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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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remoting movies i mean that's what i didn't get it's like oh you can't promote a movie at the oscars because it's about the movie's serious baffled yeah. well i mean come on he owns a lot of crazy stuff and they haven't stopped him from doing that so if you want the rest of the dictator that's fine i mean make him a knob dressed up as a catholic melon at the grammys so it's all good. i think it's a lot of caution the part of the academy to take it a bit too seriously he was always going to change their tuxedo afterwards anyways and participate as as kanya so you know they want to do the red carpet as the dictator that's fine it's show business and yes somebody has to say to these people get over it it's not you know it's that big news and seriously ok on a more serious note yes to the postal service announced new plans to cut either true hundred twenty three be either to cut or consolidate or close two hundred twenty three mail processing plants which puts thirty five thousand jobs at risk this decision is the latest in a long line of cost cutting measures all these go back to two thousand and six in two thousand and six
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a piece of lead in two thousand six the post office was profitable it was actually showing a profit and was growing and and the post office was and is the single largest unionized employer in the united states period far not it's the largest employer in the us is wal-mart the second largest employer is the post office and they were fired by you know by orders of magnitude larger than any other unionized employer. two thousand and six the bush administration george bush in the republican congress passed a law saying that the health retirement benefits of postal workers seventy five years from now people who have not yet even been born have to be paid for within a ten year window between two thousand and six and twenty sixteen and so the post office has to come up with five and a half billion dollars a year for the next ten years to put into a fund which now is forty five billion dollars it is the most solvent fund in the entire federal government outside of those security put in a fund to pay for the retirement of postal workers who have not yet even been born no other corporation or come. but he in the history of america has ever had to do
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this no other government agency this was just a hit job on the post office in my opinion my conspiracy theory to take down the largest unionized employees break that union and it seems to be working how long before congress repeals this poison pill that was put in there. or anybody want to take me on the poison pill i mean do i am i not right on the facts here jack you may be right on the facts i don't think it was a poison pill i don't think they're going to repeal it i mean if you look over time you've already sanders actually proposed legislation to repeal the. well that's fine that's been filibustered by republicans in the sun and it won't pass the house and in two thousand and twelve there won't be a president obama to sign it either so what i mean you know it's like if they had ben franklin founded the post office it's mentioned twice in the cars no shit water republicans have against the post and over the years trying to knock the post office or trying to save the post office and if one of those concerns employee benefits that's when they have to look forward to or how many times we've seen companies dump stuff in the pension benefit guaranty fund over and over and over
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again and put on the federal dime i mean we are in a serious debt situation this is already the federal dive number one and number two if they said you have to you have to fund the retirement benefits for all the employees who are currently working for you that would make perfect sense except that was already the case they already had the money so they said ok it's got to be employees seventy five years from now. i don't get it if they had the money already then why they have to put the money and they were having because it was always until it was not a point it was designed it was designed to force the post office to lay off a whole bunch of people to create a financial crisis for the post office so that you had accidents and you guys can come in and get those things up and well i think that you've got you've got two to interests here you've got the people who want to take down the unions and you've got the people who would love to break the post office up into a whole bunch of pieces and and privatized big chunks of it and you know fed ex and u.p.s. have got to be involved in the lobbying in this in my conspiracy theory interesting because liberals are you. say they're concerned about fiscal matters but yet
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when we want thing corporations or entities to be able to fund their pensions and their long term things just like the auto industry what was killing the auto industry in this country it was the pension obligations no on the amount of our tariff laws no it was the pension obligations that they could not find and here it is we've got social security going bankrupt medicare going bankrupt we don't know encrypt they're both just fine thank you very much oh my gosh come on your show your idiocy all the money and they spend it on something else and they put in paper i.o.u.'s there's nothing there what are these are you tell the treasury bill is a paper iou get results nothing much you mean george brown with nothing to make me a promise that you are not relying on that for when you are tired because it's not going to be there i'm planning my life as if it's not going to be there i tell high school kids that i talk to it's not going to be there absolutely not we have the so
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we have the highest per person debt of any country in the world and that means that if you took the whole federal debt and deficit and divided up among all our citizens the amount each citizen owes is more in the united states than it even is in greece this is unsustainable and it was a higher than that in one thousand nine hundred five when we entered world war two you know we got out of it we grew our way out of it we borrowed more money were spent on roads bridges hospitals we built an economy we built we grew our way out we were one hundred twenty seven percent of g.d.p. at the end of world war two we're only at ninety percent of g.d.p. right now japan over two hundred percent more you're saying we can we can actually i am going to grow our way out of it yes and i want to say my message on the regulators before we did it after the civil war we did it after the after world war two i don't think that this president borrowed land for this country we built the railroad system in the eight hundred seventy s. and it exploded our economy we built the interstate highway system the one nine hundred fifty s. it exploded our economy we could only needed. i know we can put
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a colony on the moon no i don't realize. let's talk about high school for a second time so we're the only developed country in the world not to have high speed rail just to put just start right not to mention the fact that we know where you put high speed rail you create jobs every billion dollars invested into transportation creates thirty four thousand jobs in the all that that's on the but the tear one level then you have the second tier levels the people who employ the people who make the stuff or the transportation for the transportation for like the imports then you have the people who they are building houses next to transportation rails i mean for the more the story is that if we fund grants for taishan and we invest in america's greatest resource its people we can turn this economy around the republicans would rather give tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires and boss to unions than they would on the fund our country and on our people telling other developed countries and if i see japan china the entire the european union or france germany england if you know the size of their country
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versus the size of our country why do you stay on a high speed rail across france it's a hell of a long ride it's a pretty good so you know that europe is is it while it let's start with china china just just just completed a five thousand two hundred mile high speed rail run the equivalent of chicago to new york city you can now go chicago to new york city in chicago in china in about a half hours at two hundred fifty miles an hour they did that in eight years why can't we and they are going to bankrupt other airlines you create competition out there like you guys the airlines in china are exploding they've got three new airlines discount what it california just do with their high speed rail it got blocked by republicans same as the one in florida a lot of occidentals are involved because the republicans don't want the country to work they want to broken so that they can blame that on iraq obama to build a wall that they knew it would not pay well that's are going to hold on and i don't know if it let's talk about let's talk about florida high school the high school record or they will go from orlando to tampa it was fully paid for by the federal government of the stimulus package the president basically came he gave them he gave. he gave charlie crist
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a check and said here will form the high school rove fund it so every money that's made off the size of the profit of the state of florida then the other governor got in there rick scott he said oh yeah we even though this is fully paid for and fully funded because i'm anti stimulus and i'm anti investing in my own people mind you florida the highest unemployment in the country he returned the check to the president that makes absolutely no sense and at the end of the way and the and the it doesn't pay for itself argument amtrak for example almost pays for itself but not when you but when you consider the societal benefits of you know i mean i live here in washington d.c. when i moved here from portland i sold my car so i'm no longer i don't longer have a twenty thousand dollar liability i'm no longer going to be in a car accident you know fifty thousand americans die in car accidents i'm no longer blowing carbon out to to the tune of tons of it every year i'm you know i'm no longer contributing to traffic jams there are all kinds of societal benefits that come from having transportation infrastructure that's not car based and road based
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that that if you factor those in if you quantify those if you monetize those in fact of those in amtrak more than double pays for itself as does as do the high speed rail systems of every other country in the world is why every of the country the world does it you may not make back every penny that you put in from ticket prices but when you figure the cost of you know the value of how communities where you've got a metro station the housing values go up the communities become more vibrant eyes are going up but it's a transportation system that's in the car well there are now like i support those i don't have a car and i just take them extra miles out of the truth of the matter is the well that you must for a living. because the house or probably house republicans released their translation bill and there's no funding in there for high speed rail at all they completely gutted the high federal budget not to mention the not only do they do they do that but they basically made all of the funding mechanisms for transit. you know go through public our partnerships they got rid of the subset in the i would.
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well that was dedicated to to transit they took that out because they don't believe that was a good because they just want to bill asphalt and build roads which is not sustainable for the future of this country this is this is a nineteenth century transportation policy and we're in the twentieth twenty first century or an eighteenth century policy so really i mean are you talking about i see a real is not i it's fine but if you really want your. jet packs it is relatively impractical for large parts of the country you can have it in small areas like the boston washington corridor or perhaps milwaukee to indiana california certain parts like that but it's not a nationwide but i think you just it's never going to replace trying twice the size of this country china can do whatever it wants to be it's around to the back. the only link there we workin on it the world the story is that it takes a national system to do it if eisenhower did not say we're going to create a national highway system we've never had it every state would have had pretty much what they had before the eisenhower system they would have one road that goes from here one road that goes from there to there the truth of the matter the truth of the matter is that we build in our high capacity corridors first then we could
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begin to link our high capacity quotas to other high capacity quotas of stakes you when you create those links you create something very similar to the highways and we currently have china's also putting one hundred thousand cars a month on the road and think about that too they're going for options there and they're in there and we're going to they're only going to one option work area and i just don't think that's the case what i mean let me go and get another probably if if there was a demand for high speed rail the marketplace would meet it so so the i think i think jack just summarized the republican argument against what you were talking about which is if somebody can make a buck on it it should be done it's pretty much a and all rather than the one that you're going to put up there all government that can afford to pay for it right now and are also viable alternatives at this point that's fine we've been looking at this you shoot for a long long time the fact that it hasn't happened is because people just trying to block it it's because this is not fuel regional rail system was was paid for by the government lincoln paid you know they gave away all that land to the railroads the original high speed the original. the road system was paid for the by the
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government eisenhower borrowed money and that's right and we know that i was in the start with pardon me but when i soon as the health system for two reasons the first reason is to better cut military and the second reason is bring goods and services to port unfortunately my spirit will do neither of those that you know yes it will because you first the first thing you could do is when you create what you do when you get create high speed rail to go your commuter route you put the one high speed tracks and all your roses will dedicated just to goods and services and not to people and that is how to solve that we're going to we're going to we're going to wrap it on that. coming up after the break we'll finish up tonight's ramble and we'll discuss why we're seeing the end of u.s. dominance in the global economy which countries will be taking our place. that's going to.
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sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then something else you hear sees some other part of it and realize that everything is. welcome to the big picture.
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mr. well the back of the rubble chris solomon richard a fall or jack do sick let's get back to it as the winter begins to wind down the occupy wall street movement is heating up just in time for spring however while the
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ninety nine percent is still fuming at the injustices of growing inequality in america it appears that this newly energized form of occupy is kind of occupy two point zero with a much more mainstream momentum and what seems like a more streamlined purpose so now that the occupy movement is redefining itself and beginning to really gain some momentum couldn't really cause some trouble for republicans during the rest of the election cycle is it possible that occupiers could achieve tea party like influence chris. i don't think so i don't think so because their whole movement is based on greed and wanting what somebody else have and where i stand is when you say ninety nine percent who are the ninety nine percent everybody who makes under three hundred twenty two thousand dollars a year and they're all mad at the one percent where they met the top two percent surely that second top two percent would be what about one hundred seventy thousand dollars a year but soon they're going to turn against the top one percent in that ninety
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nine and then they're going to they're going to equal way i think they're going to be going concern is. one more fair and i don't like it that somebody worked hard in has more than me and if you're sleeping in a park or sleeping in a tent on somebody's front lawn chances are. you're not working and you're not going to make a better life than a lot of the people here at occupy d.c. are working and you know they do act by d.c. between shifts but i think they're missing even very very expensive homes too i mean you might even be in the one percent they may well be and i think you're misreading and i don't think this is about envy i think it's about genuine concern about social justice richard you're nodding your head i think it is a concern about social justice it's a concern about it's not that people who work harder do better i think that is the model that america was made of if you work hard this country will have a great life on fortunately what we've seen is that just not the case the american dream is going to dissipate and i think what the occupy movement represents is a yearning for the american dream i think they do because they do pose a problem to republicans going into the two thousand and twelve election because
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they've changed they they've got or they've organized themselves they've got a clear clear and clean clear message and the message resonates with people all over the country where this in mississippi or d.c. when it comes to foreclosures which is the new occupy the home thing that they're doing it's really affects everybody both democrats and republicans because these banks that took bailout from washington but they don't want to bail out people who they've given these bad mortgages to and that's what it boils down to when they're saying you know you cannot kick them out their homes even though you guys have and you're making millions and millions of millions of dollars and you've already made million dollars on their part of here again people love to beat up on the banks and i would just like to say something about that you know first of all a lot of these matters offend banks i'm not a big fan of the banks ok but i'm going to tell you this a lot of these banks were forced to take that money they didn't want to take some of them did not want to take that money to be made available any yes talk about the bailout when george bush passed and the reason i didn't agree with bailing out the banks in the first place i was not a fan of that to begin with but the fact the matter is is if you were going to
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accept the premise that these banks were too big to fail if they went down to be a global catastrophe and then tire world there would already be a foreclosure crisis and the banks be done so really it was a bigger concern than the foreclosure crisis and i agree it's a problem but the best way to get these homes out of foreclosure is get people. jobs and that's what it's about it's not about the banks the banks are not saying that saying we're just going to take your home i mean that's not what they want to do the banks though are sitting there sitting on a list of money they can borrow money is euro interest rate there they will move money up this first of all because they want to start with they will give them access to credit they're saying well we're going to hoard all the money and everybody else and stuff while we've poured the money and you live a bar that had always been both a i don't see what's happened to everyone that's now it's headed what's happening i phone is it is raising our ease while the economy is hurting hundred forty one billion dollars in banks their compensation last year they have to have someone needed one hundred twenty one to do this reelection campaign this i mean it's good because i mean i really understand if you're going to hear it was not a good argument you know how much money did democrats get from de facto cats in the
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building they're made out to go we have to go to court for last night comedian bill maher became the latest member of the super pac donors club by announcing that he would be giving one million dollars to the pro bamma super pac priorities usa action which makes me wonder what celebrities would donate to republican candidates super pacs and why and here's some some options you can pick from or you can come up with your own how about a charlie sheen he's going to contribute to ron paul because charlie like all good libertarians is a republican who wants to get laid and smoke dope or be paris hilton she's going to contribute to romney because paris likes the senator but a rather poor way for the dividend checks to come in just like mitt or see larry klayman larry king he's going to give to newt because larry wants to help newt get going on wife number four somebody's got to keep those numbers up i think larry's on number eight right now isn't it seven or eight so any thoughts suggestions on who should contribute so that again jess who should contribute which were
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celebrities are going to come out and give to whom well i don't know that anybody would give anything that's just going to see the bill maher put his money where his mouth is it's too often you see a lot of glib liberals shoot their mouth off and not actually getting behind anything so it's good to see them do that i'm all in favor of people who don't go out with britney spears. i think she'd probably give it to rick santorum because you know she's really conservative even though we're not sure if you take birth control it up but you know she does the party big deal she got she did it was ok chris i don't know i just hope that bill maher ponies up an extra million or two in that extra tax money he wants to pay he can just write the check right to try to have more on the buffet for that particular batch of the treasury to look at my answer to cut my answer was we're going to make you answer i mean once ozzy osborne is going to give it to rick santorum because ozzy is all about things that require lube take a look. you have a secret fantasy look to float you know you put a colonoscopy. is this sorry ok oh i didn't know that graphic was coming. ok i see it i see it that's part
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yeah that's poor taste. thank you for coming back here richard. thank you and here you are the next we're going to tolerate in my gross so it's a pulitzer much appreciate. so what is it that the bank stirs the billionaires in the trans national c.e.o.'s see that most americans don't see. it's the end of u.s. dominance in the global economy and not just us dominance the end of western dominance altogether right now a global power shift is occurring underneath all of this with the united states economy still struggling through the muck and the european economy in complete freefall new economic powers around the world are seeing this is an opportunity to
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gain more power in the global marketplace those new economic powers are known as the bric nations brazil russia india and china plus south africa the bric nations are home to forty percent of the world's population and already account for a quarter of the global economy and this week it was revealed that the bric nations are already preparing for the economic transition in a directive florent to western financial institutions like the world bank and the international monetary fund india is spearheading a plan for the bric nations to create their own multilateral bank one that will be funded by developing nations to finance economic projects within developing nations they see that tech to what the technocrats at the i.m.f. are doing to europe and have done the developing nations for the last thirty years with their austerity measures and they don't want any part of it and looking at the economic trends it won't be too long until these rapidly developing bric nations
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will have the economic power to not only completely remove themselves from traditional western central banks but also to call the shots in the global economy let's take a look at i.m.f. growth projections for western nations versus bric nations in twenty twelve the united states economy is projected to grow by one point eight percent a meager one point eight percent as for the seventeen nation euro zone its economy is projected to shrink by a half percent the looking at the bric nations it's a much different story. south africa is projected to grow at two point five percent brazil is looking at a three percent growth rate russia will nearly double the united states with three point three percent growth india is on pace for a whopping seven percent growth rate and china leaves the pack with a blistering eight point two percent projected growth rate one side is going down the other side is going up the economic momentum cannot be ignored and here's the big secret american bankers and trans national c.e.o.'s know what's happening they
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know that's why they looted america of whatever wealth she still has left their taking and then why they're taking their business overseas to the developing world that's why millions of american manufacturing jobs have been shipped overseas that's why four thousand dollars worth of american industry is sold off to some foreign investor every single second in america that's why financial elites are stashing their profits in offshore bank accounts they don't want to contribute anymore to the sinking ship that they perceive to be the united states this attitude is summed up perfectly in a recent article for the atlantic magazine by journalist krista freeland when she quoted an unnamed c.e.o. who said simply if the transformation of the world economy lives for people in china and india out of poverty into the middle class and meanwhile drops more one american drops out of the middle class that's not such a bad trade. you see it's no longer about nationalism or pride about the of the
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country you were born in it's now all about where is there money to be made and right now the best place to make money is in the bric nations why because they've watched thirty years of reaganomics and they've seen how it's hollowed out america and destroyed our middle class they've watched should cog go school because milton and tom friedman economic policies played out by the i.m.f. and the world bank and in countries from chile to argentina to what the republican party is doing right now in the united states and they've seen it destroy the state and nation national economies they're smart enough to know that they want no part of our stupidity they'll let us continue to worship reagan in the friedmans but they're going their own way which ironically was the way we went from the one nine hundred forty s. until the reagan revolution back in those days when america led the world in growth
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and prosperity back in the days before we drank ronald reagan's kool-aid and got stupid the rest of us americans who still want to live in a nation that can provide economic prosperity to a vast middle class we have a big job ahead of us if we don't take back our government and our economy soon by cracking down on job outsourcers by reining in wall street by rolling back the reagan tax cuts and by and forcing the sherman act to break up big businesses then we're in for one rough ride the reaganomics idiocy now promoted by paul ryan and the tea party continues to make our billionaires richer while dragging the rest of our nation into one long slide downward so it's time to wake up america. as the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website to tom arbonne dot com free speech dot org. you can also check out our two you tube channel or links atop a dot com entire show is also available for free video podcast on i tunes and you
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video. feeds with the palm of your. question. please. it.
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has washington and its allies step up the pressure on the syrian regime with calls for more sanctions because she is set for a referendum on a new constitution to end the single party rule. america's.


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