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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2012 7:30pm-8:00pm EST

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in the spotlight on the latest building projects all around russia technology update here on r.g.p. you go listen for. fifty. fifth. fifth. mission free accreditation free transport charges free arrangement for free. free stereotype free.
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hello and welcome to technology update this month we're taking a look at a topic that hits well close to home in russia many innovations in terms of new building materials have come from the country's tiny tech leader. and at an exhibition in moscow recently the company showed off its latest offerings from its aptly named nano house. here you can find many of the newest developments all containing you guessed it the prefix nano the state owned company has selected a number of projects that things have the best potential to revolutionize homebuilding in the future you know all of the ideas to make will reside more livable but the overriding theme definitely seems to be energy efficiency which will benefit not only the individual homeowners but the whole earth as well you know this is just a simple exhibition but it design and consulting firm e-com has planned
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a full scale model complete with all the high tech developments. that will eventually get built in russia's republic some seven hundred kilometers east of moscow well it may not grab all the headlines construction materials made from basil will create the base for everything else in the house. it could find its way into more and more homes in the future is nothing new to russian scientists the volcanic rock that comes from the heart at the center of the earth is one of the more common resources on the planet as a result. has been on the radar of people in moscow for more than fifty years. specialists went to. find. this work began at the end of the ninety. his research is that the gloss finder institute go to the first positive results at the beginning of the one nine hundred
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fifty s. on the basis of which they wrote the first reports. in one thousand fifty four that was the first magazine article on the topic it's appears in the glossy magazine. specialist recognise the role of the soviet union in this research looking at every relevant characteristic based five or how it performs steel is significantly stronger and more flexible which is obvious advantages in construction it's also lighter so transporting it is easier and more economical additionally it doesn't degrade when exposed to the elements taken together it's no wonder the production of these fibers is on the rise to start with. crushed. into. one thousand five hundred degrees as the. agent is applied and the filaments are stretched out and eventually due to the fact that fibers are made from a single raw material they're significantly easier to produce than others.
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different. so. you can make a lot of stuff. more energy. but to get those compound materials the fibers have to be reworked or treated first. process starts with. the racks and through a resin bath the simple resin can be combined with additional mixtures they give the fiber extra desired properties like enhanced. and fire resistance even though the resin makes up only a small fraction of the composition of certain particles can increase the mature. twenty five percent even though there were attempts to use.
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the only ones that manage to mange industrial production of it. they can be used to make concrete structures. and even. in comparison to traditional. just one aspect futuristic. energy efficient. for the benefit of. the environment. thirty percent of your homes energy. improvements in technology big savings investment existing production facility will
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be. believed to be the future of technology. and international partners. not just production. in the. country. gradually changing. we need to take radical steps which is what is happening today. energy efficient code. radiation to the heat source as a result more than seventy percent of the. building there are two types of energy saving windows. the hard. line is a so-called soft. applying
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a thin layer. is a result of depositing a fine film. on the windows surface. at the. end of. the company is. interesting. to watch the. production. some of these windows are designed to improve the
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energy efficiency. expect. chucked out by the boat. hundred fifty. six hundred fifty.
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it gives the fibers. difficult for the fibers to break for the production. process there's a bit of a takes place. apart from the others. passed through. certain chemicals are used to create. crazes. present on the. production line. five hundred tons of. what we managed to get thermal insulation material. the coding to its characteristics. according to its parameters in terms of. water retention and. design of the same or even superior to similar insulation
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made from. a big loss. but at the same time constraints in terms of. anything else on the market today. is what you see. by something called the crazy. insulation additional properties to. a whole host of different characteristics at a fraction of the price at which other competitors have been able to do. the
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company's working on development but they could. totally revolutionize the way. moving from the stuff that's behind the walls to what's inside them another project that's found its place in the nano house gives you more freedom than ever before now you can take your favorite painting or picture and apply it to just about any surface you can imagine the company behind this. you may recall from a previous technology program. time. breakthrough innovators new and improved. printers. over traditional power pretty.
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much as. we were the first in the world to use light emitting diodes to solidify ink. knowledge saves energy prevents materials from overheating and there is no ozone in the process. printers are really only one part of the story. from their competitors but with massive improvements like instant drying. to practically anything in your home and here in their laps they've also been working on a wide range of other like metallic conductive they can be used to print circuit boards and. panels. and maybe most importantly. particles as well as a new type of. they can help in the fight against counterfeiters. tronics of the
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spring our company developed all the electronic equipment for it so we're constantly modifying it grading it's making it print even faster. as a result of the relentless sun innovations has come out with the. super fast hybrid in the race to be the quickest there are several novelties that help give the company. the white printer head simultaneously as the color image is being applied however as is often the case the real star of the show is. electronic boards being a really what give them their extra boost their profile the title to turbo speed printer combines the best of both worlds top shelf quality and high speed and that's given these innovators something to brag about. this will be the first printer which will be able to print with such high speed using. first presented at
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the group a print media fair in dusseldorf which will be held in may the third through sixteen this exhibit takes place every four years. from the printing world and will be presenting there. just how fast is fast you might be asking the cording to the time trials the latest from sun innovations killing around one hundred twenty square meters of every hour on average but it's not just the. company apart it's a versatility unlike others there hybrid can handle anything up to two hundred millimeters thick that means you can put your desired image on any surface around your home. but now isn't the only word on people's lives these days there's another high profile project highlighting that the latest building trends have arrived in russia the brainchild of a danish company this so-called active house is only one of a handful in the world. it's goal is to balance between energy savings and healthy indoor climate or some of the technologies incorporated have yet to be tested in an
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environment like russia so with a mind to monitoring just how everything holds up a young family moved in last december to act as the homes guinea pigs. building stats will be closely measured you can even check them online to see just how much energy things like the solar panels are collecting. we try to draw on the long history of wood construction and took maximum advantage of the new possibilities offered by the latest technologies. so the whole house is made out of wood frame for saud's and roof. one of the objectives was to let as much sunlight as possible so every room is ten times more than it is generally required. even now with all this snow outside if you go inside you will see there's a lot of light. given the extreme cold of russian winters and the plus
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degree celsius weather in the summer especially as construction has to be found. here at their design bureau in moscow architects and engineers work together to find a way to minimize heat losses from the building itself sometimes overlooked in the hunt for increasing energy efficiency so-called thermal bridges can result in serious heat loss. they came up with a new interesting solution. house must be energy efficient we calculated that the walls had to be very thick and required a lot of insulation. layers are ranged in crisscross pattern. you can see here on the blueprint that none of the pieces lined up there. or no direct thermal bridges can form so the wall is impermeable. this but it's
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like if this is an actual size sample of the wall. we can see how the house was built thanks to this specific wall construction the house is three times more energy efficient than our technical standards require that the board in terms of insulation we were able to make more homogeneous. crania of the. thermal bridges are a lot longer now if you. try to travel from the cold exterior to the warm. it has to overcome a lot of obstacles on its way because of the design of the frame. with these walls in the wind say you can keep the whole house warm enough with just a fireplace a lot of money even in minus thirty degree weather. but this is more than just a passive house it takes the fight for energy efficiency right to the environment
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itself with the help of a host of intelligent components it automatically regulates several systems to maximize energy savings and comfort and by using the earth as a heat source in the winter and a heat sink in the summer the homes geothermal pumps generate all the heating that's needed. this in the weather above a few meters below the temperature remain stable. and geothermal pumps can harness this free source of potential energy to cover the majority of our needs to the heart of the system is a ground source heat pump that delivers natural to a cold liquid refrigerator which turns it into a vapor that's then pressurized and further heated up in a compressor that in turn is used to power central heating and hot water systems as it loses its leaking heat the vapor returns to a liquid form and at this point the process starts all over. again all this follows the principles of carlo cycle which describes the maximum efficiency of
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a thermodynamic system this principle has been around for more than a century but thanks to modern advances it can be applied to work every day needs. with this house we are testing the newest technologies to see how they will work in climate we are especially interested in testing this heat in real world conditions we also want to find out how much tricity the house will consume we will compare the results to the hypothetical figures that came up with during the planning phase we'll see. the good news is that despite a pretty bitter cold snap in february the test family made it through completely unscathed in addition to the generally good atmosphere the house has created the ground source pumps provided more than enough heat to keep them and all their little ones nice and toasty and that's certainly no small feat considering the spacious interior and high high ceilings of the building. it's always.
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and if the temperature does drop one can adjust it manually this heat pump unit is powerful enough to keep the space and. just everywhere and downstairs. as i understand it in county whether the solar panel doesn't energy but this power collector still takes care of heating and air conditioning it feels just like summer time. but all this hasn't come cheap especially given the complex engineering decisions required during the planning process but beyond that direct construction costs ate up the lion's share of the budget coming in at well over half a million throw in electricity the very latest in home automation as well as the finishing touches both inside and out and the total cost of his act of house top of cool one. in dollars however as more of these homes get built the price should fall making them more affordable for the average home buyer but you don't have to build
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a fancy house out in the suburbs and take advantage of the latest break there's a home optimization even in the humblest of settings and you can turn your simple abode into a high tech habitat. welcome. like a day like john mcafee three. in the past such so-called smart homes were nothing more than a fantasy for everyone other than the super rich but on the back of advances in microelectronics and computing capabilities homeowners of the little spare cash can turn their nest into an automated sanctuary but it's not just increased comfort that home automation offers thanks to system integrators like luxury systems. and optimized house can save homeowners hundreds of dollars a month on the electricity heating and water alone while there are plenty of software options out there on the market this integrator has found one russian company iridium mobile whose product is way ahead of the competition the advantage
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over similar products made in the west is that this program can be integrated was virtually any automation system it's flexible enough to support all of them and it also gives the installers of tools to customize the user interface to conveniently control all sorts of equipment from one page. this eliminates the task of having to map to different systems. another advantage is that this program can be installed in virtually any mobile device as well as on p.c.'s featuring the traditional windows software. and it's also compatible with mac products such as the i pad and i phone as well as the android platform for in other words there are practically no limits for its. interfaces and. pleasing on the the on. here's a russian made controller gives the owner peace of mind no matter what happens.
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they give additional protection in the. situation such. as home automation. projects in an individual house. because they're hard. to handle. fortunately for the developed. controllers for the home.
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experience. we simply take advantage of what we can already do and just use it in completing orders for private homes naturally all equipment passes all the checks. part of the production process another important factor is ensuring that the required. by the means of tests to make their products for home automation additional threats have to be considered technicians are making sure their adapted products. likely to kind of problem that home. make. a whole lot easier. for example but this control made by all one so that it is designed for automating moderately complex
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units what do you what i find convenient about it is that whenever it's necessary to replace this controller we do not have to detach all these wires it's simply not to remove the top and bottom panels and replace them. it features a preening stoled imbedded linux core. which gives us a more up to date programming environment that allows one to create multi controller projects. that. we can assemble the target control of from just the modules that will eventually be required for this system so we simply extend the main one was all the additional bits will need to do with mine but here on the programming level this enables us to cluster the modules which means that all functions of any failed control awkward can be taken over by another still oprah bill one well that will do for this edition of technology update hopefully
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some of the innovations you see will help make your home truly your castle we'll see you next time and until then enjoy the ride. away. along a great. goodbye. with. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harvey welcome to the big picture.
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apologies are not enough so what. they have to be put on trial and the culprit should face the war president obama offers a formal apology to the afghan people from.


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