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tv   [untitled]    February 26, 2012 7:30am-8:00am EST

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four thirty pm in moscow these here are t. headlines decision day for the syrian people as they take to the polls to vote on a new constitution move to bring an end to the ruling party's half century monopoly . thousands of people joined hands in a massive flash mob for burial actions in russia activists made a sixteen kilometer ring around moscow's city center a week before the country chooses its next president. thousands of students and teachers again marching in anger at education cuts in spain is the euro crisis tightens its a grip around the mediterranean but greece finally breathing
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a small side of relief after you leaders finally approved an eleventh hour balog to stave off default. the un's atomic agency struggling to reach a conclusion on iran's nuclear weapons but u.s. intelligence agencies agree there is no evidence to iran is building a bomb but it's not stopping israel from threatening a military attack on iran's nuclear sites as syrians vote on their future americans continue to pressure the assad regime u.s. veteran politician and former presidential advisor pat buchanan tells r t why he thinks washington should step back. i. i'm sitting down with patrick buchanan senior adviser to presidents which makes him gerald ford and ronald reagan he ran for the presidency three times he wrote many books and some of his books have really manage seeing titles his latest book is called suicide of a superpower a will america survive to twenty twenty five very pessimistic sir first of all
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thank you very much for joining me thank you with regards to foreign policy you're saying one of the ways to prevent that suicide from happening is to dismantle the empire first of all what do you mean by empire or you might call it the american imperium or the american empire. the united states has military bases dating back to the cold war in europe and asia the middle east africa all over the world and we're running a deficit of ten percent of our gross national product and quite frankly we can't afford any longer in my judgment to continue to carry this enormous burden of defending forty or fifty countries around the world and so i think we're going to have to dismantle these bases we're going to have to return back from asia come back from the middle east and south asia and i think we'll have to bring the troops home from europe you were writing and speaking out extensively about the bush era in iraq crusade under the banner of ending terror name in the world do you think
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that course say it is still a long. the idea that we're going to end tyranny in the world is utterly utopian we never are we've had tyrants from time immemorial and what the united states should do in my judgment in its foreign policies is build a defense establishment strong enough to protect our vital interests and our vital allies and when problems arise whether it's in zimbabwe or somewhere else the people there have got to deal with their own problems. there's no doubt about it that throughout history tyrants have a risen and seized power in one place or another and as long as they don't threaten our vital interests or threaten and kill our people the fact that they rule and or misrule certain countries is none of our business while some of bin ladin successor said he supports the war against syria and al-qaeda was purportedly behind
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a four suicide bombings which killed scores of syrian officials and soldiers seen damascus and aleppo aleppo doesn't it seem strange that the us is on the same side with the whole kiting syria row it is it does indeed listen the the outside government has been has been ruthless and brutal and suppressing the uprising and the insurgency against it not as brutal as this father was tough as a last sod who slaughtered twenty thousand people in hama in one nine hundred eighty two when they rose up and it would probably be a good thing if he departed and they had a more democratic government but your point is well taken the united states should ask itself not only what is the character of this regime but the first question should be do we have a vital interest in who rule syria my answer to that is no secondly if the
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incumbent government is overthrown who comes to power and syria you have the muslim brotherhood is trying to overthrow assad you have al-qaeda apparently which is moving in trying to overthrow assad so we've got to ask ourselves is the devil we know preferable to the devil we don't know but in the syrian situation i think the very fact that al qaida has been involved apparently indeed for suicide attacks should tell us that we ought to be wary about overthrowing or. participating in a movement to overthrow assad before we know what's going to replace him as you said it's very hard to tell what's going to happen to syria if more radical forces seize power do you think the u.s. foreign policy might be helping terrorists indirectly i think the united states. american strategists would have to be fools not to see what al qaeda is doing not
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to ask the question if it's good for al qaeda can it be good for us and not to look at saddam say he may be a ruthless dictator and what he's doing but what comes after him when he falls i think al qaeda does its best work or it works best when it finds a country that is fundamentally a failed state in yemen somalia afghanistan under the taliban and i think in those conditions that's where al qaida can plan and recruit far better than it can when you have a a regime which is a hard line regime running the situation whether it's secular or whether syria torn apart by civil war and that that's it seems like a good environment for that i think i think that seriously. syria is really a potential disaster in that we could have there a proxy war between the sunni and shia all over that region there already have
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sunni coming in from iraq they already have al qaida in there apparently. you could have also a conflict ethnic conflict with the druze in there and the kurds in there as well as arabs and there i think this is why i'm against plunge putting weapons in and aiding the anti assad resistance because an all out war there could be a disaster which leaves a failed state in syria so what about this strategy that the u.s. is now pursuing putting pressure on assad alone. and not addressing the armed groups the fighting armed groups among the opposition as well well i think that's basically the united states has taken sides in this war we've taken sides there just like we've taken sides in libya what should or what should not the u.s. do here in syria. my policy would if i were and if i were in the white house would
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be by and large you know hands off syria in one of your articles you argue that the obama administration doesn't want to war with iran and the pentagon u.s. intelligence community they're saying iran does not having a clear bomb and hasn't decided whether or not to build a nuclear bomb iran is obviously getting nothing from a war if nobody wants it then why the drums of war why are they so loud there are people who want to war. i mean i do not think no one wants a war you don't have wars unless someone wants it and quite clearly the israeli government would like to see the united states smash iran's nuclear program which they think is creating the conditions where iran could with one leap forward get a bomb the israeli lobby in the united states would like to see a war they support is really the neoconservatives do many republicans do there are
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many americans who genuinely believe that if iran they believe iran is moving toward a weapon and if it is they would favor military action to prevent it there are a number of people that want a war and if there are really vital threat coming from you i don't you see i don't know i don't look iran is not iraq i mean during the cold war with due respect soviet union had thousands of weapons they could have destroyed us in an afternoon and we could have done the same thing i was around during the cuban missile crisis that was genuinely term fine but iran doesn't frighten me and i don't think it should frighten the american people they don't have a bomb they don't have they haven't made a decision to bill one didn't have the means to deliver one and the israelis have three hundred atomic bombs i mean who presents the existential threat to whom. they would was i visited one of my doctors and we were talking about i hope we
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don't have a war in iran but now they're talking about an intervention in syria and he said thank god for the russians they've got some ships out there and the americans won't fool around with the russian ships so the russians are keeping us out and that's wonderful. that's one of my doctors but i think that's that's what the american public thinks at the state leaves us out of the out of time so i don't think the americans that i don't think any american wants to intervene in syria they don't understand. anything about it iran though they got the ayatollah and they got him out in the job and he will always help out the hawks with some insane statement every couple of months he's going to destroy somebody or other and then the americans say we have to get him or what is the danger of such rhetoric the danger of such rhetoric is that it leads to another war in the middle east which i think would be a disaster for my country and i think it would be a disaster for the world economy and other could be
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a disaster for the world you know i opposed desert storm back in one nine hundred ninety one i opposed even going in and clean and said i'm hussein out of kuwait because i said this will only be the first arab american war. and i was right i mean if you talk about islamic wars you had the war desert storm you had the war against afghanistan the doctor or an iraq war and libya now they're talking about syria and now they're talking about iran. of what benefit has this been to the united states when you see where we were in one thousand nine hundred and where we are today and where china was in one thousand nine hundred and where china is today then going into any of these countries haven't invaded anybody and they're moving upward as brazil and as our india and what do we do one in all these places i don't think we can you can't replicate the middle west in the middle east thank
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you you thank . well to the. piece of pizza the looking glass at what will be the homes of the future where the walls might just be smarter than the residents every day trash protects you from the elements outside and the whole system works to save you money you shine the spotlight on the leaders of building projects all around russia technology i'm doing here on r.g.p. . the central. war. we have a lot of. groups. all. right enough to my mind it was like many it wasn't. just maddy when
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i was a teen yes you can't win and you certainly can't do it through the barrel of a gun only effective social changes can be the afghans themselves afghan men and women we believe are going to spawn cannot cross paths. but. it's a position and construction but it's the people in the obama administration talking about how much they care about the women of afghanistan it's not true they don't care about the women of afghanistan.
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it's. been is. true to. be true. family.
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and a link. on the bottom of the swans. decision day for the syrian people as they take to the polls to vote on a new constitution that would bring an end to the ruling parties fifty year but. thousands of people joined in a massive flash mob for a fair elections in russia activists meta sixteen kilometer ringer on the moscow city center a week before the country elects its next president. the un atomic agency struggling to reach a conclusion on iran's nuclear weapons but the u.s. intelligence agencies agree there is no evidence to iran is building a bomb but that's not stopping israel from threatening a military attack on iran's nuclear sites. and thousands of students and teachers
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again marchin anger at education cuts across spain as the euro crisis tightens its grip around the mediterranean greece though breathing a sigh of relief you leaders finally approved an eleventh hour bailout to stave off default. dimitry next with sports stay with us here on our city. hello welcome to the sports of the not to thanks for joining us this hour coming up in the fall it's a. thrill to go five points clear at the top while chelsea clinched first victory in sixth in the english premier league. apart vasco going to a parade title after a straight sets victory over your gold base in dubai. and.
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series nine hundred seventy two one of the greatest rivalries in the history of this sport forty years on. but we'll start with boxing and be a heavyweight world champion out of sight of the can admits he may have underestimated opponent marca heart after retaining his title with a narrow points victory in germany the judges' decision went into the after twelve grueling rounds in stuttgart the russian have to work very hard on the ropes in rounds four and seven but heart beat double back cruiserweight. failed to land a knockout punch the decision was greeted with boos by fans ringside with admitting afterwards perhaps it didn't take the fight seriously enough the second successful defense of the title who won in august last year. to city have strengthened their late at the top of the english premier league to five point three a new home win against struggling goals from mario balotelli and
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sealed the victory well chelsea went forth in the standings following a confident they'll win over bolton. reign as wolves manager began with a tall draw. at newcastle. purgative next scored his second goal in as many matches as follow him one one. now to the brace in the west for sunderland but for the current league leaders belief is growing that they can win their first title in forty four years. there's a belief that we can go into football matches and win going. because that's what we've done all season for two thirds of the season it's what we've done and that's what's got as where we are we have to show consistency for the final third of the susan if you do so there will be. but it's just important to concentrate
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on our own game through. well it's on sunday. can close the gap two points if they win at three form norway host. country placed. in a much anticipated north darby. while also on sunday upton steven gerrard will go up against his cars and anthony gerrard as they take on the championship side cardiff been badly cup final the writers are aiming to bring their first trophy for six years. and. will move. faith in the world ranking starts after winning. the ships with a straight sets victory over germany. the powell came into the final favorite despite the fact had beaten world number four palin was not in the semifinals but it looked like nerves got the better of them she. wrote in the first game of the
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match eventually taking the open a seven five to that also claimed the second for six four to lead the title of her career i was. it was understood very very happy that you know of first of all that i can play my best tennis from the beginning of the year and you know address i was playing great tennis today so very happy that you know i could close this mental says god. now in one thousand nine hundred to two the world of ice hockey witnessed the beginning of what will become one of the greatest rather research in the history of this sport summit serious was a number of matches between the soviet union and canada and forty years later generations of ice hockey stars gathered in moscow to celebrate the anniversary is robert fatton out. it used to be no less than war in the ice in one thousand nine
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hundred seventy two well today it's more of the celebration of the game itself four years after the peak of soviet. days the best comedian proves he was something serious the old time cream of the crop from both sides in moscow one red square to share their evergreen skills with some youngsters and bring back some good old memories it's probably the most fun for the four or so hours on there were very good. for the park but now you've. got the soccer stuff. like. that but they've. got it or you're. going to give it back again. if. you like that. the first time
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was one of the greatest soviet players of all time and it sounded a yoko show recalled a conversation with canadian asshole get idle feel as busy that took place after one of the games in nineteen seventy two for that matter as positano told me i couldn't much bigger money in the n.h.l. but i said look felt i have a better offer for you come over to the soviet league you'll play for one of moscow's clubs and they'll give you a one bedroom apartment in the capital it's really worth it i wonder why he didn't come here. the celebration of the summit series and the first three and kenya settling with the real game that week of soviet russian stars including two heroes from those nine hundred seventy two games and yet the shift to can a barely less degraded all stars team with the greatest visitor coaching from the bench the stars of the past may have got older and lost their speed. be sure their skills are still there i use the school board the model we were putting in stan was
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going to do that we were one nil down after the first period that quite a serious conversation in the locker worked pretty much so we made some changes in the line and this gave the team if you can. come up with a good game as a result it was good school for russia at the start of the second period i but the visitors when giving out that easily i. told all this in the little piece of genius by the desert i had treat by the russian rocket red rapped on the final score of seventy five i rushed i can see a ball near you and you see everybody still in shape even those who played in one hundred seventy two to your question of pretty well they still have the skills to show which not to preserve it was really the world just like four years passing seems the how soon days after nine hundred seventy two times can diminish the stars
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of this summit series. committed in their own party history. staying with winter sports. has claimed gold at the world championships culture and competition in lake placid they reigning world champ and dominated the competition throughout all four hates and to the final and more than the second half advantage of the chasing pack. fresh out of prevented the curse from winning the trophy but that didn't happen as that last time come close of the run in fifty four point six seconds frankel multics over losing two seconds to the red while bad sam five of new zealand completed the porto. and finally the n.b.a. all star weekend is in full swing as a lot in the land with the big east against west called friends showdown lights on sunday. over the future of a local star what how would continue as
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a land center is linked with a move away from the magic and the lakers legend kobe bryant believes how fast will support. it will come out in support of the big man this weekend while howard has remained quiet of a possible departure. the only doing our job our respect it is to be like us you know i want to have for you i want to so for us you know might see what we have to offer you know why the missile. never lost any look to see who oprah really is all of you know i mean. it is was is to be better to be a free. player some time reach a certain level frustration or you'll feel like the needles be moved at a right direction so i am sure slow for sure. but you know i'm sure to get more warm welcome. because it's all from me and the sports desk for the moment more and
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tossed on have not say whether his next stay with us. wealthy british style sun it's the present time to pay the price. of the. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy because reports. of a war lords war criminals we have a lot of. groups of the colors of the sluices also our views in the right enough to my mind it was like when you had that marriage it wasn't forced marriage it's the smadi when i was fourteen yes you can liberate other women and
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you certainly can't do it through the barrel of a gun salute effective social changes can be the afghans themselves afghan men and women we believe i'm going to stun them not to across. the part of the patient it's a position and at a construction stop people in the obama administration talking about how much they care about the women of afghanistan it's not true they don't care about the women of afghanistan.
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blind rush is going to be soon which brightened if you knew about someone from feinstein pression. for instance on t.v. don't come. cheap.


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