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tv   [untitled]    February 28, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EST

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damascus says it will defend its people. from foreign pressure. new sanctions from the e.u. . greece's credit score is lowered to quote selective default as the government braces to approve even more austerity cuts. and away. spending sending billions of dollars abroad and foreign aid to countries who say they want the cash.
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worldwide news around the clock this is r t live from moscow with me rule received shy damascus has condemned the latest set of e.u. sanctions against the syrian government and the country's foreign minister says economic pressure is only leading to greater suffering for the already beleaguered people of syria dozens have been reported killed across the country on choose day while officials hailed the success of a referendum on a new constitution. is in damascus for all of us here abouts. so as new constitution is now waiting to be implemented the majority of the people voted in favor of the new charter on sunday but it only comment to force after presidential decree so while president bashar al assad he in syria is getting ready with the papers the right different professions in europe french foreign minister in a speech to the un human rights council on monday in geneva where syria is
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dominating the agenda has said that the time is common for president bashar assad as well as all the syrian officials both civilian and military to face justice for crimes against their people france wants to see the regime before the international criminal court and urges for procreation is to start the draft resolution of the un human rights council condemns widespread and systematic violations of human rights and other freedoms here in syria the diplomats are expected to vote on this resolution on tuesday the un human rights council is also expected to call on syria to stop attacks against civilians here in the country and also to allow a free access for humanitarian aid to the city of homs and as well as other besieged areas here in the country the economic pressure from the national community to the regime is also increasing the e.u. has he damascus with its toughest set of sanctions yet they include more asset
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freezes against officials and impose restrictive measures on the country's central bank it's also maintaining support for the syrian opposition recognizing the syrian national council as a legitimate representative of the syrian people seeking for democratic changes recently russia's prime minister vladimir putin has said that meddling into other states affairs may lead to foreign intervention has also stressed that desire and attempts to democracy by force may and very often does the opposite effect. reporting right there well let's get some more reaction on the latest developments around syria from gaza based professor who shot it acknowledge joining us live here in our city thanks for coming on the program today this referendum syria's just held the government claims most of the population of voted in favor of the new constitution but how much will that actually change while the killing still contains. a
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professor professor shot occurred this is real research showing the r.t. news presenter can you hear me ok. and then i couldn't see if you will ok we're ok good we're just trying to establish a proper connection here i was just i was just asking you professor that with this new referendum on a new constitution having taken place in syria claims that most of the population voted in favor cannot change anything that's happening on the ground at this point with the violence. like i said if i hear you i. do apologize to you on this and bush article from gaza we're going to establish a better connection and ask you on our viewers for patience just a moment thank you for joining us. we do apologize for that and i thank you for your patience still ahead for you this hour here on r.t. cash flow controversy. there are individuals in the united states
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to carry out acts of terrorism don't assume it was left by accident if you see something say something we break it down america's transition from the land of the free to the land of the increasingly paranoid. and hard to lose friends of the israeli way as its neighbors begin losing patience over the countries and iran rhetoric. this is r.t. live from moscow now the un's atomic agency says it can conclude whether iran is trying to build a nuclear bomb because tehran refuses to cooperate but the country's envoy to the i.a.e.a. has questioned the agency's impartiality and says that it is influenced by the u.s. in an exclusive interview with us here at r.t. scott filled in the blanks over iran's nuclear program following the recent visit of the inspectors for now
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a preview. we are warning that couple of course does include the united states is trying to run the agency so that they can dictate from washington what a d.n.r. should do and that is why we don't not permit such a thing to occur and that is the whole issue that the agency as a professional technical organization should do its work and that is why you see they make meet so many noses here and there they do not let the agency to do its work and that is why we want expect or all countries including russia and others and i'm very pleased that last meeting in fact russia and china ambassadors are lined with a hundred counties of nonaligned movement all together questioned what had happened in fact namely the release of confidential information that we need the mobilization of member states to prevent something happening in vienna which did you raise this agency from is this actually that is what we need what i want on.
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the full interview with ambassador. here on r.t. in about twenty minutes time to stay with us for that. well israel which has been threatening to attack iran's nuclear sites now says it will do so without warning officials in israel say they will keep washington in the dark to avoid any pressure to prevent a strike and i thought he was a ridiculous go reports the strong and here iran rhetoric isn't winning israel many friends in the region. love their neighbors as the biblical thing goes but in the case of israel there is not much love lost between the jewish state and the countries closest to it while authorities in jerusalem fierce and feyerick is a she said iran some wonder if in their empty tehran the frenzy they may have overlooked other troubles brewing much closer to home to. the roots of euphoria in israel the result of slow activity. so there is no terrorist
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activity. other than. the gaza strip. in fact the post conflict has long been a source of problems for the israeli government but recently seems the issue has all but been forgotten some believe this blinkered approach may end up having dire and explosive consequences for israel with the rise of islamic tendencies in the wake of the arab spring states which until now have been tacitly benevolent to what israel may do it turns around in fact such changes already evident in egypt the muslim brotherhood which holds the majority of seats in the parliament has already threatened to break peace accord but this israel as a response of pressure from the us. and. it's even worse egypt when they go tremendous changes egypt will stand behind hamas one day hamas may attack israel. two thousand and eight the question
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is how would egypt such a conflict i think is an imminent threat iran is not an imminent threat. but could also be an imminent threat some believe is the situation in syria which seems to go from bad to worse with every passing day. centralism in the mess because. of the presence of terrorist groups that may operate against meanwhile israel's most placid neighbor jordan may seem to be a bedrock of stability but experts say that isn't so because israel's immediate neighbor to the it's a country that israel has. with it also has the longest border with and i think it is most vulnerable to. influences from almost everywhere else spillover from syria spillover from iraq there are very serious
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problems and one look at the map is enough to show that israel's position in the real. could be described as potentially problematic at best however israeli authorities seem to be less concerned with reinforcing good relations with neighbors or preparing for those relations to worsen instead of the absolutely continue to confront iran with the word of words for now in tel aviv he didn't go r.t. well israel apparently had some harsh words while speaking to senior u.s. officials behind closed doors are we have that report for you on line also worried more about israel saying that it won't give the u.s. a heads up on any potential attack on iran but a shield in washington from possible blame. nato says traces of bleach have been discovered in soldiers russians in southern afghanistan but suspicion rising the taliban traded guns and bombs for poison. and joining forces three out of the
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five russian presidential hopefuls have met for a new type of debate are being grilled by journalists instead of fighting with each other much much more all study by few twenty four separate artsy. now eleven minutes past the hour here in moscow this is another day and another lowering of the credit rating and another vote on government cuts the greek parliament is trying to push through just salaries and pensions to get the next e.u. bowed out allows ratings agency standard and poor's lowers the nation's credit score to quote selective default the downgrade was widely expected because of greece's debt right deal with private creditors was part of the hundred thirty billion euro
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bailout which on monday was backed up by germany the second rescue package in a little over eighteen months will ensure things can pay its debts for the time being but from that wolf senior analyst of the investment advisory green crashed capital says that cash handouts will not help the greek economy to get back on its feet that. greece is not getting bailed out creditors to greece are getting bailed out the reason that we keep hearing the term fire wall is because you're building a wall around the country letting it burn to the ground and making sure that folks who've invested in it residing in other countries don't see the fire leap the wall and get to them i think that the twenty percent unemployment the forty percent youth unemployment the regular rioting the hemorrhaging of the future of the dreams of a lot of people the near bankruptcy or total bankruptcy of a significant portion of the country's industries the changing of the constitution to make debt repayment a higher priority than all basic social services we should be clear and most of the analysts aren't that what's being done here is you're sacrificing
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a significant portion of the greek economy in the hopes of keeping the rest of europe. well if you thought the impact of greece's economic woes was bad the world bank has a sobering forecast for china's fiscal future it says that beijing is heading for a slowdown that could have a devastating effect on the entire globe let's get some more details on this now and talk to our business editor here nick paul joining us live in the studio nic good to see you as always so what does the world bank report have to say about china this is a rather worrying news well i think if we were to interpret it in the guise of a hollywood disaster movie then something like greece would be an asteroid astroid the size of. china or something more like checked. what they're really saying is that without political and economic reforms and then china will have an economic crisis within the next twenty years where you could say this is a declining economy declining empire lecturing an emerging him or how best to do it
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others might say it's a recipe for making the same mistakes and i brought in the issue of greece into this factor here because let's talk about a global scale here and when you look at what's been happening in greece here now being conditioned as selective default with a downgrade of us junk status credit rating if china has in the next twenty years got got a downturn coming what does that mean for the world. it would be extremely serious for the well but it's going to be messed with the rest of the world it will be the the whole thing it will be the result of what's happening in europe and in the u.s. so what's happening in china is that they've got a very highly centralized economy still it's sort of pretty gauged on monopolies and it's export driven europe the us. close to broke so they're not going to boeing all the stuff that they used to buy from charters are trying to suddenly start exporting much less. he was so you get slow growth from the sphere they're trying to also huge get hold of us. and the u.s.
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is going to be printing money in order to sort of lower the amount that is and this is going to create political tension as china. comes with less and less and less so you can see that both the economics and the politics has been sort of code like coalesce and create some significant i mean it's interesting how you talk about how the u.s. can print more money that would actually take a value out of how much your american debt the china continues to shoulder let's let's talk about what's a recently passed in the g. twenty summit meeting over the past week and the g. twenty bric nations now for the world by and they want the world bank to go through some major reform they're making some rather large calls what are they asking for will china will be the biggest economy in the world in between five and fifteen years depending on who you believe now it's very very under represented in the major global financial bodies such as the i.m.f. and the world bank which are traditionally always been european and u.s. led so really it's just saying we want a bit of seat at the table a seat at the top table. they are actually was
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a quote the other idea about having their own. development bank just with bric countries brazil russia india china and south africa. because it's demolishing are they saying ultimately that they reject the tradition that an american is automatically selected to head the world bank or should they do the entirely so you say they want to get in this life they would rather see one of their own representatives sit in the big chair but of course. they were the reps as do all these things but as i say they will soon be the biggest economy it is sort of like an anachronism i think of the way it was i think quite important to know the recommendations of the world bank is making for the chinese economy we're already seeing protests in china and little goes on in china without being choreographed so you know there's going to quite a lot of pushback i think from china all right r.t. business editor nick pooler thanks for coming on the program today. so i don't we're coming to you live from the heart of moscow and still ahead for you this hour cashflow controversy. india wants to be treated as
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a world party india wants to be treated the equal india doesn't want to be treated anymore as a little child being told by mother how to do things the u.k. sends a steady stream of money to india wild cutting of public spending at home even though india says it doesn't even want the catch. presidential authorization for the military to detain terror suspects without charge or trial has left americans wary washington says it's beefing up national security as part of the war on terror but critics say fear mongering is dividing and not uniting the nation as artie's marina portnoy reports. the united states of america is home to over three hundred thirty million people we are a country known for freedom that was then this is today it's. a sure report suspicious activity of the authorities the land of liberty is fast
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becoming known as the land of fear and suspicion there are individuals of united states seek to carry out acts of terrorism a post nine eleven slogan born in new york city has been adopted nationwide don't assume it was left by accident if you see something say something this see something say something american campaign depicts terrorist scenarios and encourages members of the public to keep watch on well other members of the public according to f.b.i. pamphlets distributed to local businesses potential terrorist activity indicators include always paying with cash wearing backpacks and baggy clothes and the discreet and prolonged use of cameras or note taking even the cybercafe owners are encouraged to keep watch on any customers overly concerned with privacy even just trying to shield your screen from others can make you a suspect. questioning government policies or making anti-war statements can
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also land citizens on the u.s. watch list as of two thousand and nine the u.s. defense department categorizes public protests as low level terrorism and we live in a military dominated society. of the people or on the order of. their . terrorism is a threat you know on nine eleven his career level has been exploited and. sustained the n.y.p.d. under fire again for its intelligence gathering campaign involving a muslim americans and illegal surveillance scandal erupted in the big apple after police officers were caught spying on mosques and muslim communities according to the associated press thousands were under surveillance with no evidence or even allegations of criminal behavior we have to keep this country safe this is a dangerous place many in the u.s. fear that with america's escalating definition of suspicious activity the
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government's expanding powers remain the biggest threat to the people security. r.t. new york. all right in about five minutes time is the business news but for now the oxy world update some of the global headlines in brief will start with pakistan a gunman opened fire on a bus in the northern part of the country killing eighteen injuring seven the victims were from the country's minority shia community the happened in amount district dominated by sea. bready the taliban has claimed responsibility for an explosion at a chemical plant in northern china has left thirteen dead and about forty others injured the blast flattened nearby buildings and shattered windows and surrounding houses tremors caused by the incident could be felt in several nearby villages still on the scene rescue teams at work. and the police in riot gear have cleared the occupy camp in london came after the high court gave the go ahead to
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remove the protest outside the st paul's cathedral the twenty arrests were made the protesters tried to prevent us from taking down the encampments makeshift barrier but demonstrators have been camped out since mid october it was one of the largest surviving sides of the occupy movement which is ultimately against corporate greed . well the occupy demonstrators may have been sent home but a new wave of nationwide protests could be on the way taxpayers are making their voices heard angry that foreign aid still sent to india more public spending has been cut at home and despite new delhi dismissing the handouts as peanuts the cash keeps flowing. smith reports. whoever wins these street gets a used to the pounding of feet with demonstrations large and small
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a regular sight don't spend our money on foreign wars don't cost our public services these people are saying but although the government insists the cupboard is bare it's still sending millions to india one of the fastest growing economies in the world it's absolutely crazy really and foreign aid of course is one of the few areas of the u.k. pressure that's actually increasing substantially if the next three or four years they could make a huge difference if it was for example spent on tax cuts for low paid workers or you could make a huge difference if it was spent in the right three years ago. which makes service. and just. billion dollars. to india which now has more than britain and the indian economy will grow by seven percent this year compared to a measly one percent here it's already got the ninth largest gross domestic product
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in the world and it's got the space program immense wealth rubbed shoulders with crippling poverty and defenders of the aid program point to india's six hundred million poor people living on less than two dollars a day the government says the aid is carefully targeted investment into education for women and children and helping the private sector create jobs and growth and his role in the poetry and indiscriminate amount of money being given to the indian government he would go and spend it on. space or indeed other things this is a very concentrated. targeted a program and i think on that basis it is being targeted at some of the poorest people in the world. i'm happy to defend the aids concentrated on the three poorest states in india but if the government things that'll help it reach its goal experts say it's mistaken the problem is. particular states of also got some of the worst
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problems with corruption and paul governance in india i mean it's one of the reasons there is a still struggling status because they have a very bad government so the idea that somehow this is going to be different this time it is different if only in the fact that the indians have said they do even want the eight the foreign ministers dismissed the monies paid us and the recent decision to buy french rather than british fighter jets shows the cash doesn't even matter according to indian journalist may have he says it's up to the four hundred million wealthy indians to help their impoverished country men not patronize ing post-imperial britain we are showing how good we are this is the way to do it and this is what you should be doing in fact it produces the opposite effect it makes them resentful it makes them feel they're not taking indian seriously india wants to be treated as a world power india wants to be treated with equal india doesn't want to be treated
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any more as a little child being told by mother how to do things within a decade economists predict india will take in the case become the world's largest economy while british great stagnate it's time to take commentators for britain to build relations with the new powerful india before the eighty's to start flowing in the direction. r.t. founded. more than a straight to the business task here an article in a hello to you so the latest with the ups and downs today hello rory well markets are fluctuating at the moment they started in russia they started higher but then it raised early again let's see what's happening in europe first before we get to russia now in the e.u. they're holding on to gaze at the moment but invest. there's a still on guard over s. and p. downgrade of greece at a selective default and of course fresh spanish deficit concerns they're also anticipating about the european central bank second round of cheap long term loans
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on wednesday with further east coast balance sheet pressures among backs ok here in russia markets started as i've said on the brighter side but it raised their games in the afternoon moscow's been struggling for direction today seeing contagion from continuing uncertainty in asia and in the u.s. let's check major movers on the my six this hour ross nafta's higher after receiving all supply dispute with china we'll get to that in a moment tech from citroën ics bounced back from earlier losses and is now trading over six percent as you see but dixie that started higher. raised earlier gains and is now point three percent down. oil futures are in the red as well snapping a recent surge that's threatening global economic recovery we've seen oil trading higher for the last eight days but continuing concerns over the middle east supply
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are keeping prices still higher. now stay with russia and china have sealed their yearlong price dispute with agreeing to cut a dollar and a half a barrel from the price it charges beijing it would turn china will settle one hundred thirty four million dollars debt for previous oil deliveries and the main supplier to the far east is of course well snap which will benefit from this deal experts say that the new agreement is a victory for. china one that at ten time bigger discount. the euro is gaining against most of the currencies today that's up to germany's parliament approved greece's bailout package easing concerns over the euro debt and as we can see the russian currency extending previous gains against the dollar now trading at twenty nine to the greenback and it's like in the war against the euro though trading at thirty nine we spoke to chief economist at
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a cricket bank and he says next sunday's presidential elections are helping the will. what we're looking at is some sort of a pre-election really integration where investors have more confidence that stability will be insured and for that matter in all the the risk in the investing in russia might be lowered in the spirit of the. last minute that if there are reasons to expect the ruble to move in you know the direction towards being becoming the weaker central bank will not intervene as well in large volumes and so what we're likely to see is much more volatility in the ruble very. well that's our update for this hour more in the fifteen minutes time trying to that.
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wealthy british style. is not on the tires. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our.


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