of dollars worth of investment are still required and the pitch to international investors the company behind the project says it will pay off more quickly than comparable resorts in europe. we think that breakeven period should be five to ten years maximum even with this period the rate of return will be tempted fifteen percent that's a very good rate of return compared to your ability to sell that closely but you
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suggested creating a special economic zone in sochi kind of benefits with this bringing in the lower. house for tax benefits this will mean zero income tax for ten years after a company is a stablished will also zero real estate tax we're also discussing with the finance ministry the possibility to offer subsidies a two thirds of refinance rate for those who build facilities we're taking measures to ensure we still bring in lots of tourists after the olympics we've been trying to set a big events here such a swarm of these players but as we too because the stock was there on this you know of course the project to develop new results in the caucuses is estimated it up to eighteen billion dollars that's with the state providing to begin with because how much progress have you made raising the rest. in the form of. we've agreed our business plans with big foreign companies such as french caster deport or the green energy corporation or asked by the russian companies we have pipe maker t.m. k.
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investing in a western caucasian resort and of course the project itself is worth two point six billion dollars we also have a map to moscow in caspian resorts we're going to bid for hosting youth games of twenty seventeen as we're seeking to change attitudes to the region we have agreements with big investors and hope to start construction next year there is a big domestic market ten to fifteen million russians who could become clients of these resorts. and that's a business alexisonfire. website that's r.t. dot com slash business but in the meantime states of the headlines with lots.
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wealthy british style. that's not on the title. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our. welcome to the future keep the peace of the looking glass at what will be the homes of the future where
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the walls might just be smarter than the residence every day trash protects you from the elements outside and the whole system works to save you money the shine the spotlight on the latest building projects all around russia technology i'm doing here on r.g.p. . the central. eleven thirty am in moscow two zero r.t. headlines a fresh attempt to negotiate a cease fire in syria this time by the red cross as. i hopes an eminent referendum on a new constitution will help stop the violence if. you would nuclear inspectors visited iran for the second time in the last than a month with terror on hoping talks will prove its nuclear program has no military purpose. the eurozone strikes a long awaited deal on a second ballot for greece after the austerity measures the demand about to secure
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the package sparked riots in the debt stricken country. greek tragedies and solutions among the issues discussed by max in the stacy in the least edition of kaiser report up next. because of this is the kaiser report. like me are probably sick of all those levees in the u.k. well that's about to change stacey tell me tell me max it's more than that here is ken livingston running for mayor of london and this is his message can livingston hang a banker a week mayor of london candidate ken livingston has sparked a new outrage after telling an audience hang a baker
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a week until the others improve your message is getting through we've talked here on a range of items relating to that if you don't bring justice to the banking system you're going to see city crime after city crime after banking crime why did the whole city of london not stop with a crime wave after lehman brothers why did they not stop after the bernie made off fraud why did they not stop after the a id fraud why did they just commit the m.f. global fraud and facilitate that why because there was no justice there were not even little tiny slaps on the wrist let alone hang a banker and the hang a banker option is the revolutionary option this is what happens when there is no justice so the noose is nature's way of taking care of the banker overpopulation there are camps or there are parasite ken livingstone is correct hang a banker a week until they get the fricken message well of course we also spoke to william
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k. black who is a former prosecutor of white collar crimes of banking fraud and he said that if you look back at the french philosopher bastiaan who said that this sort of fraud trickles down and here's a tweet i read max greek authorities say a major armed robbery carried out. ancient olympia museum now my first instinct was wow this is the headline from a.p. that there mainstream media is actually starting to report what is happening to greece in the real terms of what has happened there right well my media thought was my god did britain steal the elgin marbles again. until apparently it's a new band of thieves and they're taking everything but the elgin marbles and of course you find this at the nexus of any wholesale devastation that's occurred in an economy that's been gutted by thieves and bankers in the city of london or on wall street it is a financial war and it's of financial attack on greece happening as we've pointed
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out here many times so i went to the expert on war i went to donald rumsfeld and i asked him what he thought of this looting of the museum in greece. and. yes the oversensitive donald rumsfeld and of course the you know this is a continuation on the theme of banking fraud so what did alan greenspan actually intentionally allowed wanted fraud to flourish and bank robbery to flourish because he said it would help the banking system so perhaps these robbers are just trying to unfreeze the liquidity that is happening in greece so perhaps this is what they were just listening to sir alan greenspan but i grant spence said that the inherent conflict of interest between the broker dealer a special system on the floor of the exchange which encourage insider trading was needed to facilitate liquidity or market making and so he turned and i way
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from obvious front running and stealing on the exchange but now that little piece wiggle warm a fraud has become the de facto operating system of the entire u.s. and u.k. economy it's all run on front running and fraud and the defenses always were market making what's what blankfein famously has claimed many times over again and what the all the bankers claim is that we're not stealing we're making a market it's not fraud it's f r. you d. it's trending on the nasdaq and we're making a market in it and you can buy into it as well why are you looking at us as if we're committing some cover so don't you get it you can become a fraudsters well. well we're going to come back to greece in a moment but i want to go back to london first so we're talking about this banking fraud how somehow when bankers do it it's all ok when bankers rob the economy it's providing liquidity when normal joe baca donuts does it it's bad it's all evil police were allow internet c.c.t.v.
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to cut theft in shops and bars so in the u.k. they're deploying throughout soho in central london it's called face watch so your image your face will be up an image will be scanned and the police are collecting data on all of these images linking them via the customers so if a woman says that you walked into the bar and took something out of her purse all she has to do is go online and say that you took it whether or not there's any evidence but then you're triggered any time you walk in on this face watch that so they talk to simon gordon of gordon's wine bar in charing cross who put this in his bar and he says my aim is to reduce low level crying rather than just fill up our prisons with offenders to do this i believe we need to create a strong deterrent i genuinely believe the system can reduce low level crimes such as shoplifting and bag theft dramatically it could prevent people getting involved on the lower ladder of crime in the first place facebook makes the stasi this is
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what they're after on this program you've got people informing in each other on a social networking to keep track of bottles of booze which in the u.k. as we all know people are too drunk to know what the bottle count is to begin with but compare that with m.f. global they're still trying to find one point six billion dollars and all the banker sitting around know that they should enter into their stasi facebook account who stole it but every time the information goes to the regulators the regulators. can't seem to find that page oh it's missing we can't find the actual pages says a jamie diamond stole enough global money documented confirm three or four times already but he pays for obama's elections well why don't people go down into the city of london and report crimes happening i just saw a banker walk by with my pension he just stole my pension exactly. they're easy to spot they were suits and ties you said you saw a banker walk by the stall my pension money you stole from the from the government he's a thief and then if that doesn't work refer to ken livingston vigilante justice.
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so let's go back to the reporting on the crime wave against greece this is the tweet stream from paul mason news from the b.b.c. he's a. b b c paul mason oh my god this will be a whitewash again let's hear what paul white wash mason has to say what it is he summed up the situation in the series. he said quote the greeks say they've found the three hundred twenty five million euros dutch fin min the finance minister says back to square one because debt dynamics worse then he goes on to say the real issue is if debt is one hundred twenty nine percent of g.d.p. in two thousand and twenty can i m f sign off deal it's a purely political question since i am math can do anything it wants your thoughts
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on that max keiser but yet he doesn't mention the fact that you've got it and i am up as nothing to do with local greek political processes so they're not elected people in greece doing greece is betting that's not the story the story is that what we've always refer to all of our power to this outside force the i.m.f. we're not going to cover that on newsnight with true face jeremy paxman you know we're going to talk about the fact that it's a fair. we have nothing to say this is our look up they run a world they pay my salary yeah we know they pay your salary you may think is the b.b.c. license fee but it's not really is it well but the point here is that there are no elected officials in greece that's not the point and he actually says it's own likely that the greek people will tolerate a technocratic government on the elected bank or government handing over our assets for privatization the very next day of course there's a theft in the olympia museum and people are like oh it's bad but the bankers the
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technocrats doing it on the other hand is good but so then he also says this notion this real mainstream media believe that the i.m.f. can do whatever it wants it's just so well they can do whatever they want they can steal all our stuff because that's the i.m.f. they're allowed to they're always the good guys the un always the good guys nato we're good we don't do anything bad and this notion that they can print and print and print and print and debt well as they don't even print they just create debt that's why people in greece people that fans don't trust mainstream media outlets of the b.b. sing because this is the typical apologist mindset of a rapper object who's good for is an embedded journalist embedded there for the bankers he's a bit apologist for skunks and scallywags and if he keeps apologizing for the bankers this cool kid lived in on this i'm sure he's got an idea what to do with paul mason and then he goes on to say i discount the blog rumor about
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a wall street plan to front run a default have not seen any credence given to it presumably credence given to it would be from a mainstream media and god forbid that anybody should believe that any high authority would ever give any banking insider information like this not like hank paulson we know for fact met in europe with all of these hedge fund guys former goldman sachs people and told them he was. going to let fannie mae and freddie mac. collapse he told them he was going to put them into receivership nobody else knew he told them also that lehman brothers would collapse so god forbid anybody believe that one of our dear leaders would ever do something like that it's not a process based on the fact that this couldn't possibly happen well this is what they love to happen it's like shock and awe countdown to the iraq invasion this winter planning a bank holiday because they know it's the model for countries going forward. portugal spain that they could have a countdown to a bank holiday to default i mean this is this is the game plan the wages in greece
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and pensions and all the benefits of taking five thousand years to accumulate are being wiped out in six months by paul mason's friends at the i.m.f. the troika lehman brothers and brother of bankers who are now out there on the street like rats doing all the little beginning and then one final headline a little positive note here emits the chaos happening in greece just as greece complies at last your pulls the plug now chronicles a whole bunch of chaos and awful stuff happening in greece but i did notice down at the end of this article from the telegraph they say yet drastic reforms are underway the event jelly's most public hospital in athens has cut its operating costs to one hundred twelve million euros last year from one hundred forty nine million in two thousand and nine so drug costs have been slashed by thirty percent by switching to generics his audit discovered that the price of one of the drugs
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used fell from twenty seven euro's to three euro's and eighty three pence we never used to count the cost so here's the copyright cartel unwittingly being possibly there's a tink in the copyright cartel intellectual property right cartel hold on all our economies here through the banking hold on this economy yeah so if greece can become the reverse trojan horse to destroy the cop. cartel by switching to generics and they in this time of stress it could yes they'll be owned by the banks but they will have knocked out the copyright cartel which of course is the other engine of our oppression in our modern time it could be a reason what happened with the museum it could be the copyrights are cartel seeing what's happening and they want to own the isn't own the rights that those images. we need to go to. space here but after the break i'll be speaking with this.
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a young movie younis a blogger on finance and economic matters of two minds dot com zeus welcome back to the kaiser report. all right zuzu you write the first domino is greece reality and cascading defaults your thoughts on yet another latent in the latest scenes from the ongoing greek tragedy i got the idea to wrote write about the tragedy referred to actually. action greek tragedies and i talked a little bit about it in the article that the banks have done sort of what eucharist did they stitched together these wax and feather financial fabrications and they've flown a little bit too close to the sun and their wings have melted and they're being brought down to the earth and instead of sort of taking the once they've decided to sack sacrificed taxpayers to appease the gods so that was sort of the intro to this this great tragedy i was reading about wolfgang's wobble was reportedly caught on tape saying he was inflicting excessive pain upon the greeks merely for the
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pleasure of his home electorate it sounds more like the plot of prometheus on bound your thoughts. well exactly i mean if you look at the situation i think you've mentioned sadism and one of your previous episodes i think it is a form of sadism because it certainly doesn't make any economic sense just like promethea it would be like just having his liver not reconstituted and eaten again which is how the greek myth goes for no other reason just and then just to make him suffer well that's what's happening with the greek people they've got all this is the second austerity package by the way the first one it was a blazing six as i'm joking about that of course i think their tax receipts spells on they like eighteen percent their work hours actually now exceed the us and brits which are used to be the most hours work in a year and for that they get rewarded with more austerity and higher taxes if their
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economy is only protracting so it's plain to see inherently that this program gerrity is only going to inflict pain it has no chance of rescuing the greek economy i think that may be the only candid reason that i have found so far for why they're doing it which is to say it may play to an electorate in germany but i'm not even convinced of that i mean the people they are think are also worried and beginning. to find most of this european manipulation of debt to be suspect across the board well you know germany is actually suggesting that greece not hold elections in april they prefer a government appointed to pass more austerity maybe we're looking at the saul wrong it's not a tragedy it's actually a comedy this is more like the producers by mel brooks oh yeah i mean what just call it a tragic comedy right because that's the target there is it's a comedy of high his.
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