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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2012 3:00am-3:30am EST

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an. and to sarah the protests we've across europe as thousands demand and alternative to severe cuts in countries from debt ridden greece to belgium where the keys summit is due to take place this thursday. new international envoy to syria called the out of bounds to chant launching a dialogue between the syrian government and the opposition meanwhile the army warns it will cleanse a rebel stronghold in the city of homs where the authorities claim armed terrorists are operating. also the case of a palestinian detainee and hunger strikers draws widespread attention to israel's controversial detention policy holding palestinians without official charge or trial. amateur putting their russian protest with the presidential election just
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around the corner would give an overview of what exactly is driving people to the streets. when are they going to live from moscow i marina joshua greece continues its raise for cash as a parliament approves the latest reforms that you please international creditors a painful bill reduces health care services as well as cutting pharmaceutical spanning as a long market makers rush to fulfill promises made to get the second bailout anger grows among the greeks who call themselves captives of the economic crisis are based on barton joins us from athens. tom the greek salmon tackled across europe so tell us what's been going on a day of anger on a day of anger ever. it has been
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a day dying there indeed here in greece and across europe in belgium protests saying austerity cuts have gone too far in cities all across from sort of especially big demonstration in paris with this same mess. thousands of students on the streets in spain wanting to reverse cuts in education spending there and huge demonstrations in portugal spain and portugal people they're really feeling the pinch share as their governments try to balance budgets and cut spending that's left that it really exposed to this debt crisis and no more so than here in greece in the parliament behind me lawmakers have once again sat late into the night many nights now having to really make savage cuts to their spending all across the sectors of the economy yesterday here on the day before we've seen police come out
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to protest saying their wages have been cut far too much a twenty two percent cuts in the minimum wage has been made thirty two percent if you're under twenty five in greece and half of greeks under twenty five are employed we've seen doctors coming out in a twenty four hour walkout massive cuts made to health care spending and to pharmaceutical spending doctors very angered by that they say that's really going to damage health care here in greece there's many more examples public sector unions private sector unions there's cuts in defense spending cuts in education spending everywhere you look in the economy lawmakers are coming to take very painful steps to try and force a greek government spending down all of this linked to the one hundred thirty billion euros second bailout that's being dangled in front of greece's nose but say the eurozone you have to try and come and live within your your means the greek
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government you've been living beyond it for far too long greeks here say it's all very well to say that in brussels but here there's a real human impact to all of these economic measures a very severe human. it's one police chief was telling me but members in his police federation are struggling even to put a good meal on the table it's come to that the greeks are being forced onto the streets just like people in spain in portugal in italy in france in belgium all the same measure to measure isn't the same message these austerity measures are having a really harsh human cost now. right tom thanks very much indeed for bringing us this update on barc reporting there from athens. lawyer and professor of constitutional law george says what's happening on the streets of europe shows greece can no longer be singled out. again for the good people
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of the people of this of. the expansion or for that is that of good people shows clearly that the goose is not an exception of the it is not the great basin of europe is in a way the mirror of the future for those of europe if the european model is used to this experience of a newly but i mean it's just an experiment or the most it makes the game measures of the big ones of the markets problem is that the reaction of the people because look at the first leave it to of the political left in the opposition is fragmented . minus the two. but i hope for the future because this movement of the people from below i'm sure that we are good in the political foreground new political powers. now these latest protests to place on the eve of the e.u.
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summit starting later today and have the meeting the e.u. commission president jose manuel barroso admitted sacrifices are being made on and unfair basis as he says are so you know reports from brussels aside from public anger there are also major divisions among the politicians themselves. well today's the start of a two day summit were e.u. leaders are expected to sign that the school stability agreed upon after the summer of nine summit and agree with a new budgetary rules are expected to be strictly adhered to now all but two of the e.u. countries the public will be u.k. are expected to sign on to this agreement the euro zone summit is not going ahead because of the sticking point between germany and the rest there are growing calls for the european stability mechanism this is the permanent bailout fund that will be put into place in july for it to be increased from its power of the purse part hundred billion euros by adding on to what is left of the temporary fund called the that's about two hundred fifty billion euros after that money has been used for
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bailout for portugal and ireland for putting it all together would make seven hundred fifty billion euros whatever germany is now willing to agree to this up is going saying they have to go see that really need to do so and it also was willing to increase its share its contribution when the other funds it's also been reported the news of finance ministers will be meeting ahead of the summit will discuss to see if that has not been the sions needed for it to get its one hundred thirty billion euros in the bailout the second one of its kind. of silly reporting and i want to you nation plans to lend a helping hand to struggling economies later today on a kaiser report that's the state to discuss what lies behind a seemingly friendly gesture here's a preview. the german government is prepared to send one hundred sixty financial experts to greece to help the country overhaul its tax collection well actually this is the british method of imperialism they would send people to help
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the poor indians they would send people in to missionize and help kenyans you know this is the method of colonization it's one method it's you don't have to surrender the tanks there are no trying because this isn't going. it's a war and a credit default swap and to rid of all of the blitz they've destroyed greece with naked credit default swaps and paulson lloyd blankfein and goldman sachs big they destroyed another scarfing up and serving it up to the germans who are the local raj we're going to be managing these poor schmucks down there in athens while they get ready to invade spain there is tenderizing spain they're going to help spain oh excuse me they're getting ready to help spain. syrian troops are advancing on a key rebel held neighborhood in the city of homs as
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a government official warning area will soon be cleansed the city has been the scene of intensive fighting between the regime forces and the opposition for almost a month now activists claim hundreds of people have been killed in the army shelling while the government says its military action is tackling armed gangs and terrorists meanwhile the joint an arab amazonian syria coffee on has vowed to pursue dialogue between the authorities and the opposition during peace of coming visit to the country and i don't suppose talks between the sides of it are essential to and nearly a year long crisis archy's marina portnoy reports from new york. when kofi annan the u.n. secretary secretary general ban ki moon addressed journalists at united nations mr anon said that his assignment is a very difficult one and it will be a tough challenge to bring peace to syria but he said the first thing that the international community must do is to help stop the violence and facilitate
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a humanitarian process and work in syria a peaceful solutions that mr anon says can only come about bringing both sides to the table having the syrian authorities and the syrian opposition finally once and for all in a dialogue now kofi annan also said that if the international community is going to succeed we must accept one process of mediation otherwise the parties had played between mediators in the meantime there have been reports of a new security council resolution being drafted by the u.s. and france according to several reports this new draft resolution will reportedly concentrate on supporting the human. it's hereon access into so into cities in
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syria but the draft text also does indicate that the assad government is the cause of the crisis now we do know history has shown that russia and china have not and will not support any tax that puts polling on one side of the conflict in syria many analysts believe that the aim of this third resolution is to make it hard for russia to strike another veto to put them in a position where they must support any text that our western countries to draft a lots of more discussions taking place within the united nations and outside of in it of course it has more information becomes available we will bring it to our viewers. we're now reporting area coming trochee a contributing editor with syria comments online magazines has a desire of some foreign states to push for president asif departure may hamper
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coffee and mediating mission to syria by sending. except that it is almost a friend in the us the negotiations on many things they are trying to be a bit more friendly than they've been until now. we'll see if that opens the door for anything but i think i know they're not ready yet you have just been wanting to arm the opposition rather than to talk to present ourselves at the end of the day syria is too big to fail it's not a lebanon because they cannot afford to have chaos and they're going to thirty years to i cannot imagine them being able to leave the scales in syria so they would try to increase the temperature for the regime they would send more arms even if it goes to their faces now mr sort of war and i think they will try to. later to ninety former u.s. attorney general ramsey clark shares what he believes is behind the continued violence in syria so what's his interview just under twenty minutes time here on r.t.e. . israel is under fire for human rights groups for its controversial
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policy of holding suspected palestinian militants indefinitely without charge issued drew international attention after a palestinian man was left clinging to life following a sixty six day hunger strike against his controversial imprisonment takes a closer look at the case. hundred lines wife wishes she could forget the day she was arrested but it's a memory that just won't fade but. the soldiers came to her house around took my husband out of the bathroom and led him away there were many of the old guards they all acted like animals. israeli authorities have already arrested hundred eight times before believing him to be active within the palestinian islamic jihad a group israel regards as terrorist how their non was put under administrative detention meaning no trial and no charges being brought a practice widely used by israel in prisons like this one that hundreds of
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palestinians are being held suspected of terrorism but accused of not paying their prison can last for years with no formal charges being brought against them the detention can last up to six months but there is no limit on how many times it can be renewed at the moment more than three hundred palestinians are in administrative detention but during the height of the second intifada uprising just over a decade ago thousands were put in jail without trial many of them youths there as he's who was just sixteen when he was arrested. or used to frighten us terrify a stray screaming eagles pushing us unfortunately. they keep us in cells for two or three months in order to take confessions by force we were so frightened imagine a free young person who suddenly finds himself in jail israel and sisters doing nothing wrong and that it's necessary to protect informers identities but human rights groups both here and abroad beg to differ not only as extreme but also
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because israeli authorities applied all too liberally towards palestinians it's one of the basic moral principles that we you know that our society founded on that if you then why a person's right to freedom you have to have a very good case and you have to have a trial and you have to let them defend themselves against these accusations. when palestinians are placed under administrative the question they're not told what they're suspected of there is little charge and there's no trial addams family no awaits his really silly. you never know what it's like with hunger strikes it could end well but at the same time you cannot explain to your children where their father looks no one may see the need when they saw him on his hospital bed he cried . could have none said his sixty sixty holger strike was not in self interest but to draw attention to other girls teens in similar circumstances he's at a hospital the moment little to walk and is being fed intravenously but there is
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already talk of moving him back to prison when he recovers his lawyers say that at least his shackles have been ticking off even if only for the time being it is. israel and the worst. kind of verse of the tensions could soon be commonplace in the us where the national the fans are. coming into effect this thursday the law that mary fear is spells the end of american democracy grants the government and a military unprecedented powers to detain us citizens indefinitely without trial now all this is happening against the backdrop of ramped up and a reign rhetoric from washington some of the writers sharon stone who recently made headlines for publicly embracing as large as the r.t. the timing is no coincidence. my point is to prevent or stop what i think is we are walking into world war three at the moment between syria being destabilized and iran it's on its border being threatened by israel america to me it's going to be very dangerous time and we don't recognize what the causes consequences will be not
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only not only regionally but in the world what's happening is we are now in a state of martial law and war. and the a national defense authorization act that obama has called for and signed stipulates even american citizens can now be targeted by the military picked up and imprisoned indefinitely without civilian trial thus throwing out our due process or his corpus process so we are now in the state of martial law everything is now in conditions for a total war state i mean you can call for the whole of america becoming part of the so-called battlefield but america is a battlefield the whole earth is a battlefield so rather than try to be more of that what's being done is that rather than trying to address our economic continued economic depression and the reforms necessary domestically what we're trying to do then is create a martial law state using using iran as a terrorist enemy or a threat so you see everything is now in motion as a pretext that you can go in march lock here and war abroad and obviously the war
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brought has tremendous consequences because if you try to run hezbollah hamas can unleash on israel and which then brings in america and potentially russia into the equation so this is a horrible situation people are being educated as to what's really going on. remember you can log onto r.t. dot com for more of your stories and common any time he wants online for you right now a massive privacy breach is twitter reportedly trades a multibillion tweet archiving causing outrage across the globe discover who bought the data on our website. and there's also another valuable item up for grabs as auction house saw the beast for paris to sell edward mills the scream discoverer of the sagarin price tag r t v dot com.
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well this year's presidential campaign in russia has already delivered the usual candidate promises and rather a but has also been marked by a growing chorus of public opinion with the election only three days away argues jacob riis takes to the streets of moscow setting for some of the biggest protest in the country's recent history to gauge the mood in the capital. that was a call a time there was a notion the russians weren't all that bullshit about politics but now that seems to have changed this year's race for the presidency has caused intrigue and i ever since finally it created and now to be running different words to be splashed about characterize it can change so fast and here are some of the most distinctive he is for public we seem willing creasing number of people take to the streets both full and against the government this marking a growing sense of civil activism rarely is this flash mob sans a powerful signal not only to what you can put in but all the russian politicians
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message in a sense that they help understand that the site has a break and that political law is. oh it stands for reform on the back of demonstrations president medvedev has put forward a number of electoral changes stretching as far as how parties are registered and who can be on the ballots over all agog mikhail prokhorov has garnered vast media coverage as the only candidate not sweet backed by a party in a duma his message is business orientated but he has often been hindered by a shady past and has struggled to resonate with the public twitter feed and other social media have been crucial for all denies the demonstrations as important as the very public and spontaneous nature of some of the opera felt around russia he stands for election commission the ruling body overseeing voting day is headed by
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the nature of has been in the spotlight after allegations of electoral fraud or met with an action this is force the pretty a buzzword for prime minister vladimir putin's campaign so far seen by many who restored order years of hardship the power of this. was it resonates just how top kill a man still is. testing. his pick. if we were going to be a two term president not used to such discontent moscow and st petersburg and the big cities that really only that these are not really his territory anymore i mean maybe he'll get them back but it seems to me that he's sort of thinking that he has to rely on almost the other russia strange phrase for putin the russia of the region why he would probably manage to win with you know a recent majority of this election is that one of the best slogans from the appropriate camp is if not putin who the real the candidates in
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a silly season political questions struggling to voters he can deliver change and all those downs and make this the most definitive word so far. by mass there astray sions protests regardless of the winner of the results on the fourth of march these guys have had their say and how it impacts russia's future do you very much. i'll take a look at some other stories from around the world in torino clashes have erupted as thousands protested against the construction of a new high speed rail road connecting italy and france at least campbell and several demonstrators have been injured in the skirmish the rally has been blocking the highway linking the two countries for three days demonstrators say the construction has potentially harm the norco environment. egypt has set a date for the first presidential election the country will see sense ousting of hosni mubarak last year when mark polls are scheduled to begin on the twenty third
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of may now one manages to secure the majority of votes iran asked will be held in june the final results announced at the end of the month its military took power from the top of president last february but their popularity has dramatically declined since down. close in near a police bus has injured ten officers near in turkey the supposed bomb went off as a vehicle drove near the country's ruling a party waters in a stamboul it's believed a device was attached to a motorcycle witnesses say the powerful blast felt like an earthquake and it's unclear who set off explosives. the first one time a high value prisoner with alleged links to nine eleven mastermind has pleaded guilty to terrorism charges but he cons plea was reportedly in exchange for you sentence being reduced to twenty five years the pakistani nationals now expected to testify against fellow prisoners has been in the u.s. custody since two thousand and three and claims he has been psychologically torture
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he's attention. all right time now for the business update let's cross over to the what's going on in the markets has trading going well it's still negative and it's going deeper. than it was at least at the beginning well right now the r.t.s. and the mice ecstatic lining more than one percent let's take a look at those figures the r.t.s. is down a bit more than one percent one half percent for the for the r.t.s. actually the my six is down point eight percent we are seeing a decline because of negative dynamics both in terms of world price and in terms of global markets let's take a look at what is moving the markets in russia now the main movers are of course a group which recently was announced that michigan on bank is about to buy a part of this company and it's been pushing the stock up for us to put two sessions now and it's pretty much the only one bucking the trend. is down half
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a percent directors of approve the purchase of from gazprom bank a twenty eight point two three percent stake cable t.v. provider national telecommunications company now this is pretty much in line with what's going on in other markets in europe everything is moderately down around half a percent asia is showing pretty much the same dynamics the nikkei is down point one percent and saying one point three percent at the close now the official china manufacturing the purchasing managers index has come out in a jewel report one of the report showing expansion of fifty one points on the other hand there's a there's a private sector report from h.s.b.c. showing forty nine point six points in that means of contraction and that's not a good signal for chinese investors and therefore we are seeing a decline and of course the u.s. markets because now on wednesday they ended negative after federal chairman ben bernanke. indicated basically there's little chance of a new wave of one of the easing and that of course means that well no more dollars
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will be printed. a lot of money will be is now being transferred into the dollar we're seeing that on the currency market was seeing that in commodities markets also now what we've heard is that a lot of money is moving from gold into the dollar and therefore commodities are losing but they lost around eighty dollars the previous session they were down for our present in previous session we're now seeing the correction back up one point nine percent for gold oil is not showing that much of an analysis pretty much where it was yesterday forty five cents down four lights and brant is up just sixteen cents this hour now what what's peculiar here is that the u.s. exports more gasoline diesel another fuels than it imported in two thousand them for the first time in six decades since nineteen forty nine other countries refiners exported record amounts of gasoline heating oil and diesel to meet higher global fuel demand while u.s.
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consumption was actually on a decline and also secretary of state hillary clinton insists congress should lift the jackson danica amendment in regards to russia as the countries joining the w t o the world trade organization this amendment as our viewers may not know and visit certain trade discrimination rules and now may disadvantage according to hillary clinton u.s. companies dealing with russia as opposed to other partners clinton says it should be done as soon as possible. and that's all we've got for you this hour let's just take a final look at currencies as you can see there the dollar is strengthening versus the euro second session in a row by a by just a notch this hour however the ruble is therefore fall in versus the dollar twenty seven copecks this almost one percent the exchange rate and strengthening versus the euro by around seven x. prime or business news around fifty five minutes will be here join me for care.
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the. thing.
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