tv [untitled] February 21, 2012 5:30pm-6:00pm EST
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it's all designed to keep you close in your own world as a prison. you know you leave somebody in there for a couple hours like in a stress positions. you have this fear of the unknown in this stress sort of building and. i've seen interrogations go on ten twelve hours they chose remember from marilyn months and metallica slayer two songs would be angel of death and raining blood out of me going to war coming up here into iraq coming into baghdad. johnny put the body to the floor which is the rock n roll band it was fitting for the job we were doing. the official. from the.
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video. and. now with the palm of your. kaiser this is the kaiser report. like me are probably sick of all those. in the u.k. well that's about to change stacey tell me tell me max it's more than that here is ken livingston running for mayor of london and this is his message can livingston hang a banker a week mayor of london candidate ken livingston has sparked a new. outrage after telling an audience hang
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a baker oh week until the others improve your message is getting through we've talked here on a range of items relating to that if you don't bring justice to the banking system you're going to see city crime after city crime after banking crime why did the whole city of london not stop with a crime wave after lehman brothers why did they not stop after the bernie made off fraud why did they not stop after the a id fraud why did they just commit the m.f. global fraud and facilitate that why because there was no justice there were not even little tiny slaps on the wrist let alone hang a banker and the hang a banker option is the revolutionary option this is what happens when there is no justice so the noose is nature's way of taking care of the banker overpopulation their camps or their parasite ken livingstone is correct hang a banker a week until they get the fricken message well of course we also spoke to william
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k. black who is a former prosecutor of white collar crimes of banking fraud and he said that if you look back at the french philosopher bastiaan who said that this sort of fraud trickles down and here's a tweet i read max greek authorities say a major armed robbery carried out ancient olympia museum now my first instinct was wow this is the headline from a.p. that there are mainstream media is actually starting to report what is happening to greece in the real terms of what has happened there right well my media thought was my god did britain still the elgin marbles again. apparently it's a new band of thieves and they're taking everything but the elgin marbles and of course you find this at the nexus of any wholesale devastation that's occurred in an economy that's been gutted by thieves and bankers in the city of london or on wall street it is a financial war and it's a financial attack. on greece happening as we've pointed out here many times so i
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went to the expert on war i went to donald rumsfeld and i asked him what he thought of this looting of the museum in greece some here it is from friday and freedom going. on. yes the oversensitive donald rumsfeld and of course the you know this is a continuation on the theme of banking fraud so what did alan greenspan actually intentionally allowed wanted fraud to flourish and bank robbery to flourish because he said it would help the banking system so perhaps these robbers are just trying to unfreeze the liquidity that is happening in greece so perhaps this is what they were just listening to sir alan greenspan that's right graham spence said that the inherent conflict of interest between the broker dealer a special system on the floor of the exchange which encourage insider trading was needed to facilitate liquidity or market making and so he turned and i way
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from obvious front running and stealing on the exchange but now that little piece wiggle warm a fraud has become the de facto operating system of the entire u.s. and u.k. economy it's all run on front running and fraud and the defenses always were market making what's what blankfein famously has claimed many times over again and what the all the bankers claim is that we're not stealing we're making a market it's not fraud it's f. our. you did it's trending on the nasdaq and we're making a market in it and you can buy into it as well why you look at you know this is if we're committing some cover so don't you get it you could become a fraudsters well. well we're going to come back to greece in a moment but i want to go back to london first so we're talking about this banking fraud how somehow when bankers do it it's all ok when bankers rob the economy it's providing liquidity when normal joe baca donuts does it it's bad it's all evil
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police were allow internet c.c.t.v. to cut theft in shops and bars so in the u.k. they're deploying throughout soho in central london it's called face watch so your image your face will be up an image will be scanned and the police are collecting data on all of these images linking the via the customers so if a woman says that you walked into the bar and took something out of her purse all she has to do is go online and say that you took it whether or not there's any evidence but then you're triggered any time you walk in on this face watch that so they talk to simon gordon of gordon's wine bar in charing cross who put this in his bar and he says my aim is to reduce low level crying rather than just fill up our prisons with offenders to do this i believe we need to create a strong deterrent i genuinely believe the system can reduce low level crimes such as shoplifting and bag theft dramatically it could prevent people getting involved on the lower ladder of crime in the first place facebook makes the stasi this is
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what they're after on this program you've got people informing on each other on a social networking to keep track of bottles of booze which in the u.k. as we all know people are too drunk to know what the bottle count is to begin with but compare that with m.f. global they're still trying to find one point six billion dollars and all the banks are sitting around know that they should enter into their stasi facebook account who stole it but every time the information goes to the regulators the regulators. ok seem to find that page oh it's missing we can't find the actual pages says a jamie diamond stole enough global money documented confirm three or four times already but he pays for obama's elections well why don't people go down into the city of london and report crimes happening i just saw a banker walk by with my pension he just stole my pension exactly again they're easy to spot they were suits and ties he said just saw a banker walk by just all my pension money he stole from the from the government
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he's a thief and then if that doesn't work refer to ken livingston vigilante justice. so let's go back to the reporting on the crime wave against greece this is a tweet stream from paul mason news from the b.b.c. he's a. b b c paul mason oh my god this will be a whitewash again let's hear what paul whitewash mason has to say what it is he summed up the situation of the series. he said quote the greeks say they found the three hundred twenty five million euros dutch fin min the finance minister says back to square one because debt dynamics worse then he goes on to say the real issue is if debt is one hundred twenty nine percent of g.d.p. in two thousand and twenty can i m f sign off deal it's a purely political question since i.m.f.
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can do anything it wants your thoughts on that max kaiser but yeah it doesn't mention the fact that you've got it and i am up as nothing to do with local greek political processes and they're not elected people in greece doing greece's bentinck that's not the story the story is that what we've always referred whole of our power to this outside force the i.m.f. we're not going to cover that on newsnight with true face jeremy paxman you know we're going to talk about the fact that it's a fair. we have nothing to say this is they run a world they pay my salary yeah we know they pay your salary and i think it's the b.b.c. license fee but it's not really is it well but the point here is that there are no elected officials in greece that's not the point and he actually says it's own likely that the greek people will tolerate a technocratic government on the elected bank or government handing over our assets for privatization the very next day of course there's a theft in the olympia museum and people are like oh that's bad but the bankers the
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technocrats doing it on the other hand is good but so then he also says this notion this real mainstream media believe that the i.m.f. can do whatever it wants it's just so well they can do whatever they want they can steal all our stuff because that's the i.m.f. they're allowed to they're always the good guys the un always the good guys nato we're good we don't do anything bad and this notion that they can print and print and print and print and debt well as they don't even print they just create debt clo that's why people in greece people that fans don't trust mainstream media outlets at the b.b.c. because this is the typical apologist mindset of a proper object who's is an embedded journalist embedded there for the bankers he's a bit apologist for skunks and scallywags and if he keeps apologizing for the bankers the culture the livingston on this i'm sure he's got an idea what to do with paul mason and then he goes on to say i discount the blog rumor about
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a wall street plan to front run a default have not seen any credence given to it presumably credence given to it would be from a mainstream media and god forbid that anybody should believe that any high authority would ever give any banking insider information like this not like hank paulson we know for fact met in europe with all of these hedge fund guys former goldman sachs people and told them he was. going to let fannie mae and freddie mac. collapse he told them he was going to put them into receivership nobody else knew he told them also that lehman brothers would collapse so god forbid anybody believe that one of our dear leaders would ever do something like that it's not a process based on the fact that this it couldn't possibly happen well this is what they love to happen it's like shock and awe countdown to the iraq invasion this is what they're planning a bank holiday because they know it's the model for countries going forward. portugal spain that they could have a countdown to
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a bank holiday to default i mean this is this is the game plan the wages in greece and pensions and all the benefits that have taken five thousand years to accumulate are being wiped out in six months by paul mason's friends at the i.m.f. the troika lehman brothers and brother of bankers who are now out there on the street like rats doing all the little beginning and then one final headline a little positive note here emits the chaos happening in greece just as greece complies at last you're pulls the plug now chronicles a whole bunch of chaos and awful stuff happening in greece but i did notice down at the end of this article from the telegraph they say yet drastic reforms are underway the evangelium most public hospital in athens has cut its operating costs to one hundred twelve million euros last year from one hundred forty nine million in two thousand and nine so drug costs have been slashed by thirty percent by switching to generics his audit discovered that the price of one of the drugs used
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fell from twenty seven euro's to three euros and eighty three pence we never used to count the cost so here's the copyright cartel unwittingly being possibly there's a tink in the copyright cartel intellectual property right cartel hold on all our economies here through the banking hold on this economy yeah so if greece can become the reverse trojan horse to destroy the copy. right cartel by switching to generics and they in this time of stress it could yes they'll be owned by the banks but they will have knocked out the copyright cartel which of course is the other engine of our oppression in our modern time it could be a reason what happened with the museum it could be the copyrights are cartel seeing what's happening and they want to own those and own the rights that those images. we need to go to. so you're going after the break i'll be speaking with this.
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i a were a back imax keyser time now to go to manila and speak with zeus a yeah movie honest blogger on finance and economic matters of two minds dot com zeus welcome back to the kaiser report thank you max all right zuzu the first time a nose greece reality and cascading default your thoughts on yet another are linked into the latest scenes from the ongoing greek tragedy i got the idea to wrote write about the current greek tragedy referring to actual action group tragedies and i
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talk a little bit about it in the article that the base does sort of what you are is that they stitched together these wax and their financial fabrications and they float a little bit too close to the sun and the winds have melted and they're being brought down to the earth and instead of sort of taking the ones they've decided to do a second second phase taxpayers to appease the gods so that was sort of the intro to this this great tragedy i was reading about wolfgang's wobble was reportedly caught on tape saying he was inflicting excessive pain upon the greeks merely for the pleasure of his home electorate it sounds more like the plot of promethea so. bound your thoughts. well exactly i mean if you look at the situation if you mention seders and one of your previous episodes i think it is a form of sadism because it certainly doesn't make any economic sense just like ramy v s it would be like just having his liver not reconstituted and eaten again which is how the greek myth goes for no other reason just and then just to make him
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suffer well that's what's happening with the greek people they call this is the second austerity package by the way the first one it was a blazing six as i'm joking about that of course i think their tax receipts spells on they like eighteen percent their work hours actually now exceed the us and brits which are used to be the most hours work in a year and for that they get rewarded with more austerity and higher taxes if their economy is only contracting so it's plain to see incurably that this program must guarantee is only going to inflict pain it has no chance of rescuing the greek economy i think that may be the only candid reason that i have found so far for why they're doing it which is to say it may play to an electorate in germany but i'm not even convinced of that i mean the people they are think are also worried and beginning to find most of this european
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manipulation of debt to be suspect across the board well you know germany is actually suggesting that greece not hold elections in april they prefer a government of appointees to pass more austerity maybe we're looking at the small wrong it's not a tragedy it's actually a company this is more like the producers by mel brooks oh yeah i mean let's just call it a tragicomedy right because that's the term there is it's a comedy of high paying and the only thing that makes it a comedy with all the suffering is the absurdity of these maneuvers i mean you have these people like you see. said who are trying to cultivate our champion capitalism by destroying it you have people that are trying to create wellbeing in people's oppose it lead to great people by by causing suffering in what these people are doing in in the nature of championing capitalism is doing the exact opposite as i send my article where they don't as they the story falls and in capitalism all
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claiming to try to save it to make an exception to keep the system from going down but what basically has happened and it really is now the head of some things have been happening for at least a decade which is that the rules of capitalism or the compact the gap was a had middle class of people broadly has been broken in the united states we've had flat of falling wages and skyrocketing productivity we've had record concentration of wealth and we've seen it as that's exactly opposite of what the market democratic capitalism is supposed to be supposed to be about meritocracy it's about cleaning up corruption and cronyism rather than rewarding it and what we're seeing right now is that that ailments in capitalism has gotten deeper and it's been covered up with cheap credit now what it what we've seen zeus is that because we love this globalized financial eyes securitized world the point of
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least resistance became greece the greek people were the least able to push back against the credit pushers so they are the first to go and for the excesses that were committed wall street and in britain and in the u.k. the greek people they're not the ones who incurred this debt but they're the least prepared to resist the onslaught of the austerity measures being forced upon them that's why it's happening in greece is that a fair statement it is to a certain extent being i would not bet against the greek people if you just took your gloves off upright of course i'm a. around and we're two in terms of resistance fighting stacey even told me about an example she heard about or she had met this woman who was like stephanie and ready to go back home and take out large. and i believe that about there were people it looks like her comments all there is socialized well first day they're going to push over and you know they're just going one of their benefits and you
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can you can put one over oh well that may work for a point but when things come out and people are challenged i will side with the good people in this they want course back and of course beck are and they will gain momentum and you will be sorry that you started that fight and this is where the sadism you're talking about in the extra paying lithium on the people they all they're just going to take another punch they're going to be very surprised because that is not going to be the way it all plays out they're not just going to sit around their being someone's punching bag and i think we're going to have a world with the rest of the citizenry in the world is going to realize how they've been ripped off and that great people are that are the people of the world as well and that's going to consolidate rather than disband or distract from things like occupy wall street so i think that's what they thought going in that will be pushovers but i think we're going to be going to a very different lesson go for what the propaganda machine is in full swing and the
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greeks are being portrayed as. they don't pay their taxes they don't work and this is what you hear coming out of the u.k. coming out of the b.b.c. coming out of america this is description of the greek people as they deserve it and you know the scapegoating that they're being scapegoated like we've seen before during other imperial conquest in europe there's always a scapegoat now the greeks are being scapegoated all right i want to ask you know i want to move on for a second to at one point last november seventy percent of greece's oil imports were coming from iran because no greek banks are able to put up a letter of credit upon which all international trade is based what do you. to make the june first oil embargo what will this do to greece the effect of that is just going to be putting more and more pressure on the group of people in terms of their energy needs in terms of their economic prosperity and it's going to make things worse everybody knows it so i don't understand why it's being done. i think
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you alluded to this a little bit that they're trying to make an example out of groups if we can if the big boys can beat up greece and like greece enough then everyone else is going to go whoa i don't want that to happen to me but you know it's going to have the opposite effect when power allows itself to be demonstrated in that brutal and that overt a way it almost always backfires you saw it with civil rights i think you're going to see something similar here which is you know you can't just create misery and these you know are going to make things worse and expect the people to go along with them at a certain point people say we've had enough if they want to really really get resistance going this will do what they think they can make an example it's going to have the opposite effect while another country less and having austerity imposed on them is the united kingdom and as a result there is huge discord and that ken livingstone is out there saying we should hang the bankers and he's getting a lot of fire storm reaction from the press what about this idea of ken
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livingstone's applied to the great people they clearly are being subjected to financial terrorism from bankers we know who they are that we don't know the names you know where they live so scant ken livingstone solution to simply hang them i mean is that maybe the i mean you have to pump up some point to call the herd right well i mean i think there are more peaceful ways to do it i mean it it's great to fantasize about that but i mean i think we're the best ways to attack this is a say that repeal lazy and irish people raising the british people lazy what about jini what about these guys there are eighty thousand dollar toilets what have they been doing for a living and they're getting tax half the. of working people this photo earned a capital that they call capital gains which is nothing more than money real money extracted from completely false and counterfeit instruments out there are these derivatives that doesn't work these guys are the laziest people on the planet there are so lazy they even buy off the politicians a lot worse that so they don't experience the consequences of their action so i
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think we should engage in that rhetorical battle and we should gauge of political organizational battles so that these bankers are out of as they are we don't have to react in defense i don't know that we have to go all the way to being of this aggressive or dating them but you know there's i can see why people think that because of the they say these guys have no shame it doesn't matter how much destruction and consequence they cause they're going to put it on somebody else and they need to feel the pain and it's best if they feel physical pain that's what they're thinking the people that are advocating physical violence against these guys so i mean i understand the fantasy and understand the rationale for it but i'm i'm a nonviolent guy and i think there are much more effective concise ways to go in the office then to go after the night you make a good point about jamie dimon being too lazy to steal in more traditional means i mean he just asked computers program to steal for him so he just pushes a button and the computer steals for him he should be on the street with a gun in
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a mask knocking over a liquor store and doing is stealing more honestly now here's one that under the subject of unintended consequences i want your take on this due to financial collapse it was reported that one of the public hospitals in greece slashed their operating cost labor thirty percent almost entirely by just moving to generic drugs now isn't this a danger to the current financial ization cartel of bankers and intellectual property tollbooth operators you say the intellectual property people have a stake in this takeover of greece as well but if the country is forced to move to generics their piece of the monopoly pies going to be upset your thoughts. well i guess it's it's just it's like a tragic comedy what happens when you extract maximum profits from people and you force them through monopoly to buy your life saving drugs like they have here in the united states people end up going to canada to get their drugs already reese they go to generics what ends up happening is when you want the whole pie you want
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to starve people for their productivity and their money and then you want to charge the maximum amount of money i'm sorry the two of those are not compatible but i think what's driving it to be honest is is this relentless and i talked about this in my paper that you referred to as it was relentless maximum growth mean that keeps going and going and going they will cannibalize anything even the medium to long term profits and prospects just to get that short term boost to get that next shot bonus adrenaline or crack whatever you want to call it and they don't even think about four months from now we're six months from now i mean this is why it's gotten so bad logical and citizen resistance is becoming more work necessary right well i guess of ten livingston loses they may oriel race boris johnson he can become mayor of athens in a heartbeat so that's a job for him possibly ok zeus or out of time thanks so much for being on the kaiser report they do x. appreciate it thank you and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser
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report with me max kaiser and stacey herbert and i want to thank my guest is zeus' yaml yanis you can catch him of two minds dot com you can send me an e-mail at kaiser report at r t t v dot ru you can follow me on twitter as over twenty two thousand people already do until next time x. guys are saying.
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