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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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we'll get the real headlines with none of the mersey can live in washington d.c. now it's and i are going to speak to jack rice about the ongoing protests in afghanistan the death tolls rising and meanwhile politicians here at home are claiming that it's homemade cars i need to do the apologizing then if you've been watching the news lately gas prices are going up at a dramatic rate by summer they're saying that it's going to be six dollars a gallon and it's all obama's fault and newt gingrich can singlehandedly make it all stop or at least that's what the media would like you to believe so business insider is your wife's involves going to join us to break through some of the media media manufactured hype and another day another state bill threatens to take us back in time when it comes to sex education and contraception so we're going to speak to james pullos about control and what that means for the g.o.p. we have all that and more fit and i clued in a dose of happy hour but first take a look at the mainstream media has decided to miss.
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well there are quite a few things that the mainstream media is hyping lately and actually we're going to speak about most of them and their approach to it tonight from gas prices to contraception but i first would like to take a little time out to look at one story that fox news has been all over lately not like most of what they do isn't just plain fear mongering but i just can't help but be baffled by their approach to nuclear weapons. the president is reportedly directing the defense department to come up with a few plans for reducing the u.s. nuclear arsenal he's considering cutting our nuclear arsenal by up to eighty percent is this a good idea since one thousand nine hundred three when he was a radical student in columbia university the president has had this aspiration of that he's going to get rid of america's nuclear arsenal so we're just going to disarm as a nation the president is engaged in a similarly blind i think if you logically driven to disarm this country russia will get rid of their nuclear arsenal that this is this is
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a very responsible as he's about cutting our capabilities to deter aggression and in the process i'm afraid inviting more of it. are now this story is nothing new he watch our show that you saw us cover this couple weeks ago we haven't yet seen this report which was originally put out there by the a.p. lead to anything right it's all speculation from leaks from the white house officials about where they might be heading with their nuclear policy let's just revisit that discussion we've already had according to the new start treaty russia and the u.s. agreed to cut their nuclear arsenals through just above fifteen hundred warheads each and still have a lot of warheads so cutting the u.s. arsenal of deployed warheads by up to eighty percent as drastic as it sounds would still leave us with between three to four hundred of them so if you really need to put that into perspective just consider the fact you have politicians pundits out there calling for a war with iran over the possibility that they may one day have what one nuclear
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warhead one thing deal or nuclear warhead with three to four hundred we can still do damage to the earth a number of times over and the reports that have been put together by military analysts by experts that after examining all of the factors all of the crazy scenarios that the u.s. could possibly want to imagine three to four hundred would still be plenty and yet here you have fox news talking about a reduction in new. their weapons as if it's going to lead to the end of america rather than thinking of it the other way around asking why it is we possibly could need so many weapons that could lead to the end of the world quite literally and then to top it all off to act like this is all part of the radical agenda the president has had in mind since he was a college student they bring in frank gaffney as an expert to talk about it frank gaffney this is the guy that is obsessed with shari'a law wants to convince americans that every single muslim on the planet is out there to get them by no means should anybody consider this man a credible expert on our nuclear arsenal but hey it is fox news that we're talking
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about right so i guess it's not all that shocking but then i felt it was just too important not to call them out every cable channel out there has their own agenda their own faults usually i like to pick on them in areas where they all fail collectively if there's one channel out there ginning up fear on a daily basis fear that is so on founded in any reality it's fox news and they deserve to be called out for it so i guess i just wish the other cable networks would do more to bring sanity back into the bait call out their competitors too but the mean time people out there are buying into the hysteria of a reduction in our nuclear arsenals if it's a bad thing it's because our media chooses fear over truth and that's where fox news especially chooses to miss. well protests in afghanistan are now in their fourth day after korans were burned at the u.s. prison a bhangra an incident which the military and president obama have called
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inadvertent now just today reports say that twelve people were killed bringing the overall reported number to twenty deaths including two u.s. troops and earlier this week we saw president obama send an apology letter to afghan president hamid karzai something we also saw george w. bush do in the past when he wrote in a letter of apology to nuri al maliki after u.s. soldiers shot a copy of the koran during target practice in iraq however newt gingrich also forgotten all about that incident as he attacked president obama for this apology. as an obama surrendered twenty students and i think it deserves to be brought to the country's attention there was an incident where an amount of radical islam was the truth being burned to the core and was part of that that has now been blown into you just shouldn't go various fanatics are going to stand. president apologized for the birth of hamad karzai the president as you understand doesn't feel like apologizing then i think we should say goodbye and good luck we don't
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need to be here risking our lives and wasting our money on somebody. so what does this entire fair affair tell us other than how little we've learned after ten long years of war join me to discuss it is jack rice former cia officer and criminal defense attorney jack thanks so much for joining us tonight and before we get into the some of the comments you know what's your overall take on on this situation here once again we see religious materials that are burned that's been accidentally nella kind of a reaction happens you know you've witnessed this before yeah we sure have you know when i'm listening to newt gingrich again and it's one of those really strange things when i keep seeing this sort of ignorance is a virtue argument that's what it really sounds like we have seen this before in iraq we have seen this in afghanistan i think about this one tunnel bade me all of the things that have happened you just mentioned what's going on in ghana standing right now this is actually expanded it's now taking place in pakistan to one of the
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biggest problems that we have in the region is there's a perception and i've seen this directly when i was in country and throughout the middle east is that some people think that there are many in the u.s. who think that muslims are terrorists they're synonymous for the same thing and that we have no respect for them the problem is when we do things like this again and again and you hear things like newt gingrich saying it seem to support that intention and it makes it more dangerous for every u.s. soldier that's actually in the region so when we do this we really need to think about what's going to happen what the blowback is and if it's foreseeable but so then what do you think about president obama's move you know and writing this formal letter of apology it's not something that you see a president you everyday. no it's not but you know what i look back to what he did not just in prague but i specifically think about a speech he gave in cairo where he wanted to reach out into the muslim world he opened his hands and he said look this is a conversation we need to have i will sit down with whoever i need to sit down with i respect for what for who you are what your beliefs are and when we made
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a mistake and this was clearly a mistake and that's shining up in the most positive sense with the mistake that was so blatantly made the president to draw to stop and say look we are wrong we are sorry we apologize i actually think that shows strength rather than we just i even teach my kids this this isn't something that's new i think when a president does this it actually shows some people that we actually need it not everybody in the room but you know what you're never going to get everybody you're going to get some of those people i think that we've done something that's useful well i would do you think that you know of the political posturing on the part of newt gingrich tad feel like we can't be really all that shocked that this is happening of course that he is running for president and his main thing is beat barack obama said doesn't shock me that he attacked him for it but you know had it had republicans take it when george w. bush apologized to. yet one that is that fascinating again the intellectual
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dishonesty the intellectual inconsistency is that we see if you were going to be really honest about this the were really going to talk about this for what it meant he would be talking about it in a broader sense but you know what newt gingrich isn't a complete idiot i mean he's not this is a relatively smart guy smart enough to know actually what the answers are and i think what it really shows is his incredible hypocrisy he would be better off keeping his mouth shut on this issue and talking about whatever else he wants to talk about but not this one because he's so blatantly wrong and i think even he knows it but i guess it's a good sound bite and people love bumper stickers but i also wonder whether this is a new strategy right for the most part aside from. ron paul if you listen to the republican candidates that are still left they don't want to draw down troops in afghanistan they don't want this war to and and so suddenly you have newt gingrich come out and say that we should be expecting hamid karzai to apologize to us and if not we'll take all the troops home in the crowd there was cheering and so you know
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is this a really slick way for him to try to turn the tables and suddenly start supporting withdrawal. yeah that was a fascinating twist to this somehow and that's what we've seen now all of a sudden you're loosing republican somehow blaming president obama for the iraq withdrawal is slow is it was now right for afghanistan all of these are his but if you notice i mean generally what we have seen is the republicans have almost ignored every policy internationally that president obama's actually stood for and one of the reasons is because relatively speaking he has been quite successful on the international basis and most of them know this so they focus in on will jobs or whatever else they think is the local story of the day and they ne and this one makes me laugh now they're trying to what take his success and make it theirs of their failure is i guess something like that. they always find a way don't they if shocking to me as well but you know let's talk about i mean
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let's have an honest discussion to do you think that it's necessarily it's good that the president came out i think and apologized and said that this was a mistake but at the same time what kind of a partner is karzai to do this too because he tends to kind of take advantage of the situations he doesn't usually give the u.s. the benefit of the doubt quite the opposite he goes out and he you know uses it as an opportunity to whip up the crowds uses and as an opportunity to you know push for a faster handover of the u.s. prison at. the you know what do you think of the role that plays there sometimes he seems like newt gingrich in kabul dummy i mean again this sort of pandering that we see that's been one of our biggest problems and i saw this in the region i mean i spent a lot of time in afghanistan and some of the biggest violence that's taking place today and has over the last couple of days has been in the northeastern corner of the country in herat and i think about this area and i think about what we have seen in the likes of what newt gingrich is saying he's so simply incorrect so
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inaccurate as he describes the people but as we look at president karzai that's been. one of our biggest problems as i have spoken to people in afghanistan and we people on the ground throughout the country in kabul kandahar right elsewhere the problem that they told me again and again and again is that karzai is a seen as almost a feat as somebody who is there for karzai and for karzai cronies not for anybody else and so the perception is he becomes the stooge of the americans but every time he just something poorly and he does it to his own people the perception is that the americans are supporting him and that's part of our problem we haven't been able to separate ourselves out from this very sort of incompetent you know and corrupted leader and that just part of our difficulty right now but who do you apologize to i mean i guess he's our guy will sadly but true i know you know it's not the only place that we see this happening to we had jeremy scahill on the program a couple of weeks ago and he wrote about the exact same situation not exact same obviously but similar situation in yemen where the have the local population that
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obviously has strong anti-american sentiment but in that sense they also look at sol a as a puppet of the u.s. and so then there is no way for the u.s. to actually you know to try to win out with the population so what would you say the best thing is do we just leave it doesn't seem like even though we're going to have a troop withdraw it doesn't seem like a really planning on leaving there are plans for other permanent bases our plans for expanding the president bob graham even though we're eventually supposed to turn it over. oh of course i think and this is exactly what we've even shown in iraq you mean you and i have had this conversation before about that where we say we're leaving and everybody puts up the banners and it's fantastic and they show the last you know and rafa rolling out of the country when what they're ignoring is all of the troops the thousands and thousands that are staying in iraq those that are going to be in the right or quite cross the border in kuwait in the indian ocean the same thing is taking place in afghanistan right now he were simply being
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dishonest about this let's take a look at the number of troops that we have there the number that we have in his back a stand the number we have elsewhere of this is simply a policy we are not just holding on to both of those countries to some degree but we're also keeping our eyes on iran right now and so that's causing and i would say this but i do believe it's true is that what we're actually causing is instability rather than the stability that we claim because when you do this you create vacuums of power and you force those countries to do certain things that they wouldn't otherwise do it actually makes it far more difficult the same is true certainly of yemen and elsewhere we're having the same problems and we make the same mistakes again and again and again it wasn't some point you would think that we would actually go gosh this didn't work before this time this time and this time but somehow magically it's going to now it does it's what we do yeah i'm not quite sure what happens with everyone that memory there is the reason they have elected just ignore it at some point jack thanks so much for joining us tonight always
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a pleasure thank you so much. our time for a quick break but when we return lawyers are turning to job applicants facebook pages more and more during the hiring process of we're going to tell you what you can do to make your facebook page press then and then the media are going crazy over high gas prices but does any of their analysis actually fifty cents from ask is this insider's show wife of the. same. people calling what you said for free and fair elections. and we're still reporting from the summit as you can hear behind me loud explosions. i mean.
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good it gave. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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by now you're probably aware the fact that if you have a facebook profile your potential employers are going to be interested in it and while you might be ok with sharing the intimate details of your life with your friends you probably argue stokers sharing those same details of somebody thing you want to work for. now that's better for that very reason pretty much everybody i know hides or erases a lot of the juicy information on their profile making themselves almost invisible on the social media site to outsiders you don't want your current or future bosses
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making assumptions about you right and studies show that they do but not exactly in the way you think is the of pew study shows that fifty eight percent of facebook users actively manage their accounts by using their privacy options and sixty six percent have even believe people who could damage their online reputation now a new study by a trio of universities finds that not hiding but rather just modify your social media could be the key to getting that dream job now researchers came up with a score based off of five personality traits that employers look for that is neuroticism extroversion openness to experience agreeableness and conscientiousness so remember how you go through your page automatically set all those college party pics on private well maybe you should actually keep some of them available because the study shows that a lot of employers think that those types of pictures show that you're outgoing that you're friendly but please do get rid of that awful picture that nobody wants to see you doing that. but potential employers don't just look at your picture of
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the also go much much deeper so for everyone who's asking we came up with a few modifications of our what you have on your about media information page you know let me offer up a few pointers here i think first of all we should start with the employment section this one is kind of a no brainer just make sure that your jobs are the ones you'd be proud of sharing you probably don't want to show that you were a dancer at a strip club or that you used to work at a dispensary let's go to music too you might want to get rid of. the law on pretty lights they might think we're a druggie put it out with some springsteen some john mellencamp some andrea bocelli you know the mainstream music everybody can sing along with plus you would have bruce maybe get some brownie points for showing your preacher. tism the celli makes you look like you're cultured now if it comes to t.v. shows i think it's probably best to get rid of them your favorite really bears seeing reality t.v. things like bad girls club temptation island or toddlers in tiaras because let's be
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honest the kind of make you look trashy so switch it out with the typical favorites like a sitcom food channel show your smarts by throwing in a news program like entertainment and staying abreast of current events and also make sure that you keep your overall interests clean this is where you take outlines like my interests are drinking to black out walks of shame and boxing my dad's volvo and i want to build a column in with things like interior design photography working out and cats i mean who doesn't like. art had a little bit of fun with that but i think we get the point we're in a new era everything that you have on your page pictures even on your wall posts it all gets thrown into the crowd here for a company to determine if you're a good fit for their business and since you're in control of what people see even i would say that if you're not quite sure about something don't post it said to me it's pretty disturbing somebody who went to college during the facebook era and employers think your profile is the jackpot when it comes to judging your character and your work ethic so i would suggest that they take it
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a little bit less seriously because pretty soon you won't be listing your references on that job application you'll just be putting in the link to your facebook page and that's a scary thought indeed. well it's no secret the gas prices have been rising in recent weeks here in the u.s. pushing four dollars a gallon happens every year in the spring and summer i guess you could say this year the rise is just happening earlier rather than looking into suppliers speculation or other real reasons behind the rising price the media has decided that this story is something they can make political. house prices are now becoming an issue in this presidential election prices have risen even higher today's national average three sixty five president obama says his republican rivals are using the pain at the pump to score political points gas prices are up another three and a half cents just from yesterday twenty seven cents from a month ago so we're publicans or sense in a sense in a big opening here we've been hearing about green energy we've been hearing about more drilling for thirty years in this country and we're getting nowhere it seems
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these are rising gas prices to the recovery and i guess that ties in to the president's reelection strategy. all right let's figure out if this is mostly media manufactured hype and whether the hype still works joins me from our studio in new york is joe weisenthal deputy editor of business insider joe thanks so much for joining us tonight and before we get into the media how they're approaching it i mean let's just start off with the basic what do you think about the rise that we're seeing in gas prices right now would you say that this is anything out of the ordinary because it's happening so early or just part of you know usual cycle. the rise in gas prices this time of year does seem a bit out of the ordinary and there are some factors to explain it there's a parent a bottleneck in the refining system that's not helping then you have this sort of growing of the drumbeat about tension in the mideast and iran again and that pushes
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the price of oil up a bat has an effect obviously that's obviously connected to the rising gas prices so there is a rise if you just the whole thing is like a little manufactured a couple weeks ago the new york times reported that john boehner had a meeting like well we can't really hammer obama on the economy anymore so let's really push this gas price story and then basically since then it's been nonstop gas prices gas prices gas prices so there is some reality to it you don't want to see it get too high the price moves very fast in a short period of time that is definitely going to be problematic but the way it's just totally crescendoed over the last several days it's kind of absurd now it's definitely been going crazy at that you know on one hand you have the republican party really playing into this and i have a good clip to show you what a few of the candidates there actually have to say but it's also the media that's doing it and i know that you wrote about this on your blog and you actually had a graph where you basically said that it proved that this means that it's media
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manufactured hype can you explain a little bit. you know i thought it was interesting i was checking a google trends to see like. you know people search for stories about gas prices and so on when gas prices spike and there's actually been no spike at all in the amount of search activity for gas now is just surging just one data point but the interesting thing too is that there has for the first time you know in like eight years going back on this chart you didn't you had a spike in media mention of gas prices without a spike in searches so typically you get a certain spike in searches. and a spike in media mentions this time it's only media mentioned people don't seem concerned about it at least you know based on this one proxy and it does seem like it's very driven political and media more than people actually flipping out about it kind of strange all right so let's take a look now at finally what some of the candidates have to say our president obama
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you know how he responded to them to. i'm newt gingrich and i have developed a program for american energy so no future president will ever go to a saudi king again and so every american. gallon gasoline in the perception is. going to be the next prez the united states will be world going to start with you on the price of oil we're not going to overnight solve the problem of the markets. there is no silver bullet there never has been no this is wrong defeating obama is a single thing which. i we the absurdity to me is just unbelievable i think that rick perry bit is my favorite if it's going to have an effect on global gas prices. yeah i found the rick perry that was just all there is and especially the idea that he was an expert on energy or is an expert on
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another because he's the governor of texas only further undermined by that line but so why is this even something that you think the candidates can really get away with if you have the president i think speaking some sense. there's no magic bullet but they claim that it's all about the election but is there any one leader anywhere around the world that really can have that much of an effect on gas prices unless maybe you talk about saudi arabia. no i mean one this seems to be every time there's an election coming up you start hearing about gas prices in the strategic petroleum reserve and will we tap that so this is just like i mean of course it is nonsense the idea that newt gingrich could become president and get us down to two fifty. a gallon the thing and perhaps obama doesn't get enough credit for this is the rise in domestic production of petroleum continues to surge.
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hiring in mining and energy resource areas has been one of the real standouts of two thousand and eleven and two thousand and twelve so it's actually you know he his decision the decision to not go ahead with the x.l. pipeline has allowed people to brand him as being anti domestic energy you know doing everything we can to make our own you know do our own energy but the fact of the matter is that actually the domestic energy industry is a bright spot of the economy right now and one reason to think that perhaps surging gas prices aren't going to be as harmful as they have been in the past yeah that's definitely a point that a lot of people don't like to point out and you know lastly i just want to ask you last year we saw prices go up but now the arab spring going on there is a war in libya while maybe libya only provided two percent of the u.s. is you know supply that we get it still had an effect on gas prices now we just have these drumming up two heated tensions between iran and the u.s.
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but nothing has actually been cut off for the u.s. yet so this is where oil speculation starts to play a big role whatever happens that investigation into oil speculation that obama launched last year. it's conceivable that speculation plays some role at the margin. you know demand has swung from negative year over year to positive year every year there are these issues with refineries although that doesn't explain the global price of oil but what global oil price global oil inventories are actually very low right now so the fact of the matter is supply and demand is tight so there are surely people trade oil and they anticipate future events that may not come to pass and that could cause swings but also that also could cause down swings but i think there is global oil tightness right now and i think most of the price can be attributed to that aren't great well joe thanks so much for joining us tonight
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thanks. time for a quick break but when we return another broken promise this time it's about big fundraisers and the hametz. oil and then republican candidates are trying to roll back decades of progress with me here in the united states the scariest part some people are buying all the stuff that we've. seen. people calling like you said for free and fair elections. and we're still reporting from the it's about clinton if you can hear behind me loud explosions. i mean.


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